November 3, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7717 to try something new, Ashley em- Force Personnel Center, it is awarded years, first in his home State of Mis- braced the opportunity whole- by the Secretary of the Air Force to sissippi and in Alabama since 1986. He heartedly. units that ‘‘distinguished themselves began his career in Alabama as the di- Ashley has achieved several impres- by exceptionally meritorious service or rector of the Division of Disease Con- sive titles as a result of her hard work. outstanding achievement.’’ trol from 1986 to 1988. He then served as Ashley is a three-time first place North The 366th FW earned the award for the director of the Bureau of Preventa- Regional Champion, as well as the the period of June 1, 2014, to May 31, tive Health Services from 1988 to 1992, North Regional Most Outstanding Lift- 2015, and is credited with 9,200 hours when he was appointed as the State er on the light-weight platform. Addi- spent in the air. When making the health officer and director of the Ala- tionally, Ashley broke the bench and nomination, U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. bama Department of Public Health. deadlift records at North Regionals. Mark C. Nowland cited the fighter Dr. Williamson received his medical Moreover, Ashley is a three-time first wing’s ‘‘determination and relentless degree, cum laude, from the University place Louisiana State Champion. Ash- pursuit of excellence.’’ He noted a num- of Mississippi School of Medicine and ley has earned the Billy Jack Talton ber of the wing’s accomplishments: the completed a residency in internal med- Award for Best Lifter in the State of successful use of airpower during Re- icine at the University of Virginia Hos- Louisiana and has placed second at public of Korea theater security pack- pital. both the national meet in Killeen, TX, age operations; the Gunfighters ex- His devotion to health and public service has been recognized on numer- for 2013–2014 and the national meet in panded their airspace by 25 percent, ous occasions. He received the 2011 Na- Milwaukee, WI, for 2014–2015. supporting seven military branches than Davis Award from the AMA for On May 15, 2015, Ashley earned first from five countries during five major outstanding public service by a career place at the Men’s and Women’s exercises; and the achievement of an public servant at the State level; the Powerlifting National Meet in San An- impeccable personal training pass rate. 2009 Wallace Alexander Clyde Award tonio, TX; Ashley’s first place award Lieutenant General Nowland wrote, from Children’s Hospital; the 2000 Ar- qualified her to join TEAM USA and to ‘‘Whether at home training for current thur T. McCormack Award from the compete at the International and future contingencies or sending Association of State and Territorial Powerlifting Federation, IPF, Cham- Airmen downrange to complete combat Health Officials for dedication and ex- pionship held in Prague, Czech Repub- operations, the Gunfighters exemplify the Fly, Fight and Win ethos.’’ cellence in public health; the 1999 lic, on August 28–September 6, 2015. Theodore R. Ervin Award from the Talented competitors from 28 nations The more than 4,680 military and ci- Public Health Foundation; and the 1999 competed at the IPF Championship. vilian members and approximately Child Health Advocate Award from the Ashley rose to the challenge, receiving 4,590 family members of the 366th FW American Academy of Pediatrics. He the gold medal in the 94.5 pound weight have a long history of excellence. It has been awarded the Air Force Out- also was the recipient of the 1997 D.G. class for the Sub-Junior and Junior Gill Award from the Alabama Public USA Team. Ashley earned the second standing Unit Award 17 times, dating back to its accomplishments in 1966 Health Association for outstanding place silver medal for squatting 275 contribution to public health in Ala- pounds, the first place gold medal for and as recent as 2012. The work of the wing’s servicemembers also earned bama and the 1998 Internist of the Year benching 159.5 pounds, and the first Meritorious Unit Awards in both 2008 Award from the Alabama Society of In- place gold medal for deadlifting 326.5 and 2009. These are just a few of its rec- ternal Medicine. In addition, he has pounds. Each lift event included three ognitions. held leadership roles in several na- attempts. On Ashley’s second attempt Various divisions of the wing have tional and State organizations, includ- for the deadlift, she broke the world also received numerous awards. The ing the Association of State and Terri- record by lifting 309.1 pounds; Ashley wing’s maintenance group was ac- torial Health Officials. immediately broke this record on her knowledged as ‘‘Outstanding Mainte- For the last 3 years, Dr. Williamson third attempt by lifting 326.5 pounds, nance Unit’’ for their efforts during a has held two of the largest jobs in now the new world record. Ashley also massive aerial combat training exer- State government, serving both as set the new world record for total cise at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. health officer and chairman of the Ala- weight lifted, by lifting a combined 761 The 366th Security Forces Squadron bama Medicaid Transition Taskforce. pounds during the squat, bench, and was also named ‘‘Most Outstanding Se- Governor Robert Bentley appointed Dr. deadlift events. curity Forces Medium Unit in Air Com- Williamson to serve as chairman of the Powerlifting is both physically and bat Command.’’ The 366th Force Sup- transition taskforce at a time when the mentally demanding, but not insur- port Squadron was selected as the best Medicaid Program was on the brink of mountable for Ashley, who finds sup- force support squadron in Air Combat failing. port in God, her family, her coach, and Command, ACC, and the base’s medical During his tenure, All Kids, Ala- her powerlifting team. Through blood, group is the top rated in ACC. bama’s public health insurance for sweat, and tears, Ashley welcomes the The commitment and dedication of children, was recognized nationally for challenges and celebrates how the the thousands of courageous and ac- its success in reducing the number of sport teaches her about how to over- complished Americans who call Idaho uninsured children. As the chairman of come life’s obstacles. home is beyond impressive. We are the Medicaid transition taskforce, he Ashley Mitchell makes our commu- blessed to have many knowledgeable helped rescue the Alabama Medicaid nity, State, and country very proud. and brave individuals and their fami- Agency and restructured the Medicaid Today I join my colleagues in honoring lies protecting our Nation. I congratu- Program. Under his direction, the Med- this young woman’s tremendous effort late the 366th Fighter Wing on its icaid Program will be transformed into and dedication.∑ many successes.∑ Regional Care Organizations and Pa- f f tient Care Networks. This new struc- ture represents a shift from treating an RECOGNIZING THE 366TH FIGHTER TRIBUTE TO DR. DONALD illness or injury to focusing on overall WING WILLIAMSON health and well-being and will lead to ∑ Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, I wish to ∑ Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, it is improved health outcomes for many honor Mountain Home Air Force Base’s with great pleasure and the highest re- Alabamians. 366th Fighter Wing, which recently gard that I speak on the accomplish- Dr. Williamson has demonstrated the earned the Air Force Outstanding Unit ments of my valued constituent and ability to find solutions for seemingly Award. Congratulations to the skilled friend, Dr. Donald Williamson. On Oc- insurmountable challenges and has and dedicated men and women who tober 31, 2015, Dr. Williamson con- been a calm, strong voice of reason and serve in the 366th Fighter Wing for cluded 23 years as Alabama’s State common sense in the most difficult of their outstanding service to our Na- health officer and 29 years of service in times. Throughout his career, he con- tion. the Department of Public Health. tinued to find new ways of making The Outstanding Unit Award was cre- Dr. Williamson has served the public Medicaid work for its patients and the ated 61 years ago. According to the Air health community for more than 30 physicians who treat them. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:20 Nov 04, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03NO6.039 S03NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE.
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