USOO9639485B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,639,485 B2 Huang (45) Date of Patent: May 2, 2017 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR (58) Field of Classification Search TRANSMITTING DATA IN ANDROID CPC ............. G06F 9/45554: G06F 11/1482; G06F PLATFORM BASED TERMINAL DEVICE 22O1/815 (71) Applicant: HISENSE MOBILE Continued)Continued COMMUNICATIONS (56) References Cited (ECHNO.Yandong CO., LTD., U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (72) Inventor: Lingang Huang, Qingdao (CN) 2004/0044819 A1 3/2004 Jeon ...................... Goo's (73) Assignees: HISENSE MOBILE 2008. O153548 A1* 6/2008 Shin ...................... G06F 13,102 COMMUNICATIONS Continued 455,559 TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., Qingdao (Continued) (CN); HISENSE USA FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS CORPORATION, Suwanee CN 101163155. A 4, 2008 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this CN 101589592 A 11/2009 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued) U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (21) Appl. No.: 14/351,538 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) PCT Filed: Oct. 24, 2013 Phil Nickinson." Android 101: Copy files to your storage card in (86). PCT No.: PCT/CN2013/085892 Window, Friday Feb. 5, 2010.” http://www.androidcentral.com/ android-101-copy-files-your-storage-card-windows. S 371 (c)(1), (Continued) (2) Date: Apr. 11, 2014 Primary Examiner — Idriss N Alrobaye (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2014/071804 Assistant Examiner — Getente A Yimer PCT Pub. Date: May 15, 2014 (57) ABSTRACT O O A method and apparatus for transmitting data in an Android (65)65 P O PublicationDO Dat platform based terminal device are provided. In the method, US 2015/03392.42 A1 Nov. 26, 2015 when the terminal device establishes a connection for data O O transmission with another device over a USB, the terminal (30) Foreign Application Priority Data device transmits data in an internal storage of the terminal devieV1ce to theh anotherher devicedeV1ce based upupon a filfile tranSierf Nov. 9, 2012 (CN) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2012 1 04478.78 protocol and receives and writes into the internal Storage 51) Int. C data transmitted from the another device based upon the file (51) 06F sMO 2006.O1 transfer protocol; and the terminal device transmits data in G06F 5/00 6. O R an external storage of the terminal device to the another (2006.01) deviceCW1C 1in a UMS mode and receivesrece1VeS and Writeswrites 1ntointo ththe (Continued) external storage data transmitted from the another device in (52) U.S. Cl. the UMS mode. CPC ............ G06F 13/102 (2013.01); G06F 13/38 (2013.01); G06F 13/4282 (2013.01) 7 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets shi eviceManager Storage Manager class class VicsitService y Service (interaal Starage Android kernel at MS coexist US 9,639,485 B2 Page 2 (51) Int. Cl. 2013,0227177 A1* 8, 2013 Cho .................... G06F 11.3051 G06F 3/12 (2006.01) T10, 16 G06F I3/38 (2006.01) 2013,0297835 A1* 11, 2013 Cho .................. HO4M 1/72527 T10, 14 ge. 19 3.08: 2014/01 15202 A1* 4/2014 Yoshinaga ............ G06F 13,426 T10.62 G06F I3/36 (2006.01) G06F 3/10 (2006.01) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS G06F 3/42 (2006.01) (58) Fist of ClassificationO A O search so, so WOCN WO 2009/151262102.981990. A2A 12/20093, 2013 See application file for complete search history. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (56) References Cited Jerry Hildenbrand, "Ice Cream Sandwich explained: MTP what is it, why use it, and how to set it up, Friday, Nov. 25, 2011.” U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS http://www.androidcentral.com/ics-feature-mtp-what-it-why-use-it and-how-set-it. 2010.0185808 A1* 7, 2010 Yu ....................... G06F 13,1684 International Search Report for PCT/CN2013/085892 filed on Oct. T11 103 24, 2013. 2012/0110220 A1* 5/2012 Miyano ................. GO6F 13,385 T10/33 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent May 2, 2017 Sheet 1 of 2 US 9,639,485 B2 Wii. i.e. testina device estatisiis a connection it data transmissis with another tiewiec ovct a jSi3, the testinal device transits diata in 3 interia storage of tie tertaina device to the another device based upon a fic trassive protoxoi 333d receives aris writes into tie initeTai storage; data transanited fron: tie as other device bised up the file transfer protoco 2 the termina device transmits iata in an exterial storage if the tertainai iwice to the airie device is tis MS is de and seceives and writes inity the exterial Storage data transmitted fro: tie another device is the liviS inade st DeviceManager class Storagevanager class Mount Service y Service (internal Storage&W Android kernel U.S. Patent May 2, 2017 Sheet 2 of 2 US 9,639,485 B2 Aidroid inteliigea device interial Storage SE) ca's Ex14 file system Fat file system MTP tyrotocol MTP device First data transsitting component Second data transmitting component Fig. 4 US 9,639,485 B2 1. 