.. ■ ■ I"' M>/»m ^■Mi. g»«.-^«*r<iruSii>.'Ti,ir.ga;<s^:fc»'yw>rai»igre8^rrat*rt^- m tfm • S A T O & P A ^ - J A K V A S y I t . : 1 ^ 7 V t ,11 w as covarUiB the ylatt of tha Bloodmoblls at Canter Church JNew W adildl JSdiaol T b I ecr . S h a p e ABquIT qwh TTmTaffay. ' K * parked h it h«t Cars CoUide,- M unehm ee^ji d tr of VUUmm C h e a r m Heard Along Main Street and :eoat adth -the other beta and t i|ri and lira John Stanlayi Jr.« ...... ^ ... eoats ln the outer lobby and arent Four lujured of ‘AcoBdetofa, N, T., anjiounr* about his bueinesa. YOL.LXXI.mM an vago |g) NANGNB|r|SlL'CONNn BtONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1952 Uia birth of a soh, John Mark, on 4nd on Some of Manehe$ter*$ Streetsi Too When he flniahed, he came out (PDUIITBEN FAGIO) Dae. a*. Ufa. Stanluy. la the for- to find that there w ai only one Bor Helm Hohl of this town. A Flaee la H ie Sun '4Almanxc. trying to convince the hat left—and It wasn't his. But Mrs. Sara Biick, 77, b For many years now Town Clerk , editors of that publication that he took It anyway, not to be In H ospital W ith Frac* t ” " ■'* Tha Manchester Girl Scout L«a- Sam'Turlcington baa been waging this waa one town and an urban caught abort, and notified one of * iiara’ Association will »ee.t Wed- Manchester's fight for recognition town, at that. "I sent them maps the 'woman volunteer workers of lures and Laeeratibns naaday avenln^.at 8 o'clock at the by various rtatistics compilers aa showing what was built up, the the switch. He notiised th at C lrl Scout Ofrtca at, »83 Main an urban town. He has also been types of buildings that were In "his" newly-acQuired hat was an Four peraona were injured in atraat. try in g to-m ske thfeae same Indi­ , the. built-up ..area, the number of axpensiva m aka and.carried a $15 the two-car accident at Highland viduals aware of the fact that, by people. 1 sent them the grand Hat. tab In the lining. .....1 MbtBttinra'of the -Amrttran- ,sti»et. .and.. Birch. Mountain, road., ■gony, ih iT ir'o n e " "too; -Aitd -Mnit'Tear they --dldnx ■ ^ While "idmrttmg-that'hts wasn't- yesterday afternoon. One waa in­ (ten Auxiliary are rriiUnded of the dealing with, not two. even mention Manchester at all. Quite aa expensive, he was still jured aerioualy and admlttad to the naatinf Monday nlsht ^ 8 o’clock We first became acQuainted with "I’m just trying to ifet Manches- anxious to get his own hack- Manchester '' Memorial Hospital at tha American Legion Horae.' the Town Clerk's running battle ter a place in the sun." he said, for Sentimental reasona, perhaps, while the othem received emer­ • • r ^ Mrs. Irving K. Gundertitn will to keep the towrt before the world his voice slowing down and trail­ or maybe because it fit hla thin­ gency treatment. Patrolmnn Al­ speak on "Cltlsen Responsihllily." ing off Into what could almost, for ning hair better. f as one town, indivlaiblej one morn­ him, be called a sigh, "but they Well, anyhow, later In the eve­ vin Baldt. following his Inveatlga- ing last week when he called the tlon, summoned the drivers of - Among tha dlvortca grantedjn ; seem to want to keep us' in the ning he received a call. It waa office to report Mother ^nstsnoe ■ dark,"- -■ , ......— -r;:.- • , the $t 5 owner."the second switch both cars in tha crafh-en charges - Suj^rior fiiirt Frid^ was one'to of the town's being chopped up of violatibn of nilea of the road. Elisabeth’ C. Stone \ f Hartford took place In a short time and anto "Manchester" and "South (InderWIa Blork how both men are satlafled. But Mm. Sara Buck, 77, of SIS Birch from Earl A. Stone of Manchester Mancherter.” It was a letter, he Mountain road, suffered n frac- _. The famed -Cinder , block is - In we imagine that, in the future, --'a*-—tT oh the grounds of intolerable cm- said, th at he recelyedTfpm adffre^ ttired HRM knee, i»i$lblo aRy. Mrs. Stone w as granted new handa again. It started out Ibey’ll hang bn to their hats. and akiut fracturei ahi$ tacifra- one, who wanted to check the as a present to Fire Commission­ A nother .lob Done $2,528 alimony. popillatlon of "Manchester" and tlons of the right band. Her con­ er Andrew Ansaldi and came from Boner of the New Tear dition wax described at the hospi­ ''South Manchester." as given his own yard. Joe Benson in­ Our blue ribbon for the boner of The North Methodist Men's in a recently purchased