STATE EDUCATION SECTOR PROJECT INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT KANO STATE FINAL DRAFT Steve Packer and Pius Elumeze with Dr M B Shitu October 2006 1 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 Report Objectives 1 The Assessment Process 1 Underlying Assumptions 2 Some Limitations 4 The Structure of the Report 4 SUMMARY FINDINGS 5 A BASIC EDUCATION - A BRIEF SITUATIONAL 10 ANALYSIS Access to Primary and Junior Secondary School 10 Equity 11 Efficiency 12 Quality 12 B POLICIES AND PLANS - PROCESSES, PRIORITIES 14 AND PROSPECTS K-SEEDS 14 The Kano Education Strategic Plan, 2007-2015 16 C KANO’S EDUCATION SYSTEM - ORGANISATIONS AND STRUCTURES FOR ACHIEVING UBE 20 The Federal Context 20 Working for UBE in Kano State 23 The State of Schools 23 Islamic Education 24 Changing Roles for the Ministry of Education 26 The Rise of SUBEB 29 Other Parastatals Working for UBE 33 Local Government for Basic Education in Kano State 34 Organising for UBE 36 Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-Formal Education 38 Beyond UBE – The Provision of Senior Secondary Education 39 Post- Secondary and Tertiary Education 40 D HUMAN RESOURCES - PROFILES, NEEDS AND MOTIVATION 42 Skills profiles 43 Teachers 43 Local Government Education Authorities 45 SUBEB 46 The Ministry of Education 47 2 Recruitment Practices 48 Professional Development Opportunities 49 Remuneration and Promotion 50 General Working Conditions 52 Conclusion 52 E FINANCING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 53 Financing Education 53 Recurrent and Capital Budgets and Expenditures 54 Options for Increasing Levels of Financing 56 Budgeting 57 Financial Management 59 Some Specific Issues F THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY 60 Technology within schools 61 Technology to enhance school improvement 61 Making better use of data for education 61 Technologies for making organisations function more effectively 63 G CHANGE MANAGEMENT 64 H THE STATE EDUCATION PROJECT 67 Some Options 68 CONCLUSION 70 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due primarily to those in the State of Kano who gave of their time, their knowledge and their insights. Particular appreciation is extended to the Permanent Secretary and the members of the ESP Project Preparation Team and to those in schools who found time to talk to the team during the school vacation. Back up from the British Council CUBE team ensured that we were more efficient than would otherwise have been the case 4 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABCoA Audu Bako College of Agriculture AIED Arabic and Islamic Education Department AGSD Administration and General Services Department AKCILS Aminu Kano College of Islamic and Legal Studies BEA Basic Education Association CBO Community Based Organisation CDA Community Development Association COA Chart of Accounts COASRS College of Arts, Science and Remedial Studies CRF Consolidated Revenue Fund CSACEFA Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All CSO Civil Society Organisation CUBE Capacity for Universal Basic Education DAGS Department of Administration and General Services DEC District Education Committee DESS Department of Educational Support Services DFID Department for International Development ECCD Early Childhood Care and Development EDP Education Development Plan EFA Education for All EMIS Education Management Information System EPC Economic Planning Committee ESOP Education Sector Operational Plan ESP Education Strategic Plan EXCO State Executive Council FAAC Federation Accounts and Audit Commitee FIS Federal Inspectorate FME Federal Ministry of Education GER Gross Enrolment Ratio GPI Gender Parity Index HE Higher Education HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ICT Information and Communication Technology IMF International Monetary Fund IQTE Islamiyya, Qur’anic and Tsangaya Education JCCE Joint Consultative Committee on Education JETS Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists JSS Junior Secondary Schools KERD Kano Educational Resources Department KSCoE Kano State College of Education K-SEEDS Kano State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy KSP Kano State Polytechnic KUST Kano State University of Science and Technology LGA Local Government Authority LGEA Local Government Education Authority MoE Ministry of Education MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework NAPPS National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools NCE National Council on Education NCE National Certificat of Education NECO National Examinations Council 5 NEEDS National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy NER Net Enrolment Ratio NFE Non Formal Education NGO Non Governmental Organisation NPE National Policy on Education NUT National Union of Teachers PC Personal Computer PFS Planning Finance and Supplies PID Private Institutions Department PPD Physical Planning Department PPT Project Preparation