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YOUTH IS BACK. firmer wrinkles skin fade 97% 88% moisturized radiant skin skin 97% 97% * Results from self-evaluation tests on 40 women after 28 days. after on 40 women tests self-evaluation from * Results PATENTED Available at neimanmarcus.com and bergdorfgoodman.com INTERNATIONAL EDITION JULY 10 - 17, 2020 _ VOL.175 _ NO.01 FEATURES IN GOOD COMPANY Corporate philanthropy and social 10 32 responsibility in times of COVID-19 Stepping A Global Up Reckoning COVER CREDIT Corporate philanthropy has Black Lives Matter protests have Illustration by Alex Fine for Newsweek often been slow, calculating and sprung up in dozens of countries. overly cautious. COVID-19 has Leaders of the movement speak out on changed all that at least for now. the changes that need to happen now. For more headlines, go to NEWSWEEK.COM GRAPHIC BY PAUL NAUGHTON PAUL GRAPHIC BY BY SAM HILL & HANK GILMAN BY CHANTAL DA SILVA 1 */2%$/(',725ʝ,1ʝ&+,() _ Nancy Cooper '(387< (',725ʝ,1ʝ&+,() Diane Harris CREATIVE DIRECTOR Michael Goesele INTERNATIONAL EDITION EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Hank Gilman JULY 10 - 17, 2020 _ VOL.175 _ NO.01 DIGITAL DIRECTOR Laura Davis US NEWS DIRECTOR Juliana Pignataro MANAGING EDITOR Melissa Jewsbury OPINION EDITOR Josh Hammer DEPARTMENTS SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR Fred Guterl EDITORIAL In Focus Culture Editor, Newsweek International _ Alex Hudson Deputy Editor, London Bureau _ Alfred Joyner Associate News Director, London _ Marc Vargas 06 Washington, D.C. 42 Joel Schumacher News Editor, London _ Shane Croucher S enior Editors _ Peter Carbonara, Jenny Haward, Down With Jackson In Seven Stories Erika Hobbs, Dimi Reider, Elizabeth Rhodes More than Ernst, Kenneth R. Rosen, Meredith Wolf Schizer, 08 Bournemouth Batman’s Nipples Rebecca Stokes HOLLYWOOD HITS Beach, England D eputy Editors _ Jennifer Doherty, (Left) Late director Beach Blanket Bingo Uncharted Christopher Groux (Gaming), Matt Keeley (Night), Joel Schumacher’s 46 Scott McDonald (Sports), Kyle McGovern, The World’s Most Emma Nolan (Culture), Hannah Osborne real life could have North Aceh Regency, (Politics), Donica Phifer, Christina Zhao been made into a wild Indonesia Isolated Places A ssociate Editor _ David Chiu movie. (Bottom) A Copy Chief _ James Etherington-Smith new role for Garcelle Island Rescue 48 Parting Shot Deputy Copy Chief _ Dom Passantino %HDXYDLV WKH ɿUVW Garcelle Beauvais London Sub-Editor _ Hannah Partos Black cast member of Barcelona, Spain Contributing Editor _ Owen Matthews The Real Housewives C ontributing Editor, Opinion _ Lee Habeeb of Beverly Hills. Concert For Pants Editorial Assistant _ Emmy Espinal CREATIVE Director of Photography _ Diane Rice 42 Contributing Art Director _ Michael Bessire Associate Art Director _ Paul Naughton Digital Imaging Specialist _ Katy Lyness Art Assistant _ Elizaveta Galkina WRITERS Chief Correspondent _ &KDQWDOb'Db6LOYD P.46 