Local History of Ethiopia Teseshigem - Tzunghi Mariam © Bernhard Lindahl (2008)

Local History of Ethiopia Teseshigem - Tzunghi Mariam © Bernhard Lindahl (2008)

Local History of Ethiopia Teseshigem - Tzunghi Mariam © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HDS.. Teseshigem sub-district 10/37 [Ad] (centre in 1964 = Aba Libanos) HEL09 Tesfa Giyorgis kebele 11/39 [Ad] in north-westernmost Guba Lafto wereda, 30 km west of Weldiya; area 4,664 hectares. [CSA 1994] tesfa hiwet (A) hope of life ?? Tesfa Hiwet, farm for lepers near Awash river 08/39 [x] HEM51 Tesfo Mentir kebele (Täsfo Mänt'er ..) 12/39 [Ad in north-eastern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda, 15 km north of Mehal Meda settlement; area 2,473 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDT50 Teska 1020'/3826' 1962 m, east of Bichena 10/38 [Gz] teso (O) residence, seat; tesso (O) corn cake, tobacco cake; dura tesso (O) chairman; -- Tesso, name of an Oromo tribe HB... Teso, village at some distance from Mega 04/38? [x] HDK45 Teso 0926'/3802' 2171 m, cf Tasu 09/38 [AA Gz] Tessama: Tesemma (täsämma) (A) male personal name meaning to be listened to, cf Tasemma HDC55 Tessama 0840'/3704' 2119 m 08/37 [Gz] HDL97 Tet Bär, see Tit Ber HDS55 Tet Giyorgis, 10/38? [20] unimportant village about 25 km from Bichena in direction Dejen. HET88 Teta (T'et'a) 1327'/3911' 2027 m, 13/39 [Gz] south-east of Abiy Adi JDC47 Teta 0835'/4216' 1277 m 08/42 [Gz] tetama: tetemma (tät'ämma) (A) to be thirsty; tetamari (T) cohesive HFF52 Tetama 1405'/3935' 2663 m 14/39 [Gu Gz] teter (t'ät'är) (A) pebble, gravel HDU42 Teter Amba (T'et'er A.) 1022'/3933' 2836 m, 10/39 [Gz 18] (Tettar Amba), south of Were Ilu HDM54 Teter Amba kebele (T'ät'är ..) 09/39 [Ad] in central Ankober wereda, 6 km south-east of Ankober town; area 401 hectares. [CSA 1994] ?? Teticha, at some distance from Awasa ../.. [20] HFE37 Tetzin Calat, see Ketzin Kalat HDT63 Tewa Milo kebele (Täwa ..) 10/38 [Ad] in the central Debre Sina wereda, 10 km south-west of Mekane Selam; area 1,077 hectares. [CSA 1994] tewe (täwä) (A) leave, abandon, let alone; minch (A) spring, source, pool HEE88 Tewech Minch (T'ewech Minch') 11/39 [Gz] 1136'/3909' 2937 m, east of Bete Hor HEM40 Tewer Maryam (church) 1210'/3923', 12/39 [Gz] north-east of Lalibela JEG15 Tewhe (Teuhe) (area) 11/40 [+ WO] HFE74 Tewidko (Tewidqo, Tewdqo) 1412'/3852' 2031 m, 14/38 [Gz] (mountain peak), north-west of Adwa HFE56 Tewleh 1401'/3903' 1962 m, south-east of Adwa 14/39 [Gz] HFE39 Tewliha (Tewulehe) (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [+ x] see under Geralta churches - northern HEE76 Tewodros 1134'/3900' 2411 m, near Bete Hor 11/39 [Gz] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 1 of 40 Local History of Ethiopia Teseshigem - Tzunghi Mariam © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) Tewodros ketema, /garrison/ town of Emperor Tewodros HEH42 Tewodros Ketema (Teodros K.) (earlier Kwara) 12/35 [Gz Ad n] 1212'/3554' 782 m (centre in 1964 of Kwara Omedla wereda) HFE39 Tewulehe, see Tewiliha HEF42 Tey Amba, see Tiy Amba HDU22 Teyat kebele (T'äyat ..) 