Index to Volume 123 75 Years of Fun: invention of Monopoly, American foumal of Education (periodical): 181 William Russell, 209 go Years of Fun: origin of Monopoly, 181 The American Notebooks (Hawthorne): Abbot, Fanny E. L.: quoted on Nathan mentioned, 267 Dane, 30-31 American Revolution. See Revolution¬ Abbott, Annie (Anne) W.: game. The ary war Mansion of Flappiness, 138, 153; Dr. Ames, James Barr: law teacher, 319 Busby, game, 152 Amesbury, Mass.: birthplace of Rufiis Abbott, Ira: and William Henry Moody, Sargent, 82 316 Anabasis (Xenophon), mentioned, 315 Abbott, Jacob: quoted on children’s Anagrams (game), mentioned, 137 learning, 132-133 Andover, Mass.: mentioned, 15, 27, Abolitionists: mentioned, 213 187; South Parish, 119; soldiers for Abolitionists. See also Slavery Ticonderoga expedition, 287, 288; Academy of Music: Keller, Salem, 1776, state constitution, 288; Phillips Mass., 10 Academy, 315; Music Hall, 316 Adams, Henry: history at Harvard, 318 Andover Seminary: Rev. James Fletcher, Adams, John: on William Bentley, 332; 314; Phillips Academy, classes, 316 French relations, 334 Andrews,-:Boxford, Mass., Affective skills: children’s toys, 121 soldier, 294 Africa: mentioned, 336, exportation to, Andrews, Charles: and Mary Toppan freed slaves, 343 Pickman, 25 African Colonization Society: Bentley, Annals of Salem (Felt): cited, 272 exportation of freed slaves, 343 Anti-Catholicism: Haverhill Parochial Ahlstrom, Sidney: quoted on New School case, 324-325 England meeting houses, 91-92, 93 Anti-Monopoly, Inc. v. General Mills Albany, N.Y.: Clinton-St. Leger-Bur- Fun Group, Inc. (684 Fad 1320): goyne campaign, 288, 289, 295 invention of Monopoly, 181 Alcott, Bronson: mentioned, 121; friend Antinomian controversy: effect on of Elizabeth Peabody, 208; Temple church government, 236, 237, 249, Academy, 210; teaching technique, 251;John Cotton, Anne Hutchinson, 211 251; Boston, Mass., 236, 250, 251, Alcott, Louisa May: mentioned, 216 252; after controversy, 253, 254, 255, Alger, Horatio, Jr.: optimistic faith, 258; Roxbury, Mass., 258 lOO-IOI Appleton farm: Ipswich, Mass., 280 Alger, Horatio, Sr.: Rumney Marsh, Arabia: mentioned, 336; language, 331 100 Architecture: works of Rufus Sargent “The Ambitious Guest” (Hawthorne): outside Newburyport, Mass., 42-87, mentioned, 270 with illus. America. See United States Architectural styles: Colonial period, American Froebel Union: founded by 74: Federal, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82; Italian- Elizabeth Peabody, 217 ate, 44, 46, 48, 54, 55, 57, 68, 69, 75, 357 358 ESSEX INSTITUTE HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS 83; Gothic Revival, 58, 60, 73, 83; Baltimore, Md.: mentioned, 58, 86, 160 Greek Revival, 44, 81, 83; High Vic¬ Banking (game): George S. Parker, 152 torian Italianate, 68, 75; Neoclassical, “Barbie” dolls: mentioned, 127, [128] 67, 72; Renaissance, 93; Second Em¬ (illus.) pire, 50, 64, 66, 72, 74, 75, 83; Tif¬ Barnard, Henry: kindergarten move¬ fany, 60; Victorian, 44, 72, 73, 74, 81 ment, 213, 215, 225, 226 Aristotle: mentioned, 225 Barrett, Colonel: northern campaign, Army and Navy Gazette (periodical): 293 mentioned, 213 Barstow, Charles: Mary Toppan Art: in kindergarten curriculum, 221- Pickman and Caroline Saltonstall, 