I - "·~-~-.:::-~.:~-·.· .. >.~::1~~- :··.; 0 F D E L T A s G M A p Southern Illinois Universit y, Edwardsville, Illinois PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FRATERNITY FOUNDED 1907 MARCH 1971 The International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi ProfessioTUJl Commerce and Busine11 Administration Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi was founded at New York Univer­ sity, School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, on November 7, 1907, by Alexander F. Makay, Alfred Moysello, Harold V. Jacobs and H. Albert Tienken. Delta Sigma Pi is a professional frater­ nity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social ac­ tivity and the association of students for their mu­ tual advancement by research and practice; to pro­ mote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture, and the civic and commercial welfare of the com­ munity. IN THE PROFESSIONAL SPOTLIGHT SHOWN HERE ARE SOME of the members of Alpha Beta Chapter at the University of Missouri during a recent indusb·ial tour to Kansas City, Missouri. March • 1971 Vol. LX, No. 3 0 F D E L T A s G M A p ® Editor • 0 0 CHARLES Lo FARRAR Editorial Advisory Board From the Desk of The Grand President . 90 Timothy D. Gover, Chairman 112 Wabash Avenue A Word From The Central Office . 90 Mattoon, Illinois 61938 Firman H. Hass 15903 Rosemont Road Six Undergraduate Members Represent Fraternity at NAM . 91 Detroit, Michigan 48223 Robert L. Howe The Professional BEsiness man of the Future . 93 3830 Random Lane Sacramento, California 95825 Pocono Mountai n Resort Site of 28th Grand Chapter Congress 95 Dr. James F. Kane, Dean School of Business Adm. Univ. of South Carolina Among the Chapters . 100 Columbia, S.C. 29208 W. Harmon Wilson Theta Upsilon Chapter is Installed at Siena College . 117 5101 Madison Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 Postmaster: Please send labels Form 3579 With the Alumni The World Over . 119 to Delta Sigma Pi, 330 South Campus Avenue, Oxford, Ohio 45056. The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi is Delta Sigma Pi Directory .. ... ..... ... ... .. Cover III published four times annually in the months of November, January, March, and May. Editorial Office-330 South Our Cover Campus Avenue, Oxford, Ohio 45056. Publication Office-Curtis Reed Plaza, The modern Edwardsv ille campus of Southern Illinois University Menasha, Wisconsin 54952. is fea tured on the cover of this issue of The DELTASIG. SIU­ Edward sville is the home of Eta Sigma Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. Subscription price: $5.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Oxford, DELTA SIGMA PI is a charter senior member of the Pro­ Ohio 45056, and at additional mailing fessional Interfraternity Conference, organized in 1928. The offices. Printed in U.S.A. members of the Conference comprise: ARCHITECTURE, Alpha Rho Chi; CHEMISTRY, Alpha Chi Sigma; COM­ MERCE, Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Pi; DENTISTRY, Member of Alpha Omega, Delta Sigma Delta, Psi Omega, Xi Psi Phi; EDUCATION, Kappa Phi Kappa, Phi Epsilon Kappa; ENGI­ NEERING, Theta Tau, Sigma Phi Delta; LAW, Gamma Eta Gamma, Delta Theta Phi, Sigma Delta Kappa, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Beta Gamma, Phi Delta Phi; MEDICINE, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Theta Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Pi, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Epsi­ lon, Phi Lambda Kappa, Phi Rho Sigma; MUSIC, Phi Mu College Fraternity Editors Alpha Sinfonia; PHARMACY, Kappa Psi, Rho Pi Phi, Phi Association Delta Chi: VETERINARY MEDICINE, Omega Tau Sigm a. .. 5-rorn the ::be<lk o/ the (}rand Pre<~iJent wARREN E. ARMSTRONG Gamma Iota-New Mexico When I am asked by an undergraduate brother for advice on how to succeed in changing our environment, I reflect on Now that solutions for many of these problems appear on Jonathan Swift's words, "How is it possible to expect mankind the horizon, we must more carefully move toward the indi­ to take advice when they will not so much as take warning"? vidual objectives without calling industry and business "the Since we were young, we have been told that "our country power structure, the estabt:shment which must be removed." is the melting pot of the world." We have heard of Hell's It is we as individuals who contribute to many of our social Kitchen in N ew York City, of Hull House in Ch;cago and the and ecological problems. Or, as Pogo said, "We have met the like. History teaches, and rightfully so, that the United States enemy and he is us." is singled out as the world's central experimental laboratory in When we consider the alternative to free enterprise, it does human relations. not require a PhD to realize that we must work within the If we agree with the above, I believe we must further agree system to improve