10/39 [Ad] in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda, 10 km west-northwest of Molale; area 2,366 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDG82 Teyba (T'eyba, Teyba Kongel, Fitri Girata) 09/35 [Gz WO Gu] (Marrato, Marattu) 0949'/3500' 1511 m, near map code GDM87, see under Mendi teye (A) kind of shrub or tree, Grewia bicolor JCM33 Teyen (Teien) 06/44 [+ WO] GDE15 Teylut 0816'/3355' 419 m, on the border of Sudan 08/33 [Gz] HCC79 Teyte (T'eyte) 0609'/3728' 1792 m, 06/37 [Gz] east of southern lake Abaya GDU10 Teza (Taza), see Gaza HCK95 Teza (T'eza) (locality) 0714'/3757' 07/37 [Gz] teza amba maryam, dew of Mount Mary, dewy mountain of Mary HEK22c Teza Amba Maryam (church), 12/37 [+ Ch] between the Rib and Saban rivers and near lake Tana ?? Tfai (TFAI) ../.. [x] abbreviation of the province? or country? Territory of the Afar and Issas. HEM63 Thec (mountain) 1218'/3939' 1389 m, 12/39 [Gz] south-east of Alamata JFB10 Thio Adoli, see Tio Adole HCA77 Tiachi, see Tiyaki GDF84 Tibbe, cf Tebba 08/34 [WO] HDJ06 Tibbe (Tibe) 0904'/3709' 1696/1781 m 09/37 [WO Gz] (with small fort) Within a radius of 10 km there are at km 8SE Sheleabo (village) 9SW Karonti (Caronti) (area) 7W Chetta (Cetta) (village) 1757 m 5NW Sheboka (Soboca) (area) 1830 m 8NE Tibi (Gara Tibi) (mountain) Population 807 as counted in 1967. GDF93c Tibe (Tibie) 08/34 [MS Ad] (centre in 1964 of Sibu Gawo wereda) tibe b..: bilo (O) knife, dagger, sword HDJ07 Tibe Bilo 0907'/3719' 2869 m 09/37 [Gz] HDK92 Tibe Goref (T'ibe G.) 0955'/3748' 1448 m 09/37 [AA Gz] ?? Tibella (same as Tibila?), for leprosy farm see Addis Hiwot ?? Tiber, see Tber tibi: tibbi (t'ibbi) (A) season after the rains; tibi (loan word in T) TB, tuberculosis HDJ07 Tibi, G. (mountain), see under Tibbe 09/37 [WO] tibi d..: dega (däga) (A) highland HDJ05 Tibi Dega sub-district (Tibie ..) 09/37 [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 = Bako) tibi gu..: guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever; 2. branding iron; 3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 2 of 40 Local History of Ethiopia Teseshigem - Tzunghi Mariam © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HDL90 Tibi Guba (T'ibi G.) 0957'/3825' 2128 m, 09/38 [AA Gz] east of Tulu Milki tibi ko.: kolla, qwolla (A) lowland HDJ06 Tibi Kola sub-district (Tibie ..) 09/37 [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 = Sheboka) tibi ku..: kusayee (O) kind of mint plant HDC70c Tibi Kusayie sub-district (Tibie ..) 08/36 [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 = Nunu) HDF42 Tibila (Tibilla, Tivella) 0830'/3934' 1322 m, 08/39 [Gz x] farm east of Nazret, cf Addis Hiwot in the neighbourhood HFL07 Tibshina (T'ibshina) 1434'/3907' 1599 m, 14/39 [Gz] near the border of Eritrea HDU14 Ticha kebele (Techa ..) 10/39 [Ad] in south-eastern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda, 5 km east-south-east of Molale; area 286 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDC27 Tichito (mountain) 08/37 [WO] ticho: tucho (O) kind of tree, Blighia unijugata HCU41 Ticho (T'icho) (locality) 0739'/3928' 07/39 [Gz] HCU54 Ticho (T'icho) (locality) 0745'/3944' 07/39 [Gz] HCU61 Ticho (T'icho, Ticcio, Titso, Tichu) (local centre) 07/39 [Gz WO Gu x] 0748'/3926' 3493 m; MS: 0717'/3927' 2200/2400 m MS coordinates would give map code HCU01 Within a radius of 10 km there are at km 5S Ullai (area) 10NW Boraluku (Boralucu) (mountain) 3840 m In the 1930s it was provincial capital of Arussi-Kambata. Centre of Ticho awraja (-1956-). HCU73 Ticho awraja (centre -1969-1980- = Robi) 07/39 [MS] JCN52 Ticho awraja (T'icho ..) 