SCIENCE FICTION FALL -QT71T TTT1TTT NUMBER 44 1982 XvHj V liL VV $2.00 HOW THINGS WORK BY NORMAN SPINRAD INTERVIEW: ANNE McCAFFREY FANTASY AND THE BELIEVING READER BY O.S. CARD SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW (ISSN: 0036-8377) Formerly THE ALIEN CRITIC P.O. BOX 11408 AUG, 1982 — VOL. 11, no.3 PORTLAND, OR 97211 WHOLE NUMBER 44 RICHARD E. GEIS—editor & publisher PHONE: (503) 282-0381 PAULETTE MINARE', ASSOCIATE EDITOR PUBLISHED QUARTERLY FEB.y MAY, AUG.7 NOV. SINGLE COPY — $2.00 ALIEN THOUGHTS BY THE EDITOR.A OTHER VOICES.52 BOOK RECIEWS BY WILLIAM GIBSON HOW THINGS WORK PHILIP M. COHEN BY NORMAN SPINRAD.8 DAVID PITT COVER BY STEPHEN FABIAN W. RITCHIE BENEDICT DEAN R. LAMBE TEN YEARS AGO IN SCIENCE FICTION JAfCS ANDERSON BY ROBERT SABELLA.17 STEVE ENG LEIGH KENNEDY PAUL C. MCGUIRE AND THEN I SAW... ALMA JO WILLIAMS MOVIE REVIEWS BY THE EDITOR.18 ANDREW M. ANDREWS SUE BECKMAN PATRICIA SHAW interview: ANNE McCAFFREY JOHN DIPRETE CONDUCTED BY CHRIS MORGAN.20 KENDRA USAK ROBERT SABELLA ALLEN VARNEY LETTERS.25 and a special review by GENE WOLFE TERRY CARR JOHN BRUWER IAN COVELL ROBERT BLOCH ALIEN CONCLUSIONS BOB SABELLA BY THE EDITOR.63 DARRELL SCHWEITZER BOB BARGER DEBBIE CROSS & PAUL WRIGLEY GEORGE WARREN MATT HARGREAVES INTERIOR ART— CYN MASON RONALD R. LAMiERT TIM KIRK—274718751 AVEDON CAROL Copyright (c) 1982 by Richard E. ONCE OVER LIGHTLY BRUCE CONKLIN—7738739742 BOOK REVIEWS BY GENE DEWEESE....34 Geis. One-time rights only have MIKE GILBERT—7, „ been acquired from signed or cred¬ GEORGE 0 NALE—97 57 _ m ited contributors, and all other THE VIVISECTOR ALLEN KQSZOWSKI—ID71271^39752 rights are hereby assigned to the BRAD W. FOSTER—II contributors. BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER.36 GARY DAVIS—15 „ „ GEORGE KOCHELL- THE ALIEN CRITIC SMALL PRESS MAGAZINES 53,54,6LB SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW Available in microform from: REVIEWED BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER..39 BOB BARGER—19730 RANDY MOHR—22„ OXFORD MICROFORM PUBLICATIONS, LTD BILL ROTSLER—24731 Wheatsheaf Yard, Blue Boar Street RAISING HACKLES RAYMOND H. ALLARD-—25 Oxford OXl 4EY, United Kingdom FANTASY AS CANCER7 PART I PAUL CHADWICK—26 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW is published BY ELTON T. ELLIOTT.A3 KURT ERICHSEN—27 ATOM—29 at 1S2S NE Ainsworth, Portland, OR JAfBS MCQUADE— 97211. ROMAN P. SCOTT—41 FANTASY AND THE BELIEVING READER r MICHAL DUTKIBWICZ—44 BY ORSON SCOTT CARD.45 KEN HAHN-48 TAIN? [lost your name]—56 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW, POB SMALL PRESS NOTES 1408, Portland, OR 97211. BY THE EDITOR. .51 REVIEWS- 6H0ST STORY. CAT PEOPLE. WHOSE LIFE IS IT, ANYWAY?. RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON SUNSET STRIP. DIVINE MADNESS. SWORD & SORCERER. EYE OF THE NEEDLE. FIGHTING BACK. PENNIES FROM HEAVEN. VICTOR/VICTORIA. MONTENEGRO. BLOOD WEDDING. EVIL UNDER THE SUN. DEATH TRAP. CONAN THE BARBARIAN. THE CRYSTAL SINGER. WORLDS. TIN WOODMAN. FORBIDDEN SANCTUARY. OUTWARD BOUND. EXPLORING THE EARTH AND THE COSMOS. 34 IT S ALIVE! THE CLASSIC CINEMA SAGA OF FRANKENSTEIN.. 35 THE COMING OF DEMONS. GOR SAGA. HELLICONIA SPRING. IMARO. Blackwood's books. SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS. CONTEMPORARY LITERARY CRITICISM #21.,38 THE DOOM THAT CAME TO SARNATH AND OTHER STORIES. THE DREAM-QUEST OF UNKNOWN KADATH. AS IT IS WRITTEN. WEIRDBOOK lb........ FANTASY MONGERS #3.. WHISPERS 15/16,. FASTASY TALES #9.... SORCERER'S APPRENTICE INTERZONE #1. EERIE COUNTRY #6-7~8-9. file 770:33... RIVERSIDE QUARTERLY #26. HOLIER THAN THOU #13. BEARDMUTTERINGS #21. FANTASY BOOK, AUG. 82. ANSIBLE #26. PAPERBACK INFERNO. INSIDE JOKE #11.. FANTASY NEWSLETTER #50. KADATH #5. CELLARS. CENTAUR AISLE. VISCOUS CIRCLE. THE DAWNING LIGHT. BIRTHRIGHT: THE BOOK OF MAN... THE SILVER METAL LOVER. HEROES AND HOBGOBLINS. PARTICLE THEORY. A STORM OF WINGS. THE MAKING OF RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. BARD. CLAN OF DEATH: NINJA... WEB OF THE SPIDER. LAUGHING SPACE. IS NOTHING SACRED?. SHADOWS OF SANCTUARY. EASY TRAVEL TO OTHER PLANETS.. THEY D RATHER BE RIGHT. I realize there are many SFR ALIEN THOUGHTS readers who valued highly the news column, especially the listings of forthcoming books. BY THE EDITOR To those people I advise a sub¬ scription to Andy Porter's SF CHRON¬ ICLE, since Elton tells me that SF CHRONICLE has the best, most com¬ plete new books listings of the big THE RETURNING PLAGUE three sf/fantasy newszines. is attacking I receive FANTASY NEWSLETTER, the book publishing industry. Ac¬ SF CHRONICLE, but not LOCUS, since cording to a WALL STREET JOURNAL LOCUS' publisher, Charlie Brown, re¬ story July 2, returns from book¬ fuses to trade with mere fanzines