participate at CAC Termite Wildcats MAG-24 aircraft Page A-2 win Superbowl' Page B-1 Varsity cagers play Australians Page B-1 Vol. 17, No. 49 Serving MCAT; Kaneohe Bay, 1st MEB, Camp KM. Smith and Marine Barracks, Hawaii December f3, 1988 Camp Smith cross replaced CAMP H.M. SMITH - The 65-foot cross that stood atop Halawa Heights, Oahu, since 1966 was dismantled Dec. 1. A three-foot marble pedestal and plaque, marked by an 80-foot flagpole, now stands in its place here. Originally dedicated 22 years ago in remembrance of iJ5MC photo U. S. Marines who died in WHERE DO I SIGN? - Marines from safety offices island-wide join Governor Waihee during the signing of an anti-drunk driving combat during the Vietnam proclamation Nov. 22. They are: (left-right) GySgt. D.N. War, the memorial cross was Fullenwider, GySgt. M.W. Hall, SSgt. S. Williams, MSgt. G. Ortiz, later rededicated as a beacon SSgt. S. Wilkens, Cpl. L.J. Sallee and Capt. J.L. Temple. of hope for the safe return of our prisoners of war and the accounting of the nearly 2,400 service men listed as Marines, Hawaii try missing-in-action. Sgt, J.A. Simon photo "The absence of the IN MEMORY - The American and the POW/MIA flags fly over the remembrance marker. memorial cross on this hill- to keep drivers sober side will in no way change in Southeast Asia. This the significance of its in- memorial was, undoubtedly, CAMP H.M. SMITH -In ignated Driver Program," said tended purpose, nor eliminate one of the first to pay tribute about the same time it would GySgt. Dan Fullenwider, from our hearts the memory to Marines who died in take you to get into your car, FMFPac Ground Safety of those who fought, died, Vietnam." drive to the 7-Day Store and NCOIC. "We don't want to were captured or who are still "Because of differing per- buy a six-pack of your favor- ruin it for our Marines. They listed as missing-in-action in ceptions about the cross, its ite beverage, someone has work hard and deserve to go Southeast Asia," said LtGen. presence on this military died. out and have fun, but all Ma- E. J. Godfrey commanding installation was challenged, Statistics gathered by rines are expected to act general of FMFPac, as he and eventually argued in Mothers Against Drunk Driv- responsibly." addressed the nearly 300 court. The merits of main- ers (MADD) indicate that The main concern for the people gathered to dedicate taining the cross were meas- someone involved in an the new memorial. ured against the provisions alcohol-related traffic acci- safety personnel is that do of the constitution," he said. dent dies every 22 minutes. Marines not drink and "The flagpole and the flags drive. unfurled today," he said, "will Last year, alcohol-related It was Aug. 30 when Judge GySgt. Fullenwider esti- identify the site and continue accidents claimed Thomas F. Hogan of the U.S. traffic mated that alcohol accounts to serve as a re- This figure constant District Court, District of Co- 23,987 lives. for more than 50 percent of minder, as did the cross, of represents more than one half lumbia, ordered the cross to the deaths and injuries in the debt we owe our number of fatali- gallant be removed, allowing a 60- of the total the Marine Corps today. comrades." ties on the nation's highways day delay to appeal. Al- during 1987. He also said that here in The flags LtGen. Godfrey though the decision was not This year, Dec. 11-17 will Hawaii, the insurance com- referred to are a garrison-sized appealed, the Marine Corps be designated by Congress panies are obligated to in- American and the POW/MIA. was granted an additional as National Drunk and crease auto insurance rates Both will fly 24-hours-a-day delay to arrange the cere- Drugged Driving Awareness a and be illuminated nightly. mony for the removal of the by exorbitant amounts if Cpl. R.A. Gallagher photo Week. The emphasis driver is convicted of driving In his remarks, LtGen. cross and dedication of the will be placed on the while under the influence of Godfrey recapped the history replacement marker and flag- of events led to the UNFURLING -- Marines of the Camp Smith Honors platoon Designated Driver Program. alcohol. and that pole. the removal of the cross. "In prepare to raise the American flag that now flies over "We're endorsing the Des- See DWI/A-2 remembrance marker, which was dedicated Dec. 1 to replace Washington, D.C. and in The ceremony's final re- the Camp Smith Cross. cities throughout the coun- marks were read by a narra- try, numerous monuments tor from the Commandant of of our country, will now stand honor the memory of those and memorials have been the Marine Corps, Gen. A.M. as