mm jj.41 WiW^|P-Jp.iji.-^^.^Jffi Keeping your kids healthy, B4 Homelown IIIHMI MI'MI'INK NU (HliUK" Putting you In touch Sunday with your world August 30,1998 Serving the Westland Community for 34 years •'.•'••'*>•• • S- i' i VOLUME 34 NUMBER 25 WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 64 PAGES • http://observer-eccentric.com SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS »'".••. O 1W8 Hpn«Town Ccmmunlcttioiu Network, Inc. THE WEEK AHEAD up summer • School projects are bustling as work crews repair track and tennis TODAY courts, replace boilers, install new roofing and Pigskin preview: Look for replace gym floors, among your hometown teams in other improvements in the Wajnie AVestland school the High School Football district. Preview in today's West- land Observer. The spe­ BY DARRELL CLEM cial section includes a STAFF WRITER team roster, schedule for Lisa Murray always the season and story and dreaded those bad- weather days when pictures on local prep she drove sons Josh, 9, teams. and jeremie, 6, to Wildwood Elementary School. Inevitably, she found herself fight­ ing heavy traffic as parents and bus MONDAY drivers competed for space in the school's only drop-off loop, v Pool championships: The "The traffic was awful trying to get in there on a rainy day,".Murray said first-ever Olhausen Inter­ Wednesday, standing^ wjth her front national Pro Wheelchair door ajar. "And in the afternoon the 9 Ball Championship is kids couldn't find the parents." Wayne-Westlahd school officials are Monday through Wednes­ hoping that a new/separate bus loop day at The Electric Stick, will ease traffic problems when the 1^1¾¾¾¾^^¾¾^¾¾^^^1^^;-1--1 : ! v new sdiool year begins Wednesday. .' V:yv; ;. "."'.•:•,•• "•••: .•','•;••':.-•..' STA** PHOTO BY TOMHAWLEY located in a strip mall on "Our goal is to have it done before School sidewalk: Gabriele Cement Construction of Dearborn Heights workers, JW.Maikins (left the northwest corner of the students return," Charlotte Sher­ to right), Tony Matkins, Phillip Ciavqglia and Aldo Gabriele pour concrete and finish the side­ Hunter and Wayne roads man, assistant superintendent of gen­ walks at Wildwood Elementary school in Westland Thursday. eral administration, said Wednesday. in Westland, Spectators Her statement came as work crews may watch the games for scrambled to finish the job - one of many stemming from a $108.3 million free from roughly10:30 bond issue that voters approved in in session a.m. to 5:30p.m. each February. day, except for the $10- "That will be wonderful^ Murray Those lazy, hazy days Livonia schools' • Students report for a half-day said of the new bus loop. "They've per-person of summer are almost back-to-school schedule session Wednesday afternoon.; needed to do that for a long time." oyer for students in . is: '.•..'.'•••• , • The first full day of school for School projects are bustling across Wayne-Westland and • All students in students is Thursday, Sept. 3. Back to school: School the district as work crews repair the Livonia Public grades 1-6 and morn­ • Orientations for Wayne-West- starts for most Livonia track and tennis courts, replace boil­ Schools. : ing kindergarten will land middle school students are also ers, install new roofing and replace For most students in attend school in the planned. Public Schools students gyni floors, among other school Livonia Public Schools, morning only on Mon­ • At Adams Middle School, sixth- improvements. summer vacation ends day. Afternoon kinder­ grade students and parents and par­ On the horizon are larger plans Monday. garten and full-day ses­ ents hew to the district can attend such as adding new classrooms to Students in Wayne- sions begins Tuesday. orientation 6.-7 p.m. Monday. TUESDAY some schools, remodeling existing Westiand first report for a half-day in • AH 7th-gTade students have a •.-••: • At Franklin Middle School, sixth- buildings and installing new comput­ the afternoon on Wednesday, Sept. 2. half-day session Monday. School for. grade orientation is at 6 pin: Mon­ ers across the district. The districts have mailed star>of- both 7th'<- and 8th-graders-starts day. ' '".'.••-. Commission meets: The For now, though, officials are hop­ school information to school district Tuesday, ;. • At Marshall Middle School, an Westland Planning Com­ ing the initial phase of projects will residents. • All 9th-grade students have a full open house is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. cause as little disruption as possible Information oh Livonia schools also day of schttol Monday. The first full Monday. mission meets at 7:30 as students and educators return to can be called up on home Computers day of school for all senior high school • At Stevenson Middle School, ori­ p. m. Tuesday, in the sec­ school. on a site maintained by the district. students is Tuesday, entation and open house for parents "We're very hopeful for a smooth Livonia's Web site address is Wayne-Westland's back-to-school is at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. ond floor council cham­ www.livonia.kl2.mi.us. schedule is: ' ; bers of Westland City - . -.