Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives

Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives

University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 9-24-1964 Kabul Times (September 24, 1964, vol. 3, no. 169) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (September 24, 1964, vol. 3, no. 169)" (1964). Kabul Times. 703. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/703 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '- I. ~. , , " ':..- ". , , " ' ". : -' ~ I, " - - . '. -" J. , . " . -. -.. '. , " .' . : - ~ ...-" ~. .. .. [ -- - '. , .... - . 1 , . " , '. - . I , " KABUL TIMES SEPTEMBER 23; 1964 " .... .-~ ".-- - - . PAGE 4 > • THE WEATHER •. '- former Ka~miri, SfWlents Leave For Beirut To Further Their Studies Yesterday's Temperatures .' - '. -' ,Max, + 24"(;. Minimum, +9°C. ' Premi~r Sun sets today at 6.5 p.m. Arreste4 Sun rises tomorrow at 5.5 a.m. , , ,C "St23 "E\\" DELHI, ,ll1dla, e~: . ,' Tomorrow's Outlook: Cloudy ., G Prime MinISter -Forecast by Air Authority APJ- nutan a' . " , , '- '-, JIB h dur Shastri Tuesday 15', - " 5" -.~ ..... a a.-a ponsJbllity for the aI'­ PARK CLVEMA: ' dalmea re.s I' Mohammad . IGhu am, . At :;:'30 ~ and 10 p.m. Russian VOL III. NO 169 'KABUL: THURSDA.' Y, i ' SEPI'El'4~,ER 24, !964~ MI~, ~.1·343! S~~ ~', ',':: ,,C- ~', I cst ,ot . r' Pnme Mims' Bakh;;hl. a; orm:r ,. 'film; BICYCLISTS With transla­ Kasr~I~:ere tIOn 10 Persian. ~U:::'.S=.~S:':"'.a':'::y~s~1 -R-e-ce-i-'Y-'e;,--'-,~~H;;-;R~'H:~ince. Afl1n~ufSMh,·,Rec~~vi~,.$O~.~-LOya·'~gQ lel .of made' to head KBUL CINEMA: t-W-i-n---:"N-o-t Meinbe}j "'" T.he arrl$ , offiCIals tel'm- ()~l ~ashmtn At 5 and 7-30 p,m. Russian' film; what to ':affect WELCOME ,TO' DESIRE wIUi cd Bak,h~fi ~ttempts and, lOter. ,OAU,Mission Without Congo . translatIOn 10 Persian, . adversely pu15hc peace ., . r, : BEHZAD CINEMA: . I 'ecurity ill "the stat.e. ill" . ~At . h.q~ \ 4 ami 6-30 ·p.m. Russian film; -.-~ - 'laX:shmm Premier G.M_ Sa I "Represented In Discussions I' newsIhen ill Srmagar.t. a TRAGIC MURDER with transla- WASHINGTON, September, 24, (AP).­ . : to d ''under .investigation tIOn 10 Persian. - Bakhshl "'1as d was 'THE United States said Wednesday it will discnss U.S, mill­ • n corrupt'lon- charges an • ,.' ZAINEB CINEMA: At 4 and 6-30 p.m. Rus~lan,film; .--tary aid to the Congo oilly in the presence of repr~nta­ ,0 "'0 treate condmons ,that j tl ymg. i _ _ " f 'AM WALKING IN MOSCOW tives of, the Congo government. , " , ld re"ent prosecutJOn, .. wou P l d' ' Reuter With translatl?n ill Persian: III IS ....:...~-----~":-;""....,....7""­ In K<rrach" aecor mg to. '. This, effect, a reply to an t . 'I" "~h Bhutto Pak.ist~ " allI1,.0uneement 10 Nairobi, .K:en!'a, Congo Govt Re]ec1s ' Zu l1qar, 'd 10 an m­ that the Congo ReconCIliatIOn Foreign M:mJster, sal , 'ed Pakistan Parliamentarians I CommiSSIOn IS sen?mg a elelega- I· tervH~~\':" .;\\Jt'h the Assoclat, v M'eet Anastas 'Mikoy~n , OAD' D. n ' Pr < of 'p'aklstan ,news agenc. '. lion. to Wasnmgtofi to appeal to S eelS 0 . ' . e~s .' ised by the MOscow, Sept. 23, (Reuter).