Status of BES-III Experiment Hai-Bo Li for BES-III Collaboration IHEP, Beijing HQkdLtHeavy Quarks and Leptons, 5 June-9 June 2008 School of Physics, The University of Melbourne Australia 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 1 Outline ¾ BEPC-II/BES-III detectors ¾ Physics program at BESIII ¾ Summary 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 2 Status of BEPC -II and BES -III 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 3 BEPC II Storage ring: Large angle, double-ring RF SR RF Beam energy: 1.0-2.3 GeV Luminosity: 1×1033 cm-2s-1 Optimum beam energy: 1.89 GeV 0 . 1 Energy spread: c m 5.16 ×10-4 d 8ns ra No. of bunches: 1 2 m .5c 2 m 93 2.5m Bunch length: 1.5 cm Total current: 0.91 A SR mode: 0.25A @ 2.5 GeV 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 4 IP Milestone of BEPCII storage ring commissioning Nov. 2006 Beam stored in the storage ring Dec. 2006 Start to provide SR beams for users Mar. 2007 First e+e− collision, Lumi ~ 1030 cm-2 s-1 June 2007 Provide SR beams for users at 2.5GeV, 200mAwithalifetimeof55hr200 mA with a lifetime of 5.5 hr Aug. 2007 Beam current reached 500 mA Sep. 2007 SCQ moved to the interaction region Jan. 2008 BEPCII: collision with 500mA×500mA and 93 bunches in each ring,the luminosity is about 1110*1032cm-2s-1 June 20 2008 First physics collision 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 5 Charm productions per year at BEPCII Average Lum: L = 0.5×Peak Lum.; One year data taking time: T = 107s σ × × Nevent/year = exp L T Resonance Mass(GeV) Peak Lum. Physics Cross #Nevents/year CMS (1033cm-2s-1) Section (b)(nb) J/ψ 3.097 0.6 3400 10 × 109 τ+τ− 3.670 1.0 2.4 12 × 106 ψ(2S) 3.686 1.0 640 3.2 × 109 D0D0bar 3.770 1.0 3.6 18 × 106 D+D- 3. 770 101.0 282.8 14 × 106 DsDs 4.030 0.6 0.32 1.0 × 106 DsDs 4.170 0.6 1.0 2.0 × 106 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 6 BES-III Magnet: 1 T Super conducting current 3400 Amp MDC: small cell & Gas: He/C3H8 (60/40) σ =130 μm σxy p/p = 0.5% @1GeV dE/dx=6% TOF: σ T = 100 ps Barrel 110 ps Endcap Muon ID: 9 layers RPC 8 layypers for endcap EMC: CsI crystal Data Acquisition: ΔE/E = 2.5% @1 GeV Event rate = 4 kHz σz = 0.6 cm/√E Total data volume ~ 50 MB/s The detector is hermetic for neutral and charged particle with excellent resolution , PID, and large coverage. 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 7 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 8 BESIII Status 9 Finish the installation of all the detector components . Beam pipe, MDC, Barrel and endcap TOF, barrel and endcap EMC, all muon chambers. 9 Cosmic ray data from Dec. 2007 to March 15 2008, with DAQ, Trigger, and Slow control, fixing problems. 9 BESIII de deecotector into obe beam-line o n Ma y 6, 2 008 9 Starting another cosmic run on May 28, 2008 9 Physics run on July 20, 2008 9 Luminosity of BEPCII is expected to reach ~ 3 x 1032cm-2s-1 in the end of 2008. [The design Lum is 1 x 1033cm-2s-1] 9 Software and physics preparation in good shape. 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 9 Totally 37 institutions now Europe (5) USA (7) GSI, Germany University of Hawaii University of Bochum, Germany University of Washington University of Giessen, Germany Carnegie Mellon University Univ. of Florida JINR, Dubna, Russia Univ. of Minnesota Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute BdkiBudker ins titttitute o fNf Nuc lear PhiPhysics Japan (1) University of Rochester Russia China (24) Tokyo University IHEP, CCAST, GUCAS, Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China Shandong Univ., Zhejiang Univ. Huazhong Normal Univ., Wuhan Univ. “Spectators”: Zhengzhou Univ., Henan Normal Univ. Peking Univ., Tsinghua Univ. , four institutes Zhongshan Univ.,Nankai Univ. Shanxi Univ., Sichuan Univ from Italy Hunan Univ., Liaoning Univ. Nanjing Univ., Nanjing Normal Univ. Guangxi Normal Univ., Guangxi Univ. HKUiitHong Kong University Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 10 Hot ppyhysics top ics at BES-III 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 11 Hot topics at BES-III ¾ Light hadron spectroscopy: meson, baryon, hybrid, glueball and other exotics in J/ψ and ψ(2S) decays. η η ψ ψ χ ¾ Charmonium states: c((),1S), c((),2S), J/ , ((),2S), c, hc , ψ(3770), new ccbar states