Second Term Enrollment Scheduled For Jan. 5-18 ©Ml! Second semester enrollment procedure was announced by Harry OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION • UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI Provin, registrar, Wednesday. Registration of currently .enroll^ students will be held from Jan. 5 to Jan. 18 with final date for tuition payments set for Feb. 2. Each student will be given a registration kit containing a sec­ VOL. 16 DECEMBEB I8, 1942 No. i ond semester class schedule, a faculty directory, a trial study 3 slieet, and a five-card registration set on Jan. 5. He should have available, the mast recent photo­ static copy of his permanent re cord card as well as his regisrta SCRAM1 tion card showing his current Debaters Compete Merry Chri.tmu, Happy New schedule. ' Koch To Dramatize Y.»er, .od we'll M you Tues­ The following procedure will be For Radio Prize day, January «, 11*43. 1942 observed: Preliminaries of the annual Na­ cl«.,e. will be officially over et 1. Conferences with faculty ad­ tional Intercollegiate Radio De­ noon tomorrow Holiday re­ visors to have proposed bate contests will be held this ens'"Xmas Carol" minder.: Bey v«S bond, and schedules approved. year for Miami entrants on Jan­ stamp.; write row term paper, 2. Approval of each instructor uary 13, Dr. Charles Doren Continuing the tradition established by his father at the Univer- •u'lys aad re _ember, <_-» listed on the tentative sche­ Tharp, debate coach, announced •ity of North Carolina, Ffted Koch, Jr., will usher in the Christ- week i. creeping up.—REG dules. this week. 3. Filling out of five-card re­ From the competition at Miami mma. season with the reading of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas gistration set with advisors' two contestants will be selected -Carol" at the Coral Gables elementary school at 8 p.m. Sunday, APO Elects Heads, and registrar's approval. to present 500-word briefs of Dec 20. *4. Tuition arrangements. their arguments for entry in the The registration kits will be eight "local contests," so-called Miami's associate professor of drama is the son of the famous UXB Tags Today available the week of Dec. 28 for because the debates of contestants " ~f professor hy the same name and those students in the area who will be heard on local stations. subject at the University of North Alpha Phi Om< ;ra, national ser­ wish to start on their registration. Winners of the "Joecal" debates Carolina.-Fred Koch, Jr., remem­ vice fraternity, held its bi-annual There will be a regular final will enter the national contest to Mies Of WAAC bers having heard the story read elections on Tut-sday in the So­ examination .chedule this year, be broadcast from Feb. 16 to at home and on tour many times. cial hall. Unanimously elected of­ Mr. Provin announced. Last April 18 over the Blue network ficers for the next six months in­ This year's reading wiU be Jun­ semester the procedure wa« al­ under the auspices of the Ameri­ Told By Old Grad clude: president, John Beeves; tered and .tudent. took two- can Economic foundation. ior's fourth at Miami and Senior's vice-president, Marshall Simmons; U. Psuline E. Spofford, former two-hundredth (including tour hour split exams daring Question for the contest' is recording secretary, Martin Green­ class hours. Final examination. University of Miami student and performances and at home) at berg; corresponding secretary, "Should American Youth Support North Carolina. in tke regular .e»ion will take the Re-Establishment After the st present stationed at the WAAC Ed Feigin; treasurer, Basil Stew­ place from Jan. 25 to Jan. 28. The cutting of the. story both art; and historian, Alan Siegel. War of Competitive Enterprise Training center in Daytona Beach favor is above an hour and a quar­ Examination* in the Adult di­ as our Dominant Economic Sys­ m head of the speakers' bureau, ter long and was made by Charles Members of tije fraternity are vision will be given from Jan. tem." All Miami students are eli­ •poke at the assembly yesterday Dickens, himself. The author of­ sponsoring a taj» day today for 18 to Jan. 21. gible to enter. the benefit of the Empty Stocking ss "The WAACs' Contribution ten read his "Christmas Carol" The new semester will begin fund's Christmas charity. Dona­ Wednesday, Feb. 3. Feb. 10 will To the Wsr Effort." during the lecture tour he made tions will be accepted throughout in his single visit to the United be the last day for changing the Holiday Hours Set She enumerated the average the day in front of the cafeteria. courses.