Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2003-09-03 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2003). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2943. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2943 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JJublishedsince1915 bv.the studentso(Xavier University 89thyear, issue 3 ·· · · weekef SEPTEMBER3, 2003 c www.xu.edu/newswire/ Senate· reaches out to stud-ents through clubs I ' BY MELISSA MOSKO·.· Senior News Editor. Voli¢yballWi1ts season The 2003-04 Student· Senate isn't wasting any time this fall . According to junior Senate ·opeiiiflg.tournaHl~nt · Coordinato_rWilliam Buckley, the theme of this year's senate is ac- countability. · Senators will be held to a higher standard than some of their prede­ cessors and will be responsible for their positions as well as the tasks that come with them~ Sixteen upperclassmen were elected last spring by students and I • four positions remain open for fresh- • men who will be elected Sept. 24- 25, 2003,by the student body. The.re are four·qualificatiolls for. - · elections this fall. Students must be in their first year at Xavier; they · must attend one of four election ,· committee meetings as well as one · senate meeting ·and gain 100 sig­ natures before they will be.put on the ballot. · PHOTO TAKEN BY BRIAN ANGOLIA . ~ -According to Buckley, there is an advantage to getting involved .. Student. Senate Coordinator junior William Buckley is partof the · Sophomore Jordan Brightwell stands reapy during a game . as a freshman. ongoing process to make the Student Senate more vi.sible on · "If you want to make change, campus. this is the organization to join," said Buckley. "This sets students up for ity, each senator is required to plan ties, senators also serve on one or leadership positions in the future." one program for the 2003~04 aca- more of the five senate committees. This year, e.ach senator is as­ demic year. · . A major focus this year will be signed a club to work closely with While this is not a new responsi­ on the Association Affairs commit~· in order.to improve liaisons be­ bility, Buckley hopes to increase tee which oversees clubs and o~ga­ tween clubs and the Student Gov- senators' commitments to these pro­ nizations. ernment Association. , grams,. This committee· also provides . It is not the senator's goal to ob- Some of.the programs that are in club mentorship for young clubs . struct the order or business of _the . considera.tion for implementation and is the SGA contact for starting club, but to give them access to the are: sand volleyball/basketball anew club. resources of SGA and the Univer­ courts in the greens.pace behind · The other senate co~ittees are sity. · Brockman Hall, an online student Financial Affairs which controls "Many students do not· know directory, installing AllCard ma~ club budgets and SGA budgets, .anyone on SGA, and wouldn't chines in every dorm, creating Student Affairs which aims to alle- .·· know how .to go about getting shuttle. routes which go downtown viate students'. concerns around money or sponsorship," said and extensions of the routes for cur­ campus, Community Service which· Buckley. · rent shuttle, Diversity Day, explor­ eromotes·campus-wide service ac­ This senate contact will help ing the feasibility of Muskie Money tivities and Student Relations, them seek funding from SGA arid off-campus and improvements to'the which fosters communication be: other campus' sources, as well as' as­ O'Connor Sports Center. ,tweenSGA and the student body. sist with programming. Along with acting as a· club liai­ · In addition to this responsibi17 son ·and programming responsibili- ©2003 TIIEXAVIER . .NEWSWIRE.· NEWS: OP-ED: .SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: -~-~ •. reserved · L . ~1(§1~ . Everything you. 11eed to City politics on campus Complete volleyball Jeepers this is bad Advertising _ · . (513) 745-35.61 · , know about <;lub Day ·coverage .. ,·, · ~'~Editor-in-Chief' (513) 745~3607 . PAGE 2 PAGE 6 PAGE 8 PAGE 10 AD 1\ifAJOREJ\rJ. DEJ GLOUJAM . " . .. 2 week of SEPTEMBER 3, 2003 CAMPUS NEWS. THE XAVI.ER NEWSWIRE. BRIEFS Jaclyn Swift. Editor News Room: 745-3122 Club. Day first SGA event, [email protected] \ • 'I • ' ' I BY MELISSA MOSKO resentative to one Workshop .date. Senior News Editor The Workshop .will detail direc~ . ·. tions for receiving funding, co·­ .Meningitis Vaccines The best way to grab 'the atte~­ sponsorship and effective club tion of college students is to give management. The McGrath Health and Coun­ away free stuff. · The next event sponsored by seling Center will be giving men­ Every club on campus will em­ SGA is the Fenwick Golf Open on ingitis vaccinations Wednesday, brace this phi- . Oct. 11 at Sept. lTfrom 5-7 p.m. and Satur­ losophy on Sept. · · Pebble Creek day, Sept. 20 from 12-3 p.m. Stu~ . 