Miami County Genealogy & Historical Society Presort STD 12 East Peoria U.S. Postage PAID Paola, KS 66071 Permit #2 Return Service Requested Th e Summer 2013 Edition Newsletter of the Paola, KS 66071 E-Mail: [email protected] www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com VVisitisit tthehe NNativeative AAmericanmerican rroomoom ttoo vviewiew oourur ddisplayisplay ooff aarrowrrow hheadseads aandnd sstonetone ttoolsools Price $2.00 Contents Offi cers and Directors 2013 Gift Corner Pg 3 Offi cers President- Hannes Poetter 913-557-3000 Mini-Minutes Pg 4 - 5 Vice President- Jim Bousman 913-594-1229 Accessions Pg 6 Secretary- LeAnne Shields 913-710-1767 Treasurer- LuAnn Debrick 913-259-5027 Bowery Drive In Pg 7 Th e Mysterious Captain Cline Pg 8 Board of Directors Quantrill exhibit Pg 9 Louisburg - Fran Burcham 913-837-8220 Marysville Township - Kathy Allenbrand Trail of Death story Pg 10 - 11 Member at Large - Megan Sheldon 913 Miniature Art Show photos Pg 12 -13 Miami Township - Nina Gerkin 913-849-3366 Broach Photos Pg 14 Middle Creek Township - Hannes Poetter 913-557-3000 Mound Township - Darrell Williams 913-755-4026 John Everett Pg 15 Osage Township - Ann Davis 913-755-4646 Myaamia Prioject Pg 16-17 Osawatomie City- Ona Neuenschwander 913-755-2391 Osawatomie Township - Ben Maimer 913-755-3504 Th e Genealogy Section Paola City - Bettie Ore 913-294-3312 Paola Township - Elsie Cordle 913-294-5137 Richland Township - LeAnne Shields 913-710-1767 Queries & Researchers Pg 19 - 20 Stanton Township - Lloyd Peckman 913-849-3278 1930 Block Wedding Pg 20-22 Sugar Creek Township - Vera Dakin 913-377-4446 Ten Mile Township - Sheila McNerney Publications for sale Pg 23 Valley Township - Colleen Ewan 913-294-5051 Wea Township - Rob Roberts 913-256-8006 Genealogy Society Coordinator- Betty Bendorf 913-557-2485 Accessions Coordinator- Bernice Chitwood 913-557-9358 Newsletter - Roger Shipman 913-259-9219 Notice To Th e Membership Financial Th e Miami County Historical Museum mem- bership dues are now payable in the amount of Th e Miami County Historical Museum, Historical & Geneal- ogy Societies are a Non-Profi t Organization with a tax exempt $25.00. status allowed by the Internal Revenue Dept. Gift and Dona- Make checks out to: tions received by the Societies are Deductible for Income Tax Miami Co. Gen / Hist Societies purposes. Fot additional information or questions regarding 12 East Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071-0123 Endowments, Trusts, etc., please contact us at 913-294-4940 A Newsletter of the Miami County Museum & Genealogy Society Summer 2013 Volume 28 - No.2 Miami County Historical Museum 12 E. Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071 Phone: 913-294-4940 E-Mail: [email protected] Web address; www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com Museum Hours: Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Page 2 Visit our gift corner We have books, out of print museum books on DVD, brochures of local attractions, numerous historical Paola photos suitable for framing, tee-shirts, hats and some free stuff Miami County Historical Museum’s Fund raiser & Volunteer Recognition Dinner Th ursday, November 7th. at 6:00 P.M. we will be hosting the museum’s Fund raiser dinner, at the Paola Crosspoint Church. Program will be by Jay Jackson re-enactor of Frank James 1st criminal action. Mr. Jackson operates the Frank James Bank Museum in Missouri City, MO Folk music by Gale Siebert Please RSVP by Date Oct. 31st. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy or Pork roast, garlic mashed potatoes. Meal includes mixed vegetables, salads, rolls, dessert and choice of drink. MIAMI COUNTY HISTORICAL MUSEUM’S For the dinner there is a choice of two TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN entrées please choose, as the cooks need to know how many to prepare for. FUND RAISER & VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION DINNER Th e Anatomy of a Circus Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy ___ or Tickets are $25.00 per guest An autobiography by James R. Patterson Pork roast, garlic mashed potatoes ___ Meal includes mixed vegetables, salads, Program will be by Jay Jackson, re-enactor of Frank James 1st criminal action A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the rolls, dessert and choice of drink. Mr. Jackson operates the Frank James Bank Museum in Missouri City, MO Folk music by Gale Siebert _______________________________________ Name circus maintained winter quarters in Paola. Th ursday, November 7th. at the Paola Crosspoint Church. Tax included price is $28.00 plus S&H 1016 North Pearl Paola, KS 66071 Registration at 6:00 p.m. with dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Page 3 