POSTAL PATRON U.S. POSTAGE PAID MAILED FROM RUIDOSO, NM 88345 PERMIT NO. 9 PRESORT STANDARD 50 cents For more photos and the latest stories updated daily, visit www.ruidosofreepress.com A property of TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2011 • WWW.RUIDOSOFREEPRESS.COM • VOL. 3, NO. 51 Santa visits Capitan enmU presents economic impact to commission Happy By Patrick Rodriguez reporter [email protected] Holidays! Dr. Clayton Alred, president of ENMU-Ru- idoso, will make a presentation on the economic benefi t of the college to the Lincoln County Com- mission during a meeting today. The commission What’s meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. happening According to Alred, the presentation will consist of the economic impact the college has lo- December 21 cally, including income obtained by students after Flying J Wrangler graduation that stay in the area to work. christmas Special Alred said that the study was conducted by a It’s Christmas time, cowboy fi rm in Moscow, Idaho. style! Ruidoso’s favorite “The presentation will show the effects that performance troupe, the the college has on the workforce, and the impact Flying J Wranglers, return that the workforce has on the local economy,” Al- to celebrate the heritage red said during a telephone interview on Thursday. of the west and the beauty Alred said that the authors of the study used of the holiday season with various methodology to arrive at their fi ndings. He rich melodious western said the study focused on the 2009 school year. yodeling, vocals, fi ddle Alred said that there were more than 1,600 and guitars, with a dash students enrolled at ENMU-Ruidoso in 2009. He of hilarity. 7 p.m. Spen- said the study will include statistics relating to cer Theater. 1-888-818- income earned over their lifetime, as well as focus 7872, www.spencerthe- on those students that leave ENMU-Ruidoso upon ater.com. $30. graduation, either for work or to attend another Photo courtesy of Gerald Garrett school. December 24 the cowboy Santa Parade was held Dec. 10 in capitan. Sponsored by Also on the agenda for the meeting: capitan Public Library, the parade featured Santa, who arrived in style christmas eve in • Discussion of Grindstone Graphics for aboard Sally canning’s rig. Santa was delivered to the Library where he Billy the Kid Scenic Byway Inc. having received Historic Lincoln met with children and gave each a gift bag. Traditional lighting of See IMPACT, pg. 5 luminarias along Highway 380 at dusk. 6 p.m. Free. cancellation of school play stirs up controversy By Eugene Heathman tendent Patty White, “on about Nov. 2, it was cal events and is set in 1808 at the asylum editor brought to my attention that the high school in Charenton. The asylum’s director, Coul- [email protected] and middle school drama classes were plan- mier, welcomes the audience to enjoy a new Circumstances surrounding the recent ning to perform the play Marat/Sade and that and rehabilitative play about the assassina- and mysterious cancellation of the Ruidoso it might not be appropriate for general audi- tion of French Revolutionary War dissident high school and middle school play, Marat/ ences. I called the high school principal to Jean-Paul Marat which was committed by Sade have stirred controversy regarding how discuss. The high school principal called the Charlotte Corday, a young woman from the the play was suddenly cancelled. According drama teacher, told her there were concerns country who is distraught by the Revolution’s Luminarias in to sources involved with the production, the and asked for a copy of the script for us to endless guillotine deaths. The play is writ- carrizozo script underwent a comprehensive editing review. The high school principal and I read ten by one of the asylum’s most infamous process involving the students, principal the script over the weekend of Nov. 5-6. We inmates, Marquis de Sade. The actors are all Take a drive through Car- and theatre director. A fi nal stage script was found material we deemed as inappropriate inmates, dealing with their own psychoses. rizozo and see the annual approved and the approach to the material in several areas of the script. We met with The play soon evolves into a debate between luminaria display along was important, especially in education. In the the teacher on Nov. 8 to discuss our concerns Marat and Sade. Though both were early Highway 54 and Highway theatre text, there are listed the 36 dramatic about presenting this play to the general pub- supporters of the French Revolution, their 380 at 6 p.m. 575-648- situations including adultery, revenge, pur- lic by middle and high school students. The thoughts about how to accomplish the goals 2371. Free. suit