The Herald's Sporting News Friday EL PASO HERALD Va 29, 1910. The Herald's Sporting News HHHHHHH3HiHiHHEKBH9HE5BSIflE99EHHEB19 who found hiin out on the coast and says he is carrying the goods with W Warbuckps Husky Heroe him. I Saturday afternoon the High school any Military Institute will play an championship game at Wash- ington park, and Sunday afternoon the Carl Earthman, 2nd, Base I Portland Cement team will play the By Tim. ! Union team at Washington park. Woods, who was given tryou-- t in Another-- a the native son of the Harbuck j . Bisbee series as field umpire, will urn--j Is nsrprreeration n. Interest is no less than Carl Earth-ma- pire at Cananea in the EL Paso seriea. He vra born in Van Alstine, Tex., rw jia. uccu uinerea. tu report Dy vie for which he is duly Walling, who is handling the umpires grateful, 3Iarch SO, for the league and he "will have full 1SS5, being: the day and year. charge in these two games. After his parents named him Carl C. i ? Earthman it should read Carl started i"i"fr 4' of Interest You his career at Grason college WMte-Tvrijf- ht. to at 4. STATISTICAL BALL DOPE. A 14&& iM--f Beinsrnatnrally endowed vrfth ?& V Art Woods. 4 a heennd baseman's conformation, the ' INTEREST is one of the most potent earning factors in the world college team planted Carl at the second ack where he has remained his life-lonj- c. WHERE THEY PLAY SATURDAY. Xatloanl. Brooklyn mon- semi-pr- o at Boston. today. Every financial institution, corporation, company and First work ttbr done for New York at Philadelphia. y Selma, I.n. That was in 100-"- , and two Chicago at Pittsburg. eyed in all important subject for years later Carl found himself playinjr St. Louis at Cincinnati. individual, recognizes interest an with Shreveport. Last year he wal- American. loped for Great Detroit at Chicago. Bend of the Kansas Cleveland at St. Louis. daily consideration. State leasrue, and will be remembered Philadelphia at New York. nniuy played with Douglas In El the Boston at Washington Paso Fair tonrnnTnent. Texas. By profession Carl C. Earthman is a bookkeeper. Galveston at Dallas. and What could be finer? Per- Waco WALL STREET'S rates of interest are cabled to every nook haps before the oml of tin. ,, at Oklahoma City. I njjer Ha r Fort Worth at San Antonio. buck will need a bookkeeper Shreveport iw kp record of percentages and other at Houston. cranny of the civilized world. The fraction of pne per centchange details perhaps, I say. Tomorrow HOW THEY STAND. Flick. National. in the rate records fortunes. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE WILL Played. Won. Lost. Pet. PLAY WITH SCHOOL OF Chicago 8 .750 MIXES. 8 Agricultural College. N. M., April 29. Pittsburg .750 There will be no ball game for the New York 11 .727 GOULD, SAGE, VANDERBILT AND OTHERS have made, college team this week, but next week Philadelphia 10 .700 the School of Mines will be here for Cincinnati S .375 a series of games on Boston 10 .300 Saturday. The n in spirit existing between this college and Brooklj-- 11 .273 and are making today, fortunes interest. the School of Mines is very friendly, St. Louis 10 .200 and all the games between teams of the two institutions have in the past American., with- been very enjoyable on this account. Carl Earthman. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. INTEREST is the very life blood of every bank in the world; Detroit 10 .700 ( New York S .52: - dol- j Philadelphia- 9 .556 out it no bank can live. This hank lives on interest Every Cleveland 10 .500 j Boston 11 .455 E By KM. j St. Louis 7 .429 lar we loan out returns us just so much interest. The, more mon- TS Washington 12 .417 Walker Chicago - 7 .285 ey we obtain from depositors and loan borrowers the Texas. can out to Played. Won. Lost. Pet. afternoon the four to remain until the close of the present Houston . 