April 5, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2315 against a great Butler Bulldog team ruary, the House performed its duty COME TOGETHER FOR THE NEXT led by a great young coach, Coach Ste- and passed a long-term spending bill GENERATION vens. that represents tough but necessary (Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given Again, congratulations to Coach Cal- choices we must take. Even if we all permission to address the House for 1 houn, who is a great leader in the State agree a program is efficient and need- minute and to revise and extend his re- of Connecticut and a great leader for ed, we can’t spend money we don’t marks.) student athletes. have. At a time when the Federal Gov- Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, Amer- Go Huskies. ernment is borrowing 40 cents of every ica is at a huge crossroads right now. f dollar, we must be responsible stewards We’re in a situation that whenever we OUR FISCAL PROBLEMS of the taxpayers’ dollars in a manner spend $1, 40 cents of it is borrowed. Our that ensures the long-term promises (Mr. LANKFORD asked and was national debt is about 95 percent of our and commitments the government has given permission to address the House GDP. We are losing our edge as a global made to the American people are met for 1 minute.) leader. It hurts our job creation, it Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise and fulfilled. smothers the private sector, and it de- to discuss the debt we are dealing with It’s time the Senate leadership do nies you and me of some of our basic as a Nation. It is time to stop ignoring what’s right. We still have a govern- freedoms; because the bigger the gov- the debt problem that we have in ment to run and cannot adequately ernment gets, the smaller your per- America. deal with a 2012 budget if last year’s sonal freedom gets. The budget we released this morning business is left hanging in the wind. That’s why the budget that has been is focused on solving our fiscal prob- f introduced today is so worthy of a lems, not scoring political points. Key strong debate by both of us—both par- elements: fiscal responsibility; under- DRILLING FOR BRAZIL BUT NOT ties, that is. This is about the next gen- standing this is not our money; it’s FOR US eration, not about the next election. I owned by the American people; finding (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was urge my Democrat friends and my Re- common ground with the President’s given permission to address the House publican friends to come together and debt commission and bipartisan CBO for 1 minute.) do the best thing for the United States proposals. We have some areas where Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the of America, not just for partisan poli- we’ve agreed, and those areas are in- President says that he wants to cut the tics of the day. cluded. country’s oil imports by one-third over We are Americans. We can do better. Shocking as it may seem, conserv- the next 10 years. Well, that’s fantastic We can get this job done, and we must atives have also included some prac- and well-timed for the announcement get this job done. tical solutions to solve our long-term of his reelection campaign yesterday. f systemic issues with entitlements and But let’s face reality. Gasoline is up to b 1420 welfare. Our focus was to protect pro- $4 a gallon. Americans don’t want to grams that are working, encourage hear about what’s going to happen 10 REVERSE ROBIN HOOD work for every person who’s able to years from now. (Ms. BROWN of Florida asked and work, and set a course for future eco- The President’s answer to the energy was given permission to address the nomic stability. crisis and $4 gasoline is to give money House for 1 minute and to revise and It’s also focused on cutting spending. to Brazil while at the same time extend her remarks.) Raising taxes on Americans to fund stonewalling drilling in our gulf. Why Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, more government would be like a fam- are we doing that? today in the VA we had a hearing on ily running up a huge credit card bill Instead of propping up energy compa- how would the shutdown affect the vet- and then going to their boss at work to nies in Brazil and letting them drill off erans. You know, you can tell some- tell them they need a raise to pay off their coast, let’s keep jobs and money thing about a country or an organiza- their credit card. Their boss would in America and drill off of our coasts tion as to how they spend their money. most likely respond, You don’t need a and on our land. Let’s develop our own In December, when we gave $700 bil- raise. You’ll just spend more. You need domestic energy instead of developing lion tax breaks to the richest people in to get your family on a budget and you Brazil’s. the world, then we are worrying about need to cut your spending to what’s ab- Are you in for that, Mr. President? in 2 or 3 months whether or not we are solutely necessary. That’s what we And that’s just the way it is. going to have money to pay for the vet- must do. erans’ pensions or their health care, it Some in Congress have already called f is unacceptable. It is unacceptable that this proposal extreme. Well, I’d have to REMEMBERING JOHN ADLER we continue to practice what I call re- tell you, I agree. I think this budget is verse Robin Hood, robbing from the extreme—extremely responsible, ex- (Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia asked poor and working people to give tax tremely forward-thinking, and ex- and was given permission to address breaks to the rich. Unacceptable, Mr. tremely overdue. the House for 1 minute.) Speaker. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. f Speaker, I rise today in honor of our f WE CAN’T SPEND MONEY WE departed colleague, John Adler of New CATCH ’EM IF YOU CAN DON’T HAVE Jersey. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania John Adler came into the Congress as RIBBLE). Under the Speaker’s an- asked and was given permission to ad- part of our freshman class in 2009. He nounced policy of January 5, 2011, the dress the House for 1 minute and to re- was an honorable public servant who gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is rec- vise and extend his remarks.) served 17 years in the New Jersey State ognized for 60 minutes as the designee Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Senate and, before that, on the town of the majority leader. Mr. Speaker, despite the heated rhet- council of Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I oric over the fiscal year 2011 budget John brought a wealth of knowledge, want to address the third front that and the failure to responsibly address legislative expertise, but good humor, the United States is engaged in, and I our Nation’s $14 trillion debt, there is compassion, and a respect for his col- am not talking about the war in Libya. one simple truth that we should all leagues on both sides of the aisle. His I am talking about the border war on take away from this current budget bipartisanship, his compassion, his our southern front between the United standoff: Washington can no longer fail commitment to his community and es- States and Mexico, the war with the to deal with America’s looming debt pecially to his family will be sorely narcoterrorist gangs that are coming crisis as Americans continue to tighten missed. into the United States daily, bringing their belts and make ends meet. Our hearts go out to Shelley, his their wares into this country. Constitutionally, all spending bills wife, and his four children at this dif- Secretary of Homeland Security must originate in the House. In Feb- ficult time. Janet Napolitano recently said that VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:06 Oct 29, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD11\RECFILES\H05AP1.REC H05AP1 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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