I ( INSIDE THIS MONTH This month, Bishop As a follow-up to the N ock discusses some­ Theologic~l Synod, a thing which should be youth delegate, Miss algoma everybody's business­ Susan Bowers, of Sault HChristian Education". Ste. Marie, gives her Please 'turn to page 2A impressions of t hat of the ALGOMA ANGLI­ forum of 0 pin ion. CAN. Please turn to page 7 A Marjie Smith, in her of the ALGOMA ANGLI­ regular column, WALK CAN. · anglican WITH ME, talks about While we are on the the moods of man and topic of Synods, the AL­ the influ_ence of the sea­ GOMA ANGLICAN has OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF ALGOMA sons on page 3A. asked the Rev. Don The MONDAY MORN­ Landon, of St. Paul's in Vol. 21 November, 1977 No. 10 ING column this month Thunder Bay, to pen is written by Dr. Frank his thoughts about the Peake, and gives some General Synod held this real insight to the ques­ summer in Calgary. tion of "Vocation". This For Part I, please turn is on page 3A of the . to page 5A. ALGOMA ANGLICAN. Finally, please look This month sees the through the CANADIAN , publication of the last CHURCHMAN this month section of B ish 0 p (inside your ALGOMA N ock' s charge to the ANGLICAN) for an ar­ Theological .Synod in ticle about the Anglican the Sault during May. religious communities In this section, on page in' Canada. The Society 6A of the ALGOMA ANG­ of St. John the Evan­ LICAN, the Diocesan gelist at Bracebridge is . deals with "Ministry". featured. Archbishop Wright' busy during his retirement As our readers will know team could have used us! I from last month's issue, the wonder what his motive ALGOMA ANGLICAN mad e was? The good of the foot­ mention of the fiftieth anni-· ball team 01' the timely dis­ versary of Arc h b ish 0 p appearance of two 'tradi­ Wright's ordination to the tionalist' clerics!" priesthood on September 11, On Sunday, September 11, 1927. His Grace and Mrs. Wright Recently, the A L G 0 M A attended Church in Burling­ ANGLICAN wrote to His Grace ton. They were accompanied asking him to write to us to by their son, P eter, and his tell us how he is spending his family. The Rector, Fr. time, so that we could pass Thomas, made mention of on that information to our the fact that His Grace was readers. His Grace wrote there, and at the end of the back a very personal letter, service and at the Reception which we would not want to following, His Grace receiv­ publish. However, the r e ed many happy felicitations. were a few things he men­ His Grace mentioned with tioned that we think the Dio­ some delight in his letter cese at large should know that he has been made a Life about. Member of the Boy Scout His Grace, recently at­ Movement in Canada. His tended the celebrations in interest in Scouting goes Toronto for W ycliffe Col­ back 45 years. lege's 100th anniversary, Again, the Diocese of Al­ The Bishop Fauquier Memorial Chapel-in the Sault has special significance for the when the Most Rev. Donald goma and the ALGOMA ANGLI­ parish of St._Matthew's in Sault Ste. Marie. In view of that the parish met there on Coggan, Archbishop of Can­ CAN offer best wishes to the Sunday, September 18, for a special celebration of the Holy Eucharist to mark the terbury, was the g u est former Diocesan, and ex­ twentieth anniversary of St. Matthew's. speaker at a Royal York press joy that his talents are Dinner. still being used in the Church During the week prior to and community during his September 11, Archbishop retirement. ~Oth Anniversary for St. Matthew's Wright was in Hamilton, On­ In conclusion, His Grace tario, attending meetings, wrote, "I thank God for Sunday, September 18, Dawson Fauquier (1873- On September 18, 1977, and on his birthday, Septem­ choosing me to be 'a servant' was the twentieth annivers­ 1881). The first services for the parish met at the Bishop ber 8, he preached in St. for the past 50 years-and, ary for the parish of St. the newly formed St: Mat­ Fauquier Memorial Chapel Paul's Presbyterian Church. of COU1'se, of those 50 years, Matthew's in Sault Ste. thew's took place in this for a Eucharist, and celebra­ His · Grace writes, "It .was 30 were spent in Algoma as Marie, and the parish held a chapel from 1957-1961, when tion of -their twentieth anni­ quite a sight seeing the for­ bishop. I 'Will neve1' forget parish family festival. they· moved into their new versary. After the service, mer moderato'r of the Pres­ the warmth of fellowship I building. The painting over _the