fi sun\trs sn! lFstrf otg TFU[lettn lFutlisbe! by tbt @enersl @ourt of tbe @rbet WILLIAM C. CLAGHORN, CslrnueN, ButmrrN Conurtrpe, 1524 CHESTNUT Srnmt, PlttrloBlpgln. Vor.. v, Mev, 1932. No. 3. Lr. Cor-. JoHN BIon Rtcn.tnus Golernor-GemeraL oJ the Ordsr F-ouxnrRs exr P,rrnrors BuLrErrN. General Court Meeting on May 14, 7932. This u'i1l be held in the Jefferson Room of the \,Iavflor','er Hotel, \\rashington, D. C., at i0 A. \'I. Standard Time. Associates of the several Societies are invited to be present, at the luncheon at 12 noon, Standarcl Time. Send your check for $1.50 (if -vou will attenrl) to Sarrruel Herrick, 1705 K Stleet. After the t'neeting, an autornobile lrip li11 be given those present, to \It. Vernon aud Arlington Cerle- ter1.. As lhc Pennsylr'ania Railroad have a rcduced fare il shoulcl be an inccntive to consider thc trip. \Vc firrcl thjs reduced fare is thc price of a one u'ay trip, ltlus ten irer cent. Irol exar.nplc, onc u'a.v fronr Philadelphia t<l \\rashington is 54.90, pius 10!26 is $.>.39 or $.5.40 as the llailroacl calculates it. At present tlris reducccl r'ate applies to Chicago, Pittsburgh, Neri' York, Phjladelphia, Ncn,ark, etc., ancl arrangements are pencling tcr extencl the same plivilegcs to Boston, Hartford, Pror.iclencc, Neu. Har-cn, elc. These tickets ale goocl fron-r point of departure, front Frida.v at noon, unti1, leaving \\rashington not later than nridnight on \,Ionda1,. Presentation of Oil Paintings. The Arlington House, at Arlington Cemeterr', sor-netirnes knotvn as t1-re George \Irashington Parke Custis house, or the General Lee \,Ian- sion, is being redecorated by the United States Government. The old paintings u'hich folrr-rerl1' gracecl the rvalls are being copied and the replicas I'i11 be prescntcd lo thc Governnrent by the follon'ing Societies: Societ-v of thc Cincinnati-portrait of l,Iajor General I-afa1'ette, fronr the original b]' Charlcs \Vilsor-r Pcale. General Societl' of Colonial \\rars-portlait of George \\rashington, fror.n thc original b,v Charles \Viison Pealc. Order of Irounclers arrd Patriots of Amcrica-porlrait of Dleanor Parke (Nciiie) Custis, fLonr copv of original bv Gilbcrt Stuart. Genelal Socicll' Sons of the Rcr.olutiorr-portrait of Gcneral Henr'1' (i,ight tlolsc llarl') Lec, l'ronr colrv of Gilltcrl Stu:u't, 1;ollrait hr- Bcnianrin \\rest. FouNor,ns aNn Parnrors,Bur-r-rrrN. A ceremonl, rvili be held for the unveiling of these portraits, to u'hich the officers of the various Societies mentioned rvi11 attencl, on Aprii 30, 1932, at 3 P. \'I. One of the speakers rvi1l be Prof. Arthur Adanrs, of Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., formerly Got'ernot General of the Order. The portrait rvhich constitutes our contribution to the Gorternment is being painted and framed at a cost of set'en hundred do1lars. Walter Gilman Page of N'Iassachusetts is the artist, and the picture is being copied at N'Iartha's Vineyarcl, N'Iass. The California Society. The tenth annual meeting of the California Society lvas held at the Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles, on the evening of Nlarch 18th. The meeting rvas preceded b1' 1L" annual dinner at t'hich the principal address rvas