Atlas. He tal aa "fair” today after n com­ Club will serve a baked ham sup­ herited it when' It was left by the new year goes to the person fortable night. per tonight at 8 o'clock at the -Turklhjrton —wanted us to check Ansaldi in the stale armory fol­ or persons responsible for switch­ the WorlcK Almanac to pee what Minor injuries were suffered by church, for which a few more lowing the firemen-pollcemen bas­ ing on the advertisement right af­ Mrs. Helen Cherwlnaki, ' 27, her tickets are available. The group that compilation of facts and fig­ ketball game last winter. Benson ter the close of the Durando-Cas- ures had toSsy oh the matter. daughter, Kathleen, 4, both of Is serving these suppers monthly finslly got It back info the cops' tellani fight on TV last week. Amston, end Stephen Amadey, 9, The town clerk didn't have one of- hands when he unloaded It upon The Waddell M mmiI nm Broad atreet, .which la 75 per ceat eomplele, will add 18 rocmia to the Bloc in UN\ Oregon Builds Ike'Mac. and they have.proven popular. Castellanl wa's way shead of his Maarhenter arliool ayatem when ita dobra opea In September. Aa ran be aeea from the picture, of Baltimore, Hd, Slain Nun his own to check, since he hasn't Rddle Wilson, police mechanic. ojiponent for several rounds bu^ bought sn Almanac for several Then it went tn Lee Fracchla, the witlch waa taken on Brond stneet looking eaaL tha aehool- la oowiplatoly-eaoloaed -except for-mii^aadl- —Boltce said Stanley .W—Cherwtn--: then ran into an uppercut that ■ki, 30, of Aniston, waa travelling X years for a reajmn we ll get to (log warden, a t Christm as time toiium at the north end of the achpoL Workinen are now flnlahtng off the interior, waiting for the flattened him. The referee wisely weather to break la the ipring before gblag ontaMe to complete erection of the auditorium’s walla and east on Highland atreet and Mm. ’ Talks with By CHARLES F. BARRETT presently. as s gift, C.O.D. charges amount­ stopped the fight, although Cas- ing to $2.80, which since has roof. Ivan B. Tomm, 64, of SIS Birch Court Cases Our Almanac listed only "Man- tellani had staggered to his feet. Mountain road waa turning Into Wfishington, Jan. 2l—(/P)—Pm ldfnt Tnuhfin laid befora cheater," w ith a population of 34,- been returned in Fracchla in 260 His manager, however, took a dini Portland. Ort.. Jan. 21— CongrfidA today an $86,444,000,000 b u d ftt Ugaad aa ’’the pennies. Highland street from Birch Moun­ Bror T. Martinson. 37, of Hart­ 118. view of the referee’s decision and tain road in a westerly direction. V ishin sky (A*>—Politically volatile. Ore­ Likely Symbol Ihlsm ailia pnea of puce.” ford, was presented In Town Court Anyway, deciding to inQuire Guess whefe the cinder block Is went after him like an angry boll. Hospital Notes Mra. Buck was in thQ vehicle gon appears' headed today ^ Th* to ^ . propoa^ as the goveniment spending program on a charge of driving while under into the whole business further, now 7 An,yone close to the C. But for what happened next we School Is 75% Completed^ driycn. hy_ Mm.. Tomm .wWl*. th e . W.B - Corporatton - Ta n " tell— nrar ------Paris.- Jan.- Th«- toward ..-Trutnaii'Va.JCcfa&ver ■ b “the' inftuenre^of - intoxicating •li­ we went iip to hfs bfficelihd'l'esrh- 3 "had'to wWt and" see ' wSat fhe"* ftU m la ‘Today .............. 107 other three persons Injured were B ri^tnroN t 4ior-4ha-.12-iBonthsybegifuiing-noxt',Jtit.V'l,-{s mcNS thaii' H Quors or drugs this morning. Patrolman Newt Taggart takes Arab bloc In the UnitH Na-' and Eisenhbwer-vs.-MacAf- fovemment has irermieBt in any one year except for ^ ed, first of all, that the Atlas, as newspaper account said, for at Admitted yesterdby; Mra. Edna passengers in the Cherwinakl ear. lamailia, E ^ p t, Jan. 21— Judge John 8. O. Rottner fined him Quoted In the letter; wss really the matrimonial vows today. The that precise Instant an advetise- W ill Be Ready in September The cars were badly damaged. tions is reported to have made thur -Presidential nominatimi W uW arllyeitn.,— B. It amount* to fS50 for eadi man. woman |125 w ith $50 remitted. cinder block was delivered to him Tedford. 12 Warren street; George (JPV—The U. S ^ ^ s u l from confused. The R. O. Dewey of 133 ment of the sponsor flashed on the new gestures of friendship races.
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