215 MEETING - BOARD OP MAYOR AND ALDERMEN SPECIAL ROAD HEARING January 3, 1969 3:00 P.h Mayor Mongan called the meeting to order. I Mayor Mongan called for the Pledge of Allegiance and Aid. Psaledas led the Board in this function. The Clerk called the roll. Roll Cal I Present: Mayor Mongan, Aid. Bergquist, Enright, Walsh, Casey, Larochelle, Verville, Head and Psaledas. Absent: Aid. Hunt, Kelley, Wilcox, Noel, Martineau and Acorace. Mayor Mongan announced the purpose of the meeting was to conduct a special road heari] Purpose V. on a petition as follows: "....laying out and discontinuing a highway, beginning at a point on the Petition northerly line of Loring Street, said point being six hundred (600) feet Loring Street west of the intersection of the westerly line of South Willow Street and the northerly line of Loring Street and measured along the northerly line of Loring Street? thence continuing in the same straight line in a westerly direction, a distance of two hundred ninety-eight and thirty-two one hundredths I (298.32) feet to the Boston and Maine Railroad Right of Way. The above described line to be the northerly line of the highway, the highway to be fifty (50) feet wide and to be known as Loring Street in said City. They, therefore, request you to layout and discontinue the highway on the route above described, subject to twenty-five (25) feet easement for sanitary sewerage II Communications as follows were read into the record by the Clerk: • Department of Highways "At the request of Hr. Raymond Gallant of Donovan Realty Trust, I have examined a plan of land surveyed and prepared by Hills & Hesslein, Engineers and Surveyors, relating to laying out of a new street, Donovan Street, proposed, between Upton Street and Loring Street as well as the discontinuance of that part of an unim­ proved and untravelled street, Loring Street westerly from Donovan Street proposed. I have also had Mr. Reen, Chief Engineer for the City, examine this plan. I It is our considered opinion that the proposals outlined are not objectionable provided, th0^e1r(ei£, they meet with the full approval of all concerned including the Planning Board as well as other agencies of the City. A further condition will involve the construction necessary under regulations of subdivision control." Manchester Pi?i3Wiing Board "....This office has received a subdivision application for land owned by Mr. I Raymond Gallant of Donovaft Realty Trust. His proposed subdivision which we have approved includes the connection of Loring and Upton Streets with a proposed new street. This office has received a performance bond dealing with the improvement of this street. The proposed discontinuance is for the unaccepted action of Loring Street beyond the proposed new street. This office is not opposed to the discontinuance of the Loring Street extension provided that necessary access is retained to the Tannery Brook drain where it HH crosses that section of Loring Street and, further, that suitable arrangements can be made with Mr. Paltin for future development of his land to the south. My understanding of this matter from discussion with Building Department officials is that Mr. Gallant can build his proposed building at this location even without discontinuance of Loring Street. Discontinuance at this time may not therefore be of a critical need, and there may be time for Mr. Gallant to discuss future de­ velopment problems " Manchester Water Works I The Manchester Water Department has no objection to the discontinuance of the western end of Loring St. for a distance of 356 ft." Manchester Fire Department "Prom a fire safety standpoint, the Manchester Fire Department can see no reason to oppose the closing of approximately 360 feet of Loring Street west of the pro­ posed new Donovan Street which will eliminate two (2) dead end streets; namely I Loring and Upton Streets." Mayor Mongan then advised that those wishing to speak on this petition would be heard, first, those in favor, and then those against and requested the speakers to announce their names and addresses clearly for the record. • Raymond Mr. Raymond Gallant of Donovan Realty Trust was recognized and spoke in favor of the Gallant closing, stating that they had to go along with the closing in order to put up the building they desire and if the closing were not approved, the Company would have to take 200 running feet by 50 feet wide to tie in Upton Street with Loring Street. What we originally wanted to do was to put a turn-around for Loring Street but they would not go along with this. The only way we can get a building permit is by tieing in the two streets, therefore, I have to have the extra 25 feet of