1 DISTRICT CONTROL ROOM COLLECTORATE, ANANTHAPURAMU Email: [email protected], Land: 08554-220009, Mobile: 8500292992 Media Bulletin No. 15 Date: 10/04/2020 (04.00 PM) A) Highlights: Hon’ble Chief Ministers Message : ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe, Respect Lockdown’ As of now 2 new cases have been identified from yesterday 06.00 PM to today 09.00 AM. Cumulative Positive case details as mentioned below. Patient District Town Age(Y) Gender Travel / Contact Details Date of No. Reporting Close Contact of Mecca 1 Anantapur Lepakshi 10 M 29.03.2020 Returnee in Karnataka 2 Anantapur Hindupur 34 F Mecca Returnee 29.03.2020 Primary contact of Mecca Returnee (Died on 3 Anantapur Hindupur 60 M 04.04.2020 04.04.2020 at GGH, Ananthapuram) Hindupur, Housing Primary Contact of No.3 4 Anantapur 29 M 05.04.2020 Board Colony Patient(SON) Hindupur, Housing Primary Contact of No.3 5 Anantapur 80 F 05.04.2020 Board Colony Patient(Mother) Hindupur, Driver of Ambulance of No.3 6 Anantapur 39 M 05.04.2020 Mukkidipeta Patient Anantapur, Senior Resident Doctor who 7 Anantapur Ramnagar ,2nd 35 M 08.04.2020 treated No.3 Patient cross Anantapur Anantapur, Jesus House Surgeon who treated 8 24 M 08.04.2020 Nagar No.3 Patient Anantapur, 80 Ft Staff Nurse who has given 9 Anantapur 44 F 08.04.2020 Road,Sri Nagar nursing care to No.3 Patient Anantapur Anantapur, Sai Staff Nurse who has given 10 29 F 08.04.2020 Nagar nursing care to No.3 Patient Anantapur Hindupur, Close Physical Contact with 11 39 M 08.04.2020 Mukkidipeta confirmed case Anantapur Hindupur, Close Physical Contact with 12 36 M 08.04.2020 Mukkidipeta confirmed case Anantapur Kalyanadurgam, 13 70 M Patient Died on 07.04.2020 08.04.2020 Manirevu(v) 14 Anantapur Kothacheruvu 58 M 09.04.2020 Anantapur Lakshminarasayy 15 a colony, 44 F Staff Nurse in GGH 09.04.2020 Anantapuramu DETAILS OF THE POSITIVE CASES WITH PROBABLE SOURCE OF INFECTION AS ON 10.04.2020 Positive Cases Delhi Returnee Foreign District Name (Attended the Death Returnee Alive Positive Total Nizamuddin Mashoora) Cases Ananthapuramu 13 2 15 4 0 2 As of now 109 people are in different quarantine centers in Ananthapuramu District Containment Zones as on 10.04.2020 No. of No. of Name of No. of HH in Sl.N Containmen No. of Date of Mandal/ULB Check Containment Containment o. t Zones (Red clusters Enforcement Posts Zones Zone Zone) Tippu khan 2 Street & 31.03.2020 643 Periphery HB Colony & 2 04.04.2020 1194 Periphery 1 Hindupur ULB 1 4 Hasnabad & 2 04.04.2020 896 Periphery 2 Mukkidipeta 05.04.2020 878 Lepakshi 2 Lepakshi 1 1 2 29.03.2020 2538 Village 2 Ram Nagar 08.04.2020 355 2 Sai Nagar 08.04.2020 398 Ananthapura 3 4 4 mu ULB 2 Maruthi Nagar 08.04.2020 280 Lakshmi 2 Narasaiah 09.04.2020 400 colony Manireuv(V), Kalyanadurga 4 1 1 2 Kalyanadurgam 08.04.2020 340 m (M) 5 Kothacheruvu 1 1 2 Kothacheruvu 09.04.2020 3621 TOTAL 8 11 22 11,543 FRs Surveillance Report Mo Submitted Symptomatic(Home Symptomatic(Advised Count(<=28 Asymptomatic Pending Isolation) for Hospitalization) Days) 459 361 0 0 98 1. Sample Details as on 10.04.2020 at 3.30 PM (Reported by VRDL Lab) Total Up to Previous Samples No. of