17400 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 12 July 30, 2008 Counsel is a bunch of experts. And they go on Madam Speaker, I ask the House of Rep- join me in commending SCAN of Northern Vir- to say that the objective of the interrogation resentatives to rise and join me in applauding ginia as it celebrates twenty years of serving techniques under discussion—we don’t know the exemplary work of William J. Kowalski. He children and families in Northern Virginia precisely what they are because they’re has been a dedicated public servant, working through programs and services that keep chil- blacked out—is not to cause severe physical to ensure the safety of the United States and dren safe, strengthen parenting skills and pro- pain. Just like magic, you have your expert its citizens for many, many years. I have ap- vide advocacy in the courts, legislature and advice, which gives you your good-faith belief, preciated his insight, his thoughtfulness and the community. which negates the specific intent required his commitment to performing his work and I f under the statute which criminalizes torture. wish him the best as he enters the next phase So you guys can go ahead and waterboard of his life. REMEMBERING THE U.N. SAFE HAVEN OF ZEPA, BOSNIA AND and God knows what else because the Office f of Legal Counsel has told you that it does not HERZEGOVINA cause severe pain or suffering, so you have RECOGNIZING STOP CHILD ABUSE legal license to ignore your own eyes and NOW OF VIRGINIA ON ITS 20TH HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY ears, which tell you that waterboarding will ANNIVERSARY OF IOWA break a person in minutes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, the report by Physicians HON. JAMES P. MORAN Tuesday, July 29, 2008 for Human Rights makes several rec- OF VIRGINIA Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speaker, last ommendations that deserve study and consid- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, July 25, marked the 13th anniversary eration. But in light of the release of these Tuesday, July 29, 2008 of the 1995 fall of Zepa, a United Nations-de- most recent torture memos, I would like to clared ‘‘safe haven’’ in eastern Bosnia, to the highlight today one particular recommendation Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend the work of SCAN Vir- Army of Republika Srpska. I rise to com- of the report: ‘‘The U.S. Department of Justice memorate the fall of Zepa today on behalf of should publicly release all legal opinions and ginia—Stop Child Abuse Now—and congratu- late this fine organization for 20 years of the thousands of Bosnian Americans who live other memoranda concerning standards re- in my District, the First District of Iowa. – garding interrogation and detention policy and change in children’s lives. Twenty years ago, in 1988, a group of Alex- Zepa was a village in eastern Bosnia de- practices.’’ clared a ‘‘safe haven’’ in a May 1993 U.N. Se- The Department of Justice is the arbiter of andria citizens concerned about abused and neglected children in Northern Virginia came curity Council Resolution. This declaration was what is the law of the land for this country. supposed to guarantee the safety of its popu- And I think the American people have a right together to plan ways to prevent child abuse. As a result, David Cleary founded Stop Child lation, but the siege of Zepa began in the to know if their government has sought to re- summer of 1992 and lasted until the fall of the define ‘‘torture’’ as ‘‘not torture.’’ Accordingly, I Abuse Now (SCAN) of Northern Virginia, a nonprofit organization to prevent child abuse enclave in July 1995. Throughout this period, urge the Attorney General to release the full the population suffered from continuous shell- texts of all the memos relating to interrogation and neglect and became affiliated with the State organization now called Prevent Child ing and starvation, and many Zepa residents and detention policies and practices. and refugees from surrounding areas perished f Abuse Virginia. The first program offered at SCAN was the during the siege. After the fall of Zepa, an un- HONORING WILLIAM J. KOWALSKI Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) known number of Bosniak males were taken Program that now is the Alexandria/Arlington away never to be seen again, including the HON. DALE E. KILDEE CASA Program. CASA now serves more chil- commander of the defense of Zepa, Avdo dren and engages up to 75 volunteers at a Palic. Thousands of others were victims of OF MICHIGAN ‘‘ethnic cleansing.