­ PresJdent J onnSon for an lII1me· -,' trlat he was not surpr , M' h 'A,Pakistan parliamentary delega­ dlate ena to tJ.D mtlltary support LEOPOLDVILLE. Congor Sept. -". : of B-khshl Ghulam I q , ::.. airES' a , K h tion met Khr-ushchov briefly last r, • - 101 .t'ume lVlilllster J.Y!Olse ! snom· 24, (AP1.-Tqe Congo Wednesday amme.'d"fefmer, Premier of as- 75-riJinut~ 'mght after a discussion oe: rejected African efforts to nalt --- - on world affairs With Soviet Pre­ .. Vv e could not agree to discuss Amencan military aid to the gov­ m~hutto told the news .agency, 'i~ " ~- ~.'" ~. sident Anastas MikoYan. our ala to tne Congo wHnout tne ernment of this rebellion-torn . ... - ...-.: --. --. ';. - - -- . - . Rawalplnrli, that the patience (j PrOvfneesc~. the Ka-shm.m ,people had been The delegation. led by Fazlul partJclpatlOn, 01 Ute Congolese country and announced its virt?al 'A. number'of LOn'lirga ·memliets frOm KaDdaIiii,-HelDiand iUid Zabiii . - -.- 'Kadar'Choudri Speaker of the govelnment at 'wnose request our withdrawal 'from the 34-natien ed' with-- His Royal HirhUess- Prince Ahmad S~ Pri!sJGeDtof ·t.lie AfifWi:,Bed 'Cr'esceDt completely exhausted. In t!:JlS. -' , ~rican -' !!~GID- they-.we~,·recetved, ~ oiuce.y~~y: m..~i'.~., ,~~,-." 'h 'ur of Denl all leaders of the Assembly, arriv'ed'here'on Sunday aIel' JS gIven,' Slate Department Organisation ef Unity. Society by. hiS '.' ,'._ .n. both for' a two.week' visit., The group liberatIOn . m()vement : on . Id , Press Olllcer Robert McClOSKey d Jos-:eph ~Ides U meludes a son-in-law of'Pakistan Congolese Presi ent of the cease·fire line shO . President Ayub Khan, who has said. h th d t Kasavubu told Guinean diplomat W~o"""""""rk~~h""";';"o~Op~n~d,: ,iJS$~ Ur9~~,~(JN:'To:I~c:'I~~e,: ':~ ~'~~" .unlt~ and to 'overthrow co~o- : " h:,r agreed in principle to visi$ Soviet He. reported t at e epar - "'Iallo Telli. the orltanisation.'s mal domi!1?tlOn", .. ment has Illstructed Ambassador U d d Dmon at a date 'still to be fixed m:~~~ j , Wilham Attwood, the US. envoy Secretary-General, that by For,§ci~n.c~, ,So~~a~'. ", l.nA~se~,bIY:.~eb9te,.R,e~QUl.~e'!~,' Bhulto ;11d the "mountlOg mil~­ Choudri saId the delegation haa to Kenya, to lOform the Congo' mg to send a five-natIon ,'. , a ':very cordial" general talk. lary bui1d~up ill Iitdia" ~use<i a . d . r Kabul for study at the American ReconciliatJOn CommiSSIOn 0f th e to Washington to try to. haltt' .A group of ~2 Afghan sti! ~ents .left ~es~e~a~YCo~~e.in Lebanon. Afghanistan will send Subj~c~~T~a,c,h~,rS, Seftli~~ .;~. grave situ~tlOn for ,~~kJstan and He had mVIted .a Soviet parlia­ U American ald. the orlranJsa Ion " ,Of.forcErln' Disputes, University of Be!rut an~ at theLhOUeJ~3t. N~tl~n an Aid ~rogramme at the American Univer, mentary delegation to visit Pak- OrganISatIOn of Afncan mty "is allowing Itself to raise doubts made the Kashmir , .probl.em, m0lee slud~nts ~ear t~ ~:l[ 1~1~~5 (OAU) that JI~the governm,ent of over whether the Congo is an in- KABUL. Sept; 2;t-The Institu· " UNum NATIONS, New York; september, 24,:(QPA).