OF 4AWAU LIBRARY Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 p o i . 21 No 166, Saipan, MP 96950 й|© 1 9 9 2 Marianas Variety Fridaÿ ■ November 1992 Serving CNMI for 20 Years Guerrero broke law, panel says By Gaynor Dumat-ol Maratita— did not sign the re­ port. THE LEGISLATIVE committee The report said under the CNMI that looked into the possibility of Constitution, the four grounds of removing Governor Lorenzo I. impeachment are treason, com­ Guerrero from office confirmed mission of a felony, corruption, in its report that the governor and neglect of duty. violated provisions of the Com­ The two alleged acts of mis­ monwealth law in the disburse- conduct committed by the gov­ mentof $5.5 million to Mitsubishi ernor were scrutinized by the ' * Corp. and in the appointment of committee under the ground of Francisco Chong as disaster con­ corruption but because in those THESE two kids receive a first lesson in politics as they carry posters of Johnson Toribiong, one of two trol officer. two alleged misconducts “there candidates for president of Palau, near the old legislature building in Susupe, where Palauan voters residing “In the case of the Mitsubishi was no evidence” to show the in Saipan cast their ballots yesterday. payments, he violated provisions chief executive gained personal of the Constitution and the Plan­ benefit or showed dishonesty, the ning and Budgeting Act, and in committee said corruption as a the Chong appointment he vio­ ground for impeachment could Palau vote count may take 10 days lated the Civil Service Commis­ not be supported. sion law and also evaded the in­ “The chief executive skirted the KOROR, Palau (AP) - A Palau would allow a proposed political to bring back, ballot boxes. tent of the statutory appointment law in filling the position of di­ election official said Thursday it and economic pact to be approved Ngirmidol estimated it would cost "procedure,” the report dated Oct. saster control officer and, at the could take from five days to IQ by simple maJority. Palau’s Con­ $56,000 to conduct the overseas voting. 29 said. very least, he relied on ambiguity days to count what may be a stitution requires 75 percent voter However, the committee report to evade the legislature in his rush record number of ballots cast in approval, a threshold not achieved Another $9,600 was spent to said, neither of these acts “evi­ to meet contractual obligations the Western Pacific island chain’s in seven previous plebiscites. send a field ship to remote dence dishonesty” nor “procure and disburse funds to Mitsubishi,” general election. “Since that was a separate bal­ Sonsorol and Tobi islands to some benefit for himself or for the report said. David Ngirmidol, national lot,. we may know the results by collect ballots from 35 voters. others as a result of his actions.” It was further said in the report election coordinator, predicted at Nov. 10,” Ngirmidol said. Ngirmidol said 394 absentee “In the absence of such evi­ that “the committee does find that least 80 percent of the 11,457 Two other seven-member ballots were mailed to Palauans dence, the committee must con­ the credibility of government by registered voters in Palau .and groups will count a separate bal­ living on the US Mainland. Those clude that this ground for im­ law is Jeopardized when the chief overseas voted Wednesday. lot which included races for ballots must be back in Koror by peachment cannot be supported,” executive officer of the Com­ He said voting on Saipan, the president, vice president and the Nov. 11 to be included in the ' the report signed by Committee monwealth disregards the law, Northern Mariana Islands, was 30-member national congress, or official count. Chairman Pete P. Reyes and even in thepursuitof public good.” delayed until yesterday because a OEK. He said it may be Nov. 15 Palau has about 15,000 people Representatives Diego T. But given the available eyi- plane carrying election officials before the outcome of those races living in its islands 800 miles Benavente and Ana S. Teregeyo dence, according to the report, the couldn’t depart due to Typhoon is known. south of Guam, 4,500 miles south said. committee “does not believe that Elsie. He said nearly 40 election and west of Hawaii and 600 miles Two other members of the the governor’s actions, however Ngirmidol said a team of seven workers were sent to Guam and east of the Philippines. Special Committee on Executive ill-advised or regrettable, rise to people has been assigned only to Saipan; Hilo and Honolulu, Ha­ It is the w orld’s only UN trust Actions— Representatives Heinz the level of corruption as con- count votes cast in a constitutional waii; Los Angeles, San Francisco territory. Its affairs are adminis- S. Hofschneider and Mametto U. continued on page 21 amendment which, if approved, and Portland to handle voting and continued on page 3 Democrats