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES time to give voice to the needs and priorities of abused or neglected children, one child at This 13th anniversary took place during the Tuesday, July 29, 2008 a time. same week as the arrest of Radovan Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I ask the SCAN works collaboratively with the Arling- Karadzic, indicted on charges of genocide and House of Representatives to join me in hon- ton and Alexandria Juvenile & Domestic Rela- other crimes by the U.N. war crimes tribunal in oring William J. Kowalski as he retires from tions Courts to mold a CASA Program that The Hague. I believe that at this time it’s very the Federal Bureau of Investigation on August provides helpful information to the Juvenile important to remember the tragedy that befell 1st. Judges who make determinations on the fu- Zepa, and the lives that were lost there. It’s William ‘‘Bill’’ Kowalski became a Special tures of abused and neglected children, while also important that we support the efforts of Agent in May 1983 after receiving his Bach- SCAN’s CASA volunteers provide an inde- the families of the missing to learn the fate of elor of Science degree from the University of pendent voice that focuses solely on the best their loved ones, and the families of those Detroit in 1979 and his Juris Doctor from the interest of the children. missing and killed in their search for justice. It University of Detroit School of Law in 1982. SCAN’s Parent Education Program has a is only with truth, justice, reconciliation, and After taking the oath of office he trained at the continuum of services that range from inten- democratic governance that a stable and pros- FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia and began sive parenting classes, weekly educational perous Bosnia can be built. his Bureau career by returning to his home- parent support groups and developmental f town of Detroit. playgroups—all offered in English and Span- HONORING RICHARD BURTON After serving tours of duty in Memphis and ish. SCAN also offers a tri-annual Parent Con- MURPHY New York City, Bill was promoted to a super- nection Resource Guide, a publication that visory position at FBI Headquarters in 1989. In gives critical information about region-wide HON. MARCY KAPTUR this capacity he was responsible for counter- parenting classes, support groups, playgroups OF OHIO intelligence and espionage investigations and other resources available to parents in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES throughout the United States. He was one of Northern Virginia. the first FBI Agents to travel to Eastern Eu- The Allies in Prevention Coalition, which is Tuesday, July 29, 2008 rope after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. made up of child welfare professionals from Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise today Returning to Detroit, Bill became a Field Su- the five major Northern Virginia jurisdictions, is to recognize Sergeant Richard Burton Murphy. pervisor in the Detroit Division in August, a central part of SCAN’s Public Education Pro- It is with the deepest appreciation that I pay 1992. He assumed supervisory responsibilities gram, as is SCAN’s website: www.scanva.org. tribute to retired Sergeant Richard Burton Mur- in Flint and Ann Arbor. In September 2004 he SCAN’s Allies in Prevention Coalition engages phy. May 16, 2008 marked the day Sergeant was promoted to Assistant Special Agent in child and family advocates in communicating Murphy retired from the Toledo Police Depart- Charge, Detroit Division, overseeing the FBI regional messages to prevent child abuse and ment. Detroit’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, with promote children’s well-being in Virginia. Sergeant Murphy began his career in law counter-terrorism investigation jurisdiction in Madam Speaker, I can think of no higher enforcement for the City of Oregon, Ohio Po- the state of Michigan. calling than to help children in need. Please lice Department, in January 1967. Two years VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:00 Mar 08, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E30JY8.000 E30JY8 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with BOUND RECORD July 30, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 12 17401 later, he was appointed to the Lucas County final title bout against the favored Soviet fight- floored twice by Foreman in the fifth round Sheriff Office as a road deputy. In 1971, Ser- er. After winning the gold, Forman walked and the fight was stopped. Next, Foreman geant Murphy traversed to Ft. Lauderdale, around the ring, holding high a small American knocked out Scott Ledoux in three and Dino Florida to obtain a new position; however, he flag following his victory. Some people chas- Dennis in four to finish the year. returned to Toledo, Ohio in 1973. In March of tised him for his display; others, however, Foreman fought five men in one night in a that year, he was appointed to the Toledo Po- lauded him for being a patriotic American dur- 1975 exhibition. He won five straight knock- lice Department where he served for 35 years.
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