- a ,total.()f 4; thiS estudents from 16 differcnt countries. Both grad, 'Istan, and the group expected to the Congo IS Wllhng to partlcJpate , open~d 6~l,1 S0VmT',Foreign~SeeretaiY ~ complicateo. sHy which each year tramsI at ~d.a 0 included and starting this FaU .:; Afghan women te 0(. Educ.ation: . its Aiidrei:' Gromylio laSt JiJPt 'for-, . Commenhng on UnJted States,. uate --and undergradute leve. s u I";S are . have a longer meeting with m such dIscussIOns,' U.S. repre- dependent .nation." Uili~ Nau~ Jssem~lrto ~ Khrusbchov latg. were to wor.kshop for, S;Clence.: and SOCIal , mallY' appHed for the,l9th f8!I .. , BIItlsh ana Sovlet pledges to sup· will begjn a 5 ,year course m nUl'Slng.~-,--:....,..:..-_....::..,,---':--__......:.......:.-,-',-,--__,-,-- -..,_..., They sentatlves wtlI be prepared to ~er leave last night for Leningrad at ''In the face of this deliberate subjects teachers at tfje Teacher- '. I d ~ ~ ·ts ag;~_- d S·o 'et NIkita KJmishchovs call ply arms ~o IndIa; . Bhutto ~Id meet With representatives of the Traming, SchooLin Kabul jester- ' In,C U I a .. VI : _,' ,'. " 0 the start of a provincial'tour violation of· the charter of the ~ na~olis ;reDO~~J~e fo~'!D ~ ~Dta "J' ,,~1I be tfallmg In my 'duty If L government of the Congo and of day.· . • , ", . for to use Of Swedish Opposition OAU Coundl To Ask IU.K. CABINET HOLDS Orgal11satlOn of AfFlcan Unity, it ',\ ere not a make it clear that, the OAU CommISSion at a mutual­ Professor Dr. Mohammad Yasin' , ' ", .'.' '-. -- :KhrJishchq~s,.letter~ sent to all. , ,_.'~ '. 'LAST SESSION BEFORE IS no longer possible for the PakIstan';; security is'Jn, all the Parties T-hinJdng Of -ADOKHAIL JIRGA ly agreed time and place and on Aze~, Deput.y ChIef of .t~e Insti~, People: Of Mazor : .heacls'-of.~at~ ~n ~p~~ 3\:': ':' the baSIS of a preVIOusly agreed C:ongo as a sovereign nation. to tute. 1D a speech ,descnbed the ,,. _ . , _ 196,3" e"!1ecl for aU· coun~ ,~ __ _ _ more ,danger' .. .Fonnfug COalition USA To-Stop Congo ELECTIONS OCT. 15 URGE FREEDOM confo~ use,~ ~t~-, He caliEid f-or the mobllls.at~on agenda." .with that organisation's importance. anp. advantages q{-' ,.•..' , ,', . ',,' ',' : ,_ ,renounce the farcl! llf . cS'FOCKHOLM. Sept, 23, CHeu­ LONDON, Sept 23, (DPA)­ of a,,-allabie nahonaJ reso.urc~s to KABUL. Sept. 23.-A report McCloskey said the Johnson ad­ ileCISions," President Kasavubu t~iSwor~hop~liatis~~ngheldon::Had PG$~age,Of .' <ing'territ~n-aldisput~-,;',: :":. _ .>.,~ ler) -SwediSh OPPosItion comm· Militory· Aid The Brihsh cabmet met here last from Central In.dep~ndent Pakh­ ministratIOn could not agree to said in a telegramme dispatclJeri different· occasIOns for. the ·benefit ",,', ,-. '-' '. According, ,to, GromYlW s app~ meet thlt Khallenge of "the sltua­ mght for what may be its last tlnn .and 110 '~afeguard our. terrl- entators Tuesday ~greed that the NAIROBI Sept 23, (DP~l _ tunistan says that a large national . '- diSCUSS the aid problem witho~t from Leopoldvi1le.

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