, '" : ," ,," ,. .' " ~ '" - ' •• < , -- -, - '," ~. ,. .. ~,' " , " .. " " .. .: ~ '. I' . " . .'JeW at:,Shaarey<~edel< Published every Thursday since 1925 by > ••• ~' EMpiRE PRINTERS l TO., WIIIlNIPEG .fastandDi~l()gU~·orit. ,30 •. Second Class Mail Registration No, 051.7 ,.\ A.ddress all mail to P.O. Bo>< 3m. Station 'B'; Breakf~lst topic 11'111 he "A ,Jew F,xpcr;iences :··· ... :Newsofthe , Winnipeg. Manitoba. Canada R2W 3R6 ~1 .,Ina. annllunces' P.xndllS from I,~t!)·pl." ,. offio~ and plant ~I 't 17 Hutchings Street . , ·'that"Dr·. Dc Medina will be Thl' pl'ogl'illri begins with TaUi! ··.·~"'6i'9",;,i_tions '. ,.'' Phone 633·5575 Oldest and Largest Anglo-Jewish Weekly in Western Canada., 'I(Ucstspcaker on Sunday, Oet. 30. ! and 'I'('ffiin Ht IOa.m .. bi'l'akfast d i',. .f ." : Dr. De Medina is an F.gyptilln Now in our 53n/ YBBI' ,. Thur$day~October 20, 1977 -3, , .~ , .Jew.. Hl' fol' 22 years in , , ! enrolled in the facul- j,' .. .. , ., in Alexandria in .' '~~t,;:~~H;~(~i6a:~ ' . .~ :Ii S!'~~;;~~:I:.~r~ interrupted '. O.RT 'I' War in 1967, Sho",,~ forEveryon~ Y . , .' ., interned 'in a eon­ : On October 28, 29 and 30, th.e· '. ('c'ltr'lltionearrip fol' foul' njonths Winnipeg Conventioll Centre will " .·."".U dlepl)rt.(~d fl'9m F.g)'ptin D(~('-.·· be tilled with treasures as the \ 1!Itb: annual Antique & Art Sal~· f l'';···h''I,,' of' the .Jews and. gets unlierway. ··.·.rn" Rriitilih .. Jt',,:ish Rcful(ec Com­ ..The snow is so varh,!dthat ii <lUll:' to continue guarantees, s6'rnethfrig' . for 1 ' hs: studies, 'at the Westininister' everyone, regardless of interest. Hospitlll : in ,. London, F.ngland. A number' of dea'iers, both local I), .. whcr(~he' graduated !IS a .family . and' out-of-town. wiII show an- .pIWslcian'. De Dtl Medina. his tiques of every type, category wife; Je'anine. and their two chil­ · and .. price range. These' antiques (Ii'en have n()w'~ettl(:d in Winnie and collectibles will be old, new pe~.mr. Dc Medina was profill>d or unusual. in Tbl' Jewisi. Pnst; .July 28.1 Displayed will. be fine silver· ·01'. ·De Medma will beintro­ :JlfnlloWl'd . by dia­ and plate, old china and glass" . ducl'd h~' 01'.. M .. J. I.l'liman\): Thl' IO~III' frOln . iI,llI, to. 12 nootl. pewter, copper. brass. furniture EY"I'Y01\(' is il1\'ll('d. and jewellery, Out of town dealers include .Jewi$h. fUst,orical$()cietyOpen$ Aubrey-Seale, Quebec; Blue . ". ,'.' , .. , .' f . '" .,' . Pillow Antiques. Quebec; Lach· 'ts" man & Laing, Quebec. ..' Its FallL.ecture. -, . ' " Series';'on- "0" Nov. 1" · Another facet of the show will Maxine Rainer, Rhoda Ross and Ellen Hamberg. Art ;1'0-' . ' \Villler 'wili address the with the 76th Battery Canadian Highlights ~If 'the Oct 7 dinner' of the Winnipl'g Wilfred'Posluns, president of. the Toro'!to Chapter, ,10~ph be thlkseven chapter ORT World . chairmen ar~ delighted with the high calibre and good selection -,' Chapt.er• Canadian Friends of the Hebrew Uni­ ,rack. Jal'obson (Toronto) .. Standing;' Natl' I..