Madi9M College Library \ ikrrisonburs, Virginia My 24 '40 WELCOME WELCOME EDITION EDITION Z 776 Established 1922 Harrisonburg, Va., Friday, September 15, 1939 Volume XVI Number 9 Eleven Additions Made Announcements Enrollment To Reach 1200 Special meetings for freshmen and other new students during the To College Faculty first two wee'ks are announced as When Registration Ends follows: s New Registrar Appointed; FIRST WEEK 1000 Boarding Students Department Staffs are Monday Will be Housed on - Enlarged 8 a. m.-10:30 p. m.—Registra- Campus tion for rooms in the office of the Eleven new faculty members, ap- Dean of Women. With an expected enrollment of pointed by President S. P. Duke, will 8:30 a. m.-12 p. m.—Registra- 1200, the largest in the institution's join the staff of Madison College with tion in Wilson Hall and Reed history, the college will open Mon- the opening of the fall quarter Mon- Gymnasium. day morning. Registration will con- day morning when the institution be_ 1:30-4:30 p. m.—Registration, tinue through Tuesday, and classes gins its thirtieth year. continued. will get under way Wednesday. Mr. E. N. McfWhite has been ap- 7-9 p. m.—Registration, con- At the time this paper went to pointed assistant professor of phys- tinued. press, advance registration indicated ics. Mr. McWhite, who comes here 7 p. .m.—Open House in all dorT an enrollment of 1,000 resident stu- from Duke University, received his mitorles. dents. Day student enrollment is ex- M.S. from the University of Georgia. Tuesday pected to reach 200. - Assuming the position of librarian 8-9 a. m,—Meeting of all new Registration of new students, both is Mr. Richard H. Logsdon, from Chi- students In Wilson Hall with Dr. freshmen and upper class transfers, cago University, where he is a can- Duke, Dr. W. J. Gifford, dean of totaled 463 at the time of publica- didate for the Ph.D. degree in library the college, and Mrs. Cook. tion. This figure, capping the steady science. He is also an alumnus of 9:30 a. m.-12 m.—Registration, increase in recent years, is the Western Reserve University Library continued. largest since the school's founding. School. Dr. Samuel P. Duke, president of 1:30 p. m.—Meeting of N.Y.A. Mrs. Annie Bailey Cook, dean of Additional dormitory accommoda- Fetch Made Assistant Dietitian Madison College, who announces the students In Dr. Duke's office. 1200 women, largest number in the tions have been provided in the base- As successor to Miss Georgia appointment of eleven new faculty 1:30_4:30 p. m.—Registration, history of the institution. ment of Jackson Hall, the east wing Shrum, who resigned at the close of members. continued. of Harrison Hall, the third floor of the 1938-39 session, Miss Ada Felch 6:30-7:30 p. m.—Student Gov- the Home Management House, and has been appointed assistant dietl- ernment meeting for new students Y W Inaugurates the former Shenandoah Apartments tlon. Miss Felch, who received her New Library in Wilson Auditorium. building so as to house all boarding M.A. from Teachers College, Colum- 7-9 p. m,—Registration, contin- Year's Program students on campus. Miss Gladys bia University, will also be faculty Completed ued. Michaels, instructor in piano, and counselor in Sheldon Hall. 7:30 p. m.—Sports Carnival in Miss Lafayette Carr, assistant secre- An addition to the history and two gyms and pool, sponsored by Big Sister-Little Sister Party, tary to the Dean of Women, will be social science staff was made with the Post Office—Supply Room the Athletic Association, and fol- Thursday Vespers Are faculty counselors in Shenandoah lowed by dancing in the Big Gym. and Harrison, respectively. appointment of Dr. Mary T. Armen- Moved to Harrison; New Highlights of Week trout. Dr. Armentrout, who taught Wednesday last year at Wlnthrop College, re_ Dining Room Seats 150 8 a. m.—Regular class schedule The Big Sister-Little Sister party Faculty Reception celved her doct#ate from the Unl- begins. * in the Walter Reed Gymnasium verslty of Virginia. Her appointment The opening of the 1939-40 session 12 p. m.—Quarterly convoca- Wednesday night will be the opening Opens Social was announced at the close of last finds Madison's physical plant en- tion exercises in Wilson Hall. feature of the Y. W. C. A. program Activities session. larged and improved through con- 6:30 p. m.