LIFE AND LABOR IN THE SPIRIT WORLD. BEING A DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITIES, EMPLOYMENTS, SUR­ ROUNDINGS, AND CONDITIONS IN THE 8PHERES. By Members of the Spirit-Band of MISS M. T. SHELHAMER, Medium of the Banner of Light Publio Free Circle. The refulgent ray of Troth is all-piercing; it can never be quenohed; its light shall yet illuminate the world. 8ECOND THOUSAND. BOSTON: COLBY & RICH, PUBLISHERS. CORNER BOS WORTH AND PROVINCE STS. 1885. ir-hsoL ? r r d PREFACE. When the thought of publishing this volume was first sug­ gested to me by my spirit guides, I was led to ask, what good will it accomplish? and they replied: It will teach mortals that which it is impossible for them to obtain from any other source, but of which they are supremely desirous of being informed,— the conditions and surroundings, and the pleasures and pursuits of and influence exerted upon the denizens of earth by the inhabitants of the spirit world; it will reveal somewhat of the life their departed relatives and friends live, and to which they themselves are rapidly approaching; it will show that that life is a tangible reality, that it is, in fact, the substance, this being but the shadow,— the eternal, while this is but transitory; that while the joys they may there possess sur­ pass all human power of conception, they are attained only by purity of thought, and a faithful performance of duty, and that every advance made in those essentials in this life places them in a correspondingly advanced state when they enter the spirit­ ual realm. I had no desire to further question; the accom­ plishment of such a work seemed every way desirable; I cheer­ fully acceded to their wishes, and the result is here presented. I believe that all herein given has emanated from the minds of spiritual intelligences, that even the words employed have been chosen by them as most befitting the thoughts they wished to express. They have come to me in times of quiet seclusion, when there was nothing to disturb the harmony absolutely required for the transmission of the truths they wished tc convey. M. T. S helham er. CONTENTS, PART FIRST. CHAPTER I. Spirit Violet. Sympathy. Girls. Old Age. • » • f CHAPTER II. Spirit Echoes. A Meeting of Missionary Spirits. A Spirit Returns to Comfort Her Mother. Just Recognition of Returning Spirits. Consolatory Thoughts for Bereaved Mothers. The Ministration of Spirits. The Rain of the Summer-Land. Happiness of Spirits in Communing with Frieuds on Earth. Poetry of the Spirit Spheres. Mj Mother (poem).............................................................................. 28 CHAPTER III. Real Life in the Spirit World. A Darkened Spirit Led to See the Light. An Outcast from Earth Returns to Aid the Fallen. Unseen Helpers at a Conflagration. Advent of a Mortal into Spirit Life. ....... 87 CHAPTER IV. Zencollia City and its Surroundings. A Temple of Learn­ ing. Hall of Metaphysics. Hall of Literature. Hall of Music. Social Life in Zencollia. Interior View of Zen­ collia. A Convocation of Women; Equality of Sex. Dwel- 1‘ers iu Zencollia. A Suburban View. My Home, its Life and Associations. ...............................................................54 CHAPTER V. Places I Have Seen. The People of Spring Garden City. Children’s Lyceum. Harmonial City. A Magniliceut Tem­ ple. City of Joy. Floralia, the Valley of Flowers. The Valley of Delight. The Happy Hunting Ground of the Indians. ............................................................................... 72 CHAPTER VI. Scenes and Incidents in the Spirit Land. Trial and Triumph. A Home for the Weary. The Condition of One Selfish on Earth. First Steps towards Enlightenmeut. Enfranchisement of a Spirit. Children’s Progressive Lyce­ ums. Methods of Instruction iu Spirit Lyceums. A Golden Chain Recitation.............................................. Si CHAPTER VII. How Spirits W ork. A Spirit Mother Relieves an Impover­ ished Daughter. Parents Suddenly Bereaved. The Father's CONTENTS. 5 Grief Affects the Spirit. The Spirit Seeks to Make Her Presence Known. The Recognition and its Resnits. • . 103 CHAPTER VIII. An Echo from the Summer-Land. The Lesson of Self- Sacrifice. Days of Darkness. Words of Cheer from the Spirit-Land. The Mists Clearing Away....................................11G CHAPTER IX. The F ortunes of Little Georgie. Shadows on Earthly Paths. A Spirit Mother Leads Her Child. Visions of the Night. Dreams that Appeared Strange. The Strange Dreams fulfilled. 120 CHAPTER X. Lucy Aiken’s Mission. Unseen Helpers. A Spirit’s Efforts to Reach Her Father. The Last Penny and the Last Appeal. The Influence of the Spirit Begins to Show Itself. The Spirit Daughter’s Presence. Happy Results of Spirit Efforts. Angel Visits not Few nor Far Between. 