-. Please see PROJECTS, A2 Hall, Ford Road west of Wayne Road. Shopping around e u WEDNESDAY School days: Students of in s case theWayne-Westland BY DARRELL CLEM judge said she had no legal authority to school district return to STAFF WRITER reverse herself. classfbrahalfcdayin the A Westland judge Thursday stood by Cramer said no decision has been Afternoon on Wednesday. her earlier decision to dismiss criminal made whether McKnight's decision will charges against two local businessmen, how be appealed to Wayne County Cir­ ]The-fiir$tfuil''(^y:.i$'': who had; been accused of defrauding cuit Court. Thursday. condominium buyers. Bright and Morche could've faced as District Judge Gail McKnight didn't much as 10 years, in prison if they had. question cOurt testimony indicating been tried and convicted of defrauding that two couples lost tens of thousands Marilyn and Amir Kashat and Renee INDEX of dollars on condominiums at Antho; and Larry Panther. ny's Pond, an upscale development oh But McKnight,-.citing no evidence that Bright and Morche intended to • Obituaries A3 Hix Road between Warren and Joy. "But Ican^t take a sad thing and cheat the couples, has indicated the • Classified Index H3 "turn it into a crime if it's not there," case should be decided in civil court Real Estate ____E1 she said. McKnight has said that financial dif­ ficulties and a complex business Crossword With that, McKnight upheld her July .:11, Ji 23 decision to dismiss criminal charges arrangement between Bright and Jobs HI against businessmen Alvin Berton Morche niay have fueled problems at STAFF PHOTO BY TOM HAWUSY Anthony's Pond - but were not of a Home& Service J5 Bright Jr. and Michael Edward Savers opens: Kaitlynn Skipper, 7, of Westtand looks Morche. : criminal nature. Automotive J7 thrdugh some sweaters at the new Savers thrift store in McKnight said assistant Wayne The Panthers claim they lost $65,000 • TflBte Bi County prosecutor Jane Cramer failed on a partially built condominium that Westland, Kaitlynn and her mother, Debbie Harris, were in nearly two years later stands - unfin­ • Health & Fitness B4 to provide any new evidence that would the store for the first time. The store* which buys itsrner- support charges of obtaining money ished without even a roof - between • Arts* Leisure CI chandise from Big Brothers Big Sisters, is in a shopping under false pretenses. two upscale homes, The Kashats say they spent more • Sports & Recreation Dl center on Wayne Road, north of Hunter. Please see Page A3. McKhight's decision came after Cramer filed a motion asking her to than $100,000 for'a condominium in reconsider her July 23 ruling. The .——— Please see CASE, A4 HOW TO REACH US A check for a millionaire For information, call Ken Belanger at (734) 721- Newsroom: 734-953-2104 1810 or John Toyo at (734) 729-8693. Gerald Dale Karns, 90, of Westland, won . i • ' - . Newsroom Fax: 734-591-7279 $1,146,176 this week when ho hit the Wheel of Gold PLACES & FACES C-mail: bjachman©oe.hom«comm.n«t MegaJackpot at the Kings Club Casino in Brimley. Chamber luncheon Nightline/Sports: 734-953-2104 "I've been coming up north for three or four years The first Westland Chainbor of Commerce busi­ Redder Comment Line: 734-953-2042 now to gamble," Karns said. ness luncheon of the season begins at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 8, at Joy Manor. Classified Advertising: 734-591-0900 "I started to shako when they told me I won," he Toy show story The speaker for the luncheon is Rob Cantinn, Display Advertising: 734-591-2300 said. '.•;•''•• ••••-,•• Karns spent about $60 in the machine when ho It will be a veritable toy land as the Westland president of 9000 Solutions Group and his topic will Homo Delivery: 734-591-0500 hit tho jackpot. Rotary Club sponsors a Toy Show, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. be "Quality:.What It Isn't, What It Is." He said he'll help his kids with his winnings. Sunday, Oct. 4, at Joy Manor in Westland. Everyone who RSVPs for the event will be entered Players win the jackpot by betting.75 cents at a Dealers of antiques, collectibles and obsbletos can in a drawing for $100 donated by Joint Toyo of time and lining up the appropriate rcol symbols. rent tables for $25 each, v Remerica Family Realtors. Wheel of Gold is a progressive game.. Admission is $3. Children under 12 get in free. In addition, those who fill out tho.luncheon survey Every time a player puts a coin into tho slot of a Proceeds will benefit Rotary projects and chnritics.
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