.\- Averace Daily Ctrenlfition Tlw Wsdilwr For tte Meath of Blay, IM l Forneast nf U. A Wanther U m m m 6 , 7 6 4 Pair tonight and Thnredwr, IStlSTiriirHlPjr iLuFHllUI ITFlTclill cloudy, scattered tbunderetormfi, Member of toe AndK sligfatly warmer. Barean ot dronlattons Manchester-^A City of VlUage Charm (ClaaMfiad Advertlahig Oa Pags 18) (EIGHTEEN PAGES) VOL. LX., NO. 221 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18,1941 PRICE THREE CEf Confer on Strike of Municipal Employees (^rmany Protests British Admit Libya I Consulate Closing; Forces Withdrawn; Expect Rejection Claims Victory Axis Welles Declines to f)is- Mother Tops close Contents of Note Aetion Taken to Avoid Taken to Him by A ll Her Class Eneireling Movement Thomsen; Will Ask High Command Dc| Separate By German Reinforce­ Belligerents for Safe At Radcliffe dares; ‘Extremelyi , ments After Nazis Are Conduct of Officials. Heavy' Casualties i n Forced to Disclose One of Two Graduates Unit Backed Washington, June 18.—(ff) Furious 3-Day Battle of | ------- Strength; Capture of To Receive Her Degree —A strong (German protest Tanks on Egyptian-1/Vete Engfomlers 4 rew De- Several Hundred Pris­ on the expulsion of Nazi con­ Summa Cum Laudep Libyan Border Claimed oners Is Announced. suls from the United States Wins 3 Coveted Prises* manding Congression­ was delivered to the State De­ al Consideration of Berlin, June 18.--^yp)—^The Cairo, Egypt, June 18.— (ff) partment today, and Sumner Cambridge, Maas., June 18—(P) Welles, undersecretary of battle of the Egyptian-Libyan Proposal fo r Setup* The British Middle E!juit —The mother of three children, state indicated it would be border Has “ ended with com­ command acknowledged today Mrs. Elizabeth Livermore .Forbes flatly rejected. The note was plete victory’’ for the Axis W ashington, June 18— VP) — l:hat the British advance of Boston emerged today as toe t^ e n to Welles by Hans top student in toe graduating class and “ the enemy, overwhelm­ Theire was an increasing demand :orces withdrew yesterday to at Radcliffe college. ed, is retreating,’’ the German among New Englanders today for :'orward positions on the Lib­ Thomsen, German charge d’affaires. She was one of two students In high command declared to­ congressional consideration of es­ yan front to avoid an encir- , the class of 161 to receive her tablishing a separate Air Force In announcing ita receipt, day. The German African cling movement by Grermas : bachelor of arts degree summa In the United States. -Wellea declined to diacloae toe cum laude and. In addition, won corps, reinforced by Italian While many House members reinforcements because “wff contenta of the note except to aay tbe college’s three most-coveted 'troops, inflicted “ extremely said they had not arrived at any had accomplished our objeirt” that it waa a protest against the prizes. Mayor George Lysle, 74, (right) of McKeesport, Pa., conferred with a commltee including George conclusion on toe merit of a separ­ of forcing the Germaita to State Department’s order Monday “It’s easier to do s lot than a heavy’’ losses on the British ate Air Force, they expressed be­ that an German consular offidala Daerr (center) on toe strike of municipal employes In McKces{)ort, after refuatag to talk to John disclose their strength. ' C!ap- little,” she told interviewers. “It’i Bacnes, (left) representative of the Steel Workers Organizing Committee, who had accom{>anled the in the furious three-day bat­ lief it should be seriously consid­ leave toe country by Jt^ 10, On ered. really easier to take four courses strikera’ committee to the city hall. tle of tanks precipitated by ture of “ several hundred the grounds that they bad en­ than to dabble with one, for when Among these was Representa­ man prisoners” and the (ie> gaged In susUvities Inimical to toe the British attempt to plunge tive Smith (D-Conn), a member of 70U take four you know that you welfare of toe United States. _ lave to work bard.’’ across the Egyptian frontier the House Military Affairs (Com­ struction of large numbers of - Avranglng for Departure mittee. Smith, who has long advo­ Axis tanks and guns was offi­ Mrs. Forbes spends week-ends, into Libya in the Salum area, Wellea added, however, that ar­ summer vacations and class days cated stronger air defenses for Italy W m Put the communique said. cially announced. rangements were being made for from 4:30 p. m. to bedtime with British Planes Smash New England harbors, said such “Yesterday, after we had re- It called tod British offensive an tbe departure of the conaula. her children, toe youngest of whom attempt to o{>en toe Axis’ enclKle- a plan might be worthy of adopt­ pulsed several attacks,” the coaqiv