congregation returned to byterian Church (my friend shown by all the pa1ishioners The Bishop Fauquier Me­ the west door in St. Mat­ St. Matthew's for a parish L01'ne MacKay), arid myself dU1'ing those yea'rs." morial Chapel was built in thew's serves as a memorial Potluck Lunch. Th€n the af­ . both a.t tj}e pulpit at the The Diocese of Algoma 1883, as a fitting memorial to this past relationship. ternoon was spent with in­ same ttme. Some one in the and the ALGOMA ANGLICAN to the first bishop of Al­ The picture was painted and formal activities both inside congregation said that the also thank God for those 50 goma, the Rt. Rev. Frederick donated by C. A. Middleton. and out. Hamilton, Tiger-Cats football and 30 years! Parish celebrates rector's 25 years' SerVICe• . The week-end of N ovem­ dinner at the Da Vinci Cen­ vice at 7 p.m., at which over those years". ber 4-6 was a special one for tre, followed by a dance to Archdeacon Haddon was the The entire Di'ocese of Al­ the parish of St. Thomas' in _ the music of "The Jasper preacher. goma and the ALGOMA ANGLI­ Thunder Bay, and its Rector, Trio Plus Two". CAN join in offering best the Ven. E. Roy Haddon. On On Sunday, November 6, The whole parish joined in wishes to the parish of St.­ that week-end the parish the Itt. Rev. Frank F. Nock, this celebration, and gave Thomas' and to the Haddons celebrated the 25th Anniver­ Bishop of Algoma,· was pres­ thanks for "the invaluable in view of this important sary of the arrival of Arch­ ent and preached at the 11 friendship and guidance milestone in the life of a deacon and Mrs. Haddon to a.m. service. In the after­ Archdeacon Haddon has gi v­ parish and its Rector. The St. Thomas'. noon, there was a Reception en to that parish over the ALGOMA ANGLICAN hopes that for Archdeacon and Mrs. last 25 years". In turn, further pictures and stories The celebration began on Haddon. Finally, in the eve­ Archdeacon Haddon spoke of of this event will be pub­ the Friday evening with a ning, there was the Annual the "privilege of being there, lished in future editions of The Ven. E. Roy Haddon symposium and smorgasbord Royal Canadian Legion ser- and ministering the Gospel the diocesan paper. 2A / NOVEMBER / ALGOMA ANGLICAN The bishop's letter algoma anglican The Rt. Rev. Frank F. Nock, Bishop Christian Education The Rev. R. W. McCombe, Editor Mr. D. Oosterbaan, Treasurer everybody's business! Mrs. L. Dew, Circulation Manager Subscriptions, $2.50 per annum My dear fellow Anglicans: Education is a continuing, ing parents and members of Second class mail, Reg. No. 1423 Just recently my episcopal life-long process and involves the congregation in assisting - Printed monthly by Charters Publishing Co. Ltd. visitations took me to Span­ all members of the congrega­ in Confirmation instruction. Brampton, Ontario. L6V 2L3 ish River Indian' Reserve tion, young and old, and not More people are asking for where Fr. Sissenah has been just the Rector and the more definite teaching of the Send change-of-address forms and/or payments parish priest for many years. Church School Staff. If a Faith and are prepared to to Box 1168, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. P6A 5N7 While there, two things parish is to be strong,. then commit time to learn the made quite an impression up­ Christian Education must be Faith. The Eucharist is be­ All correspondence should be directed to on me. seen as a parish involvement. coming more central in the 6 Glenwood Road, Ingersoll, Ontario. N5C 3N6 Fr. Sissenah has' been ill The Lay Ministry is as im­ lives of many families. for many months, and has portant as the Priest's'Minis­ These are encouraging not been able to carry out his . try. And to the extent that signs and I hope they will parish duties. But the parish the parish priest involves his blossom and flourish in the services and the parish or­ people with him as a working Diocese. "CHRISTIAN EDUCA­ ganizations have continued team, then that parish will TION - EVERYBODY'S BUSI­ without interruption and the be alive and strong. NESS" - if this became the members of the congregation I can see signs in the Dio­ motto and objective in Al­ said to me, "Tell Fr. Sissenah cese that m.ore parishes are goma, it would make an as­ not to worry, we'll keep the coming to see that"Christian tounding difference in the Church going." Education is everybody's spiritual strength and wit­ The second incident which business.
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