JpSunday, June 29, (959 TORRANCE PRESS Page Fifteen Automobiles$199 for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sale 300 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 AuK. obiles f*r Sal* 200 Automobilts for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Salt 200 AutomobiUs for Sal* 200 Automobiltt for Sal* 200 CHEVROLET/ CHEVROLET/ "ITALIANS BUILD DOWN Such Exciting Cars" RUN [don't walk] CRAFTSMANSHIP, PERFORMANCE, RELIABILITY and ECONOMY is so very superior. New '59 The trend of knowing buyers is unmistakably to ... TO FIAT DeSoto In California alone, 10,000 astute buyers nave bought Fiat in less than 20 months. Never before has any car come so far, so fast, as Fiat, or offered such convincing evidence of superior value. Fiat has been manufacturing 4 Door Sedan BROKAW Chevrolet cars since 1899. All white. Power steering, FOR powerflite tram., padded dash, heater, solex glass, wheel discs. HIGHEST STOCK NO. IMO SALE PRICE TRADE-IN Allowances "EVER" $2995 Offered on the New '59 '59 CHEVROLET Plymouth W Check These Allowances W CLUB SEDAN We can allow as much as amounts listed below for good clean Fords, Chevrolets, Plymouths, and etc., in trade on the new '59 IIOO SEDAN 6-PASSENGER Fully factory equipped, in Chevrolet. eluding heater. Cruising speed 65-70 m.p.h., 37 miles per gallon, Pirelli tires, OHV 4 cylinder front en- gine, aluminum finned air cooled brakes. ITOCK MO. At Mucn As Much as SALE PRICE '55 Chevrolet....... '51 Chevrolet $820 Station Wagon.................................. $1700 $ I778 FOB. $2047 INCLUDES: Fresh-air heater, undersea!, whitewalls, two-tone vinyl interior, gas gauge, padded dash, sun visors, '54 Ford...... $1075 '56 Chevrolet.......$1810 etc. 30 Other New Cars to Choose from RUN (DON'T WALK) TO... Every Car Must Be Sold BROKAW Chevrolet 2901 Pacific Coast Hwy. CHEVROLET/ BEACH Open Sunday and Evenings 'til 9 p.m. Lancia Alfa Romeo CITIES No Down Payment Required with Good Credit FACTORY TRAINED AND SUPERVISED SERVICE ON ALL MOTORS LINES . IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY ON SPARE PARTS MERCURY EDSEL Direct Factory LINCOLN ENGLISH FORD DeSoto 505 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY HERMOSA BEACH Plymouth Dealer 234 So. Pacific Coast Hwy. GRAND OPENING If It's a Redondo FR 6-8888 USED CAR YOU NEED Open Every Nite 'Til 9 STOCK REDUCTION SALE We Are Pledged to Become the Bay Area's BUY IT WHERE IT'S GUARANTEED EASIEST TRADING DEALER One Full Year Warranty Available At Least $500 DISCOUNT on All New Cars World's Finest Used Car Values At Least $700 DISCOUNT on All Executive Cars '58 Buick $2699 '57 Pontiac $1799 Super Riviera. Full power. 13,000 lo­ Calallna. Power steering, power For Your Added Protection cal milts. Can't be told from brand brakes, all other deluxe accessories. See These Bargain Buys Only $299 Down new. Save $1700 Perfect In every detail. '55FordV-8 $1399 Plu* tux and license '56 Olds $1599 Super "IB" Holiday sedan. Power 4 door country wagon. Ford-o-matlc, '56 OLDSMOBILE Holiday 4-dr. ...... $1595 steering and brakes, hydramatic, ra­ big radio and haater. Spotless red dio, heater, 2-tone finish, white walls. and white finish, matching Interior. Super "88" hardt'op sedan. Radio, heater, hydra- HIGEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES Nicest one In town. Choke of 7. matjc, power steering and brakes, white wall tires. '55 Buick $1299 '57 Buick $2195 Immaculate. All Used Car Prices Century Riviera hardtop. 