—EF States. WAAC's duties in regard to re­ Koch characterizes all parts The War councU has contributed By Library Head placing men in non-combat work ten dollars to APO to help defray of the story and his voice ranges sad described some of her own ther expenses involved in the fra­ Honor Court Finds Deadline for overdue books at uperiences in toe service. She from the squeaky words of Tiny ternity's blood-typing project. A. the library bas been set for Satur­ •tressed the important position Tim to the booming timbre of the P.O. will supply the rest of the Seven Guilty day, Dec. 19, K. Malcolm Beal, Three Ghosts. director, announced this week. _ women on the home front. money as well ss the equipment Honor Court justices last Thurs­ Principal point the local reader All books must be in by thst Her activities while at the Uni­ and technicians mecessary for the day found F. L. Klein, Thelma wants remembered is that too date or overdue fines will be work. Martin Grnenberg and Alan Warner, Robert Jiras, Harry venity included editing the first many people believe the "Christ­ charged for every day that the Siegel will begin the typing as Friedman, Al Borkin, Toni Long, Ksool publication, acting as as- mas Carol" to be an entirely ser­ library is open during the holi­ soon as the serum arrives.—EF and Augustus Moore guilty of •oeiste-editor of the Ibis, mem­ ious tale. Koch has a theory, which days. The library will remain violating Article 8, section 4, of bership in Rho Beta Omicron open from ten to twelve every he will demonstrate next week the Honor code of the Student ipeMch honorary, and playing on morning from Monday through as he has in other years, that the Edelstein Passed Government association. the honorary varsity basketball story is full of comedy and hu­ Thursday of the holiday period. mor.—ES As .Ibis BMS. Mgr. The official ruling on the case Books may be charged out for Harold Edelstein was elected is that any student stepping into use over the holidays.—DAL Prom 1929 to 1936 she was business manager of the 1943 the lunch line is infracting the sees editor of the Miami Beach Students Asked To Enroll Ibis Tuesday by a Senate vote of Honor code. Students found Tropics and the Coral Gables Ri- For Medical Aptitude Teste 7-3. This was th*! third time that guilty hereafter of breaking into Independents Top viers. Before joining the WAAC's, AH students interested in regis­ the issue was brought before the line will be sentenced, and ac­ Lt Spofford was assistant pro­ tering for the medical aptitude legislative body. tivity book use will be suspended nation manager for Lentheric in In WSSF Drive tests scheduled for Jan. 22 must A petition from the Debate for one month. hew Tork and was also director see Miss Georgia May Barrett, council requesting $38.12 for Any two students of the gen­ Independents on campus tt the National Association of professor of psychology. Christmas travu expenses was eral student body may arrest vio­ eclipsed sororities and fraternit­ Manufacturers. Official announcement of the granted. Ten dohars was expended lators of the code, and submit ies in the competition among all testing program has been sent to to cover costs for repairing the the name of the accused to the groups in contributing over $23 After Lt. Spofford's talk, BUI to the World Student Service fund lasts leed members of • Phi Mu Miss Barrett by the American Kampus Klubrr .n's microphone Chief Justice, Seymour Simon, or Association of Medical colleges. that was broken at a University to the Prosecuting Attorney, Jack held Tuesday and Wednesday of Alpha snd Sigma Alpha Iota, this week. The drive was directed —DAL pep rally.—HG Coyle.—HG ana's and women's music honor- by Mary Frances Price, vice-presi­ in the singing of Christmas dent of the Y. W. C. A. enrols. Leaders of the fraternities was Playmakers Achieve True Portrait Of Holy Frmily Lambda Chi Alpha. Among tlie sororities D-lta Zeta and Chi Africa Front Gob Good acting, toned down by di­ those who opposed him, without Lowell Veach, playing the part Omega tied for making the most rection to a low pitch, marked the being inconsistent in the interpre­ of the youngest son, Judah, made contributions. Says Morale High performance last week of "Fami­ tation of her character. As it was, up in earnestness what he lacked Included in the Y Christmas ly Portrait" by the University of she kept a firm rrrasp on her part in acting ability. He was one of Just back from the African projects is the sale of tuberculo­ Miami Playmakers. But although and never let thet play get the bet­ the few characters who was al­ aseond front _U Harry Pilafian, sis seals which begins today. In the guiding hand of Mrs.
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