Student director debuts with The Heidi Chronicles. See page 8 V-_-_-_----_-N-__________-___H-__-___________H_M Nobody' s Fool premiere moved Olin Science Centers to Waterville Opera house a quantum leap forward BY JONATHAN CANNON BY JONATHAN CANNON ing, the environmental science pro- News Editor News Editor fessors, classroom labs and research labs will be housed together. The Railroad Square Cinema may The future Olin Science Center move will also allow facilities for have been destroyed by a fire, but will not only give Colby's science cell and molecular biology and bio- the premiere screening of divisions much-needed space, but chemistry to be grouped together Nobod ' y s Fool has risen up like a it also will follow trends in science on the third floor. hoenix from the ashes. The film p education by clustering disciplines "This is a unique change to in- will now be shown at the together. Further, it will give sci- volve students in hands-on oppor- Waterville Opera House on Dec. ence students much needed study tunities," Cole said. 15. at 7:30 p.m. space, for both individuals and "This gives us adequate space," "It should be a fun ni ht," said g groups. said Clara C. Piper Professor of En- Assistant Professor of lish Ri- Eng "This is a tremendous boost for vironmental Studies David Firmage. chard Russo , who wrote the screen- the division," said Associate Pro- "We will have more contact with lay as well as the novel p upon fessor of Chemistry Thomas students outside of the classroom. which it is based. Shattuck, the science division chair- This will really enhance my ability "Several major goodwill acts of person. "Things are quite healthy. It as a faculty member." haye made this " Russo possible, is coming at a good time." In addition to the laboratory said. "We have had a series of re- Echo photo by Jennifer Merrick Enrollment in science courses, space, study clusters will be located markable Railroad Square Cinema owners (clock wise from top left) goodwill gestures." especially those on the first- and throughout the building.These clus- The Waterville O House Alan Sanborn , Gail Chase , Ken Eisen and Sam Sanborn. pera second-year, level, are at their high- ters are needed, because "students has been, donated for the screen- premiere. screening was planned as a benefit est ever, according to Shattuck. are going to more project-oriented, ing."; "TheyVebeen really incredible," for the Waterville Public School The new layout will cluster fac- group work," Cole said. "We have been give the venue Russo said. "It's not all that usual to System. The schools have not been ulty near teaching and research A 100-seat, state-of-the-art class- for free," Russo said. "This is cer- have a screening in Waterville." forgotten in light of the tragedy spaces," said Oak Professor of Bio- room will be housed in the bottom tainly generous." Other screenings are planned in with the cinema, however. logical Sciences Russell Cole. On floor of the building. It will feature Also, Boston Light and Sound Los Angeles, New York City and "I'm going to devise something the second floor of the new build- see SCIENCE CENTER on page 6 has donated an extensive amount Beacon, New York, where the movie for them later," he said. of equipment and expertise re- was filmed. Nobody' s Fool stars Paul quired to conyert the opera house Proceeds from the premiere will Newman, Melanie Griffith, the late into a movie theater. benefit the attempts to rebuild Rail- Jessica Tandy and Bruce Willis. It The Samples rock Colby Finally, Paramount Films has road Square Cinema and Cafe, was directed by Robert Benton, They came, they saw. they p artied relaxed its restrictions enough to which was devastated by a kitchen who also directed "Kramer vs. allow Waterville to hold its own fire a few weeks ago. Originally, the Kramer."Q BY E. M. DUGGAN hard when people know you are in Features Editor a band because they are either ob- noxious or overly friendly. Students miss alcohol deliveries With all the excitement sur- Besides partying, the Samples do other things to keep themselves students have been arrested for OUI rounding last Friday's Samples con- occupied while not performing, like BY CAROLINE M. GUY AND since Sep tember, he said he did not cert, one of the biggest surprises mountain biking and rollerblading. ELIZABETH HERBERT think it was anything out of the may have been seeing so much of Police step "I like to get outside as much as "Staff Writers ordinary. As far as gauging a reac- the band offstage. possible when we're on tour," said tion to the new policy, Morris said it The band made an appearance Laughlin. "Almost everything goes Two months after implement- up patrols at the of f-camr>us house Butler Court "hasn't been long enough." on