Holiday Wishes Rockets fall in final Hanukkah traditions Area schoolchildren share Manasquan beats Raritan A large menorah will once again their holiday visions 28-14 for CJ II title light Route 34 in Aberdeen Page 35 Page 52 ______ Serving Aberdeen, Hazlet, Holmdel, Keyport, Matawan and Middletown DECEMBER 9, 1998 40 cents VOLUME 28, NUMBER 49 M an dies after fa ll in s id e w e ll Lincroft resident was replacing pump when platform broke BY LINDA D eNICOLA________ lived alone, could not be Staff Writer reached between last Wednesday evening and Lincroft man lost his Friday night. life in a tragic accident They knew that Leonard A on Friday while had been working on his well, installing a new pump in a but50- he was separated from his foot well on his property. wife and did not five with his Charles Leonard, 47, of two children, a 19-year-old 1249 W . Front St., between daughter and a 16-year-old Merion and Leedsville drives, son, so they did not know fell from a small platform that what had happened to him. was about 20 feet into the The family called police at well. 9:41 p.m. on Friday night. Police believe the platform Police searched the house and broke, causing Leonard to fall went out to the well and found to the bottom which contained a ladder down to the platform. 17 feet of water. The Special Services Unit of Leonard’s body was taken the Middletown Fire to the Monmouth County Department was called, along Medical Examiner’s Office. with the Air Unit, Lincroft Details about funeral arrange­ Fire Company and the ments were not available Lincroft First Aid Squad. Monday. Altogether, there were about According to Detective 30 to 35 rescue workers On the Alexander Wanless, 10, a student at the Perna Dance Center, Hazlet, serves as the celebrated lead rein­ Sgt. Joseph Capriotti, neigh­ scene. deer in Hazlet’s annual Holiday Parade Saturday. More pictures, page 18. bors and family grew con­ Augusto F. Menezes/Greater Media cerned when Leonard, who Continued on page 19 Assembly takes on school-to-work Opposition mounting sity and nature of any career program for their own school district. against career education requirements Related story, page 7 BY MARY DEMPSEY ________ “The school-to-work proposal would Staff Writer limit students’ choices too early in their lives and impose job specific skills train­ pposition by state school boards ing on the educational system at the has prompted the Assembly to expense of instructional time in academic O take aim at eliminating proposed subjects,” it states. school-to-work requirements. The resolution, AR146, is sponsored The resolution, introduced Friday, by Assemblymen E. Scott Garrett (R- Teammates raise Malcolm Postell on their shoulders after Keyport beat Shore “urges that school-to-work provisions be 24th) and Guy F. Talarico (R-38th). Local Regional 6-3 to win the NJSIAA Central Jersey Group I title. For the story, see page 52. eliminated and that local boards of educa­ Assembly members Joseph Azzolina, (R- tion be permitted to determine the neces­ Augusto F. Menezes/Greater Media Continued on page 19 2 INDEPENDENT, DECEMBER 9, 1998 Dec 24th 10-5 H oliday Hoots Dec. 25th Closed " f - 11/27/98; Dec. 31 *110-5 Mon.-Fri., J0 . 9 Saturday l0-6 J a n . 1 s» 1 2 ‘ 5 M arketplace Sunday, noon -5 Route 34, Old Bridge Twp. 732-583-8700 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat., 10-6 • Thurs. & Fri., 10-9 • Sun., 12 noon - 5 BANISTER “W h a t D o W o m e n R e a lly W ant?” r~' " 1 SUSAN GREENE SHOE STUDIO $ io T o o o ff ANY PURCHASE • HANDBAGS • JEWELRY A Division of OF $50.00 O R MORE NINE W EST GROUP INC. • LUGGAGE • ATTACHES 583-8533 H ito rM iss' ______ 5 8 3 - _ 3 6 ? 6 _ ______ [” Receive An Additional 10% OFF ANY ~! . Marketplace • Matawan r $5.00 OFF G1 FOOTWEAR OR HANDBAG PURCHASE 566-4050 With this ad. Limit one coupon per customer. Does not apply to previous purchase or gift certificates. | ANY PURCHASE OF $30.00 OR MORE j Not valid with any other offers. Cannot be used with any other coupon or promotion. With this ad. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 12-26-98. Matawan Store Only. q J Coupon must accompany purchase. Expires 12-26-98. ^Excludes sale items. Expires 12-26-98. Matawan Store Onlyj L. .GJ ■si DON’S J^are^/ft&essities GENERAL NUTRITION CENTER THE LINGERIE & BRA OUTLET Old - tyoAJuo+ted Vo/Uelif- Sttyte 583-3878 4 4 1 -7 2 5 3 ADDITIO NAL Buy One GNC Product At Regular Price 583-7577 Get The 2nd Same GNC Product at All Your Party & Decorating Needs For The Holidays! 