US00846113 OB2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.461,130 B2 Furuyashiki et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 11, 2013 (54) FOOD CONTAINING GLYCOGEN AND USE (56) References Cited THEREOF U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Takashi Furuyashiki, Amagasaki (JP); 6,617,356 B2 * 9/2003 Goodman et al. ............ 514,565 Hiroki Takata, Kobe (JP); Hideki 7.229,801 B2 * 6/2007 Fujii et al. .......... ... 435/101 Kajiura, Amagasaki (JP) 7,670,812 B2 * 3/2010 Kajiura et al. ................ 435,101 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd., Osaka (JP) JP 2005-21318.5 8, 2005 WO WO 97.29763 A1 * 8, 1997 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO 2006/035848 4/2006 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS U.S.C. 154(b) by 710 days. M.J. O’Neil et al. (eds.), “The Merck Index, 13th Edition.” Merck & Co., Whitehouse Station, NJ. 2001, only p. 801 Supplied (see "Gly (21) Appl. No.: 12/448,591 cogen”).* International Search Report dated Apr. 1, 2008 in the International (22) PCT Fled: Dec. 26, 2007 (PCT) Application PCT/JP2007/0750 12. KaZuo Ryoyama et al., “Anti-Tumor Activity of an Enzymatically (86) PCT NO.: PCT/UP2007/075O12 Synthesized C-1,6 Branched C-1,4-Glucan, Glycogen'. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem... vol. 68, No. 11, pp. 2332-2340, 2004. S371 (c)(1), Kajiura et al., “Nihon Ouyou Toushitu Kagakukai Taikai Kouen (2), (4) Date: Oct. 16, 2009 Youshisyu'. The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience, lecture Summaries of 2006, J. Appl. Glycosci., 53, Suppl. p. 27, 2006. PCT Pub. No.: WO2O08/081834 Takata et al., “Nihon Ouyou Toushitu Kagakukai Taikai Kouen (87) Youshisyu'. The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience, lecture PCT Pub. Date: Jul. 10, 2008 Summaries of 2006, J. Appl. Glycosci., 53, Suppl. p. 27, 2006. Gary L. Brammer et al., “Distribution of O-Amylase-Resistant Prior Publication Data Regions in the GlycogenMolecule'. Carbohydrate Research, vol. 24. (65) pp. 343-354, 1972. US 201O/OO63OOO A1 Mar. 11, 2010 * cited by examiner (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Primary Examiner — Lawrence E Crane (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack, Dec. 28, 2006 (JP) ................................. 2006-3551 24 LLP. (51) Int. C. (57) ABSTRACT A 6LX3L/75 (2006.01) The present invention is directed towards improving blood AOIN 43/04 (2006.01) glucose levels, visceral fat levels, blood cholesterol levels, (52) U.S. C. neutral fat levels, etc. by oral administration of enzyme syn CPC .................................... A61 K3I/715 (2013.01) thesized glycogen (ESG). The invention is further directed USPC ............................................................ 514/54 towards the intake of food by a subject that comprises ESG as (58) Field of Classification Search a carbohydrate to improve blood glucose levels, visceral fat None levels, blood cholesterol levels, neutral fat levels and the like. See application file for complete search history. 12 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Jun. 11, 2013 Sheet 1 of 4 US 8.461,130 B2 Fig. 1 250 200 IOO 1 50 O 2O 40 60 Time (min) Time (min) Fig. 2 O). W. 80% Bacteroidaceae Bifidobacterium 80% actobacillus 40% 20% O% &Y CS ESG ESG25 U.S. Patent Jun. 11, 2013 Sheet 2 of 4 US 8.461,130 B2 Fig. 3 90 CS ESG ESG25% 70 5 O 20 10 O acetate propionate butyrate Total Fig. 4 remESGB(5000kDa) 8 O --ESGA(2400kDa) “k. ESG(7000kDa) 6O asso. Oyster see Blue Mussel x & Swee Corn askie Rabbit Liver -------- Limpet Reaction Time (h) U.S. Patent Jun. 11, 2013 Sheet 3 of 4 US 8.461,130 B2 Fig. 5 140s sea Control xx ESG - A - NG 120 . 100 is 80 s 60 N | N Y. re Y NuY:--- wo 20 () 2.5 3 3.5 4 Time after administration (hour) Fig. 6 High Fat C High Fat+ESG20% 15() 100 U.S. Patent Jun. 11, 2013 Sheet 4 of 4 US 8.461,130 B2 Fig. 1. 39 a sp ap Y O H High Fat High Fat-i-ESG20% US 8,461,130 B2 1. 2 FOOD CONTAINING GLYCOGEN AND USE lycemia, hypercholesterolemia, and hyperlipidemia), which THEREOF further results in arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and like lifestyle related diseases. However, limiting caloric intake to prevent This application is a 371 U.S. national stage of Interna obesity is difficult, and dietary control does not last long tional Application No. PCT/W2007/075012 filed Dec. 26, without essential nutrient intake. Further, the intestine plays 2007, herein incorporated by reference in its entirety. an important role for immune systems or the like when con tacted with a foreign Substance in food; increasing useful TECHNICAL FIELD bacteria Such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus to improve the balance of enteric bacteria is necessary not only The present invention relates to a glycogen-containing 10 for the prevention of life style-related diseases but for the food and glycogen-containing orally-administered formula maintenance of good health. tion. Compared to other saccharides Such as Sugar, starch, and dextrin, glycogen provides a modest