University of Mississippi eGrove Touche Ross Publications Deloitte Collection 1962 Applause Anonymous Follow this and additional works at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/dl_tr Part of the Accounting Commons, and the Taxation Commons Recommended Citation Quarterly, Vol. 08, no. 3 (1962, September), p. 60-69 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Deloitte Collection at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Touche Ross Publications by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Applause Atlanta he presented a speech entitled "Man­ agement Services and the Future of E. R. Dryden was elected treasurer of the Profession." the Atlanta Chapter of the Georgia Society of CPAs for the year 1962-63. On June 14 and 15, Mr. Trueblood Robert E. Minnear was appointed attended the American Institute of chairman of the Attendance Commit­ CPAs Long Range Objectives Com­ tee and a member of the Executive mittee Meeting in San Francisco, and Committee of the Atlanta Chapter of on July 9 an American Institute Ex­ the Georgia Society of CPAs. Mr. ecutive Committee Meeting in New Minnear is also a member of the York City. Finance Committee of the State So­ ciety of CPAs. Justin Davidson addressed the meet­ ing of the Associated Merchandising Corporation Controllers held in Wil­ Boston liamsburg, Virginia on May 14 on the On May 14 Donald C. Wiese par­ subject, "Retail Applications of Sta­ ticipated in a panel which appeared tistical Sampling." He spoke to the at a dinner meeting of the South Shore University of Detroit Accounting Fuel Dealers' Association. The subject Conference June 8 in Detroit on was "Estate Planning." "Statistical Sampling in Managerial Decisions." On June 22 he attended Donald M. Keller spoke before the the 39th Annual Conference of CPAs Norfolk County Chapter of the NAA of the Pacific Northwest in Seattle in Dedham, Mass. on May 23, his sub­ where he spoke on "Statistical Sam­ ject being "Profitability Accounting." pling in Accounting Procedure." Chicago Mr. Davidson recently co-authored a book entitled "Statistical Sampling During the month of June Robert for Accounting Information" with Trueblood addressed three gatherings. Richard Cyert, Dean of the Graduate On June 5th he spoke at the 59th School of Business Administration of Annual Meeting of the Illinois Society Carnegie Institute of Technology. To­ of CPAs in Chicago on "Looking gether with Mr. Cyert and Mr. G. L. Forward —The Profession in 1970." Thompson, he wrote an article on On June 8 he spoke at a luncheon of "Estimation of the Allowance for alumni of the Graduate School of In­ Doubtful Accounts by Markov Chains" dustrial Administration of Carnegie which appeared in the April 1962 Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh issue of Management Science. on the subject "An Employer Looks at GSIA Graduates." At the Annual John Van Camp was recently ad­ Meeting of The California Society of mitted to membership in the American CPAs held in San Francisco June 18 Institute of CPAs. 60 THE QUARTERLY Dallas Development; Arthur Samelson, Pro­ fessional Ethics; Donald G. Sinsa- David W. Muir was made a director baugh, Public Relations; Rocco A. of the Dallas Chapter of the Texas Laterzo, Staff Accountants; Earl E. Society of CPAs. Marcus, State Taxation; Gerald R. Katz, United Funds. Dayton James C. Bresnahan was guest lecturer Detroit in May at the Air Force School of Logistics at Wright Patterson Air Kennth S. Reames was elected vice Force Base. His subject was "EDP president of the Michigan Association Feasibility Studies." of CPAs at the annual meeting in June. Mr. Reames will also serve as William J. Sander has been elected vice chairman of the Executive Com­ treasurer of the Junior Chamber of mittee of the Association. Commerce of Greater Dayton. Other appointments to committees John N. Bell of our office recently of the Michigan Association of CPAs received his Professional Engineer's for the year 1962-63 are: Certificate. Accounting and Auditing Proce­ Denver dures — William S. Harter (vice chairman) Russell Palmer has been accepted for membership in the National Consumer Annual Meeting—Charles E. Wieser Finance Association. Relations with Attorneys—H. James Carleton H. Griffin has been ap­ Gram (chairman) pointed a member of a committee representing the Colorado Society Relations with Bankers — Nile W. which will work jointly with the Farnsworth and Al M. Mlot Colorado Bar Association as liaison with the District Director of Internal Relations with Educators — Roger Revenue concerning problems of fed­ C. Markhus eral tax administration. Federal Taxation — Keith A. Cun­ The following people have been ap­ ningham (vice chairman) and pointed to committees of the Colorado Edwin H. Hicks Society of CPAs: Charles E. Husted, Accounting and Auditing Procedure; Graduate Study Conference—James Robert L. Stamp, Cooperation with H. Dunbar Credit Grantors; E. J. Gehres, Co­ Insurance and Pensions — Richard