n of W/# yo Vc y^ w <? O < o > CORNELL LAB of ORNITHOLOGY LIBRARY At Sapsucker Woods Illustration of Snowy Owl by Louis Agassiz Fuertes M^Sj|MTY,UBRARY ,„,„ 3i1924 090 "056 29 2274 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Bulletin 57 THE FAMILIES AND GENERA OF BATS BY GERRIT S. MILLER, Jr. Assistant Curator, Division of Mammals U. S. National Museum m^M WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 LABORATORY OF ORNITHOLOGY LIBRARY CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY r ;£«. He* York 1485 LIST OF ERRATA AND CORRECTIONS. On page xiii, line 6 from bottom, for trintatis read Prinitatis. On page xv, lines 8 and 18 from top, for Genoa read Geneva. On page xv, line 24 from top, for Ilarpiocephlus read Harpio- cephalus. On page xvn, line 7 from bottom, for Molussus i*ead Mvlossus. On page 47, line 14 from top, for Acerdon read Acerodon. On page 93, line 12 from top, for Taphonycteries read Taplionycteris. On page 151, line 12 from bottom, for effecting read affecting. On page 158, line 12 from top, for macconelli read macconneUi. On page 200, line 7 from bottom, for Myotus read Myotis. On page 206, between lines 1 and 2, insert: 1867. Alobus Peters, Monatsber. k. preuss. Akad. Wissensch., Berlin, p. 707 {temminckii=ruppellii), not Alobus Le Conte, 1856. On page 208, line 12 from bottom, for Vespertilio read Eptesicus. On page 208, line 17 from bottom, for Hungarlee read Hungarian On page 228, line 3 from bottom, for fucas vea.dfu.seus. On page 268, line 27 from bottom, strike out fucas, Miniop- terus 228. On page 268, between lines 9 and 10 from bottom, under fuscus, insert Miniopterus 228. On page 272, line 4 from bottom, for fucas read fuscus. Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924090297056 UBeraiory ©» Om»M»(W R°«d iB« Sapsuckar Woo* Cornell U»l*ef»ity 1485 • Ittwea, New York SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Bulletin 57 THE FAMILIES AND GENERA OF BATS BY GERRIT S. MILLER, Jr. Assistant Curator, Division of Mammals U. S. National Museum WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 QU 737 Published June 29, 1907. ADVERTISEMENT. The scientific publications of the National Museum consist of two series— the Bulletin and the Proceedings. The Bulletin, publication of which was begun in 1875, is a series of more or less extensive works intended to illustrate the collections of the United States National Museum and, with the exception noted below, is issued separately. These bulletins are monographic in scope and are devoted principally to the discussion of large zoological and botanical groups, faunas and floras, contributions to anthropology, reports of expeditions, etc. They are usually of octavo size, although a quarto form, known as the Special Bulletin, has been adopted in a few instances in which a larger page was deemed indispensable. This work forms No. 57 of the Bulletin series. Since 1902 the volumes of the series known as " Contributions from the National Herbarium" and containing papers relating to the botanical collections of the Museum, have been published as bulletins. The Proceedings, the first volume of which was issued in 1878, are intended as a medium of publication of brief original papers based on the collections of the National Museum, and setting forth newly acquired facts in biology, anthropology, and geology derived there- from, or containing descriptions of new forms and revisions of lim- ited groups. A volume is issued annually, or oftener, for distribution to libraries and scientific establishments, and in view of the impor- tance of the more prompt dissemination of new facts a limited edition of each paper is printed in pamphlet form in advance. Charles D. Walcott, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, U. S. A., June 15, 1907. PREFACE. This classification of the families and genera of bats, primarily based on skeletal and dental characters, is chiefly the result of my studies of the collections in the United States National Museum. During two visits to Europe I have, however, been permitted with the utmost liberality to examine the material in the museums of Lon- don, Paris, Leiden, and Berlin, with the result that members of prac- tically all the known genera of Chiroptera have passed through my hands. To the authorities of these institutions I take pleasure in acknowledging my indebtedness. I am also under special obligations to Mr. Oldfield Thomas for the unique facilities that I have enjoyed for working in the British Museum, and to Mr. Knud Andersen for his unfailing kindness in verifying special characters in the specimens in London. Finally, to my assistant, Dr. Marcus W. Lyon, jr., acknowledgment is due for his care in superintending the drawing of some of the illustrations