) MONDAY, MAT I, IfBO Avarace Daily Nat Preaa Ron Tha Waathar Ettrofaig Ij^raUi Far tha Month eC AptO, 1U6 Pataaaal at P. ■. Weethw f see Seaay aad wanaer with geaOo The meeting of the Woman’a Fra* movlss will be shown at ths drivers made their own sr- The Stanley Group of the South rsngements. No arrests were made. Methodlet church will meet Society of the North Methodist the> Andarsoo-Shca Pont 2046 V.F. BY POPULAR DEMAND 9,891 wlada this afteraoea; fair aad ast church scheduled for Wednesday W.^Thursday evsning at sight Two Arrested Esuly Sunday morning at 13:30, Al&mt Town promptly at T:45 tomorrow e i ^ M enber o f tha Aedit aa east tealgM t Wedasaday 'la- afternoon has been postponed to o'clock. Ths public Is Invited to a car driven by Rosalind A. Ro­ niaa. SlocUon o f ofNcera wlU bo MaHou>*» Firgt Bnrcaa nt ClKnIatleas Membera of the croup m y (Thursday afternoon at two attend. berto of East Hartford atnick a t ' ^udn** MOUMT’a CM» wffl After Mishaps John MIsaka, of 166 Adama atreet ManehB$ter-~~A City of ViUago Charm ■Mtt WadnMdajr rraninc at algbt brbw a gueat to hear the epeaker, o'clock. The accident occurred on North o’t M i at tlM home o f M n . M aiy Mlm Ann Maaon, atyllat from A rehearsal for the Merry Mln- Saae-Allen. The hoateaaea will be Main atreet. According to reports, Dwyer, S3 North Elm etreet The Married Couples club of ■trel will be held this evening at Four Accidents Over the Roberto car pulled sharply to F u r n i t u r e S m £ (CtaaaiBed Adveftlalag aa Fags 1$) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY. MAY 9, 1950 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR C'KNTS Mra. Adrian St. Pierre. Mra. Alex 7:30 at the Second Congregational VOL. LXIX, NO. 186 the South Methodist church will the right when an approaching car McBride. Mra. Allen Cox and Mra. church, and another full rehearsal WILL CONTINUE UNTIL H m Xiucy Spencer Group of the hold, its annual meeting with elec­ Week-End;' No Serious swung wide to avoid hitting Mia- Donald Culver. again on Thursday evening at the Seconfl Oongfentional church will tion of officers Thursday evening. aka. Seeing the other cars lights Deesert will be served In the social aame hour at the church. 1710 show Injuries Result apparently blinded Miss Roterto SATURDAY, MAY 13fh meet WedBeadajr afternoon at 1:30 will be presented by the Merry- When a Qty Burns at the church. A daughter, Svutanne Irwin, waa hall o f the church at eight o’clock. for a moment, and she pulled born on May 8 to Mr. and Mra, Rev. Fred R, Edgar will be the Weds, FMday evening May 19, In Four accidents here over the sharply when she saw Mlzaka the Whiton Memorial hall on B U Y N O W ! SAVE! Truman Declares Robert 8. LaRue of 116 Center guest speaker. A ll members are weekend resulted In tlje arrest of staggering In the middle of the Republicans Attack North Main street. atreet. Mra. LaRue ia the former urged to attend and make this last two persona. , road. Officer Edward W inder in­ Jane Irwin, daughter of Mr. and business meeting of the year a vestigated and arrested Mlzaka for Saturday noontime Raymond F. Mra. Reuben Irwin. The paternal successful one. MIm Janet Knofla of 3} Munro intodoation. Mlzaka was taken to McQueeney of Hartford and James grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. atreet spent the week-end at Bates the hospital and treated for con­ Developing West S. Griswold of Wethersfield were John D. LaRue of YpsUantl, Mich­ Miss Elinor Bentley of Bolton College, Lewiston. Maine, as the tusion of the right, leg. He Was WANTED guest of Miss Thelma Dowling of involved In an accident on Middle Bowles Statement arraigned in court this morning. igan. la a member of the committee on turnpike, east. According to the arrangen^ents for the meeting of this town who Is a freshman at At 8:40 yesterday afternoon a Bates. police report, McQueeney passed slight accident occurred at Main 4 experienced wood chCr Manchester Lodge, No. 73. A. K. Eastern Connecticut librarians the Griswold car too close and the Government Aim pen and 1 experienced bull­ and library trustees at Willlmantlc street and Bralnard place. Officer -At Scandia Lodge -A and A. M., will hold a aUted com. The Ladlea Sewing Circle of right rear fender and body scrap­ Albert Scabies investigated and munlcatlon tomorrow evening at State Teachers College Friday. Dr. d o g operator, .\pp1y Concordia Lutheran church will ed the left front fender. Officer made no arrests. 