LEAGUE OF NATIONS (Communicated to the Council.) C.172.1935. Geneva, May 5th, 1935. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE COUNCIL. No.4 (April 1955) Part. I Oificial number S U B J E C T C,610(h).M.286(h).1533.XI © Estimated world requirements of dangerous drugs in 1934.- 8th Supplement to the statement of the Supervisory Body. C.87(c.c)M.39(c.c).1935.VII Supply of arms and war material to Bolivia and Paraguay.- Reply from Portugal C.87(d.d)M,39(d,d).1935.VII Reply from the United Kingdom as regards Southern Rhodesia, C.87(e,e ).M.39(e.e),1935.VII Reply from Bulgaria. C.87(flf),M.39(f.f).1935.VII Reply from Nicaragua. C•87(g.g). M» 39 ( g. g).1935.VII Reply from South Africa. C.87(h.h).M.39(h.h).1935.VII Reply from Argentine. C.87(i.i),M.39(i.i).1935,VII Reply from China. C.87(j.j),M.39(j,j).1935.VII Reply from Uruguay. C.97. M.44.1935.VIII Economics of air transport in Europe,- Report (Final edition) by M, Henri Bouche. @ Confidential document - 2 - C.103,M.48,1935.XII,Ann?x @ Saar territory.- Agreements, Beclarations etc. adoTtod Feb. 19,1935 at Naples C.127.M.65.1935.IV Annual reports for 1955-54 on traffic in ..omen and children and annual reports on obscene publications.- Summary by the Secre­ tariat . C.146.M.77.1935.V and Annex Appeal from a .judgment of the Hungraro-Czccho- slovak Mixed Arbitral Tribunal (The Peter Pazmany University).- Note by the Se err.- tary-Guneral , Minutes of public sittings of the Permanent Court of International Justice, Pleadings, documents filed, correspondence. C.147.M. 78.1935. Numerical list of documents distri_but_ed _to_ the Members of the League.- No.3 (March 1935). C.148.M.79.1935.VII Communication from the Ethiopian Government.- Letter from the Ethiopian Government (M rcti 29.1935). C.149.M.80.1935. Council,■League.-(86th Session, May 1935).- Provisional agenda (April 24,1935). C. 150.::. 81.1935. VII ■ • Communication from the Ethiopian Government.- Letter from the Ethiopian Government (April 3.1935) anl reply from the Secretary-General (April 6,1935). C.151.M.82.1935.VII and Annex @(3@ Straits regime.- Nute by the Secretary-Gene­ ral and annual report of the Straits Commis­ sion for 1934. C.155.M.84.1935.II.A and Corrigendum Austria.- 14th Quarterly report of the Representative of the Financial Committee in Austria. (1st Quarter of 1935). @ Being German text of agreements ,declarations ,etc., is­ sued in French and English under C.103.M.48.1935.VII @@ C.P.J.I. .Series C,Nu. 7.3 Special pamphlet, French text only, one copy only dis­ tributed to each Member of the League. English text only - 3 - C,157.M.86.1935.VII Commun i cation from the Ethiopian _G-Dve-rrinent. - Ooservations of the Italian Government on the Ethiopian Government’s letter of March 29, 1935." C.160.M.87.1935.VII Eequest of the French Government under Artlclo 11 of tho Covenant, in view of the deois::cns of the German Govern/.ent relaxing to armaments Letter and memorandum from the French Govern­ ment . (^.pril 9,1935) C.152.M.88.1935.II.A @ Hungary.- 14th Quarterly report of the Repre­ sentative of the Financial Committee in Hunga­ ry ( 1st quarter of 1935). C.163.M.89.1935.V Long leavA for judges of thn Permanent Court of International Justiee.- Njto by the C. 164.M.90.1935.VII Request of the French Government under Article I I of xhe Covenant, in view c f the d e c :..-,i oils ) î the German Gov_srnment relating to a :;nxs Draft resolution pronosed by thc Delegations of Franco, United Kingdom and Italy, C.165.M.91.1935.VII Scttl^mpnt of Assyrian? of Iraq.- Letter from the Chairman of the Council Committee to the French Government (Mirch 22,1935) and French Government’s reply (April 14,1935). C.166.M.92.1935.VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- Letter from th-' Argentine Government (April 16,1935) annexing the note received from the Bolivian Government (M rch 16,1935). C.169.M.93,1935.II.A @@ Bulgaria.- 34th Report of the Commissioner of the League in Bulgaria (November 1934— February 1935). C.170.M.94.1935.V and Annex Minority schools in AJbonia.-__ Nvte by the Secretary-General and Advisory Opinion of the Permanent C mrt of International Justice (April 6,1935). © En lish text on_iy French text only. C.P.J.I., Series A/B, N o -. 64 - 4 - C.L.