tff-CEIVED 6Y TIC S;_r IS >-'^ LBL-100 (formerly 'JCRL-8030) April 1976 REVIEW OF PARTICLE PROPERTIES AllBC T) A Ea^leDaUCi rcfuj). "T I / / C. BRICMAN, C. DIONISI, R. J. HEMINGWAY, M. MAZZUCATO, and L. MONTANET .... I " CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland I \ KN-KK N. BARASH-SCHMIDT KS -nS P013 AMI'l.lTltDF: Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA I :• R. L. CRAWFORD University of Glasgow, Dept. of Natural Philosophy, Glasgow, Scotland M. ROOS X University of Helsinki, Department of Nucl. Physics, Helsinki, Finland \ -'1 I / ! \ '1 A. BARBARO-GALTIERI, C. P. HORNE, R. L KELLY, M. J. LOSTY, /"'"^ A. RITTENBERG, T. G. TRIPPE, and G. P. YOST \ /• Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, I'"" Berkeley, California, USA YvJ I j B. ARMSTRONG (Technical Associate) K± »i? Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, X ' |! / Berkeley, California, USA v ^-J -' ' ii,X o i £ •:-W, - IBOII N\ KN-KN DO:) AMPLITUDE l\ KN-r!; DU3 AMPLITUDE r" „,* I tNt«CT (HtV, April 1978 '"•" "•"> """ (Next edition, April 1980, to be published in Reviews of Modern Physics) Reprinted from Physics Letters, Vol. 75B, No. 1, April 1978. by kind permission of the Editor Printed at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Berkeley VNI.EMITJiJ) PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL CONSTANTS* PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Uncert. (ppm) = 6.022 045(31)xl023 mole-1 5.1 » 22413.83(70) cm3 mole-1 » molar volume of ideal gas at STP 31 - 2.997 924 58(1.2)xl010 cm sec-1 0.004 - 4.803 242(14)xl0~,0esu « 1.602 189 2(46)xt0"19 coulomb . 2.9; 2.9 1 MeV - 1.602 189 2(46)xl0-6 erg 2.9 fi=h/277 = 6.582 173(17)*10"22 MeV sec = 1.054 588 7(57)xl0"27 erg sec 2.6; 5.4 Re . = 1.973 285 8(51)xl0~u MeV cm = 197.32858(51) MeV fermi . 2.6; 2.6 = 0.624 007 8(16) GeV mb'/J 2.6 = ez/fic - 1/137.03604(11) 0.82 16 kBoll 1.380 662(44)xl0" erg °K" 32 = B.61735(28)xl0-11 MeV 'K'1 - 1 eV/11604.50(36) °K 32; 31 2B me = 0.511 003 4(14) MeV - 9.109 534(47)xi0" g 2.8; 5.1 mp - 938.2796(27) MeV - 1836.15152(70) n, - 6.722 776(65) mn± 2.8; 0.38; 9.7 - 1.007 276 470(11) amu 0.011 I amu . - 1/12 mcl2 - 931.5016(26) MeV 2.8 md - 1875.6280(53) MeV 2.8 • e2/m,,c2 - 2.817 93B 0(70) fermi (1 fermi » 10"13 cm) 2.5 ri/mec = rB 3.861 590 5(64)xl0-" cm 1.6 2 2 BD a »Bohr n /mee . 0.529 177 06(44) A (1 A = 10"- <cm ) 0.82 "'Thomson (8/3)nrJ . 0.665 244 8(33)barn (1 barn « 10 24 cm*r-„Z\) 4.9 M 1 ''Bohr - efi/2mec - 0.578 837 85(95)xl0" MeV gauss" 1.6 8 -1 fN • = efi/2mpc - 3.152 451 5(53)xl0-' MeV gauss 1.7 ''p/^Bohr ' 0.001 521 032 209(16) 0.011 6 1 -1 = 8.794 024(25)xl0 rad sec" gauss 2.8 '/Cyclotron e/2mec 4.789 378(14)xl03 rad sec"1 gauss"1 2.8 l/2ugyclotron - e/2mpc Hydrogen-like atom (nonrelativistict p reduced mass): n'2BK 2 ei. E , (V, J^ C *T\ v 'rms ~ nfic • C'n o ™ 