This was considered tantasdount ion. was bom in January, 1940. Limit on Cash ment of Tobruk, Libyan port ta munique said, “the enemy bnm gM ' to an announcement that the Ger­ Career Spread Over Five Yean Would Like to Hexr Offlctala up fresh forces with which he a>gj At Western Germany which a British garrison Is be But he said that he would like man note would be rejected out­ The young mother spread her sieged. tempted an encircling movemaffF right. to hear all that Army and Navy college career oVer five years and lik e America Credit Given Air Forces against our forward troopai As tofi Wellea explained that under toe found time to take an active part offlcialas had to aay on toe sub­ ject* before reaching a final con­ had accomplished our objects usual procedure the United States in RadcUffe’s extra-curricular ac­ f A large share of credit waa giv­ forcing him to disclose hls stren gv Bomber. C.u.e Deslnie- T OODS en German and Italian Air Forces clusion. would ask other belligerents for tivities. She was: and Inflicting heavy cewialtiss 6R, the safe conduct of toe consular A member of toe Choral Society Definition on Residents, tion in Industrial Cit- s which, the war bulletin said, forc­ But Representative Downs (D- him, we withdrew slowly to ear; ed the British td yield at sevm l Conn) disclosed he had signed officials on their return direct to for five years. forw ard {KMitions.." Germany. Interpretation of Ex­ les of Cologne and T old toO u it places with fighter and dive-bomb­ er attacks and shot down 14 Brit­ (Oonttaned On Page Ten) The frontier battle had seemed This indicated the arrangements (Conttaued On Page Two) emption on Decree De­ Duesseldorf |n Night. _ to be developing as a British man­ made toe United States would ish planes yesterday alone. The communique voiced praise euver to isolate toe Axis spear­ assure that toe consular officials pends on Washington. head at Salum, JuM aa the BrltUR return directly to Germany rather London, June is.—m — PlRIie Plailt alao for officers and men who, it garrison of Tobruk was encirdsd than go to Latin American coun­ Ruin of Small Bisr squadrons of British said, “proved their worth excel­ Ready to Arm Rome, June 18— (P)— A ^>okes- lently in theee three days of fierce In tbe April’s eastward drive of tries where they might continue bombers, smashing at west- toe A xis. the aetlvltiea which prompted the man said today tbak^ Americans About 2,500 Soldiers fighting in the deeert and aecom- 0|^.fifi)3X)aO3Lior the seventh pUMied g^iantlc deeds.” 99 AiieiBft BbeVTlnwn order that they leave here..._...... Business Seen ta. Italy would be treated hxaoUy Remain on Guard os -Ships to Meet Mo Protest oa Fraestag Assets the same as the United States •successive night, set many Britstn’a North African Army The ILA.F. Middle East com­ mand announced that 20 “enemy” Welles said tbe German protest, flrds and caused widespread Production Goes Back hurled “large Psnser reeerves” In­ treats Italians living ta America aircraft were shot down over the related only to the expulsion order ta toe matter of credit and prop­ to action as-the battle surging Subs’ Threats 0 K Bill Passes destFU<itl5h'''''ifl''’^he industrial To 10 Planes ■ Daily. lUong the Egyptlan-Llbyan front- western desert yesterday, tachif^ against the consuls and not to a er ty freestag. previous order freering all Ger­ cities of Cologne and Duessel­ iir raged all day yesterday, in­ tag in dive bombera kThe definition of American resi­ formed Germans declared today. man and Italian assets In this dents ta Italy and the interpreta­ dorf, the Air Ministry said to­ By The Associated Press The R.AF. acknowledged toe Downey Protests ‘Prop­ Action to Be Taken De­ cotm try. tion of toe Italian decree yester­ day. Bolstered apparently by A further riducUon was ordered Heavy Fighting RefMrted loss of six of their own planes In It was indicated also tost the the day's operations, which it was erty Seizure’ Powers day which exempted such .resi­ new American-built planes, today in the number of troops on Bspeciauy heavy fighting was pends on Attitude of protest did not apply to toe order dents from certain provisions, reported In the rerion of Hslfsys stated Included extensive straftaff duty st the Los Angeles plant of closing three seml-oinclal German Army Seeks Would such as toe blocking of bank ac­ the British smashed also at (Hellflre) {lass east of toe Egypt­ Germany on Protest of Axia columns and bombing «f agencies—toe German library of The N orth J meriesn Aviation Cor- air bases. counts, dejiends on Washington, Nazi shipping and the occu- ian border {>oet o f Salum, where On Sinking of Moor.
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