![SPRINGFIELD LEADER Neslrienlt of the Top Are Pe-Pn'wci'](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
^p!S^5JI^'-^--' '^.fefji^^^^r^^^, Pulillihril tvir) Thuudiy by Bubuibali Tub Corp. SPRINGFIKLD, N. .1., THURSDAY,' •DEtJKMBETt 2fi, 1003 SUbirrlnltnii flair 10c per copy VOL.l—Nn. ^8 11)04 >lorrli Av(...llnlnn. IC J. — MU fc;"0» 00 Y««rly istr&te; ve Naming Members To Review Board "7 At Jan. 1 Meeting Colandrea WilhFill' Unexpired Term Oh Town Planning Bd. ': Riiberl 11. Hardcrove will-be^:'-' eome mayor' "f1 Springfield ,'«t ", Ihe .Inn. 1 r.rEiinlzalion mcellnii of the Tnwi)?lilp Cnmmilte«i This wa.v confirmed this'-wefjr as member* nf the.new eommlt- lee mr| In makp Ihe delermin»»" Hon. • ' . Max. Sherman, former^, tnwn- hlp attorney will he named «li'.i.le ,. rrplacinn eurre.ot itrlitr Thnmiis Arffyrln and — two men will be -appointed • to Ihc recently created Hoard of. 1 Review. ' Thre new mayor WHK elected \o . Ihe 'Powii'lilp Commit Iee~fnr the fiifl llnje.ln 1DBI. During his first yenr he wns' chairman of •" the fimtnce.' lifmimltieer and u r rurrenllv rhnivin.innf thr public tnff'lv COiUIUitLcC—J ^_ A uradTiale nf Newark Cnllec» of KnKlneerlnc, with a denies In ."' electricnl. eimlnoerinc, 'he hnlds a.;oiaslef.!5 .dosree in manage- • mem plmineerinB from Ihe sam« fehnnl. He is employed by Pub- lic Service Electric and Gas Co The Hardcrbves. who live «t :S Sailer, st., have llircc_chlld- ron,-.Ifinlce, 1.1; Uucilje, II, and rtohcrl, .1. ' ' \ Slirrman lawyer )' Sherman, who. was township attorney from-. 1PA2, In 105B; re- cently .moved ' his .lnw hffirV ii foin Newark Uii. Spxlnjtfle'ld; VJt is-n urndiiale of nntsein U«w . • . , ••• <—(••• • - • • • ... .-.•*-. pi'honl, He Is .i'member'nf I hit 1 WITH VOK'KK.nAI.SKI) IN SONC. mtnihrrK nr. Ihe youiittuteis einilf uf Ilin ,Mitiift\uc. Ktinan AnricrKim, Delihle Baldwin, Iterlim Kiilier, Bels.r Ilewey, • New Jersey, Ks-.ey nnd Union rredliylrrlitn Cliurrli were to Join In '(lie. MHM'IIII Clirltttni.i* urrvlccn at tlir Mliry Ann ration1 rtnil Drhfn Klnnle. The jlrln will «lrl«.ivlth Ilir cnmlimeH t'm niv Miir Af^ncinHoli^, . fihllrnli. I roin left nri>; .Siirnin- l'hlHIjm. Knlliy Cull, Mmln Wnlker, Drlihlp. I'hnlrK Tliemlay. ' ' U.Phnlo liy 'Hm-burn Thr nrvv mimlnlrnie WlVfTlvtil hrulii. In-- 'three ..\i'itr term on Special- Services .Inn t. 1? ihnliouiti nf.lhr legal . rnimtiiMrr nf Tcinpic "nrrli' Altnt mi.I I'nnii i-l jo' Ibr I'oinlh nf Action On ^ewers • ,1'nlv I'limii'illlee.' .__ I Mm 1 Inl 1.1 Ihr tnriui'i' Mmlhi : . -For :• Ghrist^Birifet- i.linir Kelt-,' Ihe niuple him lw« Tin1 .Li'>^- Ml1 i IU'I'IIIMI'- me1 ''l.'i.1,',"!.,J'.i"I.1'"Mifi In hull Ihrt ' 1 Idlili'i'ii. lli.-ii|li',-.;i|l, nnij.lllr.h* s I I hnilM1 Illliilll'lllllll IhV >\"l III I nllillll; "I Illl' 11II\• 1111 • ; u> 11. I'I.-'.I'll. 1 ll>e. nl ,:illit Alilwi' • •'. -onI Ihl-llifiM I • Ihl1" l~l*i nl Tin' llnlv I 'in.... ' l.iillli'lllli Could Gome In '64. mil Ami lii.'ii' lii !i|irlui'll"M I Inm Ir nl Mill MI.IIIIIIIIII in,. , ' Jnlui Mlrlln nl Miiiiiii'illn m«, . 