0745'/4000' 07/39 [Gz x] (centre -1956-1964- = Ticho) HCU61 Ticho wereda? 07/39 [20] JCJ31 Ticka (Ticca) (area) 1129 m 06/41 [+ WO] tid (t'id) (A) 1. large coniferous timber tree, Juniperus procera; 2. fern -- Tid (Kai), an ethnic sub-group of the Surma HCA34 Tid 1751 m, see also HCA06 Naita, cf Ted 05/35 [Ad WO] (sub-district & its centre in 1964) HEE38 Tid (T'id) 1109'/3912' 2992 m, 11/39 [Gz] west of Dessie, south-west of Mekdela HDM84 Tid Amba, see Debre Sina tid gebeya (A) market at Juniperus trees HE... Tid Gebeya 11/39 [Ad] (centre in 1964 of Getarra sub-district) HEE39c Tid Gebeya kebele (T'ed Gäbäya ..) 11/39 [Ad] in south-westernmost Kuta Ber wereda, 30 km west of Dessie; area 4,896 hectares. [CSA 1994] tid wiha (A) water with Juniperus trees HDU32 Tid Wiha (T'id W.) 1014'/3932' 2535 m 10/39 [Gz] HDM32 Tidesh kebele (T'edäsh ..) 09/39 [Ad] towards the south in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda; area 478 hectares. [CSA 1994] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 3 of 40 Local History of Ethiopia Teseshigem - Tzunghi Mariam © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HCK86 Tido (T'ido) (locality) 0705'/3806', 07/38 [Gz] lake at 0704'/3806' tidu (t'idu) (A) neat, clean HDT09 Tidu Amba (T'idu A.) 1001'/3914' 2613 m 10/39 [Gz] HDN54 Tiduma (area) 10/35 [WO] HSD84 Tief (recorded in 1868) 10/37 [18] HDB66c Tiemo, see Temo HCG94 Tiepi, see Tepi JEH12 Tieua, see Tiyewa tife (t'ife) (A) kinds of tree, Olinia rochetiana, O. usambarensis, Sideroxylon oxyacantha HDM85 Tife Amba kebele (T'efé ..) 09/39 [Ad] in a southern tip of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda, 7 km south of Debre Sina; area 2,614 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDD23 Tifenchir (T'ifench'ir) 0822'/3749' 1776 m, 08/37 [Gz] north of Welkite HCH76 Tiffa 0659'/3616' 1506 m, south of Bonga 06/36 [WO Gz] In the 1870s an important market. tiffe, tiiffee (O) shower, drizzle tiffi (t'iffi) (A) slap HCC84 Tiffi (Tifi), see Barge tifsi..: gennet (gännät) (A,T) genneta (O) paradise; figuratively: plantation, garden HDF32 Tifsihite Genet (plantation) 0827'/3935', 08/39 [Gz] on the right-hand bank of Awash river tig ..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, entrance; tigg (t'igg) (A) corner, support HED89 Tig Ber (T'ig B.) 1140'/3823' 3249 m 11/38 [Gz] HDS.. Tig Maryam, church 10 km beyond Dejen, 10/38 [x] ('St. Mary at the Corner') HEF22 Tigaja (T'igaja) 1106'/3933' 2448 m 11/39 [Gz] (with church Areniyos), west of Dessie HEF22 Tigajo & Kotu kebele (T'egajo & Qotu ..) 11/39 [Ad] located 10 km south-west of Dessie town; area 1,322 hectares. [CSA 1994] HFE61 Tigare 1410'/3835' 1980 m, 14/38 [Gz] mountain west of Aksum ?? Tiggena (district famous for good horses) ../.

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