July 31, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2091 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS JOHN ARTHUR ‘‘JACK’’ JOHNSON Agreeing to the Wittman of Virginia amend- submitting the following information regarding POSTHUMOUS PARDON ment to H.R. 3293), ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. projects that I support for inclusion in H.R. 645 (On motion to recommit with instructions 3293, the Departments of Labor, Health and SPEECH OF to H.R. 3293), ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote No. 646 Human Services, and Education, and Related HON. PETER T. KING (On passage to H.R. 3293). Agencies Appropriations Act of 2010. f Amount: $600,000 OF NEW YORK Account: U.S. Department of Health and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING BRITTANY BASS AND Human Services—Health Resources and Wednesday, July 29, 2009 KIRSTEN MUELLER UPON RE- Service Administration CEIPT OF THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD Entity receiving funds: Central Washington Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, today AWARD I rise in support of S. Con. Res. 29 (the com- Hospital located at 1201 South Miller Street, panion bill to H. Con. Res. 91), a resolution Wenatchee, WA 98807. Description: These funds will be used to ex- granting a posthumous pardon to John Arthur HON. STEVE ISRAEL pand Central Washington Hospital’s medical ‘‘Jack’’ Johnson for his 1913 racially motivated OF NEW YORK campus so that the hospital can continue to conviction. On April 1, 2009, I introduced my IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES meet the health care needs of North Central resolution with Congressman JESSE JACKSON, Thursday, July 30, 2009 Washington. This region is currently facing a Jr. and I join today with my colleagues in urg- Mr. ISRAEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today shortage of hospital beds. ing the House to support this effort. to acknowledge two young women in my Amount: $400,000 Jack Johnson became the first black World hometown of Dix Hills, Brittany Bass and Account: U.S. Department of Health and Heavyweight Boxing Champion in 1908 after Kirsten Mueller. Human Services—Health Resources and defeating Tommy Burns in Australia and kept Brittany and Kirsten will receive the Girl Service Administration the title until 1915. He was a flamboyant and Scout Gold Award on August 3, 2009. Their Entity receiving funds: Pacific Northwest controversial figure in American history who project included teaching younger girls how to University of Health Sciences located at 111 paved the way for African-American athletes stay healthy by collecting new and used sport- University Parkway, Suite 202, Yakima, WA to participate and succeed in racially inte- ing equipment, food for local pantry and 98901. grated professional sports in the United sneakers for the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe Founda- Description: Funds will be used to help the States. tion. I wish to commend them for their commu- new College of Allied Health and Sciences Prompted by his success in the boxing ring nity service. and Postgraduate Studies develop and imple- and his relationship with a white woman, Jack f ment new programs to teach medical special- Johnson was wronged by a racially motivated ties where there are doctor shortages in the conviction under the Mann Act. He was con- PERSONAL EXPLANATION region. victed in 1913 after fleeing to Canada, Europe f and South America and served one year in HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY prison. Being convicted ruined his career and OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE wrongly destroyed his reputation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2010 Because of this, we believe the President Thursday, July 30, 2009 SPEECH OF should grant a posthumous pardon to Jack Johnson to clear his name and recognize his Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Madam HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK athletic and cultural contributions to society. I Speaker, yesterday, I missed 7 votes. Had I OF CALIFORNIA am proud to have sponsored this resolution on been present, I would have voted as follows. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rollcall No. 654, on Ordering the Previous his behalf. Wednesday, July 29, 2009 Question on the Amendment to and Resolu- Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues to The House in Committee of the Whole support this resolution. tion H. Res. 685, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Rollcall No. 655, on Agreeing to the Resolu- House on the State of the Union had under f tion, as Amended H. Res. 685, I would have consideration of the bill (H.R. 3326) making appropriations for the Department of De- PERSONAL EXPLANATION voted ‘‘yea.’’ fense for the fiscal year ending September 30, Rollcall No. 656, on the Motion to Table H. 2010, and for other purposes: Res. 690, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Mr. STARK. Madam Chair, I rise in opposi- HON. J. GRESHAM BARRETT Rollcall No. 657, on the Motion to Suspend OF SOUTH CAROLINA tion to the Defense Appropriations bill. As fam- the Rules and Pass, as Amended, H.R. 2749, ilies and businesses struggle in this recession, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Thursday, July 30, 2009 Rollcall No. 658, on the Motion to Suspend this bill spends money on the wrong priorities the Rules and Pass, as Amended, H.R. 1665, for our Nation and the world. Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina. Madam The legislation provides $128.3 billion to Speaker, unfortunately I missed some re- I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Rollcall No. 659, on the Motion to Suspend fund wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that never corded votes on the House floor on Friday, should have been waged, as well as $9.3 bil- July 24, 2009. the Rules and Pass, as Amended, H.R. 3357, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ lion for missile defense funding that doesn’t I ask that the RECORD reflect that had I Rollcall No. 660, on the Motion to Suspend work. According to the Washington Post, over been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on roll- the Rules and Agree to, as Amended, H. Res. $6.9 billion in funding is for new ships, planes, call vote No. 638 (On motion to table appeal 496, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ helicopters and armored vehicles that the Pen- of the ruling of the chair), ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote tagon doesn’t want. No. 639 (On Ordering the Previous Question f We are wasting money on these projects as to H. Res. 673), ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote No. 640 EARMARK DECLARATION defense eats up a larger share of our budg- (On Agreeing to H. Res. 673), ‘‘no’’ on rollcall et—58 percent of all discretionary spending, vote No. 641 (On Agreeing to the Obey of HON. DOC HASTINGS up from 51 percent four years ago. Wisconsin amendment to HR. 3293), ‘‘aye’’ on OF WASHINGTON This giveaway to defense contractors comes rollcall vote No. 642 (On Agreeing to the at the same time that Members of Congress IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Souder of Indiana amendment to H.R. 3293), are balking at health care reform that will cost ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. 643 (On Agreeing to Thursday, July 30, 2009 a fraction of our defense spending over the the Pence of Indiana amendment to H.R. Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Madam same time period. I urge my colleagues to join 3293), ‘‘aye’’ on Rollcall vote No. 644 (On Speaker, to provide open disclosure, I am me in voting no. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:28 Aug 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JY8.001 E31JYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E2092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 31, 2009 HONORING ANDREW TINGWALL HONORING THE MEMORY OF tion of his tenure as Chair. For many years, OSCAR OLCHYK Mr. McIntosh has been an active community volunteer for the Lions Club and Meals on HON. HARRY TEAGUE HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN Wheels. OF NEW MEXICO OF FLORIDA Mr. McIntosh has worked for years to edu- cate Yancey County youth on the importance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of civic engagement and community involve- Thursday, July 30, 2009 Thursday, July 30, 2009 ment. He has acted as a mentor for the Young Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speaker, I Democrats organization of Yancey County, en- Mr. TEAGUE. Madam Speaker, today I would like to take this opportunity to honor the couraging young people to be politically active. would like to honor a very special New Mexi- memory of one of my fellow South Florida I commend his outstanding contributions to can, Andrew Tingwall of the New Mexico State constituents, Oscar Olchyk. Oscar passed the Democratic Party. In April 2001, he was Police. Sergeant Tingwall served our country away peacefully on Thursday, July 23 at the named Mountain Democrat of the Year and and my home state with distinction and honor age of 82, surrounded by his loving family. also served as Yancey County Democratic for almost two decades, beginning with his Oscar spent his life completely and whole- Party Chair throughout the years. He has tenure in the United States Marine Corps, heartedly dedicating himself to his family, in- served as Precinct Chair for both Jacks Creek where he was a Jump Qualified Reconnais- cluding his wife of 50 years, Marta, his chil- and Burnsville Townships, and he is currently sance Marine. Sergeant Tingwall then went on dren, Sonia and Samuel, his grandchildren, the Burnsville Township Chair. to join the New Mexico State Police, where he Abram and Ross, his brother Bernardo, and Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join became the youngest pilot on the force.
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