2(nB)* " fize' e4/3h2 - •" -2"z 2/ 13.605 804(36) eV (Rydberg) 2.6 n- 1 - mecaVzh = 109 737.3177(83) cm' 0.075 pc = 0.3 H/9 (MeV, kilogauss, cm) 1 year (sidereal) = 365.256 days » 3.1558xl07 sec (ssnxlO7 sec) density or dry air = 1.204 mg cm"3 (at 20°C, 760 mm) acceleration by gravity . = 980.62 cm sec"2 (sea level, 45°) gravitational constant . = 6.6720(41)xl0"8 cm3 g"1 sec"2 615 1 calorie (thermochemical) = 4.184 joules 1 atmosphere = 1.01325 bar (1 bar » 106 dynes cm"2) 1 eV per particle - 11604.50(36) °K (from E = kT) 31 77 =3.141592 7 1 rad - 57.295 779 5 deg •Sir - 1.772 453 85 e -2.718 281 8 1/e - 0.367 879 4 \/2 » 1.414 213 6 In2 - 0.693 147 2 In 10 - 2.302 585 1 N/5 - 1.7320508 logi02 - 0.301 030 0 logi0e - 0.434 294 5 \/Ib" - 3.162 277 7 'Revised April 1978 by Barry N. Taylor. Originally prepared by Stanley J. Brodsky, based mainly on the "1973 Least-Squares Adjustment of the Fundamental Constants," by E. R. Cohen and B. N. Taylor, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 2, 663 (1973). The figures in parentheses correspond to the one-standard-deviation uncertainty in the last digits or the main number. The equivalent uncertainty in parts per million (ppm) is given in the last column. Note that the uncertainties or the output values or a least-squares adjustment are in general correlated, and the general law of error propagation must be used in calculating additional quantities. The set of constants resulting from the 1973 adjustment or Cohen and Taylor has been recommended for international use by CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology), and is the most up-to-date, generally accepted set currently available. However, since the publication of the 1973 adjustment, a number of new experiments have been completed, yielding improved values for some of the constants: NA - 6.022 097 8(63)xl083 mole"1 (1.04 ppm); a'1 - 137.035 987(29) (0.21 ppm) (obtained using the Josephson effect J; and R„ - 109 737.3143(10) cm-1 (0.009 ppm). [See Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants 5, Ed. by J. H. Sanders and A. H. Wapstra, Plenum Pub. Co., (1976).) But it must be realized that, since the output values of a least-squares adjustment are related in a complex way and a change in the measured value of one constant usually leads to corresponding changes in the adjusted values of others, one must be cautious in carrying out calculations using both the output values from the 1973 adjustment and the results of more recent experiments. A new adjustment Is planned for completion in 1980. Volume 75B PHYSICS I I I II US 24 April l'PX REVIEW Of PARTICLE PROPERTIES Panicle Data (.roup (". URICMAN. f'. IJIOMSI. K.J. Ill MINGWAY '. M MA//I < Al O and I . MOMAM I t't-'l<\. I itmfifuil Orxuitiriiriiirt fur \i<< /> ar A', start h ',,//,,,.' Swn.trlun.s N. liAKASII-SdlMIDI Hmnthis ( nil milt. Wulthum \l\ I \ I K .