Team PRS Planning, Research and Statistics PSMB Primary Schools Management Board PTA Parent Teacher Association SAME State Agency for Mass Education SCCE State Consultative Committee on Education SESP State Education Sector Project SCE State Council on Education SLB State Library Board SMD Schools Management Department SPEB State Primary Education Board SSCE Senior Secondary Certificate of Education SSS Senior Secondary Schools STSB Science and Technical Schools Board SUBEB State Universal Basic Education Board TORS Terms of Reference TSB Teachers’ Service Board TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training UBE Universal Basic Education UBEC Universal Basic Education Council UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund WAEC West Africa Examinations Council 6 TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1 Educational responsibilities and functions of the Federal, State and Local Governments Table 2 Data on voluntary Qur’anic and Islamiyya schools Table 3 Ministry of Education departments and their functions Table 4 Kano State education parastatals; legislation and mandate Table 5 SUBEB staff disposition Table 6 Three LGEAs: Staffing and primary schools data (2004/2005) Table 7 Matrix of functions at primary and junior secondary levels Table 8 Matrix of functions in the provision of senior secondary education Table 9 Teachers by qualification in public primary schools (2004-2005) Table 10 Teachers in public secondary schools by qualification (August 2006) Table 11 KSUBEB Senior/Professional Staff Disposition Table 12 Ministry of Education senior/professional staff disposition Table 13 Promotions by Teachers Service Board (January 2004 to July 2006) Table 14 Budget trends 2004-2006 Figure 1 Organogram of the Kano State Ministry of Education and parastatals Figure 2 Organogram of the Kano State Universal Basic Education Board Figure 3 Organogram of Local Government Education Authorities (LGEAs). 7 LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1 Terms of Reference (TORS) Annex 2 Notes on Compliance with the TORS. Annex 3 Inception Report (11 August) Annex 4 Progress Report (21 August) Annex 5 Documentation on the institutional assessment provided for PPT members Annex 6 Schedule of Meetings Annex 7 People Met Annex 8 Selected Documents List Annex 9 Basic data sheet on Kano’s education system. Annex 10a Draft project proposal for SESP Annex 10b Draft project proposal for SESP 8 INTRODUCTION Report Objectives 1 This report appraises capacities within Kano State, Nigeria to develop and implement the State’s draft education sector plan. It responds to Terms of Reference (TORS: Annex 1 ) provided by the World Bank and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID). It includes initial recommendations on activities that might be a part of the proposed State Education Sector Project (SESP) that is to be funded by the World Bank and DFID 1 as well as a broader set of findings for the consideration of the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Kano. 2 The report focuses on how the education sector works at State, Local Government - and to the extent possible - school levels. In assessing the ability of the organisations charged with defining policy and implementing programmes in the education sector in Kano particular attention is paid to: The Federal and State legal frameworks which govern their work. Potential and real tensions arising from conflicting mandates are highlighted. The organisation, management, supervision and monitoring of education, especially primary and secondary schooling. The allocation, management and use of financial resources from Federal, State and other sources. The capacities and the motivation of people working for education. The current and potential use of information technology to improve performance in the education sector. 3 These issues are set within an assessment of the scale and the complexity of the challenge of UBE in Kano and the institutional and organisational implications of the new and ambitious draft Education Strategic Plan 2007-2015 (ESP). 4 Proposals for change - whether these are supported by external technical assistance and financing or not - are conceived within existing structural frameworks. This does not mean that in the medium to longer term more radical institutional and organisational change will not be required. Some initial propositions are put forward in this regard. 5 The degree to which there has been full compliance with the TORS is assessed in Annex 2. A copy of the inception report submitted to the British Council CUBE team on 11 August is reproduced as Annex 3. An interim progress report compiled on 24 August is attached as Annex 4. The Assessment Process 6 The report has been prepared by Steve Packer (Team Leader), Pius Elumeze (National Consultant) and Dr M B Shitu (State Consultant). Kayode Sanni (National Consultant) conducted a
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