—Presidents' Coun_ of welcome for both old and new Miss Louise Covington, who earned struction of new buildings and re- cil meeting for all new students in students, according to an announce- Opening the social activities for her A.M. at Peabody College, has modeling of old. Wilson Auditorium. Step Singing ment by Marie Walker, president. the fall quarter, the faculty recep- been appointed instructor in physical Construction work on Madison's in front of Wilson, sponsored by If weather permits, the party tion for new students will take place education. Miss Covington comes new $140,000 library, to be known Y. w. C. A., if weather permits. Wednesday night will be preceded at on Friday night at 8 o'clock at Hill- here from the staff of Vanderbllt as Madison Memorial Library, was 8 p. m.—Y. W. party for big 6:30 o'clock by a step singing pro- crest, home of President and Mrs. University. nearing completion at the time The sisters and little sisters. gram on the steps in front of Wilson Samuel Page Duke. Dr. Schubert Joins English Staff Breeze went to press last week. Al- Thursday Hall. At 8 o'clock, new girls, escort- Because of the large number In- An addition to the English faculty though some of the furniture orders 12 m.-12:30 p. m.—Meeting of ed by their big sisters, will gather in vited, the new students will attend has been made In the appointment of will be delayed, the library will be all new students with Dr. Weems the Big Gym for an informal' get- the reception in prearrangd group- Dr. Leland Schubert, who earned his open for use at the beginning of the in Wilson Hall. acquainted party. A feature of the ings. These arrangements are being Ph.D. at Cornell University. Dr. fall session. All equipment is expect- 4:30 p. m.—Freshman Orien- program will be a skit, "No, No, A made by Inez Craig, chairman of the Schubert was formerly on the faculty ed to be installed by October ' 15. tation class meeting in Wilson Thousand Times No!" social committee, and will be an- Auditorium. nounced later. Members of the of Eastern Illinois State Teachers Two class rooms and an office of the The^flrst Y. W. vesper service of 6:30 p. m.—Y. W. vespers in College. commerce department are being fur- the fall will be held Thursday even- Standards Committee, headed by Wilson Auditorium. Mr. London Sanders will join the nished in the toasement of the library. ing in Wilson Auditorium immedi- Gladys Dickerson, will be stationed Friday business education staff as assistant The new heating plant, built at a ately after dinner. At that time in the Freshman dormitories on Fri- 8 p. m.—Faculty reception for professor. Mr. Sanders, who has been cost of $72,000, has been complete Marie Walker will lead a program of day night to assist the new girls in new students at Hillcrest. teaching in the Pikevllle High School, since June. welcome to all students. At the reg- every way possible.- < 8:30 p. m.—Dancing in Big Plkevllle, Ky., received his M.A. at The first floor of Harrison Hall, ular Sunday Service at 2 o'clock in Both new and old students are in- Gym for all old students and for the University of Tennessee. formerly occupied by the library, Wilson Auditorium, Mr. Robert E. vited by the social committee to new students as they go or return The newly appointed registrar, re- Slaughter, head of the Commerce De- dancing in the Big Gym from 8:30 has been remodeled, the west wing from the reception, Eddie Bran- placing Dr. H. A. Converse, who re. partment, will be the guest speaker. to 12. Music for this occasion will signed last spring, Is Miss Helen Hall there Is a third dining hall seat- ner's orchestra of Broadway, fur- be furnished by Eddie Branner and Additional Y. W. announcements Frank, formerly registrar of New ing 150 students. The post office nishing the music. his orchestra from Broadway. will be found each week on the Y. (Continued on Page Four) being given over to the music de- Saturday 10 a. m.-lZ'm.—Meeting of all W. bulletin board in the lobby of partment. Additional dormitory ac- Harrison Hall. Students Will Meet commodations are being provided in freshmen in Wilson Hall. (Stu- dents are asked to bring with Broadway Actress the east wing. Pastors Saturday them large note books or maga_ Both old and new students will On the floor below Senior Dining To Star In Play zines on which they can write. All Three Attend have an opportunity to meet the pas- (Continued on Page Three) freshmen who have regular classes tors of the Harrisonburg churches o Hockey Camp Opening the Lyceum Course for scheduled for this period will be next Saturday afternoon in various this session will be the appearance excused for the special meeting.) ■ rooms of Wilson Hall and Reed Hall. of Eva La Galllenne, one of the fore- Faculty Wives Will 1 p. m.—Meeting of local pas- The Madison College hockey squad The assignments have been made most women of the stage, on Novem- Welcome Students tors with their Church groups.
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