operation with Education Institutions; F. Van Dresser Carleton H. Griffin, Chairman, Fed­ eral Taxation; Roy N. Hollaway, Gov­ Advisory Committee on Legislation ernmental Accounting; Donald A. — Henry E. Bodman II Shore, Insurance; Ronald S. Fiedel- man, Management Services; Richard Management Services — David V. G. Shuma, Secretary, Professional Burchfield SEPTEMBER 1962 61 Membership—Harry G. Troxell and olic Accountants Guild Award for the David J. Vander Broek highest over-all scholastic average of the January 1960 accounting grad­ Personnel — Rosemary Hoban uates at the University of Detroit. The award was presented at the University Professional Education—Thomas R. of Detroit Evening Division Senior Ames, Gwain H. Gillespie, and Banquet this spring. Donald H. Waterman Al M. Mlot has been appointed an Professional Ethics— Paul E. Ham- associate director of the Detroit Chap­ man ter of the National Association of Accountants for the year 1962-63. Publication — Donald H. Waterman In May, Henry E. Bodman II lec­ Public Service & Information — tured on the "Effective Utilization of Donald O. Nellis, Phyllis E. Management Reports for Decision Peters, and Robert D. Wishart Making" at a joint assembly of public administration and municipal account­ State Taxation — Lyman B. Curtis ing students at the University of and John D. Hegarty Michigan Graduate School of Busi­ Unauthorized Practice — Donald W. ness Administration. Graham and Donald R. Miesel John F. Keydel was recently elected president of the Harvard Business Phyllis E. Peters was recently elected School Club of Detroit. national vice president of the Amer­ ican Society of Women Accountants. Henry E. Bodman II discussed "Utilization of Annual Reports for David V. Burchfield was elected Investment Decisions" at a meeting of president of the Detroit Chapter of the a Detroit investment club. Mr. Bod­ Society for Advancement of Manage­ man was recently appointed chairman ment. Mr. Burchfield was also ap­ of the Wayne County Public Officials pointed treasurer of the National Joint Salary Study Committee and was also Computer Conference to be held in recently elected treasurer of the Cobo Hall in Detroit on May 21-23, Gabriel Richard School P.T.A. in the 1963. Grosse Pointe Public School System. On May 23 Kenneth S. Reames pre­ sided at the morning session of the Executive Office 2nd Annual Management Services Conference presented jointly by the Kenneth P. Mages presented the new Michigan Association of CPAs Man­ Retail Accounting Manual at the 42nd agement Services Committee and the National Controllers' Congress Con­ Wayne State University School of Busi­ ference in New Orleans on May 24. ness Administration at the McGregor Also in New Orleans, Mr. Mages Memorial Center of Wayne State Uni­ spoke on "The International Audit" at versity. Subject for the session was the Frederick Atkins Controllers Meet­ "Budgeting as a Management Service." ing on May 28. On June 11 he spoke on "Management Reporting" at the David M. Smith received the Cath­ National Retail Merchants Association 62 THE QUARTERLY Board of Directors Meeting in New the May 1962 issue of the Michigan York. CPA. Mr. Mages also spoke on the new Retail Accounting Manual at the Houston Western States Controllers Conference in Seattle on August 27 and is sched­ Leland C. Pickens has been appointed uled to be a discussion leader at the a member of the Management Services NRMA Electronics Seminar in Ports­ Committee of the Houston Chapter of mouth, New Hampshire on Septem­ the Texas Society of CPAs for the year ber 5. 1962-63. Mr. Pickens also appeared on the program of a week-long sem­ Eli Gerver has again been elected to inar on total profit budgeting held by the Federal Tax Committee of the a worldwide non-client company. His New York State Society, while Joseph subjects were "Responsibility Account­ Levee is chairman of the International ing" and "Management by Exception." Tax Committee. Ramon J. de Reyna has been ap­ pointed to serve on the Management Grand Rapids Services Committee of the Society of Louisiana CPAs during 1962-63. Richard E. Herrinton was appointed associate director of The Grand Rapids Owen Lipscomb has again been Chapter of the National Association asked to serve on the Federal Taxation of Accountants. Committee and the Professional Prac­ tice Sub-Committee of the Texas So­ Richard W. Lamkin was elected ciety of CPAs. He has been chairman » chairman of the Western Chapter of of the Taxation Committee for the the Michigan Association of CPAs. past three years. He served on the Mr. Lamkin also served as moderator Reception Committee for the Annual of a panel discussion on Personnel Re­ Meeting of the Texas Society of CPAs cruitment and Training at the Annual in Houston last June and has been re­ Meeting in June of the Michigan Asso­ quested to serve on a panel for work­ ciation in Gaylord, Michigan. shop sessions of the Ninth Annual Mr.
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