MINI MINUTES MAY Th e following are highlights of Executive and Director Th e Taylor Forge Exhibit has been a huge success. We meetings, for your information, and a way to let you (a had a full section advertisement in the local paper. Roger member) in on the workings. Shipman and his committee are to be applauded. Th ere was a nice write-up in the Sunday Kansas City Star MARCH Magazine about the Patterson Big 4 Ring Circus wintered in Paola Ks.. Th e Patterson book will be published soon. It was suggested that we have a group to meet with the Freedom Frontier group so we can have reports of the do- Th e miniature art display will be on exhibit in July. ings. Lloyd Peckman discussed the Indian room. He was fea- tured in the Miami Indian Quarterly in Oklahoma with Discussion on the next fund raiser. At this time we are pictures when he took some of the Miami Indians on a looking at November 7 at the Assembly of God Church. local tour. More later. JUNE LuAnn made a call for more volunteers to man the front desk. Jim Bousman and Rob Roberts are on the mend fromtheir recent health problems. Comments on the water color painting we are will raffl e off later. It is a Barbara Clary painting. LuAnne Debrick reported on membership and the new way renewals are handled. Letters are sent to members just Discussion on the Taylor Forge display we are partner- before the date they joined. Th is allows money to be com- ing with the Smithsonian “Th e Way we Worked”. Roger ing in each month. Shipman is chairman of the committee to put the display together and advertising. It will run from March23 to May Rob Roberts has resigned as Treasurer to avoid a possible 5. confl ict of interest. Lloyd Peckman is working on articles about the Miami LuAnne Debrick has agreed to take over the job and was Indians for a display later. unaminously elected. Jim Bousman announced that the Patterson book is Hannes presented our budget for 2014 to the Commis- about ready for publication. sioners. A member, Jack Cordle, has passed away. Orders are being taken for the hard back edition of the Patterson book for $25.00. Th e Title is “Tomorrow is An- APRIL other Town”. Th e President, thanked everyone for their help with the Our summer help is Casey Wiswell with Kansas Works. makeover in the Library. It has greatly improved the work area. (Th is was an impromptu plan and the desks, comput- Discussion on the Pottawatomie Trail of Death caravan ers, shelving, books, etc began moving from one room to that is making their trip this September. We might off er other places) cookies and punch on their stop in Paola. LeAnn discussed the location of the site of the fi rst oil Miami County Historical Museum’s well drilled. More research will be done. Fund raiser & Volunteer Recognition Dinner Bettie commented that the back of the building needs to be painted. Th is will have to be put on hold. Th ursday, November 7th. at 6:00 P.M. Page 4 JULY LIBRARY LuAnne reported that 18 of the Patterson books have been Not too much to report from the library except that we ordered. We are still selling chances on the Barbara Cleary are still trying to fi nd things aft er the move. painting. Th ere are many boxes of papers that have to be gone We are still looking for people to be volunteers in the thru. You might say “one paper at a time”. museum. Discussion on the Pottawatomie Indians and their visit on Casey is entering information for an extended index of the Trail of Death caravan in September. more boxes of fi les recently received from the court house. Th e Wine Stroll is scheduled for July 13 and is sponsored It seems to be a matter of tying up a bunch of loose ends. by Miami County Tourism. Decided that someone from Our research has been fairly busy at times. Vera is still the museum would help provide snacks. working on the obit fi le. She is working on some of the early newspapers for the fi les. Obits are still being listed on Rob has received a letter from the National Park Service a computer. requesting that three pictures found in the museum be authorized for use in a video. A view of the library is on page 5 of last quarterly.. Roger Shipman is picking out some pictures from the Betty Bendorf, Librarian Taylor Forge display to be put in the Miami County Court- cont. on page 18 house. Discussion for future exhibits to be on display in the mu- seum. TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN AUGUST Th e Anatomy of a Circus Discussion on the Trail of Death marker at 215th and An autobiography by James R. Patterson State Line as having been put in the wrong place and will A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the be correctly placed during the September caravan.
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