7:80 at the Masonic Temple. Fol- Lowell A. Martin. Associate Dean Frederick Tedford arrested Mc- No. 23 V. O. of A. Aflininistralion W i 111 Reorganization of the School of Library Service, meet this evening at 7:30. A car, driven by Lawrence R; lo\vlng the transaction of business Quee.iey for violation of rules of Leonard of 43 Foster street, was Russia Quits the Fellowrraft Degree will be con­ Columbia University will speak on the road. 50lh Push Plans Over Oppo­ Jarvis Const. Co. regional libraries at this meeting. Dr. Carl E. Anderson, son of Mr. waiting for the light to change. ferred with Senior Warden Albert Tedford also Investigated an ac­ and Mrs. Carl .1. B. Anderson of According to the police report. sition ; Brannan F a rm' Governor Sees Results ft Dover Road D. Krause in charge of the work. cident on Main street shortly be- U N Session A social hour with refreshmciite St. Bridget's Mothers’ Circle will Pitkin street retcnlly visited his James Tzimoulis. of Bolton, back­ Reported Missing parents. He is professor of bio­ f(jre 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon. ed from a parking space and the Anniversary Banquet Plan Viewed as Help to Dry Forces will follow. meet tomorrow evening at eight of Bi-Partisan 0>nfer> chemistry at Vanderbilt University A car, driven by Robert L. For- bumper hit the right front fender o'rlock at the home of Mrs. Frank aker of 47 Hillside street, pulled Assure ‘Peace and Pros- j Delegate Stalks Out ences aH ‘Extremely. J. Chmlellckl, 239 McKee street. School of Medicine, Nashville, Ten­ of the Leonard err. No serious MASONIC TEMPLE, SAT., MAY 20 Battle Bill nessee. away from the curb Into traffic. damage was done. perity for W orld’ ' Foraker told police he did not see When Oimmittee Re­ Disappointing’ ; Execu­ M IS .S Ann Carroll of 209 Main ths other car, driven by Mns. Dol­ ReserY’ationH Must Be In By May IS The Frieniliihip (.'Ircle of the Sal­ fuses to Back Plan tive Urges Attempt t6 street left Saturday afternoon vis ma Sawyer of Avon. The cars Aboard Truman Train, Heavy I^jimkastiiig Giv­ American Airlines for Washing­ vation Army will meet tonight at struck without much damage and lUIV CRASI HEALTH MARKET ton, D. C. She will be the gueat 7:30 at the citadel. Hostesses will May 9.— (JP)— President Tru­ Bangkok. May 9.—(/Pi—Russia en Proposal to Extend Broaden Agreements of her aunt. Captain Alice Valen­ be Mrs. Edith Maxwell and Mrs. man declared today his ad­ today walked out of a United Na­ Reached; House Sees tine, at Fort Belvoir, Va. Ethel Orfltelli. Drinking on Sundays Ttjfisday Specials ministration will push the de­ tions committee where it had ex­ velopment of the west over pected to win a seat for Red ‘Same Old Malarkey’ Charles H. Donahue. Jr., of I4J Our Lsuly of Fatima Mothers Old and Dangerous AAOTHER'S DAT Hartford, May 9,—(/T)- Dry Garden Drive, has been in Boston Circle will have a pot lurk supper, the opposition of “reaction­ China. TENDER. TEMPTING The Russian delegation stalked forces today innhilizcd against a during the past week as a result Wednesday evening at 7:18, at the TREES REMOVED ary forces" of “privilege and State Capitol, HAii,ford, May home of Mrs. Raymond Tierney,.28 CARDS out when the committee refused bill to extend the liquor drinking of qualifying for special training greed” with their philosophy 9.—(jP) — Governor Bowles in life insurance. He Is attending Bliss streeL Lawn Grading. Gravel, for yovr Practical Gifts to take up a Soviet resolution call­ deadline to 1 a. m„ Sunday even % CALVES LIVER l* of “Teapot Dome.” The presi­ ing for unseating the Nationalist as the LegiNlaturo primed Itself to asserted today that the re­ a Sales Success Plan school held Sand and Fill In the home office of Loyal Protec­ Daughters of Liberty, L.O.L.T., dent carried his d v and night China delegate and seating of the pass the measure. sults of the bi-partisan con­ tive Life. Mr. Donahue has been No. 12.8, will meet tomorrow eve­ Bulldozer Work crosB-country stumflng tour Into Communist China representative. Headed for passage In the Sen­ ferences over the issue of re­ LEAN, MEATY. FRESH and Ofhofi ate late this afternoon following a representative of the company ning at 7:30 at Orange hall. As We have a new machine Wyoming after telling an agricul­ It waa the first meeting of the organizing the state govern­ for over a vear and Is associated a memorial service for deceased Door to You tural crowd at Lincoln, Neb., en­ industry and trade aesston of the the hearing, the proposal never­ to renew dead lawns. theless underwent a heavy lam­ ment were “extremely disap­ with the John H.
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