
Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 12-10-1959 Bulloch Times Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times" (1959). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3045. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3045 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. lullothA LAND RICH IN '�IAL BULLOCH COUNTY �imt� SERVING AGRICULTURE.INDUSi OPPORTUNITY AND ..._,;,w;�l'::' __ PROGRE1 �� � __ � ��V��Y�ri� ESTABLISHED 1892 STATESBORO. GA., THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1959 PRICE TEN CENTS Bank Stock Dividend Declared For the second time in less thnn 8 dec�det the Bulloch County Bank to Itl When Not�ln, ,ou.hop PIOOLY WIGGLY, ,ou get the 'OU PCIJ. will declare a 100 per cent .dtvl­ �xact" quality, on Capital Stock to .11 atoek­ and d\!nd for, 'OU pa, the low..t .....Ib.. p�cel You don't haYe to pa, extra money for holders of record if the recom­ mendations made by me bank's batt... food. bscau.. Plggl, Wlggl,'. prle .. are a true reflection of the quality prod­ Board of Directors is accepted by the stockholders. uct. It ..II.. mean be raised n�. RIEAL .avlng.. MONEY, beeau.. 'OU never pa, The Cepitlll Stock will INST�NT from $100,000 to $200,000 nnd tho mone, for .omethlng ,ou reali, aren't gett.Ing .... and thl. I. the ONLY .true the funds will be puld from - econom,, I. \ bank's Undivided Profits and In ·WI ... .ave Rellerve Funds. grocery .hopplng. Ihop Plgg., ..I, ngularl, rou'li eon.l.tentI,. .. di�d:�n�il�\!�s 1 °Jec'l:�/e�! IIl��� TRIPLE "AAA" when the bank increased it's Capt­ tal Stock from $50,000 to $100.- • 000. The announcement WDS released this week by Wallis Cobb, presi­ dent of the Bulloch County IInJ1k nnd comes not only alt news of int­ erest to the stockholders and cue­ tomera of the Bulloch County Bank but reflects un economic und "financial picture thnt is n credit to tho entire community which the bank serves. NEW CROP In cornmenting 011 the, an- SUMM�R ISLE uouncement, M,', Cobb suld : '''As we look back to April 14, 19114 when we begun with $60,000 CUI)i­ tal and $6,750 SU1'l))U9 .und see our to in 1961 we BRAZIL NUTSLb. Cello49c '.' growth where PIN E A PP L E were able to puy II 100 pel' ocnt stock dividend increuaing OUt· Capital Stock to $100,000 und now within thesc few short years to declare such a dividend rnlaing No.2 Can our Capitul Stock to $200,000 - YlArNUTS� Cello'39c well, it's n milestone and' un ac­ IDe we in which we feel HICKORY SMOKED TENDERIZED SEMINOLE SLICED complishment. can -ell tnku pride.' "Out' custo­ SCOTT COUNTY mers and friends have been good to us as we have tr'ied to serve our THE WESSON OIL SHORTENING Ii community. And now us OUI' bonk PI.(NICS and 8S our community grows, we BA'CON look to the future with even great­ loLB. TIN er plans fOI' our continued pro­ 4T08LB. grelS." CATSUP , A regular cuah dlvidend of 10 � Lb. per cent and un extra 'five POI' AVERAQ� per cent dividend will also be paid � on December POUND . by the bank 15th. 25 ill the Bulloch Tn,3ge Deposit.'4 County Snowdrift Bank on Decem bel' 1st stood ut 14 Oz. Bottle ROBB,NS WHOLE HOG $4,600.000 with total ns�et8 run­ ning to five million dollars. Officers oj' t.he blink include: C W, G. Cobb, nrealdent ; T. J, Mor­ ris, vice-preaident.; J. Bruutley 'Pound .Johneou, caahler; unci Thomas 1", usststunt cnshiur. NABISCO SAUSAGE Howard, • •• LIBBY·S·· 4De Directors 81'(' Wulter Alared, Delicious Whole \ . Sampl. Sausa All RITZ Hog ge Day Friday and Saturday Jr., A. C. Bradley, W. G, Cobb, 303 CAN Leodel Coleman, Claude A. Ho­ ... 12.0Z. PKG. Freel PEAR HALVES .. 31e ward, George 1\L Johnston, T. Laniel', Charles 1\1. Robbins, JI'., CAN ;103 31e Thad J. Morrfs unci Harry W, FRUIT COCKTAIL ... 27c Robbin's Frank's 1 Lb. Cello Smith. 303 CAN WATER MAID 3De KRA"'S, FULL CREAM SIJGARPEAS ... Hc RICE Legion Auxiliary' f lOY,· oz. CAN I t.,B. PKG. I BRAIN•. .... 33e Holds Meeting 16c 24.oZ. CAN Pound 2 LB. PKG . TRIPE .. • • 1. .... lie DAISY CHEESE 4ge 24.oZ. CAN 31e Try ,our I"ek on "duck." on the pond for tr.. prize. BEEF STEW ............ 