of power and jealousy. The group has high school principal suggested some alterna- of the revolt were very different. As the play performed several master plays, including; tives to a general production and offered to continues, the chaotic history of the French Free movie at Peter Pan, The Importance of Being Earnest, meet with the drama class to discuss options Revolution soon develops into a revolution Sacred grounds, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Cathleen Ni with the students. After the high school prin- on the stage. Sources involved with the pro- Love Actually Hoolihan, and a rendition of The Imaginary cipal met with the class that morning (Nov. duction contend Marat/Sade was not going to Sit back and relax at the Invalid. Marat/Sade was to be a bold addi- 8), we were informed that the class decided be staged in its extreme offensive manner. coff ee shop and watch tion. to not present the play in any format.” Currently scheduled for next semester a full feature fi lm, Love According to RMS Associate Superin- Marat/Sade is based on actual histori- See PLAY, pg. 5 Actually, about the lives of several couples dealing with life and love during ruidoso Downs receives gold medal for beautifi cation the frantic months be- By Todd Fuqua like to thank the entire council fore Christmas. 6:30 p.m. reporter and the economic development Sacred Grounds Coff ee & [email protected] committee for its support. Tea House, 575-257-2273. Being nestled in the Sac- “We’ll keep plugging away www.sacredgrounds- ramento Mountains tends to and get more volunteers as we coff eeshop.com. Free. make a community beautiful. move along,” she added. “We But keeping that community need to thank all our sponsors more listings litter free and gorgeous can and are so proud of this gold. take some work. We want to bring one home more articles Judy Miller, and Jean Proc- every year.” tor, members of the Ruidoso The award was given more photos Downs beautifi cation commit- at the state meeting of New tee, announced the city has re- Mexico Clean and Beautiful in sports more ceived a gold medal from New November. Find more at Mexico Clean and Beautiful Mayor Tom Armstrong www.RuidosoFreePress.com for its efforts to keep Ruidoso pointed out the relative invisibil- Downs spic and span in the ity of the beautifi cation com- Todd Fuqua/Ruidoso Free Press past year. mittee’s efforts, stating a clean Jean Proctor, left, and Judy miller, members of the ruidoso “We met all our goals, street isn’t as noticeable as an Downs beautifi cation committee, show off the gold medal thanks to (councilor) Gary (Wil- unclean one. award given to the city by new mexico clean and Beautiful liams), and we were one of the “It’s good to see what you for its eff orts to keep the community clean. the award will be smallest communities to get this do show up like this,” Arm- placed in a display case in city hall. note there’s room for one award,” Miller told the council strong said. “I hope we can take more award, and miller has stated the committee will work at its Dec. 12 meeting. “I would this as a good omen.” hard to see ruidoso Downs fi ll it next year. s! FEATURED HOME ma REMODELED NICELY REMODELED, 2 BEDROOM hrist WHISPERING BLUFF CONDO! This y C condo now features concrete countertops, err new kitchen appliances and laminate fl ooring. M REAL ESTATE TEAM There is also a great fi replace and new bath tub. Enjoy Ruidoso’s amazing climate from the deck. Centrally located, close to The (575) 258-5008 Links golf course and walking trail. (575) 257-5111 ext. 117 $127,500. #109430 SDC, REALTORS® 307 Mechem Dr, Ruidoso, NM Find Ruidoso’s #1 REAL ESTATE TEAM at: www.ruidosorealestate.com 2 Ruidoso Free Press December 20, 2011 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Controlled burn the Sunny Spirit group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets Monday optimist club meets at noon every Wednesday at K-Bobs in Ru- and Thursday at noon and Friday at 5:30 p.m., while the women’s idoso. The Mescalero Division of Resource Management and Protection group meets Wednesdays at noon in the parish hall of the Episco- will collaborate with the Ruidoso Fire Department, Ruidoso For- pal Church of the Holy Mount at 121 Mescalero Trail. the Photographic Society of Lincoln County – dedicated to the estry Department, Bureau of Indian Aff airs and the Smokey Bear advancement of digital photography – meets the second Thurs- Ranger District for a test burning of slash piles in the Flume Ridge al anon of ruidoso – for family members of alcoholics – meet day of each month at 7 p.m. in the Region IX offi ces at 237 Service project this Wednesday.
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