Written with and for individuals experiencing homelessness to break down the walls. thewall.pages.tcnj.edu ISSUE 12 . WINTER 2017-18 Father and Son Reunite at Rescue Mission After 24 Years Apart By Annette Espinoza & Jared Kofsky “I didn’t want to be absent, I didn’t want to be like my father,” Wilson Between his first and second days told The Wall. working at the Rescue Mission of However, in the early 1990s, Wil- Trenton as part of his new job at the son’s struggles with drug use and sub- Mercer Alliance to End Homeless- sequent periods of incarceration end- ness, Trenton Area Soup Kitchen ed up dividing him from his child, but patron and lifelong Mercer County he always knew that Jackson was out resident Morgan Wilson crossed there somewhere. As Wilson moved paths with an individual that shared into transitional housing, a need grew a unique connection to him. within him to reclaim his family and Wilson remembers the echo of reunite with his missing child. this young man’s name that drew In his mind, Wilson was haunted him out to the lobby that day in by an image of his deathbed and his September 2015. There, in the en- wondering of who would carry his trance where many young men like casket. Who would attend his funeral? him walk in and out for the ser- And what would be said about him? vices at the Rescue Mission, was This rang a need to leave a legacy; a someone named Morgan too. legacy of positivity and hope, and a “I’m sitting down and I’m look- legacy for his sons to carry on. ing at him like a baby,” Wilson rec- Now, Wilson, who has a four-year- ollected in an exclusive interview old son as well, describes himself as a with The Wall. man with so much more at stake and “I said ‘your name’s Morgan? so much more to live for. that he is My name’s Morgan too,” before proud of his story and his efforts to be stepping outside to continue con- “Peaceful Images” a better, more positive person for the versing with the other man. Ethel Mack people that depend on him. As he soon realized, that day, af- Wilson and Jackson were insepa- ter searching for him for over two As Jackson spoke about how he and I realized that this was my son,” rable after their encounter. Although decades, the young man who Mor- was adopted at a young age, and nev- he explained. the feeling of being called ‘dad’ by gan had run into was none other than er knew his father, Wilson became Twenty-four years filled with a 24-year-old man was taboo to Morgan West Jackson, his long lost increasingly confident. trepidation and loss had separated first son. “I listened to his story that day Wilson from Jackson. Continued on Page 2 Rise in Hightstown New Permanent Housing Resource Guide Artist Feature Page 3 Page 5 Pages 6 & 7 Page 8 Organization Women’s Information on Demond shelters, hu- Williams reaches housing man and health contributes to 50 year coming to services, and TCAT from milestone. Trenton. food pantries. Georgia. member when Wilson shared the Father and Son Reunited news with them back in 2015. His Continued from Page 1 two sons, despite being from differ- Wilson, it introduced him to a love ent marriages and having a 22 year like no other—a love that stemmed age gap between them, play togeth- from an understanding and forgive- er and are mentors to each other. He ness from Jackson. hopes that his sons will continue to “He is a good kid,” Wilson re- strive for positive and healthy rela- marked, “better than me when I tionships, and that they will remain was his age.” family oriented and protective of The more that Wilson spoke with one another. his son, the more he learned about the Wilson’s case manager at Oaks son’s life over the previous 24 years. Integrated Care since 2014, Rose Jackson had been adopted by a sub- Bernard, remembers the text mes- urban Philadelphia family as a young sage she received from Wilson that child. He later lived in both New York fall day two years ago. He wrote and New Jersey, before recently re- that something “unbelievable” had turning to the Keystone State, settling occurred to him and that she had to in Scranton and finding a new job as meet with him immediately. They a hotel dishwasher. met outside of Trenton City Hall that “Working hard is in the bloodline,” day and Wilson explained the heart- according to Wilson, “I am so proud warming news. “Country” of him for never giving up.” “I’m supposed to help him, but John Jacobs Although Scranton lacks direct I think he’s helped me more,” said public transportation to Trenton, and Bernard, describing Wilson’s story visits between Wilson and Jackson as one of inspiration. are rare, both speak frequently, espe- “Although you go through some cially since Jackson’s adoptive moth- hellish situations sometimes, there’s Poetry er, Frances, passed away in 2014. always light at the end of the tun- The Soup Kitchen Lillian Doughtery “He is very protective of me, nel,” says Wilson. “You’ve just got- said Wilson. “I am the only person ta’ keep pushing.” he has left.” So what does the future hold for Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, Wilson describes how his son “got Wilson and all of his relatives? an inspiring place to be. me in the loop” by signing him up After putting himself together again Facebook, and speaks fondly of Jack- “like a puzzle,” Wilson is enjoying the It’s full of surprises and there is so much to see. son coming to the capital city recently joys of life with his sons and his en- You’ll meet all kinds of people without any strife. to sleep over, share drinks and stories, tire family by his side. In fact, Wilson Who come in and out from all walks of life. and discover additional commonali- is ready to grow the family and hopes ties between the two of them. As it to be a grandfather. For now, though, Some of them homeless, lonely, and abused. turned out, both Wilson and Jackson Wilson looks forward each year to Some of them addicts whose minds are confused. had overcome a variety of obstacles March when both of his sons celebrate in their lives, developed an interest in their birthdays and Jackson comes Some are still struggling. boxing, and shared a sense of ambi- back to his birthplace, Trenton. Some find their way. tion to be better men. “The bond that we have is incred- “When he heard about all of ible,” said Wilson. “I just wish he But they all have been blessed to be here today. the things I had overcome, he said wasn’t so far away.” Some just eat lunch and some share their stories, ‘Dad, you’re the greatest’,” Wil- from a world full of violence they let go of their worries. son recalled. Although in the two years since Rescue Mission of Trenton The people who work there will put a smile on your face. their first reunion, Wilson continues 98 Carroll Street They give a positive influence that affects the whole human race. to miss Jackson, he is not the only Trenton, NJ 08609 one to. Wilson’s four-year old son So if you would like to meet our family, we invite you to come. asks for his brother consistently, as Phone: (609) 695-1436 What we do is for many not just for some. do his sisters, his cousins, and his grandmother, who were equally www.rescuemissionoftrenton.org excited about regaining a family pg 2 . The Wall Missing Love Poetry Hightstown Organization Alice Evans Celebrates 50 Years of Service There is quiet in my life only your whispers bring. By Kristen Frohlich rector Leslie Koppel, the Holiday I listen in silence to the music your heart sings. Gift Program has tripled from I rest upon your loving thoughts, enjoying this peace of mind, In 1967, a small group of com- 300 to 1,000 kids over the past inside that peacful tenderness only with you I’d find. munity stakeholders opened the several years. doors to the organization, Com- “Rise has a really strong pro- There are no hidden feelings, everything is very clear. munity Action Service Center, gram in place to fulfill the basic We ride the truth together, there is no hurry and no fear. Inc. (CASC) in an ongoing effort needs of those we serve, but our Just living in the moment for whatever it may bring. to fight poverty. Transportation future goals involve trying to go No thoughts of any other thing. services, however, posed a chal- more in-depth with each of these This moment is where I live. lenge to many of CASC’s clients, efforts,” Koppel said. More spe- therefore turning their work into cifically, Rise has plans to expand You have another life. that of a lifeline and essential ser- their Rise to College Readiness Another true reality. vice agency. program, an initiative that helps We both accept that is how it is. After 40 years of work across local students obtain the supplies It is the same for me. four locations in Mercer County, that they need before college. But when I need that quiet space to let my feelings roam, the name CASC was changed to Rise also wants to increase the the whispers of your loving heart are there to take me home.
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