PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Established June 23,1862. Vol. 7. WEDNESDAY MARCH 1868 PORTLAND, MORNING, 4, Terms $8.00 per annZn^o^^.. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published BUSINESS CARDS. REAL ESTATE. liEIVJOVALi®. J Printers MISCELLANEOUS. issue,but are similar in one every day, (Sunday excepted,) at No. they respect, fiat the old Democratic lights took back Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. j Iwtb afl'ect our taxes. The Is, j DAILY probability sc its in Hie affair. They are fast abundonin" N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. 50s). K E M O V A I. rsT<>. PRESS. in one ease as affects our towns, there Only $3 n. larger to Dollars a in advance. RICHARDSON & will be no or Andy liis fate here in New York. The Terms:—Eight year PAGE, Co., of the best bargains in the city. A three W. AV. THOMAS, .Ti-., PORl’LAND. public pecuniary loss. In the Single copies 4 cpivta. storv brick residence on Lincoln si reel, ‘n a one ease the proposition has its from World has declined fo back him in this con- yood LAll S’MiLIA SlidlLlBaS 0U:<AKTUK. origin Bankers and EOuensi)liboihooil, conlaiug nine rtoms; gas, YES, ol the Merchants, the legislating jieople. Those inter- test. The band oil the wall too THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published at llic water, &c; all in good repair. Lot 70 feet deepj lias removed to No 24 Exchange st., Thorn vs BtiihJ- writing at a witli Ma' ested or otherwise, are a two- saute place every Thursday morning $2.00 year, 114 Stale Slrecl, BoMO. privilege of pa-sage \\ ay aerors< the rear. Will iebl8 ing, over Merchant's Exchange. d3m Wednesday Moraine;. cli 4,1848 required hy convicts to be sustain the plainly him lor any party stand Invariably in advance. sold at the above low figure, ns the owner is to Humphrey’s iiouKEopatbic Specifics, thirds vote to preposition before fAKIS. leave the iu modialclv. | if it in tliegap. were loud in his de- EXCIIISUE oh I.UXUO.X and city thete is burJen, should prove so. They very to GKO It. REMOVAL. Irom IP.o most Tear Uoirn (he (iall*iva. any Rates of Advertising.—One inch of space, in Apply DAVJS & CO .PROVED, ample exi>cri- In the and the case now fence when TKAVEL'ERS’ GHEIlll'S iss-ned on Lon- Dea ers in Real No. 1 Morion Block. HAVEcnee, u’i eiuire Effi- other, Jiefore m, uojicackmciit only threatened. ot column, confitures a “square.” Estate, success; simple—Prompt- and length in all of rr'Argn* fe26dlw cient, and Reliable. are tho rtnlv We notice with great that Mr. Lhe action is commenced carried threatened all $1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents per don and Paris, available sails Europe. copy, SMITH & They Medicines pleasure through They sorts ol calamities; it BRED, per'cctiy ad pted io ail its in small week after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continu- popular use—so'simple that one of our in the stages constituencies, where would kill the MIAXS OF STERI.IMJ made lo mer- mistakes cannot b.r made hi Itecd, representatives Radical ruin tne fiuai.ee ether ah or first 50 cents. House lor Sale. using ihem; so harmless aud towns have no a- party, ing every day week, Cottage ;is to b free from eitiys larger represent or favorable tenia. and so efficient s lo be al- State has from the Ju- ol ihc Halt’square, three insertion* less, 75 cents: one rhanla upon live minutes’ walk of the Post Office, a COUNSELLORS AT LAW. danger, Legislature, reported and of a country, send gold up, and end WITHIN ways reliable 'J have raise the t com- t’on, where considerations public finally week, $1 00; 50 tents per week alter. H s orvanda half ho ise, new, c luain- hey hi.ghe- DEPlMIll of EOI D nud f CB BfiNCY nearly mendation Irom a:.U will diciary Committee a hill to abolish the death and if in as the Undo head of 82.00 ingsix finished rooms in eomplc e and Have Removed to all, u'wajs render satisiac- nature may have but little iuilueuee, revolution, people would not stand “Amusements," per square ordor, very ion. if week; three insert! ns or less, $1.50. receive aubjeet to draft at siglu, and interest conveniently arranged. An inexhaustible of For some to he we have this kind of is to be followed, per supp y Cumberland Hank penalty. years, sure, legislation Impeachment loomed up into a reality, Speoiajl ur the first good water, die crltar one of the xt /• Cte, the of Notices, $1.