('pkin. .Il'wish Historical Society at its Field Artillery during World War There will be an ORTique Booth, involved In this year's show. and urge thl' ('lImmunity to support "l'rsity, honoring GWl'n, and Joe, Secter., aJ the director, Western arid Pacific Regions.' . first meeting of the 1977-78 season I. he returned to Winnipeg where feattiring a potpourri of. in- the~l'talented Canadian artists. (Missing. Shelley Nimchonllk,1 .:' on Tuesday. Nov. I. at' the hl' operated his own drug' store RfiSh Pina ~ynagoguc. ,Top row", left to right: JOl' ~eeond row. lerl to right; .. .or. Ralph Halbl'rt. '. teresting items donated by ORT Raggedy Ann dolls in various A vai-iety of oils, prints, water­ Seeler. Chief Justil'e Samuel Freedman, national viC'l"prcsident and' national: trl'asurer .. installing Planetarium Auditorium. 190 until 1947. Activl'ly· involved, in members. Back by popular sizes, "Zoo Collection" fuzzy vil'c-president .and honorary president. Winnipeg P.· Nathanson' as nl'w prl'sident of the Rupcrt Ave., at8: 15 p.m. His top-' Phatmaev and in ~ommunitv af- demand wiII be the fabulous "fun animals, colorful dusters and colors and drawings will span the ~1(lnte . ic, "Next Station-Winnipeg." is a fairs. he was a founding' meml:ler splice from contempora ry works Chapter; Harold Buchwald., Q.C .• immediate past­ Winnipeg Chapt('r.; and . Joe Seet¢r \,·ith furs" and delicious cho~olates. aprons-beautiful and prac. G~en' to realistic landsc<lpl-s. Prices Ilrl'sident. Wpg.' Chapter and m~mber of the nat­ si-roll presented to the'm 00 becoming Honorary lively recollection of a small boy of the Rcd River Drllg R;mgers Books, records, tapes and tical-will all be featured. iom.1 eXl'l'utive; Mrs. LornI' Wolch. a viee-prcsi­ F('lIows of the Hebre,w Universitv: Mrs: Mllnte immigrating with his' .parents and was made a Life Member in · magazines will' be available in. This year's show will also find wi II rangc from .-.bout $40 to $550. ' . tll'nt of the Winnipeg Chapter: Sa'muel Risk, hon­ P. Nathanson. Gwen and Joe'Seder. '.. from Rolllania in 1904. '. 1!l74. large nwnbers this year and' the an extensive and enlarged Art Among the manv local IIrtists ,. orary s(,l'rl'tary. Canadian Friends of the Hebrew Bottom rnw, left to right: MonteP. Nathansmi. Mr, Wilder I(radmited in 1916 He received his 50 year Cer- ever popular plant· booth wiII Sale. So far 40 pro'minent represented. there fire Winston II l:niVl'rsity. Norman Hurwitz (Windsorl. Gershon with the first class of' the School tificatc from, the Manitoba Leathers, Tony Tascona. Arnold pn'sidl'nl, WhlRilleg Chapter. addressin~ alidil'lil'l'. have a beautiful array of green Canadian flrtists are committed \ i ,~ Golan (Mmltrl'aU. Henry ,B.ern~tein· (Edmontiml. of Pharmacy, Univcrsity' 'of Pharmaceutical Assoc. 'in :1967, . and flowering Plants. to participate. Ross, Diana Coop. Janice Diner, t . Manly Geller. Eleanor Golfman. Manitoba. After having ~erved ard was the 1976 rcciprrntof the One of the main sections of Nine potters will display their ," ' . l.en Mol, DOll Proch and Robert 'J, .: ORT World will be the Handicraf· wares in the newly acquired,pot­ Pdllo('k. : '1/ "i ~ ,', ,"\ ' •. <'1,' ~;'.::' ~. I", -' , ;"',' ;;~ :,' ts. made by. ORT . members. tery·'.,section, •. ,' ... _"- .... ,' .... .". :" '\ . '" , .,~""~~I;I ;11~*,!,~r,:i~ Ep~li~~;9~~,~_~. " ." , ". I . " 'As T01lVn'··t.al.·Featun!S 'Raconteurs i::~~~~~::!ony '~~s~~l~::?~~~~:~t'=ra~~~j:r ~f<; for Health Sciences in the Negev at the Ben Gurion University i' I p I Tickets are siill available for ,Moishe Soudack. Zora Weidman. of the l'Iegev in Beersheva, Israel. Professor Moshe PrYwes. 