3. REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN 3.1. Optimization of Use of Water and Energy Resources in the Syrdarya Basin Under Current Conditions, G. Petrov and S. Navruzov G. Petrov, Vice-President, State Joint Stock Holding Company Barki Tochik and S. Navruzov, Head, Water Resources Department, Ministry of Reclamation and Water Economy Republic of Tajikistan 1.1 Water Resources of the Syr Darya Basin Kairakkum Reservoir is the only big reservoir of Tajikistan located in the Syr Darya basin and being a part of the multiple-purpose hydrocomplex. The Kairakkum hydrocomplex was put into operation in 1957. Tables 1-5 present the reservoir water balances with all components for years typical for water availability. Main characteristics attributed to the reservoir operation mode for 1987-1999 is given in Table 6 and may be used in future calculations. Note 1. The balances presented in the report should not be regarded as a basis for calculations as in the years concerned the Kairakkum hydrocomplex operated in the irrigation mode and did not meet the interests of Tajikistan that was not offered any appropriate compensation. 2. The balances demonstrate big discrepancy if to take into account the reservoir water storage. It means that the basic water release and storage data are not sufficiently accurate to build a mathematical model and require correction in the future. 103 Table 1 Water Balance of Kairakkum HPP’s Reservoir for 1964 (water availability – 103% of the rate) FLOW (million m3) Accumulation Elevation (+) by the Months INFLOW CONSUMPTION Drawdown (-) end of the To the Precipitation DCF Total For Idle Evaporation Water Total month section of Inflow inflow generating Emptying withdrawal water Akjar electricity by withdrawal station pumping from stations reservoir January 772 0.71 772.71 1,031.8 1,031.8 -259.10 344,3 February 809 15.4 824.40 699.2 699.2 +124.80 344,8 March 1,030.8 9 1,039.80 750.4 11.6 14.47 776.47 +263.33 344,5 April 1,520 8.9 1,528.90 1,623.9 20.8 27.2 1,671.9 -143.00 344,25 May 1,801.7 6.7 1,808.40 1,849.2 70.9 52.2 1,972.3 -163.90 343,63 June 2,9581 4.4 2.962.50 1,680.9 38.85 98.9 70.7 1,889.35 +1073.15 343,25 July 2,951.9 2.1 2,954.00 2,023.4 345.72 107 81.4 2,557.52 +390.48 347,66 August 1,643 1,643.00 1,993.9 214.4 87.7 81.2 2,377.2 -734/20 346,55 September 946.2 946.20 1,377.9 60 65.8 1,503.7 -557.50 345,46 October 1,108.8 1,108.80 1,168.5 51 29.9 1,249.4 -140.60 345,16 November 1,129.8 0.4 1,130.20 1,124.1 24.7 19.3 1,168.1 -37.90 345,2 December 901.2 0.9 902.10 1,165.8 10.8 1,176.6 -274.5 344,73 Growing 11,820.90 22.10 11,843.00 10,549.20 598.97 445.30 378.50 11,971.97 season Ungrowing 5,751.6 26.41 5,778.01 5,939.80 0.00 98.10 63.67 6,101.57 season Mean 1,464 4.04 1,468.42 1,374.08 49.91 45.28 36.85 1,506.13 value Annual 17,572.50 48.51 17,621.01 16,489.00 598.97 543.40 442.17 18,073.54 -452.53 total: 104 Table 2 Water Balance of Kairakkum HPP’s Reservoir for 1971 (water availability – 103% of the rate) FLOW (million m3) Accumulation (+) Elevation Months INFLOW CONSUMPTION Drawdown (-) by the end of To the Precipitation DCF Total For Idle Evaporation Water Total the section of Inflow inflow generating Emptying withdrawal water month Akjar electricity by pump withdrawal station stations from reservoir January 1,142 0.4 1 1,143.40 1,378 0 0 0 1,378 -234.60 346.31 February 961 6.2 0 967.20 1,269 0 20.6 0 1,289.6 -322.40 345.7 March 1,079 2.8 6.4 1,088.20 792 0 12.7 36.7 841.4 246.80 346.18 April 1,465 12.9 7.8 1,485.70 1,265 0 38.8 78.8 1,382.6 103.10 346.58 May 2,046 2.2 6.7 2,054.90 1,919 0 92.2 86.9 2,098.1 -43.20 346.71 June 3,268 0 6.3 3,274.30 2,137 727 105.8 90.8 3,060.6 213.70 347.33 July 1,533 0 6.7 1,539.70 2,131 0 100.9 98 2,329.9 -790.20 345.83 August 927 0 7.5 934.50 1,863 0 76.9 96.4 2,036.3 -1101.80 342.63 September 877 0 9.2 886.20 632 0 45.4 82.1 759.5 126.70 343.12 October 1,132 1.1 10.2 1,143.30 702 0 39.6 49.3 677.9 465.40 344.48 November 1,139 1 10.3 1,150.30 702 0 23.5 24.1 749.6 400.70 345.75 December 897 9.8 9.3 916.10 1,297 0 20.8 0 1,317.8 -401.70 344.83 Growing 10,116.00 15.10 44.20 10,175.30 9,947.00 727.00 460.00 533.00 11,667.00 season Ungrowing 6,350 21.3 37.2 6,408.50 6,027.00 0.00 117.20 110.10 6,254.30 season Mean 1,372 3.03 6.78 1,381.98 1,331.17 60.58 48.10 53.59 1,493.44 value Annual 16,466.00 36.4 81.4 16,583.80 15,974.00 727.00 577.20 643.10 17,921.30 -1,337.50 total: 105 Table 3 Water Balance of Kairakkum HPP’s Reservoir for 1973 (water availability – 105% of the rate) FLOW (million m3) Accumulation Elevation Months INFLOW CONSUMPTION (+) by the Drawdown (-) end of To the Precipitation DCF Total For Idle Evaporation Water Total the section of Inflow inflow generating emptying withdrawal withdrawal month Akjar electricity by from the station pumping reservoir stations January 837 4.9 9.2 851.10 1,242.2 0 20 0 1,262.2 -411.10 345.84 February 886 9.7 9 904.70 813.3 0 0.5 0 813.8 90.90 344.88 March 995 9.6 10.9 1,015.50 887.1 0 14 13.2 914.3 101.20 345.22 April 1,735 10.5 14.3 1,759.80 1,493.2 0 26.4 67 1,586.6 173.20 345.66 May 2,780 6.4 13.6 2,800.00 2,284.7 451.3 72.2 81 2,889,.2 -89.20 346.1 June 3,347 0.8 14.4 3,362.20 2,127.5 838.8 112.3 80.6 3,159.2 203.00 346.57 July 2,204 0 17.7 2,221.70 2,165 561.7 108.2 105.1 2,940 -718.30 347.28 August 1,065 0 20 1,085.00 2,128.5 110.6 79.5 102 2,420.6 -1335.60 346.45 September 905 1.4 24.1 930.50 870.9 0 44.9 75.1 990.9 -60.40 343.43 October 1,123 0.1 25.5 1,148.60 762 0 22.3 48 832.3 316.30 342.33 November 973 2.5 23.3 998.80 687.1 0 23.2 39.2 749.5 249.30 343.39 December 743 0.5 20.6 764.10 830.6 0 8.2 0 838.8 -74.70 344.36 Growing 12,036.00 19.10 104.10 12,159.20 11,069.80 1,962.40 443.50 510.80 13,986.50 season Ungrowing 5.557 27.3 98,.5 5,682.80 5,222.30 0.00 88.20 100.40 5,410.90 season Mean 1,466 3.87 16.88 1,486.83 1,357.68 163.53 44.31 50.93 1,616.45 value Annual 17,593.00 46.4 202.6 17,842.00 16,292.10 1,962.40 531.70 