‘5 per square allowed. containing largest Huilitiny. Ism. Lure.i action of towns is fix (he wages is and 25 cents filtered cisterns in the eit wovem, 25 had but the mere shadow ol the in Jo gold stocks are there is no insertion, per square ler each subse- All! AM 1'1-S The If< use was thor- ’* Con/ipt-inii, Intlamaiions, gallows steady, firm, ex- made on to Liver- *• oi'utM, soldiers, only afterwards to l>e legalized and insertion. Consignments oughly painted last season. Centrally situated in a No. <>y Wr.Tiu-Fewr, Worm-Ootic, 25 this State. one c foment quent Kxcliangrc Street, '• Only man, the murderer of endorsed lu-ie, nr> to save State pool and London. Ieb25d6m and will be on nrj’iMff Folic oriV'.lnng or 25 by legislative action, wiLbout rein- lx>dy propo-es fight Advertisements inserted in the “Maine good neighborhood, sold* cheap and ‘‘ 4 *’ naan's, fo 1 ^ Over Lowell & SenterV. d&wlm IXittri lura ol ohiidi. n or the warden of ihe of a small baud ol Press” (which ha* n large circulation in every part accommodating terms. A) ply to adult 2.3 State prison, has been ex- ody tiiiieiidiiHTrt, tiie towns become tlu? loafers upon whom the < 25 po- of the State) for $1.00 per Fquare lor first insertion willjXm h. .mans, H Jlucalflry, Oiij i.ig, Illiou-Colie, ecuted since and it raid the inser the law relating to legislative power, virtually establishes, lice made a other So the bold feb2g jff Real Estate n Cdioicrn-florbu&.ViiiKen.Vomit capital pun- day. and 50 cents per square for each substqceut DANA & Agent. \ fug,25 in iu no remote tiou. FULLER, FITZ,"’ .Removal. !! «:o«ish*i, Cods, 25 ishment made it effect, degree that odious stand back 8l HioucbUis, incumbent upon the Gov- Democracy and “It is none of __ iVtiia and say, MiPoartBs of Twenty-Two Ac e Farm for sale I>curulg#u, -lie, Facenche 25 proposition doctrine “taxation without ernor to issue his warrant we don't Ur lor y P*«'«dHelM*M,SM*r-lleadael:e,Vertigo,25 betore a It bounties arc our propose to take the __ exchange city property.— leased for a term of years the buildings capital representation.” wages, th quarrels; ^ Has a good one and a hilf l»«*j»*ia, Pillions Stoiuucli, 25 BUSIMESS CARDS. IRON, STEEL, .i«^L- story HAVINGat the !? sentence could be carried into effect, lint Legislature should have established it in ad- Fidelity to men is no more a Wt'i dwelling house, with L, barn with V. J.1 "ttniin sm'd or pail ful Periods, 2.5 responsibility.” AjpyJlhi *2 F»(oo T vance, and not the oi the MB 1taSUii re bar, T»lenlv of water, cuts frem prof'^io eriods, 2~ the even, of the is too much. people town, and of the Democratic than fi- TIN PLATES, jar Head Hobson’s * shadow, gallows, plank platlonn fifteen tc ns of Ten of Wharf, roup, Ccugh. difficult 1> calli ng. 26 then this a sort of ex totwenty hay. 44 y Governor one require Legislature by minutes’ walk t- school and Tois is *! 25 Cony, may .airly infer from his delity to and Mr. Johnson,being of SMARD0N & SHEET meeting. place, And Removed lo the «’ **MCMiu,Erysipe!. s,Erui«tions, post,/aclu law to approve it aud make it ptincipie, THOMES, CO., IliOIV, in South miles from Portland. Over li'iroiiiinfitiw Rheum itic 23 Gorham, eight * Fains, addresses to tlio was no more use is to he thrown «'»•r «lk Legislature, in favor of wages. to the party, JOBBEliS OF worth of c >rn bus .. A Ol*iU I'\ $300 green been sold from this South % np, vtr, ~ 50 AND 3IETsALS I Side of Commercial Street, 7?i* [' Ague, the death faun in one s *ason. AIbj a lot of land on Vine St., bdml erbleeulilg. 50 penalty, not from my vindictive- Consltituencies whoiu one Instance have a overboard, like the surplus deck-load in a 47x46 with a cellai. ?i!#l sor or M) voice over On said I am able to a «. *' wcakeyoa, ness or their own a wharf, now to offer the ttade *■♦ \ harshness in his but be- property by two-thirds storm. WOOTjEJTS, Apply lo W. H. acure or ciouie, character, AND HO JKRRLS, good assortment of Long and Short ** Iuliuenza,50 vote, where there is to be no loss, in the in- North St., Boston, Real Esfc itc 20 T5 (looping t ough.violent cause lie fep28atf_ Agent. *‘ Oougbs.50 sincerely believed Hie protection of stance impeachment 1ms strengthened the Hepub- -I A-.ihmjv. Oppn ssed Breathing, .r0 have their porpetly .akeu away from OFFER FOR SALE Sra tor sale. Xj UMB E 22 Kar II i«c!mrgu«, Impaired Healing,50 society requires that great offenders against them to pay other town debts than their licau party in New York as much as it has Tailors’ TriiuiKiiii»s! R, K‘-r fulu.en own, subscribers offer for sale -ihoir well V? y aigedidand8,S\vellii ps, 50 it shall be to their united aud AGENTS FOB THE I»e.s Refined Far Tin rpiIK place, Under cover.
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