by Past Governor Orra Eugene \'Ionnette, his subject, "Tench Tilghrnan, the Yorktor,vn Paul Ret'ere." Our first governor, Wiliis N{ilnor Dixon. to1c1 of the principal worid events during the first ten years of his life, 1846 1856. The Secretary's report shon'ed our membership to be 34, the same as one year ago, and the Treasurer reported that there \vas a smali increase in the cash assets of the Society. The follorving offlcers rvere elected for the year 1932-1933: Governor . Dr. Daniel Leland Ransorn Deputy Goternor . Nathan Wilson Stowell Chaplain . .Wi1lis \{ilnor Dixon Secretary . .Lansing Glenn Lytle Sayre Treasurer . .Alfred Lee LathroP States Attorile\t...... Orra Eugene Nlonnette, LL.D. Registrar . .Burnham Robert Creer' Genealogist .Paran Flint Rice H'istorian . George Ira Herrick Councillors rq32 rg35...Abram Cross Denman Albert, DeWitt Gibbs Frederic Thomas Woodman Councillor r Q3o r 933 (to fii1 the unexpired term of Wiiliarr Borvne Hunnervell, deceased) Co1. Andrerv James Copp, Jr. F ouNoBns eNo Perntors Bur,lnrrN. The Massachusetts Society. Thc annual nreeting of this Societv u,as ireld on "\,Iassachusetts Charter Da-v," Friclar', l,Iarch 4,1932, at 6 P. 1,I., at the Parker House, Boston. The several officers nade their annual reports, ancl the election for the cor.ning vear rcsulted as fo11on's: Gournor . Dr. \,Iaudcc Worcester Turner Deputy Goternor . Hon. Ralph Caieb Estes Cha.plain. George Copp Warren Secretary.. Co1. Air-in Richards Bailev 7-reasurer . .Ilerbert Henry Page States Attortrc),...... .George Hollister llron'n Reg.istrar ..Lt. Col. John l3ion Richards Genealogist . Henry Vaughan 'lha1.er Historiatt . .lllmer E11st'orth Parmenter CoutciLlors r932-r935 . .Albert Washington illlis Co1. Albert \Vatson Forman Charles llndicott Patch Thc r-rerv Olficers u.cre installecl, anrl after the Salute to the lr1ag, thc clinncr u'as hcld aL 6.30 P. X{. The addtess was b-y Colonel Ddgar Erskine Hunre, u'ho during the \\rorld War hacl commancl of thc United Statcs Arlr.ry Hospitals u'ith the Ro1'a1 Italian Arrll', \\rar Zone, Italr'. Colonel Hume has long knou'n Italr-. Before the \Vorlcl \\rar, as a ].oung graduate of Johns Hopkins, he s'cnt to Ital-vfor furthcr studv and graduated at the Roval Universit)' of Rorle. After-rvards sen'ing as an Assistant in the Policlinico. \\rhen Italy n'as visited b-v the terriblc earthquake in -fanuarl' 1915, the American Anrbassador, the late Thon'ras Nelson Page, organizecl a rclief expedition, on u'hich Dr. Hume rvas in chargc of all nredical relief. In recognition of his u'ork Dr. Hurr,e u'as citecl in the Arlbassador's dispatches to the State Department, and deco- rated b.v the King of Ital-v. Later l'hen Italrr entered the World \\rar, Dr. Hunre volunteered as a Surgeon. Returning to America in 1916, he enterecl the United States Armv \,Iedicai Corps, and after service in the \\rar Departn.rent during mobilization, lvas sent back to Italy, this tirle in colnmand of Base Hospital 102. This hospital rvas ex- pandecl b-v thc addition of Italian personnel to form a con-rposite hospital center, and treated rvounded and sick frorr-r thc Fourth and Sixth Italian Armies. During the battlc of Vittorio Veneto he