C\.. Drinking~ge iss ues Pote tial for socializing Inon-existent' SEALS set to fall into action for with passing vote on legal ge hike Wednesday Wine and Cheese events By Diana Doul lass enrolled at Bryant, about 576 will be 21 by By Ben Edwards minutes before the start of the event by the Of The Archway Staff next September. T his figures to a bout 80% of Of The Archway Staff SEAL supervisor). next year's senior class. Therefore. the class Violators of the alcohol policies will be It has been described as a "make or break it" Bad news for boozers; a bill was introduced that ill be most affected is Ihis year's confronted by one of the SEALS a nd asked to situa tion... one fin al remedy tha t gives to the Rhode Island State Legislature January sophomores, as few wi ll turn 21 before show identi lea tion. Names will be taken and students that long sought opportunity to be 13 to rai 'e the legal drinking age to 21. September. guilty parties wi ll be escorted from the treated as adults. cording to Student Senate P resident Joe To m Peterson. President of the Student Student Center. This remedy is a development by the Deegan. the bill has been referred to a House Programming BoaTd predicts et mixers Disciplinary action at SEAL controlled Quality of Student Life Committee caned Committee on pecial Legislation, If this would become much less frequent if the eve nts incl ude the following: First Offm se­ "SEALS" (Student Enforcers At Large). committee votes in fa vor of the biJUt wi ll be drinking age goes up. and consequent ly there $5 .00 fine, Second £W"ense-S20.00 fi ne and EA LS is a ne w method fo r enforcing state pas ed on to the House where the 100 State would be I 5S progran ming Oll the weekends. Pub privileges revoked for the remainder of and school a lcohol policie at Wine and Representatives wi ll vole on it. Next the Stale .. Howeve r. " comments Peterson. "quantity the semes te r and Third Offense-S50.00 fine heese events held at Bryant on Wedn day Seoate must pass the bill. The bill must ha e a might go down, but q ual ity mi ght go up." For a nd an appearance before the College nights. passing vote from the Senate by May 14 in example instead of some weekend mixers. Disciplinary Board. Students must return In the past, o nly students of majority ge order to become a Slate la . The bill call. fo r pe rha p' a COllecrt c uld be held. The wetl dry th ir wri tbands upon leaving the Pub. were permitted to attend Win e: a nd heese the law to ta ke effect J uly I. 1983. mixers in the MAC would still be held. ince Failure to do so will result in a SIO .OO fine. All funotion . Begi nning on Febru ry 23 , all Is th.i bad news for Brya n!'! Director of dry mi ers halre n er been overwhelmingly fmc: will be oUec te by the: SEA students wiU have access to these functions. St udent Act i vities Gerri II urra roresee suecessl u1. Peterson speculates tha t they administration and used only for e: pense atl The SEALS 'ystem will function at these tudents feeling "as if theIr potential fQr "might w rk better" sin e the la w would SEAL cont rolled events . The S EALS are not events in tlte following. manner: students oCializing i nonexistent." H uera further "unify the mpu more." intended to take the place of Security at Wine selected to be "S A LS " will patrol and comments. "one can h.a e a good time without indy Borc:Ui . Pr ident of Brycol. feel ' the and Cheese events. enforce alcohol policies through th.e bei ng intoxicated. but mO~1 students are law "would certainly have an impact on the The "SEALS" pro ram was developed y distribution nd coHection f color-coded unwilling to try this. " Hurra recall when the (Country) Comfort the campu ' bar) the Quality of Student ire Committee after wristba nds at the door. Five SEALS will be drinking age first went up how "90% of a lthough how serious this impact will be is not approximately 8 week of work. T he member n duty a t each event. students effort· were trying to get around the known. " H r main concern is tha t tb.e law will o thi committee are John Kempf. Bernie To verify age, Bryant students must present law." She ob crves this ha been dying do wn rull: out most of the j unior from buying Blumenthal. B b Maxcy. Ron Del uga. Dick Bryant 1. D. at the door. hich will be