a very fitting symbol of who have sacrified so much k.I dedicated to the veterans, Gray: "The stars and stripes, the bonds that bind us to ensure our continued free- Establishments placed off limits living and dead, of the war which symbolize the heritage together as Americans, as we dom." The Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board has placed the following establishments off limits to all military person- VMFA-232 F-4 placed at Smithsonian Institute nel in the Oahu area: Hawaii Natural High, 339 Saratoga St., Hono- By LCpl. Doris Carerro lulu. For selling drug paraphernalia. Nimitz Plaza Liquor, 2877 No. Nimitz Hwy., Honolulu. For selling liquor to minors and selling drug An F-4 Phantom from paraphernalia. VMFA-232 recently took its Kang's Lounge, 534 Clive Ave., Wahiawa. For drug place in history when it purchases, robberies, assaults, and frequent patronage of became part of the Air and prostitutes and homosexuals. Space Museum at the Smith- All military personnel are prohibited from entering any sonian Institute in Washing- establishment listed above unless required by competent civilian ton, D.C. authority. Service personnel, whether in uniform or The process of selecting the or leaving any of these establish- clothing, found entering fighter that served the Marine ments may be subject to disciplinary action. Additionally, service personnel are warned that it is illegal to Corps longer than any other into a contract with any business establishment that has started with a phone call from enterbeen declared off-limits. the Smithsonian Institute to the Department of the Navy. Capt. G.R. Temple photo After extensive computer FLYING INTO THE HISTORY BOOKS - "No. 3," a VMFA-232 F-4 Phan tom. Kailua Christmas Parade Saturday research, they found one The Kailua Christmas Parade will be held Saturday at 10 aircraft that stood above the F-4s that were built. "It is D.C., where a videotape was a.m. rest. fitting that this particular made of the landing. The Marine units participatirw,ltihe parade will be the Air This F-4, bureau number aircraft will spend the rest of log book dating back to the Station Color Guard, FIVIPPiiic tarii(liaind Company B,1stBn., 157307 -better known in vehicle support. its time in the Smithsonian day the aircraft was built was 3rd Marines. MWSS will p*m.de VMFA-232 as 3 " School. It will -"No. -was rather than storage in the also delivered. The parade will start at Kailua IniOmediate chosen to be a part of avia- proceed on Kainalu Rd., and turn left onto Kuulei Road. At the Arizona desert," he added. LtCol. Tullos plans to visit intersection of Oneawa St., Kailua Rd. and Kuulei Rd., the tion history because of docu- the aircraft that represents mented evidence that the F- After being notified by the parade will turn left onto Kailua Rd. It will continue down of the Commander of the F-4 that has been 4 shot down a Soviet MiG office Kailua Rd. and end at Kailua Intermediate School. Naval Air Forces Pacific, part of the his squadron for Energy-saving tip: fighter over North Vietnam squadron 21 years. "I think the in 1972 when it was part of Marines of the an spent one week repainting squadron members will, too. Install aerator a Navy squadron on the USS It's something we can 1*Jc:de qetetAaie 7Xeviege and preparing " No. 3" for show in. your kitchen Constellation . our children its new home. and grandchil- sink faucet. By, _According to LtCol. George dren -a part of history we Legally Speaking A-3 Tickets B-3 reducing the Tullos, VMFA-232's corn- For LtCol. Tullos, the were involved in," he said. On the Blotter A-3 Movies B-3 flight started here amount of water in At a Glance A-5 Religious Services 8-4 manding officer, this aircraft historial The squadron hopes to pick Family Services B-3 Hawaii Marine Ads A-4 will represent the distin- and ended at Dulles Interna- up its first F/A-18 Hornet in the flovi, you use Special Services A-7 guished service of the 5,000 tional Airport in Washington, March. lesS hot water. A-2 HAWAII MARINE December 8, 1988 DWI/from A-1 Days in Hawaii." The proc- lamation cited that in 1987 GySgt. Fullenwider added the use of alcohol was in- that the safety personnel here volved in 82 of the 138 will go out of their way to driving fatalities here, and sell the idea of the Desig- urged "all on the island to nated Driver Program. He observe this time in a manner applauded the innovative appropriate to its importance ways commands are using to to the safety and health of keep personnel from behind our people." the wheel when they've had too much to drink.
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