sup- plied clressing stations ancl surgical teams for dut1. u'ith the Third, FouNoEns exl Parnrors' BurrrrtN. Fourth, Sixth, Eighth and Tenth Italian Arnries, himself directing the rvork of these units under fire, ancl s,as au.arded the Croix de Guerre and trvice cited in American Olders for braverr.. In 1919 the hospitals were returned to Ar-nerica, but Colonel Hurre rvas detached from the organization, and l'ent to Selbia ivhere he became Comn-rissioner for the American Red Cross, directing the u'ell knoll'n canrpaign against t1'phus fever. For his work in Ital.v and Serbia the War Departr.nent alarded 1-rim the Distinguished Service \,Iedal, and he u'as also honored by the late enen-ries for the care of theil r,ounded fo11ou'ing the Armistice. He is nol' Instmctor of N,Iedical Troops ii'ith the \,Iassachr:rsetts and Nerv Harlpshire National Guarcl. He rvas formerlv Deputy Governol of the Order of Founders and Patriots in the District of Columbia and is at present Presirlent of the Society of the Cincinnati irr the State of \rirginia. Nnll, trRr,rsBRS RDPORTED BY THI' REGISTRAR: EI)\\TARD STEPHEN NIOULTON, Gen. \o. 2058, Xlass. Soc. 160. 1317 Trrnxs Ho.rl Brru.olxc;, Founcler ancestor, \\ril1irLm \Ioulton, PHovrloxcn, R. I., Hampton, N. H., 1639. ,7 ccountunt. PlLlriot rLncestor', Stcphcn X'Iou1ton, Rehoboth, Ilass. EI)\\TI\ \\IILSON FARR, Gen. No. 2059, trIass. Soc. 161. Lrcror, Tsx.cs. Founder alnccstor, Thon-ras Flrrr, Essex Co., Ilass., bcforc Nor.ernber 6, 1654. Patriot iLncestors, \Vi11iam Furr and Jonathan F:Lrr', Chester'ficld, N. H. Supplementur-t. I III)\\'IN \\'II-S{ )\ F-\RR, ()en. No. 2059, \'Iass. Soc. 161. I l.r,t;r'\,'l'ri\.r.. Itounder rLncestor, '\aron Stark, Ston- II ingtorr, Conn., befolc Janr.rarl' 2, ] 1 653-+. P:Ltliot lLnccstor, Nathan Stirlk, Grci- ton, Conn. ED\YARD ,\RTHUR RIRCH, Gen. No. 2060, \Iass. Soc. 162. Arurxcron, Xl.rss. Founcler anccstor, John PrLgc, Water'- to*'n, \{ass., before October 19, 1630. Plitriot ancestor, Len.rucl Page, Surrlt, \. H. JOSnPH FI{riI) rIORSD, Gcn. No. 2061, \,LL,ss. Soc. 163. Pnl,r,rpsrunc, K,lx., Iroundel anccstor, Anthony NIorsc, l?etired Bonker. \ertl,ttry, \l:L*s., 16.1.i. Iratriot zLnccstor, Danicl llorsc, Bridge- rvatcr, N. H. 6 F'ounnrns aNo Parnrors BurrruN. NECROLOGY The Massachusetts Society. MAJOR HARRY LEE BAGLEY onc of our bclovcd members died at his home in Boston, on \Ionc1ay, February tho eighth, 1932. He *.:rs Commanclcr of the l'usilicr Vetrrrau Association fol three ycars, anrl prior to thiLt u'ir.s Adjutant for sixteen vears; ir member of thc Ancicnt and Honourable Arti11er1' Company for' ninctecn ycars; Prcsident of the Nerv Englancl Alumni of the Zeta Psi Fraternity; Rorvcloin Collcge '94, and mcmber of Borvcloin Collcge Club; Univcrsity Club; Army ancl Navy Club of Boston; 32nd clegree Nlason; Alcppo Tcmple Nl.vstic Slrrinc; Sons of the American Revolution; anti ]lassachusetts Societ-v of thc Order of the Founders ancl Patriots of Amcrica. N,Iajor Harry l-ce Bagle-v \vas a. man of forceful ancl decicled character and his counscl in affairs of m:rny of the organizations ti'ith u'hich he rvas associatcd rvas oftcn sought.
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