2 0 % O F F ALL GREEN TICKETED MERCHANDISE 'k OFF r i O % O F F ANY PURCHASE \ AND ALL MARKDOWN MERCHANDISE (1) one coupon per customer. Not to be combined with any other offers. M ay not be com bined with any other offers, | With this ad. Not valid with any other offers. \ |___________ Expires 12-26-98. Matawan Store Only.__ ______ Matawan Store Only. Excludes sale items.Expires 12-26-98 G| r m T u r p b u i ; y Exciting C ollection THE FINEST IN... WHOLESALE o f W inter & H oliday Fashions Bridal • Communion • Prom formerly L a d y & Accessories ^ * K f D S The Silkworm There's no sale...like WHOLESALE 441-2733 The Marketplace • Matawan » 566-9488 I" $10.00 OFF G~i $2.00 OFF $5.00 O FF any purchase of $40.00 or more Any Purchase of Any Purchase of W ith this coupon. Excludes sale item s. N ot to be com bined G $15 or more $30 or more j w ith any other offers. M ataw an Store Only. Expires 12-26-98.__ | 2904 04 5 Closed Monday .M ataw an O nly Expires 12-26-98 M ataw an O nly Expires 12-26-98J Gifts. 50% to 80% ■“ I ^y(ntm neU e^y Off Everything. HffiSS'BAial 583-0677 WITH THIS COUPON W B s M I RECEIVE AN JVailSa/o/i. ADDITIONAL Tuesday IIVM i’i M i1! 290-0202 SIZES 14-24 20% O F F Marketplace, Matawan A N Y MANICURE & PEDICURE with Erica $ 1 8 .0 0 Morning Location Only SINGLE ITEM COLOR, CUT fie STYLE $ 3 9 .9 9 N ot va lid on suits or 50% off Mds. Cannot be com bined w ith any CAP FROSTING OR PERM $39.99 other offer o r coupon. W ill not be honored on previous purchases, g ift certificates or p rio r layaways. One coupon per custom er per visit. Mention This Ad. Expires 12/26/98 441-1600 Expires 12/24/98. _____________ ______________ CHRISTMAS Fabrics. WAREHOUSE Furniture and inspiration. For All Your c a a o n o i Holiday Needs OOO-ZuZ I alico corners Sewing Classes For AU Ages C - TRIM-A-TREE Bernina Sewing Center From The World Over 566-2121 583-5223 " g ! r - Country G rill J a n s Empress Travel RESTAURANT 583-0808 FULL SERVICE 583-8600 With this coupon TRAVEL AG ENCY $5.00 O F F $50.001 m inim um HAMBURGER PLATTER $10.00 OFF $100.00 minimum 'A Ib. Burger, French Fries, Cole Slaw, 29 0 -1 1 0 3 $20.00 OFF $250.00 minimum H . 9 9 ^ Pickles, Onions, Lettuce 8t Tomato Gift Certificates Available W ith th is coupon. C annot be com bined One coupon p er person. Ho substitutions. Expires 12/26/98 | L. w ith any other offers. Closed Sunday. INDEPENDENT, DECEMBER 9, 1998 3 I n d e x : Amanda Vega, Middletown, shares the role of Clara in an upcoming performance of The Nutcracker. Page 34 HOLIDAY CHEER — Matawan High School seniors bring good cheer to downtown Matawan Friday, painting seasonal scenes on store windows. Jackie Pollack/Greater Media • Classifieds..........Page 61 • Editorials ..........Page 48 • Entertainment.. .Page 34 3 die camping off Sandy Hook • Letters................Page 48 BY LINDA D eNICOLA_____ _____________ fishing for crabs on Saturday and had not • Marketplace . .Page 57 Staff Writer returned as expected on Sunday. They were co-workers from the Easton • Milestones.......... Page 32 MIDDLETOWN — Three Pennsyl­ area, 75 miles west of Sandy Hook, who • Obituaries.......... Page 50 vania fishermen were found dead in a tent had gone on an overnight fishing trip. on an island near Sandy Hook at about A relative, Minh Giang, called park • Police Beat..........Page 51 12:18 p.m. Monday. rangers on Monday at 6:51 a.m. to report • Sports ................Page 52 They apparently died from carbon that the men were missing and were dri­ monoxide poisoning after setting up a ving a red Nissan Sentra with Pennsyl­ •Yesteryear ..........Page47 table-top charcoal grill inside their tent for vania plates. Giang also said that the miss­ warmth. ing men had a boat with no motor and A fourth man was found wandering might be camping on a small island near Phone numbers: incoherently around the campsite on Sandy Hook. Skeleton H ill Island, a small island on the A park ranger searched the park for the Editorial 254-7000 Ext. 8226 bay side of Sandy Hook by Spermacetti vehicle but was unable to find it. FAX 254-0486 Cove. He was being treated for poisoning At 11 a.m.
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