LOCAL MENTION. A RAID ON THE RIVER AMUSEMENTS. McGARRA HAN'S ESTATE:. CITY ITEMS. THE WEATHER, It Wua but H» LM» a Wealth of Th«? Emmet Guards..The benefit to the Small, R Emmet which will take at OotllM llol Catllfurnln Claret, ft. Barber & 8 Guards, place Friendships. Pure Kye W hiskey, 5 yrs. old. tt&c. Ross, Forrriul Till p.m. Saturday. tomorrow to qt. of Arresting Violators ofthe Fish Protection Albaugh's night, promises Yesterday afternoon Luke Devlin of this Pure Port Wine, rich and crusty, qt., 50c. Corner iith and G Sis. For the District Columbia. Mar) land be an affair. There will be a (iolden Catawba, and enjoyable city petitioned for letters of administration elegant bouquet, . Virginia, fair: southwesterly winds, Laws. number of and amateur | lmpl. Lime Juice (fr^h), 15c. probably fair Sunday. large professional on the estate of the late William McGarra- Process volunteers, and the program will be an at¬ remem¬ Flour. 3oc.. .Wc.. }1 per sack. Condition of the Mater. hau. a claimant who will ions be Imported Sardines. 2 for a>c.; 2 salmon and condition of 8 tractive one. Members of the Strakosch bered because of the unceasing efforts made for 'Stc.; 4 boxes Temperature water at Police Take to Sardines for 2ic.; 3 l^arge a m : Great Falls, temperature. 00; condi¬ Small Boat* and Make Opera Company will participate, as will by him. The petition pathetically pictures Mustards tor 'Joe. All goods warranted. tion. :u>. receiving reservoir, temperature, 1"lt« a Hani.(a Court also Miss Bertha Lincoln, Miss Lavlnla the pain and poverty of "Billy" Mctiarra- Prompt delivery. 70; condition at north connection. 24; con¬ Mrs. Pearl Van Vleck, Miss Helen It P. K. WILSON, US4 7th St. n.w. dition at south connection, 3d; distributing Shine, han's last days, the petitioner statins that Today. Prentiss Donohue, Miss Carrie Pryor, Mr. he files the by reason of being the Tea and CofTc-e reservoir, temperature, 73; condition at in¬ Giles Shine, Mr. Geo. D. Scott, Mr. J. J. petition Specials. Johnston's.paye 7. fluent gate house. :W; effluent gate house, :.6. of the reafest friend of the deceased, and values It la Sheehan and others. One feature en¬ the estate at of one small Simply WuttUrrfnl, tertainment will be a selected series of $40, consisting Over «*> lots sold at "Del Hay" in the OPENS TOMORROW 10 M. Persons who operate flsh neU in the gold watch and chain, one gold ring, two A. stereoptlcon views by Mr. Roginski. in the last six weeks and twenty-three houses FIRST OKEAT SALE waters of the Potomac In the District satchels and a trunk, all now posses¬ are a The Emmets will go to Little Rock to sion of the and Senator Kppa started. There few more choice lots Misfit and Uncalled-for Garments. limits, and are successful enough to catch participate in the interstate drill, and they petitioner at IllKi and J150 each. Our terms are We hive an with are so Hunton. iATURDAY. completed arrangement shad or do so working hard that they may bring down and $1.1*) weekly on each lot. Kx- the merchant tailors of the United herring, In violation of two It is prayed that the letters of admlnis- leading laws, now that it Is 10. back a prize. Their friends will have an op¬ curslon Sunday, at 2:45 p.m. Tickets. 10 Stat cm whereby all of their misfit and un¬ later than June to a tration b? granted without costs, because our Not portunity of seeing what degree of per¬ of the of The next of cents, of agents, at ttie Pennsylvania called-for garments will be consigned to us only do they violate the 10-years law fection in drill they have attained, for the smallness the estate. depot. Wood. Harmon & Co., Mo. 525 lath for sale. Our store will be the outlet for for the of ths flsh in the Poto- most kin r<umed are Patrick Stanton, Sing Sing, protection Interesting thing on the program Sat¬ N. and 111., street northwest. Jel5-2t *the leading tailors of New York. Philadel¬ mac. but they also violate the act of 1882, urday night will be an exhibition drill, in Y. Nicholas Stanton, Joliet, Cleveland. Cincin¬ both of whom are adults. Carets. Clarets, Clarets..We will phia. Boston, Chicago. which provides a of IT. for each which the Emmets will put forth their best give "sale" nati. Pittsburg. Ac. They have adopted penulty efforts. A large number of tickets has al¬ you a Pure Claret Wine.something very A of Summer Household, Lawn shad or in or ex- i this method of disposing of garments that herring found possession, ready been sold, and It is expected that Chance for Motlirrn. fine, for J2.50 per dozen. M. METZGER Vara misfits or have remained uncalled for. posed for sale, fresh, after June 10. Ever even Albaugh's will not be large tinough to Boys' *2.30, *{, J3..10, $1 and $5 wool short COMPANY. 