THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1961 PAGE TWENTY-POUR Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather iianrt|(at(r lEvrnins For the Week Rnded Fereeoat of U. 8. WeetBe# 1 March II. 1961 Miss Janet.Flavall. daughter df tareeted in the program, opened Bats. iMigtaiiiat as a ■ latere e» Mrs. Helen FlaveU, 88 Hamlin S t, Y-Tribe Formed, to boys aged 6 through • and their enow and eleet ohaaileg la MlB About Town and William J. Fortin, son of Mrs. fathers, may call the T office at 13,317 Into tonlglit er early BatwNkcr.JfW Bengston Chiof 130 OlUette 8t., Hartford, for fur­ Member of the Audit III DOt. Cool, nfai HiWiffWiqr* BIgll Jane Fortin, 38 Knighton St., will Announce Engagements ther information. 40»e Hi* Zlpaer C3ub wUl h(dd & Mt- attend a study conference in Bureau of Oircnlation |>4ck p v ty in the ciubrooms Snl- Omaha, Neb.. April 2 to 7. Miss Tha T-Indlan Guide Tribe, a pro­ Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm iirdny nlfht nt 8:00. Refreshments FlaveU. a Junior at Central Con­ gram for fathera and aona apon- Students Visit will be eerved during intermission. necticut State College, and Fortin, sored by the Hartford County VOL. LXXX, NO. 153 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1961 (OJaarifled Adverttting ea Page 16) PRICE FIVE CBN18 a senior, are delegates for the As­ YMCA, was organiud recently at Apparel Centers Tanya Parrott, daughter of sociation for Childhood Education. &. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Parrott, 79 Fortin is president of that organi­ a meeting is the home of Frank­ HOUSE H ALE Plymouth Istne, a Junior at the sation at the college. lin Anderaon, 80 S. Adams St. Georgia Potterton of 171. Avery Middlesex Hospital School of Nurs­ John Bengston, 39 Ridgewood St., Manchester; Judith Weber of ing in Middletown, has been elected Miss Jean Hamill, daughter of St., was elected big chief. Other 26 Crown St., Rockville, and Shir­ presents to attend a national student nurses Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamill, 11 officers elected were Anderson: ley Peterson of 333 Demlng St., convsention in Cleveland April 6 to Vine St., recently was Initiated in­ tally keeper; Vamum Abbott, Wapplng, were among 19 Univer­ 10- to Phi Mu Sig^na, honorary medical wampum bearer; and Richard sity of Connecticut students who secretarial aorority, at the Uni­ Arey, Indian runner. saw the latest fashion .trends this Congressman Sees Smear Members of the Army-Navy versity of Hartford. She is a 1959 The tribe is planning a trip to week durlhg an annual school field Club Auxiliary will meet tonight graduate of Manchester High the Children’s Museum in Hart­ trip to Manhattan’s major ap­ at 7 at the Holmes Funeral Home, School. ford on April 15. The next tribal parel centers. 400 Main St, to pay respects to meeting will be at Arey's home, The UConn undergraduates, who Adam Mankin, whose wife is is Mias Carol Knight, daughter of 161 Wells St., on April 24. are enrolled in a School of Home past president and member of the Mr. and Mrs. Francis Knight, 34 The tribe waa formed under the Economics fashion class, went be­ auxiliary. Andor Rd., has been named to the direction of Earl Robinaon, asso­ hind the scenes of six New York (lean's list at Green Mountain Col­ ciate secretary., of the Hartford fashion houses gaining field experi­ Many out-of-town guests are lege, Poultney, V t She is studying County YMCA. Any parents in- ence in the fashion industry. By Critics of Birch Society expected to attend an annual Bible interior design and decoration and Conference to be conducted by the wiU graduate In June. Miss Knight "LAUREL LEAF" ^ s p e l Hall at the Masonic Tern' is a graduate of Manchester High pie tomorrow through Sunday at School. with embroidered bodice and ‘Near West’ Led hy White Mercenaries 10:30 a.m., 2:30 and 7 p.m. each The engagement of Miss Nancy# The engagement of Mias Jean State News day. A prayer meeting will be Miss Mary Anne Beach, daugh­ LeClalre ot Manchester to Theo­ Dodd Urges heid at Gospel Hail, 415 Center ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ann Maori to Anthony Joseph HOUSE &. HAIJE hemline in white or sandune- Bangkok, Thailand, March Choma Jr., both of Manchester, is dore Peter Koslor of Hadley, 31 ilt'\—U. Alexis Johnson, the St, tonight at 7:30. Beach. 