32,000 mile* Super Riviera hardtop sedan. Power . STATION Deluxe equipped Sharp yellow and equipped. Truly a luxury car. Abso­ black finish. lutely Immaculate. See It now. '54 BUICK Hardtop ...................................... $895 WAGON '57 Chev 6 $1499 '56 Buick $1399 Super model. Has radio, heater, dynaflow and 2- Drastically Reduced! 4 door sedan. Gas saving standard Cantury hardtop 4-door sport *edan. tone finish. transmission, radio, heater, white Velvet smooth dynaflow, radio, heat­ SPECIALS walls, vpry low mileage. er, 3-ton* blur, white walls, etc. '53 DODGE 2-door ...................,....T_.... $295 '55Catalina $1299 '57 Buick $1999 '57 Pontiac . $2099 Star Chief custom Pont lac. Power Century Riviera 7 door hardtop. Pow­ "6" Standard transmission, radio, heater. Good f Mitenter waton. Showroam new. steering and brakes, 4-way seat, er steering and brakes, fully e^ulp- transportation car. beautiful rustic and Ivory Interior. pad. Bulck's greatest performer. A '55 Mercury $1299 CABRILLO MOTORS Sea this one for sura. sharp one. »asteneer station waaon Merc O- Mercury, Eds*!, Lincoln, English Ford '55 OLDSMOBILE "88" Hoiiday............$ 1295 metlc, radio, heater, pawer strna. AS IS AS IS Radio, heater and hydramatic. Sharp car. '54 Pontiac $799 1850 South Pacific Ave. ^ 1-awnar station we ten l*«ded with '53 Buick $449 '52 Studebaker $299 '55 BUICK Century ................................ $1295 v extras TE 3-3577 San Pedro SP5-1935 Super 4-doar Dynaflow, radio, heater. 7-door. A real nice one with over '53 Plymouth $599 A good solid car. drive, all original. Extra good rubber. Riviera 4-door hardtop. Power steering & brakes, OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Suburban Wagon. LOW GMAC TERMS dynaflow, radio, heater. Sharp! '52 Ford .......__...$499 LIBERAL TRADES Ranch Wagon. BOB KEEPER '48 CADILLAC 4-Door ..... ..,,......._.........$495 Radio, heater, hydramatic. Exceptional. OTHER MODELS '59 PLYMOUTH FIAT LANCIA '56 Pontiac $1499 AVALON MOTOR CO. '50 OLDSMOBILE 4,-Door ....._____.$ 195 Star Chief Catallna Sedan, Hydra- Radio, heater and hydramatic. mafic, radio, heater, power stear­ 100% Financing Available in* and brake*. All laather Inter- Up to S V«»n to Pay ON KPBPIan NEW Oft U&fD CARS Buick and Opel Headquarters '52 NASH 4-Dooi $295 '56 Mercury. $1499 DIRECT FACTORY DEAlER Statesman Super becian. blick shift, fcxcellent trans­ W Montclair Hardtop, Merc 0-Matlc, '58 FordS.. ............$2099 900 West Anaheim portation. radio, heater, pvwar staerlnf. All KFBPIan HIS* Week vinyl Inferior. Palrlan* MO Victor!* Sedan. Ford-o-matlc, radio, heitrr, power LARK Wilmington TE 4-6580 '55 Chevrolet .$1199 tt»erlng, whltewall tires. Transportation Cars as low as $75 Bel-Air, 4-d«ar Mdan. A clean 1- Open Evenings end Sundays owrwr car. '58 Plymouth............$1999 KFBPIan $1375 Week THE PRICE IS RIGHT '52 Chevrolet .... $349 Belvedere Hardtop Sedan. Automatic, radio, healer, power »te»r- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '49 Chevrolet ....... $99 ina, wMf»w«N tlraa. ON NEW Harbor Motor Co. '57 Ford................