25 222 Barstow, Dr. Gideon: mentioned, 25 The Articles of Compact: in Northwest Barstow, Gideon Forrester: mentioned, Ordinance of 1787, 35 25 The Arts: Bentley reporting, 341 Barstow, Nancy Forrester (Mrs. Gid¬ Ashmun, John Hooker: Royall profes¬ eon): mentioned, 25 sorship, Harvard, 38 Bartlett, Horace E.: William Henry Ashton, Mrs. S. G.: The Game of Moody partner, 320-321 Europe, illustration, 143 Barton, Mrs.: daughter of George S. Askew, Thomas A.: review of Charles Parker, 155 Lloyd Cohen’s God’s Caress: The Barton, Randolph Parker: on possible Psychology of Puritan Religious Experi¬ sellout of Parker Brothers, 155-156; ence, 296-298 about George S. Parker, 161-162; on Atlantic Monthly (periodical): mentioned, Agnes McGee, 171-172; on Pastime 215 Puzzle, 172-172; on Monopoly, 177 Audubon, John J.: mentioned, 46 Barton, Robert B. M : mentioned, 156, Austin, Samuel: teacher. Friends Board¬ 158; about, 160-161; labor relations, ing School, 183, 184, 185, 190, 196, Parker Brothers, 163; medical, disa¬ 201, 202, 203 bility insurance, 164; unionization Austin organs: mentioned, 60 attempt, 166; on Salem, Mass., 168; Austria: kindergartens, 226 Sunday factory operation, 178; on Authors (game): mentioned, 141-142; Monopoly, 180 illustration, 143 Barton, Sally Parker (Mrs. Robert B. M.): mentioned, 160, 161 Basque language: Elizabeth Peabody, Bacall, Channing “Bill”: on Edward 211, 212 Parker, 163-164; on Parker Brothers, Bay Road (Route lA). See Route i A 164-165; quoted on unionization, Baylor, Ruth: on Elizabeth Peabody, 221 167-168; on Lewis Green, 170-171 Bean, Ann Maria: mentioned, 193, 196, Bachiller, Stephen: Lynn, Mass., com¬ 199, 200, 201 munion incident, 246 Bell, Cora Kent: memorial library, 66 Bailey, John, and Son (firm): New- Belmont, Wise.: mentioned, 29 buryport. Mass., [59], 60, 86 Bennington, Vt.: northern campaign. Baird, Henry S.: naming Dane County, Revolution, 289, 292, 294 Wise., 29 Benson, Egbert: congressional land Baker, Pratt & Co., (firm): cast iron, 52 committee, 34 Baker’s Dozen (game): George S. Parker, Bentley, William: on Nathan Dane, 40; 152 examination of skull, 132; as jour¬ Balls: children’s games, i44(illus.), 145, nalist, 331-347; scholarship, 331; 146 outstanding journalistic writing, 383; INDEX TO VOLUME 123 359 guide to Bentley’s views, 333; Euro¬ Blow, Susan: kindergarten movement, pean focus, 3 3 3-3 3 6; journalistic 217, 227 attitudes, practices, 333; pro-French, Blue laws: Parker Brothers Sunday Republican, 334; fired by Salem labor, 178 Gazette, 335; Napoleon, 335-336; Bodwell Granite Co. (firm): Hallowell, non-European countries in news Me., 50, 87 summaries, 336-337; linguistic skills, Boelte, Maria: mentioned, 216, 223 knowledge, and newspaper work, Bombay: mer;tioned, 336 336; Republican sympatfiies, 337; Boodle Aldermen case: William Henry Embargo of 1807, 337; War of 1812, Moody, 328-330 338; national funding for internal Boody, Martha: cousin of William improvements, 340; domestic man¬ Northey, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, ufacturing, 340; reporting the arts, 188, 191, 192, 193, 196, 199, 200, scholarship, 341; German learning in 201, 202, 203, 204, 205; letter from America, 341; importance of educa¬ William Northey, 196-197 tion, 342; morality, private