1 • ' iMil'.ililpi'i,! V III I I'll'lllllll; III,-' .'.|;i 11 iri.l >i I.I '• i' III i !• li'lil nil' l-hiiiii'i'n lluil llic 'l'n\Vi(iiilH|i t'iiiiiinllli'i \V|»i|i| InKi' niw.l I .r.iiniud ;' iio ni'i "f. <i«rd»i» .: I'llllnliit nl I lit. If>I III I Illiu In M I I . II I ,11.1-: ill I I... 'ill'!"- lllllllVlllU iii'Huii on Ilif ii'imrl. nf I In' A "iiiMutnu'n i ('<mi in l'"< d HI in II<- iiv.il u III I'V iimii'ril to nil nil 111* Hi Ilii' lin' n nml. In inn riiiuiil • h'l Mil' 'l.h'l Ihne wllll . «••*• - ilii.i'tl la|iii,\'ini''iil I'nr liw Mnitlli tUi(o.HMiillni',y rtnvvni.1 IVi'l'nrt' Iliulv iii'iili'il llj.illil nf llhvlew, 1 Illl. ' i n'liiHIliill Iri'i,' • . ' rnii ii|n'i lul pt nif'i nun-\s\s~,' \\w... fii.i.l ..or Wip. J'l'iii1 .»:i:re \;e)- Aii iniliiTiinii'.I'ipiilliiii.ll.it* Iwiiird, -.•• .('•'llUH I II-I " hltVI' 'illl ilulril •II '.'lii'ilnii 'In Ilin 'TIIMIIM viini'i" I'lt'll rllllll . Mi-.iuneil lii iii ,m uu^x-litny .' l • .1 -.hill Ini'i' |'ii.;ii nml i liil'.liini' .'in lin N/illi•llv I'- I'M' Iwu ,'Vi Ilil:- ni'Wii|Hip).r U'IIII In NIKE SITE BID 1 •iipni-rl\ lii n- -IHI' lH..|iluunlii|i Inr I 111 V |ll 111(1 Illllli, -ilM I I ill M fill ililliln<n> I 'hij'ilin'tifi »iii-\'li'iNt privi', nil .Suiiilu), M,II>'IM Ailhur 'IN WASHINGTON liiiltiUiMi, .iv'.i-i ...indeed ,hy th» (.iiniliiv. , .,•.-. M, li'iilli'in mill I Ihii.i iti'iiinuilci1 'liiw-tt»lu|i-I'luinnlller-eurller litta . tin' HIHIIUIII'IIII I'lMli tuniuhcr.'. \\'erc i.llll nutUlnu a ilC; A ppl lea linn'nf' 'thu.illeKliiiuil yc.1,1 ' • ,• :J.... Mly il hcliiilnlid itiy«ioit ft* In vyhelhei the cninuul-. Scliiiiil Moiird to' ni'iiulre the 11 • > 11. • 111 lloiwein, prusrnl Christmas Spirit in lin hi'lil mi i 'hi'Mimi" I'ivn In- I1111I Mifficii'iil lime to i.tiwl'1 "'iihiiniloiied Nilii Slle_ In . Ihe c.hnii'in.iii "f the'Tla'nnini! Rmrii 'HI y |i in. '1*1 in curly; Imur WIIH Iho riji'mrl In. order to take nc- Wiilchtinu Tlcserv^illdn is nnvv {('iinliniii'd »n pafie .1^ •r.i'i in iiiriimmiidiilh fa.inlllus lion at Ihe 'liec. i!ll meetinc. liv Washington, according lo sni:nMAS' \«.'IHi ^uii|iM childriMi, 1 Iteuionnl Superintendent Dr. "Abounds In Town 'Die' mnyoi .'. suid the inntter WniT.e-n M. DnvJstMs;\vr(jk. V a hi »f l.ciiliir Meflscr-. was MMII beluR discussed hut that si'himdl.'K mustiiino will', bo;' a deiiisidii miwhl n»>t he reached Kormalnppllcatlrtn wns made "•riie Mciisaur of the Manunr." urrttl nftiM—~tht—"rTrtfrfnrzn.t inn IhriiuKh Ihe ,Federal' Onvern-' Town Darkened During Holidays Spiviid choral and nruan meeting on Jan. 1. He did not"Twnl', s Special Services Divi- The 'iiiultl-Wilfir lltilniii' nf/lhc music Is nl.'io in he fealurod. however, discount the. possibility sion In-New York. The Board Christ mat: tree in. front. (4' the The .scrvlcn , on ' Christmas Ihnl movement miclvt occur oil Is seekiiiR-tho site for use as Municipal BiiildinK reflected in liar nllll::in a.m., was .«ched- Dec.'aii.