lately, but feels that raisIng the drinking age to alcohol. Elmend orf. Bill Hill. Jeff Adams. indy checked against a master lis t. Any individual 21 will "start rhi. yc le a ll over again. " M . J oe Deegan comments: "I would n't be sure Borelli. Gr g Otterb in nd l)av im mons. ho does n t ha e a Bryant I. D. mu t present Hurra leels the drin . ng age "is a very of the law's exact effect on the college alcohol The program received fina l approval fro m two forms of identification, (one being a cumbersome law to en! rce." She sugge t polie} . but I f el it ' ccurate to say kegs Vice-President of tudem Affair. L slie picture). Minors win wea r white wristbands that having a majority 0 the ca mpus in the would be no more. " Deegan feels "this has laFond. The a-Administrators ror the and those of majority wlll g t a colored same 'ituation may eliminate thi problem. b n the be t y ar a far as the college ale hal SEALS program are Gerri Hura. Directo r of ristband (the color will be decided upon 10 Out of the a pproximately 727 j uniors now E£ AGE HIKE. p . 7 SEE E LS. p. 7 • News: Features: INDEX Bryant Alumni Businessmen tell Ever wonder when Valentine's nnouncements .. .. .... .... pg. 3 students what it take to make it in Day started? Page 2 ha the ale ndar . .. •. .. ... ... pg. 7 business. See Page 3. an w r. lassifieds ..... .. .... .. pg. I I Inquiring Photo . .. .. .. ..... pg. 9 Microwave Ovens stolen from Opinions .. .. .. .. ... ... .. pg. 2 the Country Comfort. Details on Sports: Orga nilali ns . .. .. ..... pg. 6 page 3. PIece of the Rock . .......... .... pg. 8 Sports .... .... .... .. .. pgs. 5.6 College Student Banking needs Bryant Girls BasketbaH IS to be surveyed. tearing 'em up. See pag 5. Pal e 2 THE ARCHWAV February 11. 1983 From the If:~ -t->-- - . Features De12_t_. _~;_;~. ""---..,. ... , . ' ,- ~ ~ -- . Speak out on the age hike The Rhode Island Legislature now has a bill before i to raise the legal age of alcohol consumption to 21. If it goes through the proper Valentine's Day: evolved channels in a timely fashion, it could go into effect on July 1. Will a one year raise make that much of a difference? It won't when minors are looking for alcohol, but it will on college campuses in from a farewell note Rhode Island, and across the nation if ·other states foHow suit Valt: n tine'~ Da)- i celebrated cq:ry year on They would write their names on piece of The effects the drinking age will have will De devastating. F bruary 14t h yet most peopl' don't know paper. roll the m up. and pu t them in a pIle . Programming of alcohol-related events will be non-existant, and the wh) or how It origmated. t. Valentine. aftl! r The bachclofl> would choo~e a papc with a \\-hom the day i named. reall~ had nothing to woman's name and the woman would choose lag time to develop effective non-alcoholic programming will have do wit h the celebration. He was a Roman a m n's paper. 1 hi~ \\ ) . each per n wQuld some looking for greener pastures. prie~t whu \\-a~ martyred on February 14, have two valentines; but the maIdens usually Can Bryant survive a raise in the drinking age? When the age was A.D. 270 for rclminl! to give up ChrislIanllY, stayed WIth th e bachelor whocho~e them. Thl: last raised, students spent so much time fighting the new ruJes and He W3 beaten and hehea e . What wa ' left of eremony wa\ performed vith Lhe thought it his re mains are no \~ pre erved in the Cl;turch would lead to love . regulations, they lost sight of other important issues. The proposal of SI. Praxedc in Rome, Italy Strore he died. Today it i customary to end a card along for financial aid cuts may have been overlooked, because students howeY r he left a rarewell note lor a jailers with flo"crs or candy in the hopcs your were more concerned with social programming than affording li tt le daughter who berriendcd him. He signed affecllons will be reciprocated . Thert! j even a it "j rom yo ur Valenline" from where II is post ofrice in Loveland. Colorado where another year at school The small turnout at the Statehouse rally concluded love letters began. people end their letter. to be pOMmarked against the proposed cuts is the proof. Durmg St. Valentin~·. lifetime it W~ a "Lo tland ~ .
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