www.ukrweekly.com OPERA, ANNUAL SUPREME ASSEMBLY SESSION, UNVEILING OF MONUMENT AND FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHT UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 75TH ANNIVERSARY WEEK JERSEY CITY. N.J. - A deliver the introductory ad­ Veterans Plait Memorial Day series of festivities, beginning OPERA IN NEW YORK CITY dress and present Peter Pueb­ Lytwyn Cited by UNICO at Fete with the premiere perform^" Г lo, UNA Supreme Treatureh And 'Zeleni Sviata' Tributes ance of an original opera and AND PHILADELPHIA who will be master of ceremo­ In Newark By HARRY POLCHE the Annual Meeting of the nies. Appearing In the Jubi­ NEW YORK, N.Y. - Mem- to the Unknown Ukrainian UNA Supreme Assembly, will lee Concert will be soprano orial Day, May 30th and "Ze­ Soldier. corttinue the observances of Mary Lesawyer, the Lehigh On Sunday, June let,' 'Zele­ the 75th Jubilee Anniversary j Valley Male Chorus under the leni Sviata," June 1st will of the Ukrainian National As­ direction of Walter Dwora-. each be a day dedicated to ni , Sviata" will be obserWid with s special program at the sociation this weekend. kiwsky and the "Youth of the memory of our fallen U.WA. Resort in Glen Spey. First in the series will be Ukraine" Dance Ensemble, comrades both American and IBJ.Y. `erith Ukrainians.coming the world premiere of a new under the direction of Mrs. Ukrainian. from;bear and. far. The tri­ opera, "Anna Yaroslayna," Lube Hlutkowsky of Pitts­ . Memorial Day, a patriotic bute will commence at 10:00 composed by Antin Rudnyt- burgh American holiday, originated AMI with, services by the sky, noted contemporary U- following the Civil Wat It Ukrainian Orthodox clergy. krainian composer, with the Ukrainian Festival libretto' by Leonid Poltava, was enacted by Congress in At 11:00 A.M. a mass and . , 1868 for the purpose of pay­ memorial service will be con­ post, writer and journalist, and presented on the occa­ On Sunday, June 1,1969 the ing homage to the soldiers, ducted at St Vokxlymyr's 0- Ukrainian Festival of folk who died in defense of their krtiraian Catholic Church. sion of the 75th anniversary of the UNA. The opera is dancing and music.will take country. With the passing of Following the terriers place in Lakewood Park, Bar- time the observance was exi those assembled will march based on the marriage of Princess Anna, daughter of Allcla Andreadls nesvi)le. Pa., which will fea­ tended to include the dead of io 'the "mohyla" on the re­ Marts. Kokolska ture the all-girl Chorus "Vea- ail wars. Gradually, too, this sort grounds and, with due Grand Prince Yaroalav the Wise of Ukraine, to King nlvka" from Toronto, under custom has grown and has ceremony, will place wreaths Also, taking part in the The Annual Meeting will be the direction of Mrs. Kwit- become a day of commemora­ and flowers in tribute to the Henry I of France in the ele­ opera Will be the Ukrainian preceded by a meeting of the venth century. Several inter­ ka Zorych-Kondrackl the Le­ Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lytwyn with UNICO Newark Chapter tion for everyone. American and Ukrainian vet­ Chorua "Kobzar" of Philadel­ Scholarship Committee on high Valley Male Chorua and president Charles J. Chirichiello (right) In New-York City on Fri­ erans, who sacrificed their nationally known Ukrainian phia and members of the New Sunday, May 25, 1969. operatic artists have leading the Osenenko Ukrainian Folk day, May 30, a Memorial Day lives for tjwir country. Th" York Music Union; all in all, Dancers, directed by Mrs. service will be held in St. program will be concluded roles in the opera — Marta about 120 persons are partici­ NEWARK, N.J. - Myron he. like many, other immi- Kokolska, Alicia Andreadls, To Honor Ukrainian Pioneers Millie Osenenko. Lytwyn, a 75-year-old com­ grants from ail over the George Ukrainian Church at with a dinner. pating, in the opera. Quest speaker at the U- 9:00 AM.. following .which Andrij Dobriansky, Lev Rey^ munity leader who' left his world, found success and "the The "Zeleni Sviata" observ- narovych, as well as concert On Sunday May 25, 1969, During the weekend of May krainian Festival will be the native Ukraine at the age of blessings of freedom.'' wreaths will be placed at the sr-ee will be under the lesder- the opera will be repeated in 31 and June 1. 