41c MEDIUM FRESH, . \ KRAFT OIL , QT. BTL. FRUIT CAKE· FIXINS Lbs. 47e MULLET FISH 5 :iDe DRY liHICK MEET DECEMBER 11th GLACE MIXED FRUITS . · .lb.l3c SALT, BALLARD or PILLS.,URY .lohn McDonald, .lr., director ot GLACE RED CHERRIES . · . lb. 71e �"leK of the accident and sickneu GLACIE' GREEN CHERRIES .. lb. 79c depnrtmenb of Gulf Li_fe Insurance Sib bag Co" will be the speaker at the GLACE CITRON HALVES ... .lb.19c Pound Flour 55c FAT BACK Statesboro Life Underwriters A&oo aoclntton at their luncheon meet .. GLACE WHITE PINEAPPLE. lb. 6ge :L:::'$[05 13e ing Ft'iday, December 1 I at Mrs. GLACE GREEN PINEAP"LE · . lb. 71e FLAGA Bryant'8tKltchen. Ruy POM of Brooklet Is president of the local GLACE RED PINEAPPLE . lb. 7sc FANCY RED 2LBS. GREEN CHILDREN'S' 20 x 40 MUS�OGEE uasoctntlon GLACE ORANGE PEEL lb. s9c FUNERAL SERVICES FOR GRAPES 25c DREWTON·PARKER CHOIR GLACE LEMON PEEL lb. sge LIMAS Table and Towels ea. 39c DONALDSON INFANT Thc infunt of' TO DE HERE &-MAID SEEDED RAISINS 15 oz. 31e SWEET JUICY DOZ. 12 oz. daurrhter MI', lind DECEMBER I3tb pkg. Ml's. Alvin 0011111d80n or RcgiK­ 'rho Brewton-Porker' Junior 5-MAID SEEDLESS RAISINS. 15 oz. 27c 2 Chairs Bath Cloths ea. 10c tel' died Mondny, November no. Onlleire choir will be the ORANGES 29c Funeral services were held Mon­ guest S·MAID WHITE RAISINS ... ,15 oz. 31e 19c singers lit thc l tillY nf'ternoun ut the Luke Church morning worship eervicea of tho near Calvary BaJ'ltist DROMEDARY PITTED DATES .. Ib. 53c WINESAP 4 lb. cello cemetery McUCI', conducted bag Ohurcb on Sundny, December 13. The regular of the by Elder' Hardwick Lanier. Was This You? meeting Rev. Austol JACK MINCE MEAT .. 22 oz. 45c Youmuns, puetor, will HAPPY BROCK CELLO BAG Pittman Park W,S,C.S, will be Survivors, besides the parents, I You ru-e n;al'l'iod und one bl'illg' the sermon. APPLES 39c hlp.e held in the church pur-lor on Men­ m-e one brother, ChllrlctJ 1�, Don­ NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT . 90z. 31c son, fifteen year's of ugu. YOUI' duy, December 14 lit ":00 p. m. uldacn of rnuternul Extra husband is ret.ired from the post Reg-istl', NUTS . lb.49c CANDIES 29c. A Iter the business session n BRAZIL FANCY EACH grundmother, Mrs, E, R, LImier • office bUL is 1I0W employed by the Clu-istmus will bc held. und !\I", in put-ty putcrnnl grundpurenta, . ... Silo '1'hc W.S.O.S, of the First _ BABY WALNUTS Ib. 39c MY·T FINE 3 PKGS. Southdnsteru Company Cash Hostesses fOI' the pnl'ty will be thc nnd Mrs. J. Walter Donaldson. o[ Methodist Chul'ch will hold n 15c Auguslu, Walkcl' and J, · .Ib. AVACADQS Pafford, DP.'wbcl'ry Brantley .10hnson, president Register, LARGE WALNUTS 49c the descrIbed ut)ove will nnd Bociul ut I'f Inrly of t.he of Chl'istmns JlI'ogra01 ci1'(; les. The new membel's will be .Junior Bunking Section WIlS in PUDDINGS 29c the Bulloch Times office the chlll'ch Decemhcl' 14 Smith-Tillman MOI'tUUl'Y CHERRIES.. .12 oz. 49c cull nt the Monday, CHOCOLATE CANADIAN 3LBS. honored. A II members oC the GeOl'gin Bal;1king Associntion of arrangements. Savings she will be P.. at 4 m. in the chul'go Itt 25 Seibald St.'eet, T.A. TO MEET DEC. 16th ;00 p. Fellowship LIPTON'S chu1'ch arc invited. attended Ull Executive meeting ZANTE CURRANTS .. .11 oz. 23c given two tickets to ·the picture Hull, The nursel'y will be open 11I8t week in !\Iucon fOl' the pInn· CHRISTMAS MUSICAL DEC. 13 Ht. the Theater, Thc Southeast Bulloch High for children. 19c 8 oz. 48 ct. showiilg Geol'gin of prc-school . 1·2 oz. 13c RUTABAGAS DEXTER ALLEN I'OST 90 nillj!' the Fall StUdy Conference The choir of the Fi1'st CAKE COLORS Aiter her tickets, if School P,-T.A, will meet Wednes­ Buptist l'creivinj!' is in 8Sc 69c which scheduled to be held 1 G at Church of Statesboro will I pkg. Bags will cull nt. the States­ day evening, December 7 :30. .. the CAKE . asat. 27c lady: CHRISTMAS PARTY, DEC. 17th COLORS pkg. YELLOW MEDIUM 3 LBS. Athens next fall. The n Chrutmas musical Sun- 48·oz. Jar boro Floral Shup she will be given program, "Forwurd We Go-­ program Dewkist, Hamburger Sliced, BeaR­ . oz. can Members of Vextcl' Allen 'Post The Executive Committee in­ Oharacter and In the obitu81'y of James prcscnt.I' Fun.ten-Shell 3 43c a lovely ol'chid with the compli­ Through Spiritual L.
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