see better times Court asked to allow CNMI Democrats said yester­ view. eral government. day the Northern Marianas could Meanwhile, Governor Lorenzo “I do not see any reason to fear defamation lawsuit look ahead for “better times” I. Guerrero expressed hope that for a change in leadership. What with the election of Bill Clinton the close relations between the we would have to do is to seek vs paper to proceed as US president. CNMI and the White House would the new administration’s coop­ House Minority Leader continue under Clinton’s admin­ eration and understandingon our FILIPINO club workers asked the PDN and Santos filed a motion Mametto U. Maratita and Rep­ istration. outstanding concerns,” he said. Superior Court yesterday to allow asking the court to dismiss the resentative Herman T. Guerrero, “This is a new beginning for us Pending congressional action theircomplaintfor defamation and suit filed by 90 Filipino club also a Democrat, also expressed and we hope to start off a new era is the $240 million financial invasion of privacy against the workers who alleged that the PDN hope that the multi-year finan­ of US-CNMI cooperation,” package negotiated under Sec­ Pacific Daily News to proceed. article labelled them as prostitutes. cial agreement concluded by Guerrero said yesterday. tion 702 of the Covenant. For nearly two hours, Michael Castro is expected to decide in CNMI and US negotiators would Clinton, a Democrat, won by a According to the governor, Dotts, counsel for the club work­ a few days whether or not the be disapproved. landslide over Republican Presi­ with every change inthenational ers, traded arguments with Rich­ defamation and invasion of pri­ “We need to renegotiate the dent George Bush. leadership comes a need for the ard Sherman, attorney for defen­ vacy suit should be dismissed or agreement, especially since we Guerrero expressed confidence establishment of closer relation­ dants PDN and reporter Marshall allowed to proceed. are very much against the dollar that the change in the US adm in­ ship and agood dialogueprocess. Santos who wrote the controver­ The burden at yesterday’s for dollar matching requirement istration would have minimal "Normally, we have, to brief sial news story. hearing was on the side of the that favors the federal govern­ impact on the current relationship the new administration, includ- The hearing was conducted al­ plaintiffs because, according to ment, Guerrero said in an inter­ between the CNMI and the fed­ contlnued on page 9 most a month after the lawyer qf continued on page 9 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 ,1992 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-NOVEMBER 6, 1992 Guam invites Clinton moves quickly CNMI lawmakers Anti-prostitution to shape administration to conference bill nears approval By David Espo Even so, Bush remained the man WOMEN leaders yesterday asked “T he maintenance of tfie fam ­ ill-effects of prostitution and ^ with the power; and he exercised it \ - the Senate to pass House Bill 8-2 ily household is essential to pro­ sexual services for pay, in as much WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ on the day after his defeat. The to outlaw prostitution in the mote productivity and conducive as this is an acknowledged health dent-elect Bill Clinton moved White House said he had vetoed Northern Marianas. family environment. This mea­ risk. ^ S ' O i m Û a quickly Wednesday to shape his tax legislation passed by Congress “Since the time I got a copy of sure will prevent the deteriora­ The bill sounds the alarm over administration and reassure the before it adJourned last month. the bill until now, I could say that tion of families,” Taitano said in the proliferation of individuals world of continuity in US foreign Clinton and Vice President-elect the concerns on the bill has been her statement during yesterday’s engaging in prostitution and busi­ policy. A defeated President Bush A1 Gore aside, the newly élected thoroughly clarified. Thebillnow hearing. ness establishments operating in Sablan returned to the White House and members of the Dcmocratic-con- has greater chances of garnering Nutrition Assistance Program the Commonwealth which offer Florence Kirby of DYS. toldflag-waving supporters, “Let’s trolled Congress looked ahead to support from the other members (NAP) Administrator Patricia sexual services of employees in After hearing all the pros and ^-SsS^'sr \ finish this Job with style.” their terms in office, including 22 of the Senate,” said Senator Jesus Palacios-de Beer said it was high lieu of legitimate entertainment. cons of the bill in yesterday’s Bush, in defeat, got a hero’s additional women in the House, 16 R. Sablan, chairman of the Senate time that CNMI lawmakers enact The measure seeks to discour­ hearing, Tinian Senator David M.
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