land to put the required build I ing on. Comm. fr, Mr. Gallant then presented the following communication from Maurice Lampron, an abutter Maurice Lampron and owner of Maurice's Auto Body, who was unable to be present at the hearing: "£ have no objection to the City of Manchester closing Loring Street, westerly of proposed Donovan Street." There being no other individuals to speak in favor of the petition. Mayor Mongan then ^P asked if there were any present to speak in opposition and recognized Kenneth P. Graf, Attorney for Mr. Faltin stating that it was not their desire to prohibit the develop- raent of the property in question but feel that their property can be developed without doing away with Loring Street. Mr. Graf then outlined the area using a map showing ap­ proximately 30 acres of land owned by Paltin and that at the present time Paltin is in I the process of filling in the area and developing it, hmving in mind that across the southwesterly part of the lot there is an existing sewer and also running across a portion is the opening for Cemetery Brook. If you abandon and do away with the wester­ ly end of Loring Street then there is no way for the Paltin develo{xnent by a road along I the railroad right-of-way and over the brook and the sewer, no way to get from Precourt Park Road around and across the Faltin property, up Loring Street and back to South Willow Street. Prom our point of view, where we went into this development back in 1963, when actually Paltin owned the whole of that property even where Sylvania is now locatedjj^ 217 • and Mr. Faltin sold off parcels of his property so that industry could ccme in and ar­ rangements were tentatively made for this turn around down the road to Precourt Park and giving access back to South Willow Street. Now to do away with the westerly part of Loring Street makes ineffective and adversely affects the Faltin property which is now in the process of being set up for development. By doing away with Loring Street I you will preclude Faltin from developing his property because then the road would have to be put at the very easterly part of the Faltin property away from the westerly line where a railroad siding is planned. I talked with Mr. Grogam of the Planning Board a short time ago and he has some tentative plans indicating it was his thought that in I addition to a road being along the westerly side there could also conceivably be a roa|} along the easterly edge because there is enough space so that you could have buildings abutting both of these roads as well as have a rail siding. Mr. Graf then advised thajf he had maps available if anyone cared to look at them and thanked the Board for the ^IP opportunity to be heard. There being no one further to be heard, on motion of Aid. Walsh, duly seconded by Aid Bergquist, it was voted to adjourn for viewing purposes. PETITION VIEWED Loring Street From 600' west of South Willow Street westerly 298.32* to BMRR R.O.W.) - Layout and Discontinue. I On motion of Aid. Enright, duly seconded by Aid. Walsh, it was voted that action on this petition be tabled. Tabled On motion of Aid. Enright, duly seconded by Aid. Walsh, it was voted to adjourn. Adjournet A true record. Attest. V.'>4 1 ,, .Va^ City Clerk • I I • 218 MEETING BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN January 7, 1969 6:45 P.M Mayor Mongan called the meeting ro order in Joint Session with the Board of School Committee. Mayor Mongan called for the Pledge of Allegiance and Aid. Bergquist led the Board in this function. I The Clerk called the roll of Board of Mayor and Aldermen and School Committee. Present: Mayor Mongan, Aid. Bergquist, Enright, Kelley, Walsh, Casey, Larocfeiille, Verville, Wilcox, Noel, Acorace and Psaledas. School Committeemen Branch, Brown, Drouin, Monaghan, Puchacz, Pappas, Lamentagne, Burke, Pollock, Angeli, LaPlante, I Chenard and Wallace. Absent: Aid. Hunt, Head and Martineap. School Committeeman Martel. Rep. Coromj A report of the Special Committee on Transportation was presented wherein it was re Transp. • spectfully recommended, after due and careful consideration, that the City of Manchester pay Manchester Transit Inc. the sum of Ten cents ($0.10) per ride, per day, per high school student riding to and from school provided the Board of School Committee finds that this is desirable under provisions of RSA 189:8. On motion of Aid. Walsh, duly seconded by Aid. Bergquist, it was voted that the report of the Committee be accepted Adopted and its recommendations adopted. Ref .Schodl Finance The report was then referred to the School Board Committee on Finance, this Committee Comm.
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