>59.1935.XII and Annexes I <xhd, II Use of broadcasting in the eau se _ •,f._jpeaco.. - Letter from tlïc Secretary-General , prelimina­ ry draft convention and explanatory note by the Coinmittee of Experts. C.L.47.1935.VII Gene ral Ac t for pacific s^ttlement of inter- iational disputes (September 1928)~ .accession of Ethiopia. C.L.02.1935.7 Convention limiting the h urs of work in indus- tr: ial under t akings to eight in a day and forty - eight in a week (November 1919) adopted by thr International L .o -ur Co^ferenco (1st Se-sion'i. ■ Ratification by Canada. C.L.o3.1935.7 Convention concerning the aorlication of the weekly rest in industrial undertakings ;Nov- ber 1921) ado ' ted by the Internationa 1 Lab >ur Conference (3rd Session ).- Ratification by Canada. C.L.54.1935.XI @ C.L.54(a).1935.XI @@ Reservation to which Japan desires to sub.ject its ratification_of the Convention for limiting '.he manufacture and regulating the distribu­ tion of narcotic drugs"(July 1931).- Note by the Secretary-General, Letter and declaration from the Japanese Government (M .rch 25,1935). C.L.00.1935.7 Convention concerning seamen's articles of _ agreement (June 1926) ac" r^tefl by the Interna­ tional L-'.buur C .inference (5th Session;. - R tification by Australia. C.L.06.1935.IX General convention to improve means of pre­ venting war '"("Septernoer 1 931)'.- Accession of Nicaragua. .oV.1935.7 Protocol concerning the revision of the St -ate of the Permanent C >urt jf International Jus - tic , uj d Pro c'jco l relating to the accession jf tr.e United S t .ea A .cr.i.3i. '■■o the Pr > to col of si^n^ture of the statute of _th e _Pc j ■'. 'i.t nt C juvt 1 )I Iiitcju ti_una 1 Justice (Sc to,,bcr 1929).-Ratification by Ethiopia. @ Distributed to Members and Non Members of the League parties to the convention. 5 Distributed to Members and Non Members of the League non parties to the convention with C.L.54.1935.XI. - s - C.L.58.1935.XI C onven tion for limiti ng _th e sia nu fa cture and roguiating the distribution of narcotic drugs and Protocol_ of signature ( July_ 1921 ) , - Rati­ fication of the accession of Ecuador. C.L.59.1935.IV International Convention for the suppression of the traffic in women of full age.-(October lJ:-;3) Accession of Iran. C.L.60.1935.II.B Convention for the regulation of whaling (September Ï93l).- Accession of Ecuador. C.L.61.1935.XII Convention for faci11ting the international circulation of films of an educational cha­ racter (October 1933).- Accession of Iran. DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY THE PERMANENT OPIUM CENTRaL BOARD. L.S.L.10 and Annexes Annual estimates of narcotic drugs and annual estimates of raw materials.- Note by the Board and statistical forms B (L) and B(G). SPECIAL DOCUMENTS C/85th Session (Extr.).P.V.l(l) Oificial Journal, 16th Year, No. 2 (February 1935). Official Journal, 16th Year, No.3 (March 1935) Conference for the Reduction and limitation of Armaments.- Conference Documents, Voluma II. Monthly list of books catalogued in the Library of the League of Nations, 8th Year, No. 3 (ïïurch 1^35)S @ Distributed to thosa States only which have requested copies. - 6 - Monthly Bulletin of Statistics.- Volume XVI, No. 4 (April"19357. R.E.176 Epideriiological Report / 13th Year Nos 11-12 (November-December 1934). Epidemiological report, R.E.177 14th Year Nos. 1-3 [January-March 1935). Registration of Treaties, No. 162 (March 1935). Treaty Series, Volume CXLIX, Nos. 1,2,3,4 ? îu n t h I y Si ma r y, Volumo XV, No. 3 (March 1935) - 7 - Part II C.139.1935.VII Participation of Danzig in the Treaty of Com­ merce and Navigation of December 14,1934 between Poland and Spain.- Note by the Secretary- General, Letters from the High Commissioner and from the Danzig Senate (March 20 and 19, 1935)and te?t of the Treaty and of its annexes. C.142.1935.XII Refugees from the Saar.- Report by the Mexican Representative. C.143.1935.XII Refugees from the Saar.- Note by the Secretary- General . C.147.1935. Numerical list of documents distributed to the Council.- No.3 (M- rch 1935). C.152.1935.1 M inorities in Greece.- Supplementary petition® from the Albanian Government (Mt'.rch 31,1935). C.154.1935.X Financial situation of the League on March 31, 1935.- Memorandum by the Secretary-General . C.158.1935.1 Minorities in Poland.- Supplementary petition© from M. Ewald Fengler (October 25,1933). C.161.1935.X Award of the Wateler Peace Prize for 1935 to the League of Nations.- Letter from the Admi­ nistrative Board of the Carnegie Foundation (April 6,1935). C.167.1935.VII Settlement of the Assyrians of Iraq.- Report by the Spanish Representative.
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