139 CHAPTER XI. E xperiences in Spirit Life. The Various Classes of Spirits near the Earth. The Power and Extent of Personal Influ­ ence. Beulah, a Spirit Missionary. Beulah’s Self-Sacrific­ ing Beneficence. Reformation of Spirits in the Lower Spheres. Illustrative Iustauce of the Reformation of a Spirit. The Work Carried to Completion. The Reformed Spirit Returns to Earth to Reform Others. First Sensa­ tions upon Entering Spirit Life. The Ultimate Reign of Peace and Happiness on Earth...................................................154 CHAPTER XII. Sanitariums in Spirit Life. Localities and Characteristics. Methods of Treatment. Music as a Means of Recuperation. Restoration of the Mentally Diseased. Improved Medical Treatment on'Earth. One of the Sanitariums of Spirit Life. Interesting Incident,— a Mother Finds Her Child. Cultivation of Inherent Talents..................................... 172 CHAPTER XIII. Surroundings and Conditions of Spirits. Reasons for Different Views of Spirit Surroundings. Earthly Condi­ tions that Retard Spiritual Progress. Worldly Success often a Misfortune. Earthly Conditions Continued in Spirit Life. An Illustration. External Surroundings Produced by Mental Conditions. Materialistic Scientists in Spirit Life. The Dawning of Spiritual Light. The Liberal- Minded Scientist. Contrasted Causes and Effects. The Simply Intellectual. Cheerlcssness of a Want of Spirituality. Blending of the Spiritual and Intellectual. Happiness Deriv­ able only from Within. The Human nature of Spirits. Right and Wrong States of Contentment. .... 186 CONTENTS, CHAPTER XIV. Our Co-operative Societies. Earthly Reforms Originate in Spirit Life. Divisions of Spirit Mission of Labor. Woman Suffrage. The Indians. Peace Arbitration. Heredity. An Organization of Spirits for the Elevation of Earth’s Inhabi­ tants. Care and Protection of Mediums. Development of New Mediums. Our Co-operative Society; what Consti­ tutes Membership; its Plans, Purposes, and Influence. • 214 PART SECOND. CHAPTER XV. Introductory.— Spirit May. The Council of the Flowers. For the Little Ones (poem). Who Can Tell (poem). Work (poem). To My Sister Genevieve (poem). Grandma’s Pet (poem). Two Birdies (poem). Eveuiug (poem). The Awakeniug of the Flowers (poem). Baby Nellie (poem). A Happy New Year (poem). Snow Drops (poem). An Evening Song (poem). Children (poem). Snow Flakes ( p o e m ) . ................................................................................... 233 CHAPTER XVI. A Story f o r t o e Children. ................................................ 258 CHAPTER XVII. T he Children o f the Summer-Land. .... 272 CHAPTER XVIII. Little Bertie and Others. ................................................ 290 CHAPTER XIX. Golden Nest and Other Places. Heavenly Love (poem). 307 PART THIRD. CHAPTER XX. John Critchley P rince. His Experiences in the Spirit World. I Come to Thee (poem). Heart Treasures (poem). “And He Will make it Plain ” (poem). Down by the Sea (poem). Coming Home (poem). A Friend’s Advice (poem). The Welcome Angels Give. 326 CHAPTER XXI. My Life and Experiences on Earth. .... 845 CHAPTER XXII. My Life and Experiences in the Spirit W orld. 851 CHAPTER XXIII. The Poet’s Council..................................................................... 867 CHAPTER XXIV. A V isit to Robert Burns..................................... 383 CHAPTER XXV. My Spiritual Work..................................................................... 404 LIFE AND LABOR IN TIIE SPIRIT WORLD. PART FIRST. CHAPTER I. SPIRIT VIOLET. Katie Ammidown Kinsey—the beautiful spirit to whom we are indebted for the larger part of the con­ tents of this book—was the second daughter of Joseph and Ann Frances Kinsey, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Born in that city Oct. 7, 1856, the subject of this sketch lived in the home of her parents—save when she was away at school—until her twenty-tirst year, when, in the July of 1877, while making a visit at the home of an uncle in Milton, Indiana, she was suddenly sum­ moned to enter the spirit world after an illness of only a few days. The character and disposition of Miss Kinsey were of the most exemplary and lovely nature. Of her it could be truly said: “ None knew thee but to love thee, nftr named thee but to praise.” Hers was no common life; imbued with an earnest and deep sym­ pathy for humanity, and ever desirous of doing good, her days were spent in thoughtful care for others, and in seeking to give practical expression to the golden rule. In a memorial address framed by the officers of 8 LIFE AND LABOR IN THE SPIRIT WORLD. the Sabbath school, at which Katie was a regular attendant, and presented to her parents as a token of the rare appreciation in which she was held by all, are to be found the following commendatory words of her earthly life: — “ Her
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