417 7th St. n.w.. Grocers. It* and Garden l It We Can Fit You the Price Will Be Less since the re-enactment of the law for the contain those who desire to tribute to Necessities at prices lower pay punts suits reduced to $1.85 at Parker, Oil? and Stains at 714 K Than One-tnlrd Actual Value. protection of fish In the river, the members this popular organization. Gen. OriW^ay Bridget * Company's, 315 7th street..Advt. Purest n.w. In this sale are Men's Suits which were and Jel5-f&tu-4t ot the crew of the police boat Joe Bl&ck- staff will occupy a box, company X>, than what other dealers pay at wholesale. made to order at prices ranging from $25 ! fourth battalion, will go In a body, and to tOV-and if your size is here you can buy burn have exerted themselves in an effort sixty tickets have been taken by the Gon- Keal lace window hangings, portieres and Hotel Johu.on Cuft-n. It at just about the cost of the cloth. The to break the unlawful at upholstery goods and many other attrac¬ Marine products of great varieties and We are an up fishing night, zaga College boys. All National Guardsmen entrance building up immense retail .tock also contains a magnificent line of for were certain that a number of will tive articles are now being sold at auction other delicacies. Main to ladles' they appear in uniform. and and 13th street v Men's Trousers. They are In the finest fishermen were the law. The Bethesda Park..The of Be- private sale at the auction rooms ot gents' cafe, front. (Ele¬ violating management & Co., til2 hi re¬ and qualities, and were made to sell at prlccs enactment of the law did not cause any thesda Park has made many JJowllng street, without vators.) It trade, simply by selling only what we from Is to Sir.. we Improvements, serve. Sale every morning at 10 o'clock.. Tanging Of course, can't of the fishermen to dispose of their nets, and on Tuesday night there was a large In the Mn«l Hnnt fur Hargslni lit everybody.that's an impossibility with a and it was known that they were of no attendance that enjoyed the music and Advt. can stock of this' kind.but there are bar- "Value" is often los>t sight of. Not so with guarantee at the lowest big value unless they could be used in the dancing. There will be music |md free cur 4Se. I'nderwear.It's prices possible gains here for those we can tit. river. wet nets were seen thousand will Balbrlgsan the Many mornings dancing tonight, and no more pleaitant way Eighty W'ashlngtonians cheapest, vjilue considered, that was ever We desire to Impress upon you the fact hanging along the river bank to dry, and to spend an evening can be found than to read your advertisement in next Sunday's to Look these items oven we hold a leii.se on shown. HENRY FRANC & SON. Cor. 7th quote. .that this building.and it was natural for the officers to suppose take the cars at U'Jd and M streets and Times. See that it is there..Advt. and D. we are here to stay. Every garment of- that they had been In use. to Jell-co4t will he found go this charming resort. Jfered precisely as represented. Previous to last night the arrests for vio¬ Brookland Hall..This evening tTiere' will A Pontnl llrlnir* It. Soap Powder, 2c. pkg. Johnston's, page 7.' .Our patrons must be thoroughly and com¬ lating this law had been few and far be¬ be a delightful entertainment cftrthe Our incomparably delicious Elgin Butter pletely satisfied in quality, lit and work¬ tween. and the last man arrested, an Alex- Brookland Hall for the benefit of the M. In 3-lb. bricks, 7">e. Sent on approval. T. Picnic Supplies.Potted Meats, Sanllnes, manship. or money will be cheerfully re¬ ardrian, wat ro poor that the court could E. Church In that thriving suburb. Jlr. hi). Daly, 017 La. ave..Advt. Pickels, Olives, &c. funded. Remember the new house.and re¬ nc t, with any degree of conscience, send Phil. E. Baer will have of the M. METZGER member that It will be charge pro¬ COMPANY. open for business the offender to Jail. His plea of poverty gram. which will open with a minstrel first It* 41«7 7th st.
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