< . ( KAWJ OKU I).-pr "I \ulitral 1'hilusttphv (ii/nnilt >>: r,/<r,;',<„ ',.',.->!••,!- \, ,,//„•,;,/ M. ROOS: Ikpi til Sutkar Physics, t ni: t-rsit \ <:\ Ihhmh «,,'•::,<.,' I mln'U A. BARBAKO-GAl.TH.KI.s I'. IIOKM . K I Kl I I V. M.l. I (ISIV. A. Kl I 1 IMil K(,. l.O. TRII'I'I. and G.H. YOST f.ann uvc lhrki'lc\ l.ahtiralnry \ ['nil ,/-,,; '•• ( ti!l'<<',;/,; lit -7. ,7, i . (' X I V I — NOTICE - - ami "^"v.;:":';"""'^";;;:;: B. ARMSTRONG '.''^•^l':.^:''''i:^'::: llechniial Associate) '' ^^JV^!..? ',. -,rj--,i:j- Lawn-iur Itcrkchs l.ahtirolan ' ( nil t nil\ ,,/('.;//•,,'/.•/,;. /,', <kt /,.!. CI IS\ •'•'••• '••' " • • -r~..,-.* ,-. I Mis R-VK-U ut til,' propi-rik-s , >l k-pi,'lis. ;ik-s,,m. .,II,I la!\ ,,ns is .in upifa'in;- .: K,\h-,- • >! IVi. k I'n •pcttii-s. f'.ntii-k- Dalj Cn-ur [Ki'i- M"U. I'lns. 4S il'ri.l \... :. I',,i! II..111,1 Suppknk-ni. I'h.is. 1 ft I,SH , HI", 1 , |).„., .,„• ti.,1,1.,1^1. lisli'J. .ivcr.ii'fil. am! siiiniiian,i-,i in labk-s. Nu::k-"us !.,hk s. ii^uu's. ,IIH! :•>: i:",!.!,- ,a inr, . *: :•• p., li.k- pin ,i,h> ar,- .,K ills liuk-il. A data hui'kk-I is .,v.,ilabk 7<//i/< ,,/ GtHunts VI (Vllinv .t!,i:!l, s -,.i sunlit: inU'i.u !!•• A. I'.,;!!. plmiil, . .ill,! VS.MI.UI,v pa- I. Inliodikiion. cicJiis. luiiM.iluims II Sl-liMlmi nl cl.llj H SI 'si si,-, III. N'mik-rulaiur,- ( iipo.-: A. (.liiajmiiu niiinlvis I) l':.„l-.kti.- H. I'artkk- ii.iims 1 Pri-scnl address- Catk-nm liiivcisin . Oit.m.t. Oman,-. I .m.,,i.t 2 Suppnttoil In IIK- .V-aik-mi of I iiil.nul. 3 Tin- ili-iki-U-) I'aitkk 1'ala CVnli-i is i.'inlli Miprvili-d In ilu- l.ai.-i.il S,k-lk>- and llasi. kYs,a- llnlsiun „l i|K- IS IVp.,11111011! "I I ni-iiil. ilk- Ollki-,,1 S1.1111I.111I Ri-li-ii-inv II.1I.1 ,'i I lu- Nall.'ilal UiK-.-.m ,'' Si.m.l.r.ls. an,! •!'. V-|.'iiul r.li-iui- I oiimlaiion. Volume 75B PHYSIC'S LITT1 RS 24 April 1978 VI Conventions :iiul parameters 11»r weak anil elei Irn- Particle deteciurs, absorbers and ranges irev.) maimciic decays Heciromajmetic relations frev.) A. Mm HI decay parameters Radioactivity and radiation proteclion 35 li. K decay parameters CM. enerpy and momentum vo/sus beam momentum 3lS ( . )j deca> parameters Periodic table of the elements (rev.) 1). Baryon decay parameters Cross section plots (rev.) \ II Sl.tuMn.al procedures A. Unconstrained averajiine Data card list,ings li. Canst ruined f ils Illustrative kc• y 4 3 Acknowledgments Stabl le particles 46 RetereiKi-s (fin a hovc sections) Mesc ins, S = it 9* •i l?X Tables at pattitle properties tlia iini'il mesi >ns I4'( Stable panicles 1 liary iir'v .S' = II 15H Addendum 4 + ! 1)1 Mesuns 6 .V 1 1« Har>oiis II .V ? s .1 Miuetlaiiemts tables, figures and formulae eha rmeil liars (HIS Pd\ steal and numeric;*] constants (rev.) Jili ars nns Clehscli CouLm coeiiicicnts.
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