Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 3 5 05/15/1972 Letter Letter from Rose Mary Woods to Milton Rose informing him that RN has signed the papers he sent earlier. 1pg. 3 5 05/11/1972 Letter Letter from M. Rose to Rose Mary Woods informing her of enclosed waivers of notice of Meeting of Board of Directors as well as waivers of notice of Meeting of Members of Foundation to be signed by the President. 1pg. 3 5 05/09/1972 Letter Letter form David Hitchcock to RN informing him of enclosed absentee ballot. 1pg. 3 5 05/30/1972 Letter Form letter from Walter H. Judd to "Fellow Member" (of Former Members of Congress, Inc.) informing of doings from second annual Alumni Day celbration. 2pgs. 3 5 04/28/1972 Newsletter Newsletter outlining proceedings and debates of the 92nd Congress, Second Session (not scanned) 8 pgs. 3 5 03/01/1972 Report Membership listing of "Former Members of Congress." 2pgs. Friday, October 09, 2009 Page 1 of 2 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 3 5 05/07/1972 Newspaper Article titled: "Auxiliary Formed at Reunion." 1pg. 3 5 05/15/1972 Memo Memo from Rose Mary Woods to Ehrlichman RE: RN signing Martin Anderson's application for membership in the Bohemian Club. 1pg. 3 5 06/02/1972 Letter Letter from Rose Mary Woods to Jack Naylor RE: picking up files from his Archives. 1pg. 3 5 05/04/1972 Letter Letter from Jack Naylor to Rose Mary Woods RE: files/records left behind in their Archives. 1pg. 3 5 n.d. Form Filing legend for PN's files, 1960. 3pgs. Friday, October 09, 2009 Page 2 of 2 1 t 1 wacareJlY, RMW:ma MUDGE ROSE GUTHRIE 0. ALEXANDER 20 BROAD STR EET JOHN H. ALEXANDER .JOHN T . TRIM BLE GEORGE F. ANDEREGG , JR. COUNSEL BLISS ANSNES NEW YORK, N,Y, I0005 PETER W . ASHER ARTHUR M . SECKER MILTON BLACK 1701 PENNSYLVANIA AVE.,N.W. WALTER E . BREEN 212-422-6767 H. RIDGELY BULLOCK WA$ HIN GTON. D. C. WILLIAM H. CANNON NICHOLAS u. CAPOZZOLI, JR. 202- 298 - 5970 0 . O . CLAYTON TH OMAS S. CURRIER JOSEPH C. DALEY GOLDTHWAITE H . DORR May 11, 1972 12, RUE DE LA PAIX THOMAS W. EVANS RICHARD S. F"ARROW PARIS Z.,FRANCE ROBERT E. FERDON .JAMES G . F"RANGOS 742-05-99 GERRIT GILLIS GERALD B . GREENW.A.LD (O . C . BAR ONLY) RANDOLPH H . GUTHRIE MATTHEW G . HEROLD. JR . CAeLE ADDRESS JOHN J. KIRBY, JR. WILLIAM a. LANDIS BALTUCHINS- NEW YORK JOHN LARSON WILLIA M 8. LAWLESS FRANKLIN a,LiNCOLN . JR. TELEX 12 7669 W ILLIAM A. MADISON ARTHUR J. MAHON FRANCIS X. MALONEY .JOHN N. MITCHELL RICHARD H . NICHOLLS RICHARD S . RITZEL ~ bL~~~ NCM~~~~A L HARRY G SILLECK. JR. HENRY ROOT STERN . ..JR. JAMES P.TANNIAN ARNOLD H. TRACY DONALD .J. ZOELLER Miss Rose Mary Woods The ~'Jhi te Hous e Ttlashington, D. C. Dear Rose: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of yesterday after­ noon, I am enclosing, herewith, six waivers of notice of Meeting of Board of Directors, in blank, to be signed by the Directors of The Elmer and Mamdouha Bobst Foundation, conSisting of Mr. and Mrs. Bobst, myself and the President. I also enclose two waivers of notice of Meeting of Members 0 this Foundation, which should be signed by the President since he is also a Member of the Foundation. These waivers will be held in reserve for use at such times as the Directors and/or Members meet. We shal l have to have a Directors' meeting very short­ ly and I should therefore, greatly appreciate it if you would obtain the President I s signature on all of the proposed \vaivers and return them to me in the enclosed, stamped envelope. As I explained to you, I am also enclosing Internal Revenue Service Form 990 which, strictly speaking, requires the signature of all of the Directors. While a return on this form has been filed with an explanatory note to the effect that the President's signature was not available to us prior to the filing date, we are proposing to file a supplemental, or amended, return in order to comply with the requirements. If the President will be good enough to sign this re­ turn, where indicated, you can also return i t to me in the enclosed envelope. Thame you very much for your help in this. I hope that it l',i11 not inconvenience you or the President. As ever, MCR:sm Enclosures: 10, as above - 1 DAVID G. HITCHCOCK REGISTRAR OF VOTERS P.O. BOX 11 296 SAN TA ANA, CA LIFORNIA 927 11 TELEPHONE : 634-2244 A RE A CODE 714 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF V OT ERS May 9. 