$1799 230 and 300 W. Anaheim TE 4-) 166 Morris Beck KFBPIan *)20S Week RIGHT NOW! falrlan* NO Club Sedan. Pord-omatic, radio, heat»>r, air eon In Wilmington Pontiac rtlflonlne '57 Buick... ............$1699 FOR THE BEST DEAL SEE Rambler - Triumph OPEN WEEKDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS * Vouxhalls KFBPIan $1049 Week "Reputation T*$t«d" Special Riviera COUP*. Automatic, radio, h*/»ter, tutnn* and '5§ Merto. $395 dn. '58 Chev. $495 dn. Nash white w« Hi. '54 Buick '55 412 W. Anaheim Hardtop. Red and white. Radio and Impale coupe. Automatic transmis­ Radio, haater and Dynaflow. heater. Like new. Low mileage. sion, radla, htatar, power starring. Ambassador Wilminqton '56 Oldsmobile..........$1399 $695 Country club hardtop MARSH & CARLSON dual ranpc hvdramatic drive, big KFBPIan *«9I Week TE 5-3141 Open Sunday Holiday 4 door Sedan. Automatic, radio. hr«i«r , wMffw»il-. '58 Chysler $595 dn. radio, ''weatherfye" heater and '56 Buick $1395 F.P. air conditioning, heavy duty whit* Chev. '56 Bel Air LARK STUDEBAKER HAWK Special Riviera coupe. Leaded and Imperial so. Hampton I door hardtop. RIVIERA wall tires and a host of other ex­ '57 Plymouth............$1199 sharn.. Full power. White finish. A beautiful tras. Belonged to well known and Cavpa, Powartllda, bla radla, hea»- ' KFBPIen car. VOLKSWAGEN populer lot? I couple who reelly r. premium whltewail tires, low f<yllnd«r Club Sedan Automatic, radio, heater, whltewalis. Authorized Ports and Service 9601 Pacific Coast Hwy. gave It care and service. Not a mllM9e, one owner, Pa lot Vardes Hermosa FR A1-S spot or mark anywhere! Come and ear who*. fUwlett flnlth and un­ 50 More to Choose From PA i-im M *-t4et 57 Cadillac $545 dn. '57 Dodge $495 dn. WE NEED YOUR TRADE-INS Inspect If today whether vou buy sullied upholstery Is Ilka brand new. 67 DeVHie type coupe. Power, air Station wagon. Automatic transmis­ or not. you ar* always welcome. It's lust what you have been search- 1-Ycor Guarantee Available on Used Cars conditioning. BIG SALE! $99 down. Small pay­ loo for/ Come and Inspect It wheth- 400 N. Sepulvedo, Manhattan sion, radio, heater, power steering. '56 Oldsmobile 7-Door Holiday tva* sedan, dual ments through Bank. Free 5-day ar yau Bw «f rwtl Bl« SAL! It* We Give S&H Green Stamps on Parts and Service trial exchange and IS mo. 15,000- dn. Bank flnanclno- liberal fr«de. ranoe automatic. HI-PI Jyoe radio. Bast General Motors heater. This mile guarantee available. BOB This car carries Bob Beaver 15- 100 '56 Lincoln $395 dn. '55 Ford . $295 dn. BEAVER PONTIAC, orgeoui automobile traded In this tOO Pacific monrh and 11,000 mile tuarantea 1 OR 8-4956 REEFER 059-2521 Convertible. Radio, heater, Coast Highway. Her moss. FR 44931 TRANSPORTATION CARS '54 Jeep Prem. coup*. Full power, air con­ Ford o- week by laral Pnlot Vardei con- »r«a l-dcy trial exehanae. matle. Very clean BOB BIAVER PONTIAC AH Makes and MM»IS. Na Down ditioning. trac'or and Its rlcoancr shows ex­ '54 FORD Country Sedan, R8.H, W.W. fB» Pacific Coast Hwy., Hermota 501 N. Howthorne Blvd. at 120th St. We carry our own contracts cellent care, ilo sale I»V9 FULL tires, $10 down, t)0 a week. Baach PH 4-e*31. Open dally end 4-Wheel DriVe PRICE, It* down, bank financing, 16J2 W. Rosecrans, 6a r " ..' Sunday 'til It ». m.
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