our problems. We could change our en­ that the major element that made this possible is free enter­ vironment so hastily that it would make little difference prise; the concept of the freedom of the individual to choose whether we survived the pollution for we could be under the for himself, that the government was born to serve mankind yoke of a new form of oppression. and not the opposite. The writers of our constitution could not We know what we must do to preserve mankind and the foresee many of the problems and challenges we now face: dignity of man. We know our American system of checks and grinding p:Jverty; pollution of such a vast scale that we may balances moves slowly, most times for good reason. Let's not eliminate ourselves; overburdening taxes on the local, state kill the patient in the process of curing the curable disease. and federal level; the nationalization of health programs, rail­ The articulat'on of a dedicated man is an irresistible force. roads; overpopulation; urban clusters and the abandonment We need to hear more from this "silent majority" for their of the farms. vacuum implies consent. The pen is still mightier than the We know there are many problems in our society that need sword and our congressmen are not immune to your sug­ renovating. In the process of renovation we must be as careful gestions and if we, as businessmen, will not defend free enter­ as the surgeon not to destroy. prise, who will? year meeting of the Executive Committee of the Grand Council here in Oxford. The results of the judging for the 1971 "Rose of D.::ltasig" SPRING CANNOT BE far from now and already we are pre­ contest will be announced in the May, 1971, issue of The paring for the 28th Grand Chapter Congress at Pocono Manor, DELTASIG. Although it may seem like a long time until the Pennsylvania. Also commanding our attention are plans for a end of the academic year, for many chapters it is little more special meeting of the Professional Interfraternity Conference than a month away. We urge you to make every effort to adher~ in Indianapolis, Indiana, and the annual meeting of the Ameri­ to the established calendar in submitting the many reports that can Association of Collegiate Schools of Business in Denver, are due before the end of the year. This not only will be a Colorado. Many chapter visits still remain before the end of great help to us but will also assure greater succ<:ss for your the current academic year. We have just concluded the mid- chapter. 90 THE March, 1971, ISSUE of 0 F D E L T A s G M A p ® Six Undergraduate Members Represent Fraternity at NAM's 75th Congress of American Industry The fol!~wing is a summary of the National Association of Manufacturers' 75th Congress of Amencan Industry prepared by Robert E. Matthews on behalf of the six undergraduate members of Delta Sigma Pi who were invited by the National Association of Manufac­ turers to represent the fraternity at the 75th Congress of American Industry. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, Decem­ safeguarding your security, dissent within separated into discussions groups on law ber 3-4, 1971, were the days of the 75th a lawful society, and programs in which enforcement, education, and rehabilita­ Annual National Association of Manufac­ industry is providing leadership to mod­ tion. These were preceded by an excellent turers Congress of American Industry at ern society in the areas of employment, keynote speech by Dr. Daniel Freedman, the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York religion, the arts, and environmental im­ chairman of the Department of Psychiatry City. The National Association of Man­ provement. at the University of Chicago, who d:s­ ufacturers had extended an invitation for The Congress was opened by W. W. cussed many aspects, good and bad, of six Deltasigs to attend. We fraternity rep­ Keeler, Chairman and Chief Executive drugs and their use or abuse. We also resentatives were chosen first by having Officer, Phillips Petroleum Company, heard speeches by noted authorities who our regions selected by lottery and then and 1970 NAM Board Chairman. The advocated the possibility of legalizing by being selected by the respective re­ first feature was a presentation by the marijuana. gions from the Honor Roll Chapters singing group, "Up With People," The Congress had no general formal within our regions. The Deltasig repre­ follow~d by a press confer~nc~ featuring program or dinner scheduled for that sentatives, their chapters, and their W. P. Gullander, President of the Na­ evening, but Lee Hamilton, Vice Presi­ schools were: Ronald J. Berman, Alpha tional Association of Manufacturers, be­ dent, National Association of Manufac­ Gamma Chapter, Pennsylvania State ing interviewed by prominent members turers, and two of his associates, William University; Edwin G.
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