above 4.0 GeV ¾ Energy scan: R values, new resonances … ¾ Tau physics: precision tau mass ¾ Charm physics: D, Ds mesons Leptonic Charm Decays D→l+ν SilidSemileptonic decay rates &f& form-factors Charm Dalitz Decays, …… Charm Mixing. CP Violation and Rare charm decays … ¾ Rare charmonium decays: LFV, invisible decays , …… many more unexpected itiinnovations 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 12 Light hadron spectroscopy With 1010 J/ψ events with the state of art detector , we expect to learn more on: • Baryon spectroscopy • Glueballs • Non-qqbar states 2008-6-5Hai-BoSpectrum of glueballs fromLi (李海波) LQCD 13 0++ resonances at BESIII σ κ , , f0(980), f0(1370), f0(1500) and f0(1710) are well established in PDG. B.S.Zou arXiv 0804.2756 J/ψ radiative decays J/ψ hadronic decays χ c02 hadronic decays 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 14 States with Exotic quantum number Hybrid mesons and glueballs are always mixing with normal mesons with the same quantum numbers. It is hard to us to separate them from normal mesons . However: Quantum numbers offf ferm ion-antiferm ion EtiExotic 1−+ : quantum numbers 2s+1L JPC Meson J π η 1S (s-wave0-+ ) a 0 π JPC 0 πη π 3S (p-wave)1-- 1 ρ 0+- 1 πη 1 (d-wave)+- a2 -- P1 1 b1 0 3P 0++ a 1-+ 0 πρ (p-wave) π1 0 3 ++ +- P1 πf (s-wave)1 π a1 2 3 1 ++ 1 -+ P2 π 2 π a2 3 b1 (s-wave) 1 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 15 Example + − + − X(1835) at BESIII via J /ψ → γη'π π ,η'→ηπ π 58M J/ψ data Phys.Rev.Lett.95:262001,2005 at BESIII at BESII 3×109 J/psi events (50 times of BESII) 2 years’ data taking 5.0σ >10σ η ππ 2 M( ’ ) GeV/c 2 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) M(η’ππ) GeV/c16 Charmonium states below open charm What can we do with 3 billion ψ(2S)? χ sample Ψ(2S) Æ π+π−J/ψ (31%) c,0,1,2 useful to understand really “pure” J/ψ sample 1977 thdhe decay dynam ics o f cc bar a complementary of and light hadrons J/ψ peak data! 1974 Q. Zhao, hep-ph/0508086 2002 η ′ ψ γ π 2004 1975 c in (2S) Æ KSK ψ γπ+π−η (2S) Æ C with untagged gamma M. Voloshin hep-ph/0206240 “ρπ”l” puzzle η π+π−η B( C(2S) Æ C ) = 5-10% Kuang et al. J. Rosner PRD 64 (094002) 2001 Detail study of hC at BESIII P. Wang et al PRD70(114014)2004 Non-DD decay o f ψ(3770): 1980 N. Achasov hep-ph/0505146 η ψ ψ) γη The productions of D0D0, D+D− C(1S) sample from (2S) (J/ Æ C(1S) 1974 used to study the light spectrum M. Voloshin hep-ph/0402171 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 17 Scan will be crucial at BES-BES-III:III: ECM = 37733773--46004600 MeV Opportunity at BESIII to look for new states above the op en charm region. ) * CLEO-c Preliminary Ron Poling talk at Charm2006 CLEO-c PRL 96, 162003 (2006) 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 18 Rare and forbidden quarkonium decays No any evidence beyond SM is found on the accelerators. No any indication beyond SM in Quarkonium decays. Rare and forbidden Charmonium decays : (1) Lepton Flavor/baryon number violating decays; (2) Invisible decays . 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 19 Lepton flavor violating processes in J/ψ decays Lepton flavor violating (LFV) processes are strongly suppressed in the Standard Model by power of (small) neutrino masses. Such decays signal new physics. PRD63, 016003, S. Nussinov, R.D. Peccei and X.M. Zhang ψ → μτ τ → ν ν ψ → τ τ → μν ν J / , e e τ J / e , μ τ BESII upper limit BR(J/ψ Æ eμ)<11) < 1.1×10−6 BR(J/ψ Æ eτ) < 8.3×10−6 BR(J/ψ Æ μτ) < 2.0×10−6 with 58M J/ ψ sample BESII PLB561,,( 49 (2003) μ momentum distribution PLB598, 172(2004) J/ψ Æ eμ, eτ, τμ, the sensitivity can be 10−8 –10−9 at BES-III with 1010 J/ψ events per year J/ψ Æ e− pp,roton +c.c, J/ψ Æ μ− proton +c.c can also be searched for. 2008-6-5Hai-Bo Li (李海波) 20 Invisible quarkonium decays WithiWith in SMthiSM, the inv iiblisible quar kon ium decays are pre ditdbdicted by: hep-ph/9806487, L.N Chang, O.Lebedlev and J. N. Ng With 2-3% uncertainty! One get: Br(Y(1S) Æνν) = 1.0×10−5 Theoretical clean process can be used to test model Br(J/ψ Æ νν) = 2.69 ×10−8 and probe new physics! New physics may enhance the production rate of the invisible dfkiFlMVdkttdidtdecays of quarkonia. For example, MeV dark matter candidates.
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