1972 President Richard M. Nixon The White House Washington, D. C. 20500 Dear Mr. President : An absentee ballot application for the June 6, 1972 Primary Election is enclosed for your convenience. If your commitments will require you to be absent from your precinct on election day, please sign the application form and return it in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. Very respectfully yours, / ' I }./-­ . :rfCQ /~~---- ~avid G. Hitchcock Regis t rar of Voters DGH : rc Ene . V /\1~ l~ • FORMER MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, INC. May 30 , 1972 Dear FellOW' Member: Our second ann1.U\J. Alumni Day celebration was held on April 28th an the floor of the House of Repr esentatives , and I am pleased to report t he tradition is now well- established. Speaker Carl Albert, Maj ority Leader HaJ.e Boggs, Minori ty Leader Gerald Ford, as well as other sitting Members, gave 'US a fine welcome, and representatives of Congresses from the 65th to the 90th r esponded appr opriat~. Kbout 75 ~ ~,.. s were present during t he da¥ , although nat all. were able to be present &.t the roll caJ.l. Enclosed i s IS. cop.. of the Con­ gressional Record report of t he proceedL~s. Our fellow-member, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, arranged for buses to take us t o the state Department Conference Room f or very informative off-the­ record briefings by high offi ci als of state and Defense DepnrtIOP....nts . They dealt mainly with t he Far East, including the current situation in Vietnam, a...'1d the overall defense st rength of the United states to~, especi ally in. relation to that of t he Soviet Union. We returned. to t he lLU1 for a delightful reception f o members, s:pou.ses, and widOW'S • Quite a few sl.tting YleIllbers dropped by -- considering it was a Friday evening in an election year! Speaker Al.bert, has written us: "It was great t o have all t he former Member s of' Congress who were able to Ccm'le, in Washington for our Annual Heunion on Apr il 28. I was .•• of course, delighted t hat it was enjoyed by others e.s much as by nwself". Enclosed is a lilt by States of' the 400 who have joined FMC . You will note with regret t hat 17 of' our members have passed a~ in these two years. 'The membership of' seven lOOre is suspended while they are running t his year fer the House or Senate. With almost 40 Senators and Representatives he.ving announced that they are not running f'or re-election, plus the possible " casualties" on November 7th, there will be quite a few eligible recrult s next J anuary. At our business meeting, s ix new members of the Board were el cted: To fill out a one-year t erm, Jeffery Cohelan of California; to fill out a two-year term, Joseph Tydings of Maryland; f'or three-year terms, Joseph Barr of Indiana, Eugene Keogh of' New York, Thomas Kuchel of California, and George Mea.der of Washington. The officers elected for 1972 are r eported in the enclosed Record reprint. SOARD <;:IF DIRECTORS WALTER H. JUDD, PresIdent . JEFFERY COHELAN GEORGE MEADER JOSE P H D. TYDINGS, Vice·President HOMER F E RGUSON A . S. MIKE MONRON EY SeN REIFEL, Secret~ry eUGENE.I. KEOGH ... HOWARD W. POLLOCK JOSEPH W. SARR, Tte asurer THOMAS H. KUCHEL ROSE RT RAMS PECK 3083 Ordway. Street, N. W., Washington, D.C. :20008 ~ (202) 362-6488. -2­ The fall r eunion and briefings are planned for sometime after the November election. A new Biogr8.J:)hicaJ.. Directory of the .Ameri can Congress) 1774-1971, has been issued. As a former Member of Congress , you can obtain a copy by writing to the Joint Camnittee on Printing. Our wives and the widows of alJ. former Members of the Congress have formed a Women's Auxiliary of FMC. They got off to a. flying st art wi'th 48 wome.n attending an organizing luncheon held. the same day as our meet i ng , and 169 en­ rolling as Charter Members. As their officers they elected: President, Mrs. Harold Hagen; Vice-President, Mrs. A. Sydney Herlong; Secretary, Mrs. WaJ.ter Judd; Treasurer, Mrs. Jolm Foley. During the current year we hope to emphasize acti vities t hat will pre­ serve the associations and friendships esta.blished during our yeexs of active service, develop a program. to give our people greater appreciati on of the history of the Congress and perhaps of same individual Congresses. We hope for the en­ actment of a resolution establishing an annual "Congress Day", (like Constitution Day, nag Day, Law Day, etc.), possible holding of regional.
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