1908. CONGRESSIONAL .R.ECORD- HOUSE,· 3505 creed, and, after a long life of remarkable achievements and JANITOR TO THE COUUITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS. singular usefulness to his State and to his country, he has 1\Ir. CURRIER. 1\fr. Speaker, I offer the following privileged passed away. r eport from the Committee on Accounts. ~~his · is nqt the oc.casion to pay the proper tribute to his The Clerk read as follows : ·j memory, but it behooves me to say that tpe State whose noblest aims and best traditions he has so truly represented will mourn Resolution in lieu of resolution 279. R esolv ed, That there shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the him as it would mourn no other of its illustrious sons. From House for the services of a janitor to the room assigned to the Com­ one end of :Marylan~ to the other he will be missed from mittee on Ways and Means, in the House wing of the Capitol, com­ amongst us as perhaps no other man has ever been missed be­ pensation at the rate of $60 per month, to commence from the time such janitor enters upon the discharge of his duties, which shall be fore. He was the idol of our people. ascertained and evidenced by the chairman of said committee. He was beloved by all classes of the community, and as I left my home this morning the city that he loved and with The question was taken, and the resolution was agreed to. whose progress his own life was interwoven seemed to be cast TELEPHONE MESSENGER. down and pervaded with a full consciousness of the great loss 1\Ir. CURRIER. I also offer the following: that it' has sustained. In his palmy days in certain depart­ ments of his· profession he stood without a peer. In times The Clerk read as follows : gone by of great political turbulence and conflict he had no Mr. CURRIER submitted the following- equal as an orator upon the hustings, and his popularity with " House resolution 280. every element of the people was unsurpassed in my day. uResolved, That there shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House for the services of an additional messenger in charge of Back of it all there was that which is greater than learning telephones on the floor of the House (east side) compensation at the and success and eloquence and popularity, and that was his rate of $1,200 per annum, payable monthly, until otherwise provided stainless and unblemished character in public and in private for by law." life. It was an honor and a Yictory to die as he did. Conscious The question was taken, and the resolution was agreed tc. until within a moment of his death, it must have been a glori­ On motion of 1\Ir. CURRIER, a motion to reconsider the yote by ous realization, inexpressible in words, for him to feel that as which the several resolutions were agreed to was laid on the he passed into the presence of his Maker he could look back table. upon a life dedicated to the performance of public and private DAM ACROSS J A.MES RIVER, MISSOURI. duties in strict accord with the prompting of his heart and the dictates of his conscience. 1\Ir. RUSSELL of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous Mr. President, genius and ability may perish without hardly consent ·for the present consideration of the bill H . R. 17707. a record of their work or a remembrance of their deeds, but a The bill was read, as follows : · A bill (H. R. 17707) to authorize William H. Standish to construct a character like his never dies; it stands forth as a beacon light, dam across James River, in Stone County, Mo., and divert a portion shedding its rays upon the generations that are to come and of its waters through a tunnel into the said river again to create casting its halo upon the shores of eternity. electric power. B e it enacted, etc., That William H. Standish, o! Reeds Springs, Stone Mr. President, I now send to the desk and ask for the imme­ County, Mo., his heirs and assigns, be, and they are hereby, authorized diate consideration and adoption of the following resolutions. to construct, maintain, and operate a dam in the big bend of The VICE-PRESIDE~'T. The resolutions will be read by the the James River in township 23 north, range 24 west, in the county of Stone and State o! Missouri, across the said James River at said point. Secretary. And t hat at the narrows in said bend he and they are hereby author­ The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows : ized to impound and by canal and tunnel to divert and conduct across R esolv ed, That the Senate has heard with profound soTrow of the said narrows such portion of the water in said . river, through said death of the Bon. WrLLIAI'li PINKNEY WHYTE, late a Senator from the tunnel, into said -river aga in as may be necessary for electric·power s~~ ~ Mu~an~ A purposes, all subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the R esolved, That the Secretary communicate these proceedings to the act of Congress entitled "An act to regulate the construction of dams }louse of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of across navigable waters," approved June 21, 1906. the deceased Senator, and that as a further mark of respect to his mem­ SEc. 2. That the construction of said dam and tunnel shall be com­ ory the Senate do now adjourn. menced within two years of the passage of said act, and be completed within five years from the date of the passage of this act. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The' question is on agreeing to the SEc . 3. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby resolutions. expressly reseryed. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 The amendments recom,mended by the committee were read, o'clock and 8 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to­ as follows: morrow, Thursday, March 19, 1908, at 12 o'clock meridian. In line 3, page 1, after the word "That," insert "the consent of Congress is hereby given to." ize~~ . ,lines 4 and 5, page 1, strike out " be, and they ~re hereby, authcr- In lines 9 and 10, page 1, stt·ike out "that at the narrows in said HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. bend he and they are hereby a uthorized," and in line 10, page 1 af-ter the word "impound," insert "at the narrows in said bend." ' WEDJ\TESDAY, lJI arch 18, 1908. At the end of section 1 add the following: ' •; P r ovided, 'l'hat the Secretary of War shall have at all times controf The House met at 12 o'clock m. of the use of the water, even t o the extent of causing t he persons firms, or co1:porations taking advantage of the privileges granted herein: The following prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Rev. to cease usmg the water whenever the same may be necessary f or HENRY N . CoUDEN, D. D . navigation: And provided further, That should the United States in Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, in. whose all-encircling the work of improving the aforesaid river find it necessary to flood the aforesaid tunnels or in any way affect the flow of water through them love we dwell and through whose never-failing ministrations the owners or operators of aforesaid tunnels shall have no claim against our existence is continued moment by moment, hour by hour. the United States for damage on a ccount of said flooding of the tunnels Guide us, we beseech Thee, by Thy Holy Spirit of truth to do or sa id effect on the flow of water through them." Thy will, that we may build for ourselves characters which Strike out all of section 2 and renumber section 3 to section 2. shall be an everlasting memorial to our Maker. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Again we are called upon to chronicle the passing a way of 1\fr. FLOYD. Reserving the right to object, I want to ask one more of the Congressional family, whose long life and public some questions about the bill. career have gained for him an everlasting place in the history '.l'he SPEAKER. Does the gentleman yield 1 of his State and nation. Comfort his friends, colleagues, and 1\Ir. RUSSELL of Missouri. I yield. family with the blessed promises of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, 1\Ir. FLOYD. I will ask the gentleman to state if this bill af­ our Lord. Amen. fects the White River in 1\fissouri or the James RiYer? The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ Mr. RUSSELL of l\Iissouri. It applies to the James River proved. wholly within the State of Missouri. Mr. FLOYD. I will ask you if this is in keeping with your INDIAN APPROPRIATION BILL. original proposition, that the James River should be declared 1\Ir. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to unnaviga-ble? take from the Speaker's table the Indian appropriation bill, to l\Ir. RUSSELL of Missouri. It is not. That bill was re­ further insist on the disagreement to the Senate amendments, jected by the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; and agree to the conference requested. and this bill was at their instance prepared and unanimously' The SPEAKER.
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