Health Correspondent _ Kashmira Gander 'DYLG %UHQQDQ'DQb&DQFLDQ%UHQGDQb&ROH %HQMDPLQb)HDUQRZ-HQQLb)LQN'DYLGb+b)UHHGPDQ $$ULVWRVb*HRUJLRX$OH[DQGUDb+XW]OHU-DFREb-DUYLV 66RR .LP-DPHVb/D3RUWD-DVRQb/HPRQ 33KLO 0DUWLQH]1RDKb0LOOHU6HUHQb0RUULV -DVRQ 0XUGRFN7RPb2Š&RQQRU(ZDQb3DOPHU $$GDP 3LRUH%LOOb3RZHOO.KDOHGDb5DKPDQ ::LQVWRQb5RVV-DFNb5R\VWRQ5REHUWRb6DYLDQR 66DPXHOb6SHQFHU5DPVH\b7RXFKEHUU\ -DPHV :DONHU6RSKLDb:DWHUɿHOG$QGUHZb:KDOHQ -DQLFHb:LOOLDPV.HOO\b:\QQH *(77<%5,7763(1&(5 8 VIDEOV VideoV Production Manager _ Jessica Durham BangaloreB Video News Editor _ Nandini Krishnamoorthy VideoV Producer _ Zoe Jones PUBLISHED BY NewsweekN LLC &KLHI& ([HFXWLYH2IɿFHU _ Dev Pragad &KLHI& &RQWHQW2IɿFHU _ Dayan Candappa &KLHI& 2SHUDWLQJ2IɿFHU _ Alvaro Palacios 6936 )LQDQFH*HQHUDO0DQDJHU(0($_ Amit Shah &KLHI& 7HFKQRORJ\2IɿFHU _ Michael Lukac GeneralG Counsel _ Rosie Mckimmie VP,V HR Business Partner _ Leiann Kaytmaz VPV Ad Sales, North America _ Shaun Hekking Director,D Content Strategy _ Nalin Kaul NEWSWEEK ,661ʻʸʾʻʺʸˁʺ LVSXEOLVKHGZHHNO\ H[FHSW RQH ZHHN LQ -DQXDU\ )HEUXDU\ 0DUFK $SULO 0D\ Deputy News Director + Senior Digital Strategist _ Adam Silvers June, July, August, September, October, November and December due to combined issues. *OREDO ([HFXWLYH3URGXFHU _ Alfred Joyner 1HZVZHHN,QWHUQDWLRQDOLVSXEOLVKHGE\1HZVZHHN 0DJD]LQH //& ʻʾ &DQDGD 6TXDUH &DQDU\ :KDUI G lobal Head of Programmatic + Partnerships _ Jeremy Makin /RQGRQ(ʺʽʾ/48.3ULQWHGE\4XDG*UDSKLFV (XURSH 6S ] RR :\V]NRZ 3RODQG SVP, Product + Business Intelligence _ Luciano Costa For Article Reprints, Permissions and Licensing Newsweeklicensing.com Senior Sales Director _ Chantal Mamboury Head of Subscription Operations _ Samantha Rhodes Newsstand Manager _ Kim Sermon &/2&.:,6()520/()7*(25*(3,0(17(/ʔ:,5(,0$*(ʔ*(77<7.$&&+8.ʔ 2 NEWSWEEK.COM +++++ “Journalism I don’t see elsewhere untillater,ifatall.” NEWSWEEK.COM/TRY SAVESAVE 57%57% Subscribe€ Rewind The Archives tudent activists signed up African Americans to register to vote 1964 S during Mississippi’s Freedom Summer, and Newsweek reported that “somehow the mix of courage and energy and naiveté seemed to make, here and there, some small dents in the wall.” Violence marked the campaign, though: three activists were murdered by the KKK, and African Americans were scared away from registering by arrests and beatings and burnings of Black homes and churches. Today, approximately 16 percent of the voting-age Black population in Mississippi is legally barred from voting due to disenfranchisement laws. 1978 According to Newsweek, the Bakke case “went to the heart of the issue of preferential treatment of minorities.” The Supreme Court ruled that “race can be a factor in selecting students” for admission into institutions of higher education, but that “rigid racial quotas are unlawful”—an issue that is still generating controversy. 