- n direct line television center After Auto Hits j the slinht fold <vf snow which still uled tn fiicuK on the Ilienin: -snid HIP repoiit--liad- •-l"-Wh=Qt-Uii hlRh • • liEhtly covered the ijround.-Snow 'fWf'.I'Jllws .that' Spell Snl-* bo(Sn' returned In Ihe Committee nnd for expansion of reerenlion 1 iflid licht.1 and Snhla ond hisvatlnri." with special • orRan •by—the—Assossment' Commission laeillties at Its Clark hih Pole On Highway •(••leijfh, those, trjiriilional MIIJIKS for and, clmlr nuisie iigaih being Kchnnl, .. ~ early irr the month. The entire soulli ' side of- the Ohrislmns children of tfic • oTferoiT ^ ' : v.. Set (tods - , __ north,, riecornteri the sides of the flprliittficld - was. plunued Imp . At SI. .lames Church on, S. The oriuinal report of.the coin* irilnl rljirtrrw*r: Saturday nieht I. 'building. ' • , mission sntlini; local assessments SprliififlDld. aye,, a . Solemn after ii tnc.nnne driv:.'r snjash'eH' While'Morris ave. ltRhls'hunfj liillh Mass wns. schedi.ilod to nfiiiihst Ihosa \v\w hene'lilted +ty Officials Way Get Inln a utility pol£.nn Fit. 22- •ovoi'henri, • interspersed with. be .offered nl 12 midnicht on the line was relurned lo thf n.s- imaRes nf Simula's. hoMi over- •Chrl.ilmns.Evi', Thfi doors' will «osso^iCl>y the Tnwnwhip Cominil- Mnesuler; l-fl, nf 753 Liberty jive,,' sized Ohristmas balls and rein- open nl II p.m, The choir will len oiiOi'i. 22, At Hint time, V'ali i ; Petitions On Mail jlnliiiv was hcadlnu west on th< deer, "and l.luV feat i I res of SK Nick slnu. ChDlKl.ma.K enrols. • •• Uin •. -itid-^thp-^-i «|wiU--4vii.'i I">C4H4|- clniiK to tilic buildHiu '.'ver the'en- I'ftturiied.' ';ih Hiiiil of new evi- hluiiway |jl 7 p.m.When annlher , C'hi'lstm'ns Day services uUlL car •iiiie'iiipii>d tn .nlake n • turtj. , trance- lo rteulorm-l Iiinh School, be Ihe saiilfi as on Sunday with dence." ' ' -v ... - 1 TIVi' thuiiii drlvcr'ji "Viir coll'lllftl residents •of-lhe lo\Vnship were, •the M ii.m, Mass1 selukliilod to In *Hii.'ir nri+'lnal . 1'eiun.l ...Ihl. Early Next Year also in the holiday spirit and re- with mi auin. opehiled hy be a r.mv Muty, . 'asses:;ors presenled local asscris- IVIIIInnn' ro«lirdlliK irioJI lo flei'li'.d • It by individual artistic .finiriir Tanci'. 'IIS, nf Nowiirk. me-nl.'i, rather Llinh a town-wide H,nltusrnl Top are expected to ho 1 , efforts. i ..•„.;-. The cninhlned choirs of the '.- .Police' wild Moe.!is|cr'« oiii V'irs'l11'rc'iliyler.lnn Church wns, Kencrnl assi^Kinenl ftir Ihc pro•I.n Ihe,hands of rho'Thltadelpliin 1 wijiii'. oiiWuf c.ortiriil lilt Ihe po|» •'•'.. On' MmmiiVltr aw. a isroup or .scheduled In prcsejil the can- , Jr6li in.ediififl'miinee with the iir» neulonnl 0ffIce .of Ihe Pn,sl 0.1- ; l l .tn nr'l:liil!iidi>"nTe~" Bnd buritt .lnl,n' wooden -Ymfi conlliry KiiKlislune-n Iiilii.'-Tho nir.iiiliniis Sloi'y," diliani'o drawn ml Ihc' lime -tht' fl'cc.' Depnrlnioiit Khiir|l.v • aflvr lwt Yo Mo1 1 fliiini';.- MoevnTeT Stlftmrtl * silently" SaiiK "fid" " '" • on .riulstnufs -Kve ill II o.iii.' M'wer .wits .lieiiun in infill.' .
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