inside." ing a new alcohol policy, the cam- The decision to restrict deliver- BY ELIZABETH HERBERT on Thursday night. James Colligan, When I ran into pus seems no worse off than it was ies to kegs to registered parties has Student Associa- Editor-in-Chief Laughlin the next when unrestricted alcohol deliver- not satisfied some Colby students, tion (Stu-A) social One of tlie biggest day, he said the ies were allowed. however, who argue that deliveries chair, said that he The Waterville Police De- surprises may have been band thought "From my perspective, it seems by local liquor stores should be al- partment has been awarded a spoke with the seeing so much of the Colby was a really to be working," said Janice Kass- lowed again. Samples on $5,000 grant to increase Operat- nice place, and that man, dean of students. "We haven't The prevalent attitude among Thursday night band offstage. ing Under the Influence (OUI) they had a good had any accidents ... or adverse af- students is anger at what is often patrols. and told them time the night be- fects ." called a "restriction" about the party. They told Colligan on access to Increased patrols include fore. He also said that he, Monteith Students must be lanning re- alcohol at Colb that it wpuld be a nice break in the p y. setting up roadblocks through- and f ew other guys had spent the sponsibly to obtain liquor, such as "I feel like it' monotony of the tour, and headed s restricting us," out the week in different areas afternoon playing soccer and moun- buying it before they start drinking, out to the Waterville house. While said one Colby sophomore. "I think of the town, said Waterville Po- tain biking on Runnals Hill. Al- said Kassman. we're responsible enough to make lice Chief Morris. Officers there was no surprise jam that night, John though he really likes playing bars, Waterville Police Chief n the decision ourselves." the band just hung out and blended Joh check to see if drivers have been Laughlin said the college atmo- Morris said that though there has into the college party atmosphere. How does this restriction figure drinking and are alert to signs sphere is fun. been an increase in arrests due to for the owners of the liquor stores "I didn't really think twice about such as erratic driving, the smell "This is a different feel — it's Operating Under the Influence which used to make several tri them being here," said Brad Keller ps a of alcohol, beer cans in the car or pretty enjoyable," said Laughlin. (OUI), it is because of increased pa- night to campus? Not much, says '95, who lives at Butler Court. slurred speech. Before the show, one freshman trols and roadblocks thanks to a "Joka " Karter, the owner of Al Laughlin, the keyboardist, Joe If they suspect someone has who had been biking with Laughlin $5,000 grant from the Department Joka's Discount Beverages. stayed for. a while after the rest of been drinking, said Morris, the brought him over to a friend's room Transporta tion. "We have lost a little business," the band members left, and made ^ officers ask the drivers to take a to meet more people and hang out I don't think Colby students he said. "But that's just from people plans to play soccer the next day sobriety test. Although people before the concert. a »'e a significant number of our OUI who are at some place like Shop have the , officers with Scott Monteith '97. right to refuse "Al was an extremely laid back arrests," said Morris. Colby stu- and Save and decide to pick up beer if I gave Laughlin a ride back to will likely make an arrest guy. It was cool that a member of dents are a small number of the while they're there." said the Holiday Inn. On the way, he someone does refuse, the Samples could come and hang total population of the area, said This decline in business came as talked about how much he likes just Morris. outlike any other friend," said Chris Morris. no surprise, said Karter. , we have a hanging out, especially when the "At that point Gates '98, whose room Laughlin Although he did not have spe- "We expected i t to happen," said decision to make," said Morris, band has the nightoff, which doesn't cific numbers on how many Colby see ALCOHOL on page 6 see POLICE on page 6 happen too often. lie said that it's see SAMPLES on page 6 mmmmmmmmWmmmmmWmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmWmml ^^ Student IDs: necessity or hindrance ? BY CASSIE DONN Staff Writer Deliveries out in the cold It's a question that surfaces ev- have been wondering why they have to pick up their Students may ery time the familiar scenario pre- (WHOP) orders in their dorm lounge instead Waterville House of Pizza sents itself: should the student who it delivered to their room.
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