143 Boulder Rd., helped announced by her parents, Mr. Maas., is aiuioimced by her par­ create the set for the play, “Ardele ents, Atty. and Mrs. Arthur J. Le- proportioned sizes; new U.S. undersecretary of ou la Marguerite," presented in and Mrs- Joseph Macri, 9 Orchard Roundup state for political affairs, sug­ Katanga Units Rout Full Probe Manchester Lodge of Masons will St. Claire, 46 AnsSldi Rd. gested t(jday American., call conduct a Mas<jnic memorial serv­ the French language, recently at Her fiance ia the son of Hr. Her fiance is the son of Mr, and ice tonight at 8 at the Holmes Fu­ Wellesley College. Wellesley, Mass. Mrs. Peter Kosior, Hadley, Maas. the Far Ea,.t the "Near She Is a freshman at Wellesley and Mrs. Anthony Joseph Choma, West." neral Home for Adam Mankin, a 28 McCann Dr. Miss LeClaire is a 1957 gradu­ Student Killed member of the lodge. where she is a member of the choir Johnson, who has been am- Forces of Gizenga Of Rightists Miss Macri graduated from ate of Manchester High School, and swim club. She is a graduate and ia in her senior year at the baa.sador to Thailand, told the of Manchester High School. Manchester High School, and at­ In Car, Found foreign correspondents club tended the University of Hartford. University of Connecticut, where ■ here that a look at the map Washington, March 31 She is employed as a secretary in she is majoring in physical 7 Hours Later i •show, that the United States Leopoldville. The Congo,tGizengist troops were killed south —Criticism in (Congress and the purchasing department at therapy. She is now a trainee at is a Pacific power as well as March 31 i/P)—The U.N. '.of Manono when they oppeused the Tryouts Monday the Hartford Hospital. She is a jelsewhere of the John Birch Pratt and Whitney division of SLIP 5.50 an western power. ! command today ordered all advance of the Katanga force but Society brought a cry today United Aircraft Corp. member of Pi Beta Phi social sor­ Glastonbury. March .31 (A*) "I regret the use of the hardly a shot whs fired in the For Drama Roles ority, —A Hillyer College student term Far East to describe available aircraft on a stand­ ton-n, an Important tin mining from a member—who also Mr. Choma graduated from Mr. Koslor is a 1956 graduate of sizes 82 to 44 Manchester High Sch<x>I and la at­ lost his life in a spectacular this area." he said. “I’d like by alert for a possible troop center 300 miles north of Ellsabeth- sits in Congress—that (3om- A second reading for roles In Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Maas., ville. a tending the evening division of and a 1960 grraduate of the Uni­ accident on the Glastonbury to call it the Near West. The airlift to Katanga, where Ka­ munists are promoting "The Time of the Cuckoo” which the University of Hartford. He is Near West will have an In- tanga’s army captured the Kibwe said he had no news of smear” of the ultra-rightist the Uttle Theater of Manchester versity of Connecticut as a gov­ Expressway earl.v today but rreaaing role In U.S. Policy in any prisoners being taken nor of will produce May 25, 26 and 27 has employed in the engineering de­ ernment major. He was co-cop- nobody knew anything about leftist rebel enclave of Mano­ organization. partment at Hamilton Standard the world." the self-styled Lualsba govern­ Even as a Justice Department been scheduled for Monday at 8 taln of the UConn baseball team it until seven hours later. no. ment that leaders of the Lualaba p.m. In the East Side Rec building. division of Unified Aircraft Corp. and a member of Theta Xi fra­ spokearaan said the society’s ac­ The wedding will take place The victim, traveling alone, \vas Speculation spread in the tribe opposed to Katanga Pres­ According to Philip Burgess Sr., ternity. He servetl six months in Theron H. Crandlemlre Jr.. 21, of tivities are a matter of concern who will direct this second pro­ April 22 at St. James’ Church. the Army Reserve program at Ft. Thrall 1 4 d,capital that some of the In- ident Moise Tshombe proclaimed In there, Rep. Edgar W. Hiestand, R- John Photo 50 Madison St..' Hartford. J. U l l X'~lLFidian Gurkha Brigade, now Manono after the Stanlejwllle force (Jalif., called a news conferenca duction of the town-sponsored Dix, N.J. The baseball infielder la The accident occurred on the cantured It on Jan. 9. group, more than 30 persons ap­ now at the spring training camp Route 17 fork of the Expressway 4 T J 1* J concentrating in Leopoldville, and declared: peared at the first tryout to read lard Johnson, 45 Marshall Rd.; of the Milwaukee Braves farm Interior Minister Godefroid "My advice Is for people not to for the eight parts in the play. Mrs. Mary Stevenson. Hebron; near Hubbard Dr.. Glastonbury. A s L«<1 n c lS lic l P ,might be rushed to Katanga Munongo said there had been no system at Waycross, Ga.
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