1969, a two- 16 and became one , of the The recipient acknowledged various memorial sites. This /mln, of Jhft Ukrainian and U- Philadelphia's Town Hall, also day UNA Jubilee observance first naturalised ,citizens^ in the help he received from Ceremony .will be under fhe Vr^in і чп– Адпегіся n Veterans as part of the UNA Diamond program will be held in the the area, was honored Satur­ many, advising that one leadership of the St George CVwrdHsUhg' Committee of Anniversary celebration.; j Commonwealth of Pennsylva­ day, May 17. by the Newark "should not step on the fin­ Ukrainian Pnefc, Catholic War New' Tories All veteran and nia. Г) Veterans. ...,, fraternal orramsations` я re І Annual Meeting of UNA chapiter of UNICO it a ban­ gers of those who hold лір the Supreme Assembly On Saturday, May 31, the quet given uv his honor at ladder as you climb it." He "Zeleni Sv^ata,v a religious cordially invited to рагіісі– anniversary festivities will be­ ThommV restaurant heruj said the award was. one. of the holy day. has developed n^e in this'colorful ceremony On Monday, May 26, 1969 gin with a'Church service 4t ^3nr. Lytwyn became the "biggest honors" he has ever throughout the years to be a with thelr` banners and floral tilt-Supreme Assembly of the 3:00 P.M. at the Tranaficura- first Ukrainian to be honor- received. time when the fallen Ukrain­ tributes, Ukraimen American UNA will begin its week-long J tion of Our Lord Ukrainian ed by the predominantly Ita­ A funeral home director ip ian heroes, who had dedicated veterans of the- Korean 4and Annual Meeting.at the UNA Catholic Church in Shamokin, lian-American organization Irvington, K-J-i Mr. Lytwyn their lives for the freedom of Vietnamese ware are invited Resort, Soyurivka, |h Ker- Pa,, the birthplace of the which conducts^ charitable, is a gromhreni citizen of the Ukraine, are honored .AH^t ill., take part in the e honkaon+N,Y, UNA, and wQlbefollowed by edtfcaticv Ukrainian American'commu­ ers and.wreaths ате^еашо"-ojputive'services; f гМ^фШ– ty?. Аррй the unveiling of a bronze and tic activity on the national nity here: His entire family hiousfy placed at various bur`- Buses will leave at 7 00 Meeting wju Include extensive granite memorial, created by level iftdivj^ual chapters' of was oh hancT to witness the jal mound?, These sorealled A.M on Sundav, June 1st, reports, by ліетЬега, of the , Jacques Hnizdovsky, which UNlCl^ar^! scattered tjbrough- pTCsentatkhVMrs. 'Lyt^rytt "mohylee 'f'were erected by from the Ukrainian National ША, Executive Comn^`ttee, wi|l be dedicated to Ukrainian , t ,outthV, cities т of ,lhe hat jon. received C bouquet of roaes the;;.^rafaiahs throughout Home in New York City. fpljpwed by the, Advisory immigrant pioneers' who More than' 400"persons, in­ from1 the ' orgahlzathwL His the world ,-ahd veifc dedicated j Make yonr reeefvatkma early. Roma Po'ma-Bohachcvsky Bdar^ ^п4,Діе Auditing Cpm- founded the UNA aevtoty- cluding some 20 Цкгаіпіапз, sons, Harry. MJchael ШІЙ Thfc- raittee, ana ah overall discus­ five years ago. heard' Uie : banqWet`s 'toast- odorsv and their families we're singers, Iwan Hc^ah and Peter sion on the reports. ; It was In Shamokin, Pa. master. Wtifer G. Blasi, Coun­ introduced to the guests. Ajj Yonkers to Honor Its Pastor Zaharefcok. "Eugenia Wadpiejn \ Ріаіиі^аф4ір4ацгагп^ for thfe Hon. Raymond J. Broderfck, that the UNA held its first ty 'Зи^)гелгіяог,^ЬМГ-Мп'--Ьуг– prominent in public and conv By WTLtlAM . H,' CHOLY ko and Orysia Hewka; an! current year will also be pre­ Lieutenant Governor of the 4 convention on May 30, 1894. wyn as "an outstanding com­ muhity life, they ..follow In YONKBJRB;, rtTx-^v^' The Church there until July 1948; others. The choreographer is sent ed and discussed by the' Commonwealth of Pennsylva­ of the munity leader'' who has de­ their father's footsteps; -Mr. parishioners of St Michaels On August 18, 1948 he arriv­ Roma Pryma-Bohachesky, j Supreme Assembly Later, at 6:00 P.M., a Jubi­ nia. The Hon. Raymond P. voted time and energy to cul­ Theodore Lytwyi? |s at the! Ukrainian Catholic Church ed in the United States and noted ballerina and teacher. S UNA. lee Banquet and Concert will Shafer, Governor of Pennsyl­ tural, charitable and humani­ present time administrative will pay hom,age to their pas­ was assigned by the late Bish­ take place at the American vania, has issued a special tor^ the Very Rev. Basil. Kloe Legion Hall, at which Michael tarian activities. Mr. Blasi aide to Newark Mayor Hugh op Constantine Bohachevsky proc 1 a m a t і о n designating on Sunday, May 25th with a as parochial assistant ,a Kitsock, District Manager nf called on the chapter's presi­ J. Addonzio. `lr Ireneus Zuk in New York Recital June 1, 1939 as "Ukainian dent Charles J. Chirichiello Among the many honorary testimonial banquet commem­ Perth Amboy. On January 15, the General Motors Corpora­ orating the 50th anniversary 1949 he was assigned to St. NEW YORK. N. Y. - Ire­ tion, will be the principal National Association Day in to make the presentation of guests seated at the dais.
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