and assistance in reading proof during my absence from Washington. The pen drawings in the text are mostly by Miss Mary Mason Mitchell and the late Dr. J. C. McConnell; those in Plates XI to XIV are also by Doctor McConnell. The wash drawings of the teeth, forming Plates I to X, were made under my supervision by the late Mr. F. van Iterson. They should be regarded as semidiagram- matic. Owing to the fragmentary condition of the remains by which they are known, it has not seemed expedient to attempt to introduce the extinct genera in a system based on characters which the fossils have for the most part lost. It has also seemed inexpedient to deal with subgenera at a time when the species of bats are still very imperfectly known. All questions of nomenclature have been decided in accordance with the Code of Nomenclature of the American Ornithologists' Union, pending the final adoption of an international code. Gerrit S. Miller, Jr. <• Cormura, Stenoderma. and Amurphochihts are the only genera among the 173 here recognized that I have not seen. v CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 1 History 2 Anatomy 12 Wing 13 Humerus, shoulder, and. elbow 13 Phalanges 17 Sternum and shoulder girdle 17 Teeth 20 Milk dentition 20 Dental formula 23 Normal cusps 29 Interrelation of teeth - 33 Modifications of cusps 36 Classification 43 Order Chiroptera 43 Suborder Megachiroptera 44 Family Pteropidse 45 Subfamily Pteropinse 45 Genus Cynopterus F. Cuvier 47 Genus Niadius Miller 49 Genus Thoopterus Matschie 50 Genus Ptenochirus Peters 51 Genus Megaerops Peters 51 Genus Balionycteris Matschie 52 Genus Sphserias Miller 53 Genus Rousettus Gray 54 Genus Pterocyon Peters 55 Genus Pteropus Brisson 56 Genus Acerodon Jourdan 59 Genus Desmalopex, new genus 90 Genus Pteralopex Thomas 60 Genus Boneia Jentink 61 Genus Styloctenium Matschie 62 Genus Dobsonia Palmer 63 Genus Scotonycteris Matschie 64 Genus Epomophorus Bennett 65 Genus Hypsigiiathus H. Allen 67 Subfamily Kiodotina? 68 Genus Eonycteris Dobson 69 Genus Callinycteris Jentink 69 Genus Kiodotus Blyth 70 Genus Odontonycteris Jentink 71 Genus Syconycteris Matschie 72 Genus Trygenycteris Lydekker 73 Genus Melonycteris Dobson 73 Genus Nesonycteris Thomas 74 Genus Notopteris Gray 74 VII VIII CONTENTS. Classification—Continued. Page. Order Chiroptera—Continued. Suborder Megachiroptera—Continued. Family Pteropidse—Continued. Subfamily Nyctymeninse 75 Genus Nyctymene Bechstein 75 Subfamily Harpyionycterinse 77 Genus Harpyionycteris Thomas 77 Suborder Microchiroptera 78 Family Rhinopomidae 80 Genus Rhinopoma Geoffroy 81 Family Emballonuridse 82 Subfamily Emballonurina? 8.1 Genus Emballonura Temniinck 86 Genus Coleura Peters 87 Genus Rhyncbiscus Miller 88 Genus Saccopteryx Illiger 89 Genus Cormura Peters 90 Genus Peropteryx Peters 90 Genus Peronymus Peters 90 Genus Centronycteris Gray 91 Genus Myropteryx Miller 91 Genus Balantiopteryx Peters 92 Genus Taphozous Geoffroy 93 Subfamily Diclidurinse 94 Genus Diclidurus Wied 95 Family Noctilionidse 95 Genus Noctilio Linnaeus 97 Genus Dirias Miller 99 Family Nycteridse 99 Genus Nycteris Geoffroy 101 Family Megadermidse 101 Genus Megaderma Geoffroy 103 Genus Lyroderma Peters 104 Genus Macroderma Miller 105 Genus Lavia Gray 105 Genus Cardioderma Peters 10*6 Family Rhinolophidoe 106 Genus Rhinolophus Lacepede 108 Family Hipposideridre 109 Genus Hipposideros Gray 110 Genus Asellia Gray 112 Genus Anthops Thomas 113 Genus Coelops Blyth 113 Genus Cloeotis Thomas 114 Genus Rhinonycteris Gray 114 Genus Tritenops Dobson 115 Family Phyllostomidse 116 Subfamily Chilonycterinaa 1 ;. 118 Genus Chilonycteris Gray 119 Genus Pteronotus Gray 120 Genus Mormoops Leach 121 CONTENTS. IX Classification—Continued. Page. Order Chiroptera—Continued. Suborder Microchiroptera—Continued. Family Phyllostomidse—Continued. Subfamily Phyllostominae 121 Genus Micronycteris Gray 123 Genus Xenoctenes, new genus 124 Genus Glyphonycteris Thomas 125 Genus Otopterus Lydekker 126 Genus Lonchorhina Tomes 127 Genus Dolichophyllum Lydekker 127 Genus Tonatia Gray 128 Genus Minion Gray 129 Genus Anthorhina Lydekker 129 Genus Phyllostomus LacepSde 130 Genus Phylloderma Peters 131 Genus Trachops Gray 132 Genus Chrotopterus Peters 133 Genus Vampyrus Leach 134 Subfamily Glossophaginse 136 Genus Glossophaga Geoffroy 137 Genus Lonchophylla Thomas 139 Genus Monophyllus Leach 139 Genus Anoura Gray 139 Genus Lonchoglossa Peters 140 Genus Choeronycteris Tschudi 141 Genus Hylonycteris Thomas 142 Genus Leptonycteris Lydekker 142 Genus Lichonycteris Thomas 143 Subfamily Hemiderminas 144 Genus Hemiderma Gervais 145 Genus Rhinophylla Peters 146 Subfamily Sturnirinse 147 Genus Sturnira Gray 148 Subfamily Stenoderminae 149 Genus
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