'ISrati'U;'urif"Delegate. ~tBar·:lliin Dinner~ , , '" the Town Hli\II,Series' presentation MERLE NORMAN. COSMETIC STUDIO Dr. Allen Diner. and Dr. Reuben founder·and dean of the Medical school and centre, is seated at Professor Harold Fisch, curren­ --I, . "An Evening of Jewish Hwnor." his side.' . ; Bellan. Rabbi Kalman Appel will tly a member of Israel's UN The program will take place act as Master of Ceremonies. delegation and past rector of Bac HAIR SALON - RE-OPEN Sunday. Oct. 30, 8:30 p.m. at the lIan University will be guest Shaarey Zedek Synl>jgogue. Jewish humor traditionally pa­ Israeli Medical Authority' Here rades many faces before uS-1'al­ speaker when Winnipeg Friends ., 422 GRAHAM. AVE. •. '. 943-4578 Ruth Bellan. the producer of . mudic hair splitters. learned For' Ben G,urion U. Associates of Bar lIan U. honor Ed Vickar ': ' 'this program. emphasizes that numbskulls, schlemiels. schle· · at their annual dinner on Sunday, the stOl'y telling will take place , . Nov. 6 .at the Rosh Pina mazls, schnorrers, schaeher­ Professor Moshe Prywes, im. I, ' " .. have already gained world Synagogue. ., pl'imarily in English. However machcrs, pipl' drcamers and mediate past president of the Ben there is one universal tongue that recognition and acceptance for Prof. Fisch, in New York for luftmenschen. They all make us Gurion University of the Negev this youngest University in Israel ., Follow lIJ{ths community nflWS In Call, ~ everyone .can understand ..:. the the current UN session is a : ,. ' laugh casily at the absurd. the . and founding dean of its medical -founded in 1969 to spearhead EMPIRE .PRIN.TERS. language of laughter. ' . pretcntious and the cruelties of school and Centre for Health graduate of Sheffield and Oxford fClr all your printing. neRds, Four local raconteurs will -con­ development Qf the Negev, Universities. From 1943-1946, he l!WISH ,POST 633·5575'· ... life. thus drawing much of the Sciences in the Negev, will' ad­ ,',' . Israel's vast and exciting desert tribute their wit and best story sting fl'om them. dress a special. gatheri'ng of. the interrupted his studies to serve telling, ability to this evening- area covering two·tllirds of the as . a deck officer in the Royal I "An Evening of Jewish Hwnor" Winnipeg JeWish Community on country's surface. Tuesday evening, Oct. 25, at 8 Navy. Returning to Oxford, he pl'Omises to be' a . warm. s.timu­ Refreshments will be served became an active member of the latlng and entertaining program. p.m.; at the' Shaarey Zedek following Dr. Prywes' lecture, ".. Synagogue. Jewish Student Movement, s.er­ Tickets are available at the Sha­ and those present will have an ved as chairman of the Inter­ arey Zedek Synagogue, Rosh Pina Dr. Prywes, an internationally opportunity to meet our guest." acclaimed authority and in· University Jewish Federation of Synagogue, Bnay Abraham Syna­ The meeting, this corning Great Britain and Ireland and as gogue, YMHA Community Centre novator in the fields of medical Tuesday, Oct. 25,' at 8 p.m., is JOSEPH WILDER education and preventive an executive member' of the , Choose from a good selection 1947-06(1), and at the door.
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