13 .692. SATURDAY the Cactus league "will season. Galveston 13 .615 greater our success. In a local institution, such as ours, the volume open the season of baseball in Dallas 13 .538 these parts. El Paso will play Can- Another prodigal Is knocking at the San Antonio 13 .538 anea at Cananea. Douglas will play door 13 $100,-00- 0 for admission to the warm fire Waco .535 of business is of as much importance as the rate of interest. Bisbee at Bisbee and a ball will be giv- of popular favor within. First it was Shreveport 13 .385 en in the Bisbee opera house to properly Johnny Kling. who thought City by the Na Oklahoma ...13 .335 celebrate the event. Strengthened tional game could not get along with- - j Fort Worth 13 .305 of of is of Stanley Gray, the Waco pitcher, who out his services. After a year of pool made savings a depositors more y, the thousand Rum-se- up joined the club this week, and by playing in Kansas City, he discovered if he arrives in time to accompany that he had the dope reversed and that the team to Cananea, the El Paso team he could not get along without the Na- value to us than $50,000 made up of the deposits of one hundred will go after the top liners In the tional game. AMATEUR GAMES. league Saturday afternoon with a deter- Mike Donlin was another big league mination to take both games if possible "who got off the reservation and who is people, and earning a larger rate of interest. The greater the and at least get an even break out of now anxlons to return. Mike went on LAMAR WINS, 13 TO 4. the double barreled series. the stage with his wife, who is MIs The Lamar school team and the high The night trip, change of cars and Mabel Hite on the bills, and for a time school team played an exciting game of people business with field of op- the arrival in Cananea the same after- he found the glare of the lights as at the car barn lot Thursday afternoon. number doing us the larger our noon the game is to be played will be a' fascinating as the glare of the summer get- They Fisher pitched exceptionally well, handicap on the El Paso club, but sun in the baseball field. But his claim ting 12 strike outs to his credit and are a bunch of huskies and should be to "fame was his baseball ability and as ending up with a home run and a three eration for loaning. able to get their sea legs under way j soon as he cut loose from the game and Thomas camp come I bagger. Bowden were by the time the mining fans which had given him this fame he found knocked out of Lyman sub- game ! the bo and down from the mines to see the his star was not twinkling so brightly. T'irt Lamar team won by a, the Sunday's game j stituted. after works close. Now he is wanting back in the game ;core of 13 to 4. will be the real test of strength and , Giants. THEREFORE we want to "get acquainted" with every man, wo- with the Since the Giants need The line-ui- s: it is probable that Cananea will work a Donlin In the lineup, it is probable I Lamar Hawkins, b: Williams. 2b; Thomas against El Paso in this game. that the long chap will be taken .back Gray may be sent in for El Paso If he,. Daraall, 3b; Ruby, ss; Boyd, If; Walker, man and child in this county. We want you to feel that this as he has not broken any rules. cf; Patterson, rf; House, c; Fisher, p. Is working well and the game promises sk to be a pitching battle witi the other High school Robertson, lb; Moellch, bank is a bank' for the people; that we would rather have your 1G men playin a heavy second fiddle Douglas has got trie pitcher hiring 2b; Kuhn, 3b; Chenoworth. ss; Vaughn. part. bug. Eli Cates, a mound worker who If; Ross, cf; Henry, rf: Anderson, c; belongs to p; Lyman, p. e ? the Washington American Bowden, Thomas, p; name on our books for a small deposit than not to have it at all. league, but who U not wearing a uni- riumsey, as husky as Harbuck and as form of that club, has been secured by FREE MOVING PICTURES. broad shouldered and deep chested as O'Donovan o strengthen his Dltchinsr At Chamber of Commerce, S p. Andy Anderson, arrived Friday morning staff. Cates is a find of LeBraad's, J May 4. Everybody invited. have opened a Savings Department and arranged to from Humble, Texas, and will accom- WE pay pany the club to Cananea-- This will make four pitchers on the staff for the interest on all sums deposited there. Of course on small sums in- Cananea games, as Stanley Gray who arrived Thursday will also accompany the team. Gray had a workout Thurs- 1 terest will not show up very big at the start, but you will be sur- day afternoon and his style made a fa- jpR tr vorable impression on his teammates. S In addition to being a pitcher. Gray is prised to see how rapidly it accumulates when compounded every also a utility man of no mean ability JIa and is able to play every position on the six months.
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