stores are reaching 701 of ship¬ or even semiprozines. (I'll never ments in some instances, with SOI forgive him that.) returns common. Anyway, the address for SF The ideal percentage of re¬ CHRONICLE is P.0. Box 4175, New turns is about 151. York, NY 10017. At the same time hardcover I don't know the price; Elton sales are down: 151 from April has my copies of the magazine. But 1981, and 13.41 in May, from a I'm fairly sure Andy Porter will year ago. send a sample copy of SF CHRONICLE The story says, 'It is a situ¬ for $2. ation in stark contrast with that [Now I'll get an indignant let¬ of the 1960s and early 1970s. In ter from the editor of FANTASY NEWS¬ those years the industry was ex¬ LETTER.] panding rapidly, aided by huge in¬ I may as well add here that I fusions of conglomerate capital, have no intention of adding a news new mass-marketing strategies and column by anyone else. SFR will tion lines [more accurately described cheap money. However, as the 1970s concentrate on being an opinion- as fantasy lines] are still selling drew to a close, and increasingly review zine. in the last two or three years, well enough to justify continued the conglomerates began insisting heavy production. on better business performance The summer's success of sf/fan- from their book divisions, and mar¬ tasy movies will help sf/fantasy keting money dried up; at the same book sales and convince publishers THE WRITER AS A SCRIPT PLAYER those lines are worth continuing time the unit cost of books rose makes steeply, making them less appeal¬ an d perhaps even expanding. Appar¬ ently the hardcore sf/fantasy hard¬ sense if you understand Transaction¬ ing to a public that was counting al Analysis and agree with its ten- its pennies.' core readership continues to expand and continues to buy. At Simon 6 Shuster, publisher According to TA we all carry and executive vice president Dan The assured continuation of the STAR WARS, STAR TREK, SUPERMAN and three emotional modes into which we Green says of the heavy rate of can shift as our internal needs returns: " perhaps CONAN movies in years ahead suggests a continually expanding dictate: the Child, the Adult, and Richard E. Snyder says of the (or maintained) readership accumula¬ the Parent. heavy rate of returns: "If this tion. If the Big SF and fantasy We also are given Life Scripts continues through the Christmas movies are only going to be releas¬ as children, by our parents (or season, you're going to see many ed at Christmas and early summer, those who raise us). Some Scripts booksellers and publishers fail the intervening months will perhaps are good: You'll be a winner! or be forced into mergers." drive the hungry-for-sf movie fan This kid will make a lot of money! to the sf/fantasy bookracks. She'll make some man very happy! What is happening is that con¬ And some are terrible Scripts: glomerates need high profits to pay You worthless little bastard! off their huge debts and to simply You'll grow up to be a tramp like pay interest on their debts. They your mother! I wish you were dead! have been selling off pieces of NO NEWS IS THE BAD NEWS And some are so-so: Scripts that their empires---mergers are indeed impose limits on success, love, tal¬ in SFR this taking place, book divisions are be¬ ent. issue. There is no SF News column ing sold off — Playboy, Fawcett, To fulfill the Scripts people and there won't be one next issue. Ace.... play life games. There's the ever- Elton Elliott has had increas¬ As times get tougher we can ex¬ popular Alcoholic game, the Drug ing difficulting getting adequate pect to see more hardcover and soft- game, the Sex games, the Kick Me cooperation from publicity direct¬ cover book publishers dealt away, game, the Rape game [played by men ors and editors in New York, and combined, even disappear. and women], the Everybody's Against cannot afford to make dozens of A year or so ago it seemed that Me game, the Now I've Got You, You phone calls to track down stories editors were playing a game of mus¬ Sonofabitch! game... or info on new releases, etc. ical chairs as they moved from pub¬ It's a fascinating way to look Then, too, he is Tired. He is lisher to publisher. Now actual at human character, personality publishing companies are engaged in burned out at the edges. And he and their imperitives. At least wanted to do an opinion column in that game. a dozen books have been written So we'll watch the-papers and SFR, for a change. about TA since Berne's bestseller And so in this issue is his the stats and see what happens up to GAMES PEOPLE PLAY of about 20 years new "Raising Hackles." It should and after Christmas, to the publish¬ ago. ing industry. raise a few in the readership.
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