611.20 19,397.40 -1,555.40 total: 106 Table 4 Water Balance of Kairakkum HPP’s Reservoir for 1974 (water availability – 51% of the rate) FLOW (million m3) Accumulation Elevation Months INFLOW CONSUMPTION (+) by the Drawdown (-) end of To the Precipitation DCF Total For Idle Evaporation Water Total the section Inflow inflow generating Emptying withdrawal withdrawal month of Akjar electricity by from station pumping reservoir stations January 833 6.8 15.9 855.70 653.5 0 6.5 0 660 195.70 345.15 February 801 6.9 14.5 822.40 495.9 0 5.8 0 501.7 320.70 346.2 March 933 6.6 17.6 957.20 468.7 0 10.9 12.6 492.2 465.00 347.3 April 661 22.5 24.8 708.30 663.5 0 51.9 68.8 784.2 -75.90 347.15 May 581 6.6 25 612.60 1.001.7 0 82.3 93.3 1,177.3 -564.70 346.19 June 326 0.9 21.8 348.70 1,480 98.4 87.2 85.7 1,751.3 -1402.60 341.97 July 468 0.7 27 495.70 1,291 21.4 45 79.6 1,437 -941.30 336.46 August 936 1.5 30.8 968.30 723.2 375 16 71.3 1,185.5 -217.20 334.4 September 708 0.03 33.7 741.73 471.7 20.7 15.1 64.7 572.2 169.53 336.77 October 960 0.2 33.6 993.80 286.6 0 19.1 45.5 351.2 642.60 340.97 November 746 2.9 32.6 781.50 435.4 0 15.6 41.6 492.6 288.90 342.33 December 552 9.7 30 591.70 803.5 0 16 0 819.5 -277.80 341.93 Growing 3,680.00 32.23 163.10 3,875.33 5,631.10 515.50 297.50 463.40 6,907.50 season Ungrowing 4,825 33.1 144.2 5,002.30 3,143.60 0.00 73.90 99.70 3,317.20 season Mean 709 5.44 25.61 739.80 731.23 42.96 30.95 46.93 852.06 value Annual 8,505.00 65.33 307.3 8,877.63 8,774.70 515.50 371.40 563.10 10,224.70 -1,347.07 total: 107 Table 5 Water Balance of Kairakkum HPP’s Reservoir for 1978 (water availability – 81% of the rate) FLOW (million m3) Accumulation Elevation Months INFLOW CONSUMPTION (+) by the Drawdown (-) end of To the Precipitation DCF Total For Idle Evaporation Water Total the section of Inflow inflow generating emptying withdrawal water month Akjar electricity by withdrawal station pumping from stations reservoir January 621 10.1 45.9 677.00 559 0 10.4 0 569.4 107.60 343.05 February 768.5 5.6 45.9 820.00 267.6 0 0 0 267.6 552.40 344.72 March 856 8 45.9 909.90 265 0 15.9 0 280.9 629.oo 346.38 April 1,053 20.5 45.9 1,119.40 434 0 45.3 24.5 503.8 615.60 347.49 May 965 16.2 45.9 1,027.10 1,560 0 75.9 43.5 1,679.4 -652.30 346.25 June 1,240 3.3 45.9 1,289.20 2,040 0 70,.2 62.8 2.173 -883.80 343.86 July 825 0 45.9 870.90 1,870 0 69 77.9 2,016.9 -1146.00 339.54 August 959 0 45.9 1,004.90 1,340 0 23 68.5 1,431.5 -426.60 336.05 September 618 0 34.3 652.30 473 0 15 57.2 545.2 107.10 336.88 October 738 0.2 11.1 749.30 271 0 13.1 35.3 319.4 429.90 339.62 November 665 4.4 14.1 683.50 252 0 12.5 6.6 271.1 412.40 341.54 December 842 5.4 17.5 864.90 290 0 10 0 300 594.90 343.71 Growing 5,660.00 40.00 263.80 5,963.80 7,717.00 0.00 298.40 334.40 8,349.80 season Ungrowing 4,490.5 33.7 180.4 4,704.60 1,904.60 0.00 61.90 41.90 2,008.40 season Mean 846 6.14 37.02 889.03 801.80 0.00 30.03 31,.
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