No. of Result Samples day collected today Positives negatives awaiting Cumulative 791 94 885 15 584 286 3 2. Sample collection centers Details (By DM & HO) Up to Samples Total No. of Name of the No. of Result Sl. No. Previous collected Samples negati Collection center Positives awaiting day today Cumulative ves 1 GGH Ananathapur 313 76 389 7 318 64 District Hospital 2 293 0 293 8 175 110 Hindupur RDT Hospital 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bathalapalli AP39 TL 8760 AP39 TL 8761 Mobile 4 Sample AP39 TL 102 7 109 0 80 29 Collection 8762 AP39 TL 8763 TOTAL 708 83 781 15 580 203 3. Hospital Admission details (CoViD Suspects) No of No of Sl. Total No. of No. of Name of the Hospital Admissions up Admissions Net No. admissions discharges to previous day today 1 GGH Ananathapur 192 50 242 176 66 District Hospital 2 31 3 34 31 3 Hindupur Saveera Hospital, 3 10 0 10 0 10 Ananthapuramu TOTAL 233 53 286 207 79 4. Foreign/Delhi Returnees Details FOREIGN RETURNEES DELHI RETURNEES Description Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Foreign Returnees 436 424 860 9 45 54 (FRs) No of Returnees under Home 436 424 860 0 0 0 isolation No of Returnees 0 0 0 1 5 6 Hospitalized No.of Returnees in 0 0 0 8 40 48 Quarantine Centers A)Home Quarantine duration FRs within < 14 0 3 3 0 0 0 days FRs within 15 – 28 169 183 352 9 45 54 days 4 FRs who have 267 238 505 0 0 0 completed 28 days B)Returnee Contacts No. of Returnee Contacts 33 52 85 42 221 263 identified No. of Returnee Contacts under 33 52 85 42 221 263 Home isolation No. of Returnee Contacts 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hospitalized C)Returnees Contacts Home Quarantine duration Population within < 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 days Population within 15 0 0 0 33 176 209 – 28 days 28 days completed 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.Stock position Surgical Delivery S.No Institutions PPE N95 Gloves HIV Kits Mask Kits 1 CDS 325 2455 33574 180000 4108 60 2 DM&HO 853 10300 18000 6082 65 25 3 DH Hindupur 38 75 475 11000 10 0 4 GGH 239 467 4552 410 61 5 KIMS 5 10 76 400 0 0 148 SAVEERA 6 Singanamala 5 20 300 1 1 7 CD Hospital 5 20 500 0 0 0 8 Tadipatri 5 30 400 0 0 0 9 Gooty 5 30 500 0 0 0 10 Rayadurg 5 50 0 0 0 0 11 Konakondla 5 20 200 0 0 0 12 Tanakal 2 20 300 0 0 0 13 Nagalapuram 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 Beluguppa 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Kurugunta 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Rayalacheruvu 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 Sreedhargutta 0 0 100 0 0 0 Sri Satya Sai 18. 680 10000 14000 2800 0 0 Central Trust Total 2199 13573 59301 197507 4248 239 Note : Sri Satya Sai Central Trust, Puttaparthi handed over material to DM&HO, Ananthapuramu 5 6. Persons admitted in Quarantine centers: Total No. of Quarantine centers : 33 No. of Rooms : 2005 No. of Beds available at present : 3116 Quarantined People Name & Address of Total bed Total Sl. No. center capacity Rooms Today Cumulative 1 CRIT Ananthapuramu 120 120 34 34 2 CLRC, Rapthadu 50 5 0 8 Railway Institue of 3 40 3 0 5 Guntakal 4 