increase in the blood Means for Solving the Problems glucose level and slight insulin secretion, and therefore is Suitably used in dietary therapy for individuals having high 15 In view of the aforementioned problems, the present inven blood glucose levels, prediabetes, and mild diabetes. tors conducted further studies and found that glycogen pro Glycogen possesses several useful effects Such as intes duces the following useful effects in addition to energy Stor tine-regulating effects associated with improved intestinal age and immune activation effects: a decrease in the blood flora achieved by an increase in Lactobacillus and Bifidobac glucose level, reduction of insulin production/secretion, terium in human and animal intestines and improved bowel improvement of the intestinal environment especially the movement achieved by an increase in fecal moisture, an intestinal flora, stimulation of bowel movement, reduction of increase in good cholesterol (HDL), a decrease in bad cho body fat especially visceral fat, increase in the proportion of lesterol (LDL), a decrease in total cholesterol, a reduction in HDL cholesterol (known as good cholesterol), decrease in neutral fat, and a reduction in body fat; and it is effective for bad (LDL) cholesterol, decrease in blood cholesterol, and a preventing or improving lifestyle-related diseases (e.g., obe 25 decrease in neutral fat in blood. The present invention was sity, arteriosclerosis, cardiopathy, and diabetes) and meta thus accomplished. bolic syndrome. Such useful effects of glycogen are appli The effects of the present glycogen are particularly seen in cable not only to human beings but also to livestock and pets. human beings; however, they are also effective for livestock The present invention also relates to a food and Supplement (cows, pigs, hens, horses, etc.) and pets (dogs, cats, etc.). for livestock and pets. 30 The object of the present invention is to provide the fol lowing inventions. BACKGROUND ART 1. A low insulin food containing glycogen. 2. Use of glycogen for Suppressing a blood glucose level Glycogen, known as a storage polysaccharide in animals, is increase and insulin secretion level per unit calorie intake. a highly-branched polymer in which a large amount of glu 35 3. A food for reducing body fat/visceral fat, the food contain cose is linked by C-1,4-glycosidic linkages. Glycogenis made ing glycogen. primarily in the liver and skeletal muscles and functions as a 4. Use of glycogen for reducing the proportion of body fat, transient storage medium for excess glucose. particularly, visceral fat relative to body weight. Glycogen synthesis and breakdown is regulated by tyroX 5. A diet food containing glycogen. ine, glucagon, insulin, adrenalin, etc., which are secreted 40 6. Use of glycogen for Suppressing body weight increase. depending on the physiological State, e.g., blood glucose 7. A food for intestinal regulation, the food containing glyco level. gen. Although glycogen-containing compositions are known 8. Use of glycogen for regulating gastrointestinal conditions. (Patent Document 1), almost no studies are conducted on 9. A Bifidobacterium growth promotant containing glycogen. their role other than those of energy storage and immune 45 10. Use of glycogen for promoting Bifidobacterium growth. system activation (Non-Patent Document 1). 11. Use of glycogen for increasing the proportion of Bifido Glycogen can be obtained from animals (e.g., oysters) or bacteria among enteric bacteria. plants; however, synthesized products are also known and 12. A Lactobacillus growth promotant containing glycogen. their anticancer effects are studied (Non-Patent Document 1). 13. Use of glycogen for promoting Lactobacillus growth. Patent Document 2 discloses a production process of glyco 50 14. Use of glycogen for increasing the proportion of Lacto gen. bacillus among enteric bacteria. Patent Document 1: 15. A food for reducing neutral fat, the food containing gly Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 2000-007707 COgen. Patent Document 2: 16. Use of glycogen for reducing the blood neutral fat level. WO2006/035848 55 17. A food for reducing the total blood cholesterol level, the Non-Patent Document 1: food containing glycogen. Ryoyama, K., Kidachi, Y. Yamaguchi, H., Kajiura, H.; 18. Use of glycogen for reducing the total blood cholesterol Takata, H. (2004) Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 68,2332 level. 2340 19. A food for increasing the proportion of HDL cholesterol 60 relative to the total cholesterol, the food containing glycogen. DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION 20. Use of glycogen for increasing the proportion of HDL cholesterol of the total blood cholesterol. Problems to be Solved by the Invention 21. An orally-administered formulation containing glycogen. 22. The formulation according to Item 21, which is in the Excessive calorie intake problematically leads to obesity, 65 form of food comprising an obvious food and/or supplement.
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