2 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR contents of the internal storage of the terminal device, for TRANSMITTING DATA IN ANDROID example, the PC can not modify the file. PLATFORM BASED TERMINAL DEVICE In the scheme of transmitting and sharing data with use of the UMS mode alone, both the internal storage in the The present application is a US National Stage of Inter terminal device and the external SD card memory share data national Application No. PCT/CN2013/085892, filed Oct. with the PC in the UMS mode, but due to that the terminal 24, 2013, designating the United States, and claiming pri device allocates a part of a storage space in the internal ority to Chinese Patent Application No. 201210447878.0, storage as an FAT partition while establishing the USB entitled “method and apparatus for transmitting data in connection with the PC, and this part of partition can not be Android platform based terminal device', filed with the 10 used to run an upper application of the terminal device, the State Intellectual Property Office of People's Republic of size of the standard Ext4 partition, in the internal storage of China on Nov. 9, 2012, the content of which is incorporated the terminal device, available to the system may be lowered herein by reference in its entirety. tO SOme eXtent. FIELD 15 SUMMARY The present invention relates to the field of communica A method and apparatus for transmitting data in an tions and particularly to a method and apparatus for trans Android platform based terminal device are provided so as mitting data in an Android platform based terminal device. to perform both the function of data transmission based upon a file transfer protocol and the function of data transmission BACKGROUND based upon the USB mass storage mode on the Android platform based terminal device while making use of advan Android platform based terminal devices (e.g., Smart tages of both the data transmission schemes. phones, tablet computers, etc.) become increasingly popular Some technical Solutions according to embodiments of along with rapid development of intelligent terminal 25 the present invention are as follows. devices. Android is a Linux platform-based open-source A method of transmitting data in an Android platform handset operating system, and the Android platform is based terminal device includes: composed of an operating system, a middleware, a user when the terminal device establishes a connection for data interface and applications, where an underlying layer of the transmission with another device over a Universal Serial platform is based upon a Linux kernel developed in the C 30 Bus, USB, the terminal device transmitting data in an language and serves only fundamental functions, a middle internal storage of the terminal device to the another device layer of the platform includes a function library and a virtual based upon a file transfer protocol and receiving and writing machine, and an upper layer of the platform includes various into the internal storage data transmitted from the another applications. device based upon the file transfer protocol; and At present, an Android platform based terminal device is 35 the terminal device transmitting data in an external stor connected to a Personal Computer (PC) through a Universal age of the terminal device to the another device in a USB Serial Bus (USB) connection line, and then a data transmis Mass Storage, UMS, mode and receiving and writing into sion scheme as adopted is typically either the Media Trans the external storage data transmitted from the another device fer Protocol (MTP) or USB Mass Storage (UMS), and these in the UMS mode. two data transmission schemes of MTP and UMS are used 40 An apparatus for transmitting data in an Android platform or present alone. based terminal device includes: After the Android platform based terminal device is a first data transmitting component configured, when the connected to the PC through the USB connection line, it terminal device establishes a connection for data transmis transmits and shares data with the PC in the following two sion with another device over a Universal Serial Bus, USB, implementation schemes: in one of the implementation 45 to transmit data in an internal storage of the terminal device schemes, the MTP file transmission technology is adopted to the another device based upon a file transfer protocol and alone to enable the PC to share both an internal storage of to receive and write into the internal storage data transmitted the terminal device (a storage partitioned using a File from the another device based upon the file transfer proto Allocation Table (FAT) or a storage partitioned using the col; and Fourth Extended File System (Ext4)) and an external storage 50 a second data transmitting component configured, when (e.g., a Secure Digital Memory Card (simply an SD card)) the terminal device establishes a connection for data trans (typically FAT-partitioned) or to share either the internal mission with another device over the Universal Serial Bus storage or the external SD card memory; and in the other (USB), to transmit data in an external storage of the terminal implementation scheme, the UMS scheme is adopted alone device to the another device in a USB Mass Storage, UMS, for data transmission to enable the PC to share both the 55 mode and to receive and write into the external storage data FAT-partitioned internal storage of the terminal device and transmitted from the another device in the UMS mode.
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