8 from 11 a.m. to, . · Golf Cours.e. dents inust sign up in person by 2 p.m. for the an­ Ti'h e best way to The event is~a Sept. 10. For more inform!ltion nual Club Day orab the attention o+. fundraiser for about meningococcal disease, see on the mall. o· · 'J ·the Cystic Fi- www.cdc.gov. For more informa­ Club Day will · col/ege students is to brosis Founda- tion about the vaccinations being · be held on the tion, featuring offered, contact Mary_ Rosenfedlt residential mall .give away free stuff. s t. u d e n t ' at x3022. between the alumni and cor­ Gallagher Stu~ porate four­ dent Center and the residence halls. somes battling the course to raise Spirit Celebration Each of the 63 clubs and 24 or­ money for charity. ganizations on·~ampus will have a The_SGA_and Executives have The 11th annual Spirit Celebra­ table, staffed by representatives collaborated on an event as part of tion is Sunday, Sept. 7. The event from the club or organization, fer- the Xavier Lecture Series. will begin at 4 p.m. with a commu­ . vently attempting to sign-up stu­ · Michael Moore, writer and di­ nity Mass on the greenspace with dents for membership. rector of "Bowling for Colum- Rev. J. Leo Klein, S.J. After the This event is sponsore~ by the . bine,'' the Academy Award Winner Ma5s, a family picnic will be held Student Government Association, for Best Documentary, will be vis­ outside the Cintas Center with a · who will plan programs through­ iting campus on Oct. 30 for an PHOTOSCOURTESYOFXAVIERALUANCE barbecue and children's activities. out the year targeted towards stu­ dents. eve-hi~se programs are.all still in . Previous Club Days brought many students to the residential mall For more information, contact the.works. Forinfonnation,please for food~ free giveaways and information about getting involved. Campus MinistrY at x3567. The next event is Club Work­ shop, which will be held on Sept. contact Joanie·Weidner at (513). oncampus. 17 and 18 for all clubs on campus. 745-4250. Each club is requifed to send a rep- ~ ; . Club Day .. ~-':.~:"-·.< .~-,\"'. ·:·/, . '·_···<": .. -; .. ; ,:·: )·. '.;: "·:.·-~:'". .:..'..' ..<.: .> ~~·:·,-: .. ~:·~~·::· ':.·, ., 1 '. ... ; .-· ... <°(\. ~ ~· : : ·. :·; {~."-Y :·r~.~~-.'.F·:··f.~- ·.~<:I:/-·: ~ .. ::~~:- :::~~"}( ;~, ·:· .-.~· ,, ·. ·,·~(~'.».~;':: ;·. Monday, Sept. 8 iS the annual Club Day on the matl. Campus or­ ganizations wm ·have .representa­ tives present from ·11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at booths along the residential mall to sign up new members and give information 'about their activities. the Pulilipat1Qn~"~QtIS~·'€~eXf~der~O ffctllstone Also expect free giveaways to those interested in certain clubs. Hall) ·andreftir:ii iflg,;tfi'~'.Sc:iitile,pt~ce·.·(3;0.odLu.ck! ' . ~ ' Club Sports Physicals Police Notes Club sports physicals :will be held at the McGrath Health and Counseling Center next Tuesday August25, 7:30p.m.....:C..Ashuttle . August 28, 1 :30 p.m. - Offic­ . August 30, 12:45 a.m. -A large and Wednesday. Physicals begin at driver side-swiped a vehicle,on ers i~vestigated a male and female party. was observed· in the 1000 5:30 p.m. and the cost is $20. For DanaAvenue: · · arguing on the academic· mall. block of DanaAvenue. The residents more information, contact Matt The female was trying to get away were cautioned .and the pfil.ty was Turner at x2856. from the non-student male. The ended. parties were separated and sent on their .way. The male was warned August 26, ·12:'30 p.m•. - A not to return to campus. August 30, 1:30 p.m. - A stu~­ Fences Auditions laptop compute~ was reported sto: . dent and non-student were arguing len from the Cintas Center. It has in Husman Hall. The non~student August 28, 2:40 p.m. - Offic­ was gone upon arrival of the po­ Tonight and tomorrow at7 p.m., been missing since April.. ers investigated a student and non­ lice. Xavier· Players are hosting audi­ student fighting in Buenger Hall. tions for Pulitzer Prize winner Au­ The non-student was escorted off gust Wilson's "Fences," in the August 26; 4 p.m. - Two non~ . campus and was advised not to re­ Gallagher Student Center Theatre. students were cited for disorderly turn~ conduct and having open contain­ August 30, 8:38 p.m. - A ers of alcohol while passing out August 29, 5 a;m. - Campus· . Brockman RA reported the theft of offensive ads for a bar. Police investigated a report of an a fire extinguisher from the build.:. unknown female subject climbifig ing. into bed with a female resident stu.- .
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