CCRT TADIPATRI 200 50 1 3 Polytechinic College, 5 200 30 0 2 Dharmavaram Sapthagiri College of 6 6 2 1 3 Hindupur Balayogi School 7 150 40 0 7 Uravakonda SC Boys Hostel, Near 8 300 100 0 10 Saidapuram, Kadiri P Model School Hostel 9 100 23 18 20 Building. Kalyandurg Sathya Sai RH Building, 10 40 40 12 16 Puttaparthy MJP AP BC WELFARE 11 RESEDENTIAL 200 20 1 1 SCHOOL MADAKASIRA TOTAL 1497 442 67 109 7. Details of Isolation wards Non Available No.of Isolation ICU Total S.No Institution ICU Ventilato wards/rooms Beds Beds Beds Beds rs GGH, 1 1 ward 25 14 175 214 28 Ananthapuramu Super Speciality 2 Hospital, 22 rooms 22 27 30 79 16 Ananthapuramu District Hospitals, 3 1 ward 8 0 92 100 2 Hindupur 2 wards / Total 55 41 297 393 46 22 rooms 6 8. CoViD-19 District Hospitals Preparedness No. of No.of Non No. of ICU No.of S. Name of the Hospital in Rooms / ICU Beds Beds Ventilators No. Ananthapuramu Wards Available Available Available KIMS-SAVEERA 1 Institute of Medical Sciences Pvt 20 91 32 12 Ltd Chandra Super Specility Hospital 2 Near RTC Bus Stand Sreenivasa 12 73 6 2 Nagar Care & Cure Multispecility Hospital 3 23 51 10 2 NTR Marg Near RTC Bustand Super Speciality Hospital, 4 22 30 16 16 Ananthapuramu TOTAL 77 245 64 32 5 Dr. YSR Memorial Hospital, 23 60 8 0 6 Divya Sree Hospitals 31 50 11 2 7 Sri.Praagna Hospital 7 38 8 2 TOTAL 61 148 27 4 Grand Total 138 393 91 36 Saveera Institute of Medical Scienes Pvt. Ltd., Srinagar S.No District Ananthapuramu Colony Extension, Anantapuramu Patients Daily Status 1 Total number of patients admitted as on morning 11 2 Number admitted today 0 3 Number of patients who are stable 11 4 Number of patients in ICU 0 5 Numberof patients discharged today 0 6 Number of deaths (if any) 0 7 Total number admitted by evening (1+2-5-6) 11 9. District Control Room. Phone: 08554-277434, 08554-220009, 8500292992 Incoming Calls Outgo Sl.No. Date Medical Non- Medical ing Total Related Calls Calls Calls 1 03.03.2020 1 0 1 2 2 04.03.2020 6 0 4 10 3 05.03.2020 4 0 2 6 4 06.03.2020 5 0 4 9 5 07.03.2020 3 0 2 5 6 08.03.2020 3 0 2 5 7 09.03.2020 4 0 3 7 8 10.03.2020 4 0 3 7 9 11.03.2020 4 0 3 7 10 12.03.2020 5 0 4 9 11 13.03.2020 5 0 4 9 12 14.03.2020 6 0 5 11 13 15.03.2020 12 0 10 22 14 16.03.2020 2 0 1 3 15 17.03.2020 3 0 2 5 16 18.03.2020 12 0 9 21 7 17 19.03.2020 28 0 25 53 18 20-03-2020 25 0 22 47 1 21.03.2020 34 0 30 64 2 22.03.2020 38 3 35 76 3 23.03.2020 44 1 40 85 4 24.03.2020 88 5 85 178 5 25.03.2020 92 1 86 179 6 26.03.2020 90 11 95 196 7 27.03.2020 61 1 55 117 8 28.03.2020 65 3 63 131 9 29.03.2020 4 5 7 16 10 30.03.2020 60 19 75 154 11 31.03.2020 62 8 64 134 12 01.04.2020 57 7 59 123 13 02.04.2020 43 7 47 97 14 03.04.2020 49 13 56 118 15 04.04.2020 39 5 39 83 16 05.04.2020 27 9 34 70 17 06.04.2020 27 7 31 65 18 07.04.2020 27 8 30 65 19 08.04.2020 35 9 41 85 20 09.04.2020 33 1 30 64 21 10.04.2020 47 6 5 58 Total 1154 129 1113 2396 CoViD-19 DASHBOARD(STATE CONTROL ROOM) PETITIONS AS ON 10.04.2020 AT 4.00 PM Action taken by concerned Total Received Total Pending officer 789 427 362 1)Control Room Started on 03.03.2020 at DM & HO office.
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