1997 NewsweekUHSRUWHGWKDW3DWKɿQGHUD “microwave-oven-size dune buggy of a rover,” successfully landed on Mars after a seven-month, 120-million-mile journey WKURXJKVSDFHŜţWKHɿUVWHYHUPRELOH explorer of another planet.” This month, both China and the U.S. plan to launch rovers that will go to Mars. 1(:6:((.$5&+,9(ʤʥ 4 NEWSWEEK.COM JULY 17, 2020 HELPINGN YOU NAVIGATE A RAPIDLY CHANGINGN W WORLD ơ ơ ơ ơ $ZDUGZLQQLQJ 'RZQORDGLVVXHV 1DWLRQDODQGJOREDO ([SHUWDQDO\VLVEH\RQG MRXUQDOLVWVDQG DQGUHDGRIʀLQH FRYHUDJHRQWKH WKHKHDGOLQHVRQD SKRWRJUDSKHUV RQDQ\GHYLFH LVVXHVWKDWPDWWHU ZLGHUDQJHRIWRSLFV +++++ “Newsweek offers a clear combination of news, culture and thought-provoking ideas that challenge the smart and inquisitive.” EASY WAYS TO SUBSCRIBE *RWR1HZVZHHNFRPWU\RUFRPSOHWHDQGUHWXUQWKLVIRUP <HDUIRU Deliver to: €139 NAME ADDRESS (€2.67( PER WEEK) BEST 57%5 SAVINGS CITY REGION/STATE OFFER! POSTAL CODE COUNTRY RETURN TO: Visa Ƶ Mastercard Ƶ Amex NEWSWEEK CARD NO. SUBSCRIPTIONS DEPARTMENT EXP. CCV CODE ʺ˂WK )ORRU ʽʸ %DQN 6WUHHW NAME ON CARD &DQDU\ :KDUI /RQGRQ (ʺʽ ʾ15 SIGNATURE 7R UHFHLYH DQ HPDLO FRQɿUPDWLRQ DQG IRU GLJLWDO DFFHVV SOHDVH SURYLGH \RXU HPDLO DGGUHVV 3HUFHQWDJHVDYLQJVFDOFXODWHGDVDVDYLQJ RQRXUFRYHUSULFHDVIRXQGRQWKHFRYHURI EMAIL 1HZVZHHN7KHZHHNO\SULFHLVDQLQGLFDWLRQ RIZKDW\RXZLOOSD\SHULVVXHZHZLOOFKDUJH \RXWKHIXOOSULFHIRUWKHWHUP\RXVHOHFW Ƶ 3D\PHQW HQFORVHG (cheques made payable to NW Publishing UK Ltd) In Focus THE NEWS IN PICTURES 6 NEWSWEEK.COM JULY 17, 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C. Down With Jackson Protesters attempt to pull down the statue of President Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square, near the White House, on June 22. The Associated Press reported that President Trump threatened protesters with 10 years in jail if caught trying to topple the statue. DREW ANGERER DREW ANGERER/GETTY In Focus GLYN KIRK/AFP/GETTY GLYN CLOCKWISE FROM RIGHT: JORDI VIDAL/GETTY; CHAIDEER MAHYUDDIN/AFP/GETTY; CHAIDEER MAHYUDDIN/AFP/GETTY; JORDI VIDAL/GETTY; RIGHT: FROM CLOCKWISE 8 NEWSWEEK.COM JULY 17, 2020 BOURNEMOUTH BEACH, ENGLAND NORTH ACEH REGENCY, INDONESIA BARCELONA, SPAIN Beach Blanket Bingo Island Rescue Concert For Plants On June 25, this beach in England was Acehnesse fishermen help Musicians from UceLi Quartet, a jammed just days after the COVID-19 evacuate a Rohingya woman from string quartet, perform “Crisantemi” lockdown ended and European travel Myanmar onto the shorelines of by Puccini for an audience made restrictions were lifted. Britain was Lancok village on June 25. Nearly up of 2,292 plants on June 22 in bracing for a flood of visitors to its 100 of the Rohingya, including 30 its first concert since Spain’s strict beaches amid a heat wave expected children, were rescued from this lockdown shut down performances to last for days in the south and center rickety wooden boat off the coast in mid-March. The performace was of the country. Social distancing of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, also livestreamed. The plants will be guidelines are
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