and pub¬ Book reviews: Chute, Robert, Samuel lic, 342-344; slavery, 343; avoidance Sewall Sails for Home, reviewed by of doctrinal disputation, 344; superfi¬ Carl Stecher, 353-355; Cohen, ciality of newspapers, 345; freedom Charles Lloyd, God’s Garess: The of the press, 345; power of jour¬ Psychology of Puritan Religious Experi¬ nalism, 346 ence, reviewed by Thomas A. Askew, Beverly, Mass.: mentioned, ii, 138, 296-298; Hindle, Brooke, and Steven 152; Nathan Dane, 31, 40, 41; work- Lubar, Engines of Change: The Amer¬ aid during embargo, 38; Bay Road, ican Industrial Revolution, 1790-1860, 278; Col. Ebenezer Francis, 288 reviewed by Lawrence F. Gross, Beverly Historical Society: mentioned, 351-352; McIntosh, James, ed., 39 Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Tales, reviewed Beverly Trade School: mentioned, 178 by Joseph Flibbert, 348-350 Bible: in Basque, Elizabeth Peabody, Books and reading: Henry Kemble 212; order, discipline of church gov¬ Oliver’s pupils, 15-16; Mary Toppan ernment, 233, 240, 249; elders as Pickman’s continuing education, interpreters, 244; Robert Keayne 17-19, 27; wealthy families, 18; Salem case, 245; elders and Scriptures, 245, Athenaeum, 18-19 246; Presbyterianism, 254; Bible-sell- Borden, Lizzie: trial, and William Henry ing deacon-distiller, 262, 263, 264; Moody, 326-328 quoted on milestone, 278; ultimate Bossuet, IJacques-Benigne?]: men¬ worldly authority of Puritans, 297; tioned, 27 Phillips Academy, 316 Boston, Mass.: mentioned, 10, 14, 15, Bill of Rights: in Northwest Ordinance, 25, 40, 52, 60, 63, 64, 152, 153, 202, 1787, 35 224, 248, 249, 320, 328, 337; and Billerica, Mass.: mentioned, 207 Rumney Marsh, 88, 89, 94, 97, 98; Bird, Charles Summer: Phillips First Church, 88; arboretums, 137; Academy, 316 Elizabeth Peabody, 208, 229, Peabody Birds of America (Audubon): mentioned, school, 209; Peabody kindergarten, 46 Pinckney School, 214, 215, 216; Blake and Noyes (firm): painters, 86 kindergaitners, 217, 227; Krieges, Bland-Hamilton Report: mentioned, 32 216, 223; Antinomian controversy, The Bhthedale Romance (Hawthorne): 236, 250, 251; disciplinary cases, 258; fountain-pump imagery, 268, 275 Robert Keayne case, 243, 245;John 36o ESSEX INSTITUTE HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS Wilson censure case, 250; Anne Brewster, Sir David: inventor of Hutchinson controversy, 250, 251, Kaleidoscope, 132 252; lay assent in churches, 253; Bridge, Edward M.: architect, 60 church delegation to Newport, R.I., Brigham, Ebenezer: name of Dane 253, 254; Bay Road to New Hamp¬ County, Wise., 29 shire border, 278; distances, mile¬ Bristol County, Mass.: mentioned, 326 stones, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, Brittany: mentioned, 137 285, 286; American Revolution, 289; Broadhead family: children’s toys, maritime trade, 336 illustration, 148 -. First Church: Thomas Cheever, Brooklyn, N.Y.: mentioned, 51, 52 95 Brown, [James?]: grammar, 197 -. Old South Church: style, 93 Brown, Col. John: northern campaign, -. Streets: Court, 319, 289, 290, 292, 293, 294, 295; letter to Marlborough, 318; Pinckney, 214; Col. Samueljohnson, 292 Washington, 283 Brown, Polly. See Dane, Polly Brown (Mrs. Nathan) Boston,
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